Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 466 Partners

Chapter 466 Partners
The Western Continent sect that arrived first is naturally the stronger, and will naturally be favored by the stronger sects in the Eastern Continent.The sects that arrived at Zhonglu in front of He Qinggu have already been taken away by the Zhonglu and Donglu sects, and now the remaining sects belong to middle-strength sects.

Even with these sects, He Qinggu's strength can't compete with the opponent. This is the gap between the level of the West Land cultivation world and the East Land and Middle Land, and it cannot be caught up overnight.

This gap takes a long time, and requires the efforts of talented disciples in the sect, generation after generation, to narrow the gap.

"Shuimei Zhenjun, we thought you had already died in the beast tide in the Eastern Land, but we didn't expect you to go to the Western Land. You are used to the cultivation and prosperity of the Eastern Land, how can you adapt to the barren place of the Western Land?"

"That's right, why are you still protecting this Xilu sect? Such a sect, not to mention in the eyes of the Ye family, is really nothing in our eyes."

"You are a Nascent Soul cultivator in this sect, and the other ones are only at the late Jindan stage, which is of no value at all. Could it be that there are some unusual secrets in this sect?"

The monk's words aroused the approval of several others.After all, Zhenjun Shuimei used to be the lord of Haibin City. The sphere of influence and wealth value of Haibin City are not comparable to that of He Qinggu.

Shui Mei's expression became colder when she heard the words of the late stage monks in front of her.For her, the greatest value of He Qinggu is Xu Miao's background.

Xu Miao once told her that if it wasn't for He Qinggu and his master Ye Qiguang, he would never have come to where he is now, nor would he be so lucky to meet her.When Xu Miao was traveling, protecting He Qinggu for Xu Miao was what she needed to do.

However, these people misinterpreted her thoughts and judged her by their interests, which Shui Mei could not bear.An ice sword condensed in Shui Mei's hand, and the killing intent in her body soared, and she was about to attack this monk.

Xu Miao came over at the right time, held Shui Mei's hand, and appeased Shui Mei's murderous aura all over her body.When several late stage monks saw Xu Miao, their expressions changed.

"Xu Miao? Are you from this sect?" A monk reacted. Since Xu Miao was born in the Westland and protected the monks behind him, he was probably a disciple of the Westland sect.

Xu Miao just looked at them and didn't give them a clear answer.It has to be said that Xu Miao's gaze is very oppressive, even a cultivator of Huashen can feel the coercion of this gaze.

Several late stage monks quickly transmitted voices, thinking about the current situation.They believed that with Xu Miao's strong strength and True Monarch Shuimei at his side, it would be unrealistic to directly merge with He Qinggu.

That being the case, why not let this He Qinggu go and choose the sect that came later, which can be regarded as a good relationship with the Ye family and Xu Miao.A monk broke the silence: "In this case, we will not block your way."

As the monk said, he waved his hand, and the monks surrounding He Qinggu's disciple immediately dispersed in an orderly manner to make way for He Qinggu's disciple.

He Qinggu's disciples never imagined that just now, the other party had the momentum to annex his sect, but now he retreated so simply, the difference between the front and the back is too great.

Standing in front of all the disciples, Lu Zhou saw the change in the attitude of the monk Xilu, and it was clear that it was Xu Miao.Without Xu Miao, the sect of He Qinggu would no longer be able to continue to exist in this world.

As for the disciples in the sect, they have to join other sects and endure the humiliation of monks from other sects.Lu Zhou was never as fortunate as he is now, that a monk like Xu Miao appeared in the sect.

Shuimei is still at the forefront, and Xu Miao is at the back. Except for the Xilu sect with the cultivators of the God Transformation, this is the only sect in the West that has not been merged by other forces.

The teleportation of the plane transmission channel takes a long time, and it is impossible to teleport all the monks away in a short time.Therefore, monks from any continent need to wait quietly.

The sects of Xilu gathered together, occupying a place with a good concentration of aura, waiting for the time to pass.In order to ensure the safety of He Qinggu's disciples, Xu Miao sat directly among He Qinggu's disciples.

This is a migration of monks from the plane, and there will be many monks with good intentions who will take advantage of the chaos to attack other monks and plunder cultivation resources.On the first day the monks from the West Continent arrived in Zhonglu, many monks died in Zhonglu.

Of course, among the monks who died, not only the west land, east land, middle land, north land, and even the demon cultivators in the south land died, but among them, the death rate of the monks in the west land was the highest.

Xilu is not like Beilu, the number of monks is small, and the resources for cultivation are scarce, so there are not many people who want to think about Beilu monks.There are a large number of monks in Xilu, and the resources are not so scarce, but they are not strong enough, so they become the most suitable targets for robbery.

Even in the large Western Continent sects like Xihui Sect and Ji Xingdian, there are monks who continue to die.Xu Miao simply spread out his consciousness, enveloped all the disciples of He Qinggu's sect, and always paid attention to the approach of other strange monks.

Suddenly, a late Jindan monk secretly approached He Qinggu's residence.His movements were very careful, and he quietly approached disciple He Qinggu.

Xu Miao remained calm and didn't make a move immediately. Instead, when the opponent was about to attack a middle-stage golden core monk, she suddenly burst out with divine consciousness and controlled the monk.

He captured the monk with spiritual power, did not talk nonsense with him, and directly searched for his soul.It's a pity that this monk has no accomplices, but acted alone, otherwise Xu Miao could use this person to dig out all the people.

Xu Miao built a horizontal bar similar to an archway in the middle of Heqinggu's residence.He sealed the monk's spiritual power, threw it to hang on the railing, and let the wind, rain, and sun shine.

When monks reach the foundation building stage, they will be able to fast.But at that time, under the premise that the monk had spiritual power in his body, without spiritual power, he also needed food to supplement the energy needed by the body.

Xu Miao didn't directly kill this monk, but hung it on the railing, just to show other monks who were about to attack He Qinggu's disciple.If you want to attack He Qinggu, you'd better think about whether you have the courage to bear the consequences.

The deterrence of a monk being hung up is not enough, and there are still monks coming one after another.After all, once you succeed, it will be no small gain.Xu Miao captured more than a dozen monks in the next few days.

He always uses the method of direct soul searching, and then seals the opponent's spiritual power and hangs it on the horizontal bar.He is looking forward to how many people will be able to hang on this horizontal bar in the end.

The warning function of the horizontal bar is huge, from the initial reduction in the number of people to the last monk who dare not come again.Because they found that no matter which direction they approached from, no matter what method they used to approach, they would always be spotted by Xu Miao.

In the end, Xilu's sect followed Xu Miao's example and hung up the captured monk as a warning.The Xihuizong, Jixingdian and other sects and families in the Western Continent gathered together to think about whether they should join forces with other sects and families in other continents.

The expressions on the faces of all the monks present were not good-looking.The overall strength of Xilu is not high, even if there are monks who transform the spirit, it is difficult for them to think highly of the Xilu sect.

It is very difficult to talk about cooperation. No matter which sects in the Eastern Land or the Central Land, they all tend to merge the Western Land sects.Xu Miao was also invited here. Shui Mei, as a monk of Donglu, did not participate in this meeting with Xu Miao.

When everyone saw Xu Miao's appearance, they all looked at Xu Miao with expectant eyes.Xu Miao is the only monk in the west land who has made a name for himself in both the middle land and the east land. He is also the monk who knows the sects and families of the two continents best.

After thinking for a while, Xu Miao said, "Whether it's Zhonglu or Donglu, every sect has a lot of conflicts. No matter which sect the Westland sect is with, it will have conflicts with other sects."

"Therefore, we need to be cautious in the choice of sect." Xu Miao briefly introduced Donglu and Zhonglu's sects and family forces, as well as the relationship between them.

Xu Miao once thought of uniting the forces of all the sects in the West Land, but doing so would only arouse the fear of Zhonglu and Donglu. .

Therefore, the best way is to form an alliance with the sects of Zhonglu and Donglu.Xu Miao personally prefers He Qinggu to form an alliance with the Ye family in Donglu. One of the reasons is that Shui Mei is with him. The other reason is that he has a good relationship with Ye Chen, the next generation head of the Ye family.

Based on the information introduced by Xu Miao and their own known information, everyone selected a suitable partner for cooperation.When Xu Miao returned to Heqinggu's residence, she informed the senior management of her plan.

Letting Xu Miao give up He Qinggu and merge into other sects is absolutely unacceptable to Xu Miao.Therefore, teaming up is the best way.Because of Xu Miao's existence, He Qinggu's worth is even higher than other large sects.

After Shui Mei knew Xu Miao's plan, she went to Ye's house together with Xu Miao immediately.Ye Chen, as the next generation head of the Ye family, is not uncomfortably fast in his cultivation, but he has just entered the initial stage of Yuanying.

Looking at Xu Miao again, he is already at the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and compared with him, it will only make people feel ashamed.Ye Chen knew Xu Miao's reason for coming, so he didn't go around too much, and said directly: "It is not impossible for the Ye family and He Qinggu to join forces, but you need to stand by the Ye family at the critical moment."

Xu Miao didn't agree immediately, but asked instead: "Critical moment?"

"For example, when fighting for the order of transmission, fighting for future territory, and grabbing various resources, you need your support." Ye Chen made it very clear that he needed the support of "you", that is, the support of Xu Miao, not He Qing Gu's support.

(End of this chapter)

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