Chapter 467
Of course Xu Miao understood and nodded in agreement.Whether it is Donglu or Zhonglu, there are existences that he cannot defeat.These existences may attack He Qinggu because they vented their anger on him.

Therefore, choosing a suitable ally and expressing one's position at an appropriate opportunity is the best way to achieve cooperation.All kinds of conditions proposed by Ye Chen are in line with the current situation of He Qinggu.

Xu Miao had no reason not to agree, the two sides negotiated, Xu Miao did not stay long, and left directly.Next, the most important thing is to fight for the transmission order.

The fight for the order among the monks has never been based on luck, but on the backing of strong strength.As long as you are strong enough, you can get the most resource allocation.

When Xu Miao left, Ye Chen handed him a jade slip, which recorded the rules of the transmission order battle in detail.Every faction that wants to participate in the teleportation needs to register by itself, and introduce in detail the number of monks to be teleported, and their respective backgrounds.

Only the factions that sign up are eligible to participate in the order battle and carry out teleportation.In other words, those who do not sign up in time are not eligible for teleportation at all.

The battle for order requires each faction to select three monks, and all the monks are sent into a space for melee.When all three monks of a certain force are "killed", it is the result of the competition.

As long as it can stay long enough, it will be able to take the lead when teleporting.The Jade Slips also mentioned that the space is a plain space, and there is no place to hide. As long as you enter the space, all you can do is fight and fight again.

In the space, any method can be used, whether it is spirit beasts, talismans, or formations.However, the number of spirit beasts used was also stipulated in the battle, and a person could only use one spirit beast at most.

After reading all the messy rules, Xu Miao began to meditate and adjust his breath, waiting for the start of the battle.

"Xu Miao, the battle is about to start, come here quickly!" Ye Chen's sound transmission jade pendant came out, Xu Miao got up expressionlessly, and after telling Lu Zhou to pay attention to various things, he and Shui Mei flew to the place where the battle was held. Place.

After half a month, the various forces were integrated, the small sect was merged by the big sect, the small family was merged by the big family, and the big sect and the big sect joined forces.

Many of the monks who appeared in the battle were people Xu Miao knew.When Xu Miao appeared, there was jealousy and unwillingness in the eyes of these people.

In their view, as long as Xu Miao can join any faction, he can make that faction's ranking skyrocket.Now that Xu Miao is standing behind the Ye family, it is even possible for the Ye family to get the top three teleportation order directly.

After all, they had seen Xu Miao's true strength.During the mummy change and the invasion of monks from remote planes, Xu Miao showed strength beyond his own level.

Xu Miao turned a blind eye to these gazes on him, and very calmly took Shui Mei's hand and walked to the representative of the Ye family.Ye Chen only has the cultivation base of Yuan Ying's early stage, and the Ye family will not send him out to fight for it.

This time, Ye Yi, a late Nascent Soul cultivator named Ye Yi, represented the Ye family in the battle. When he saw Xu Miao coming, he nodded friendly.The three monks of the Ye family are Xu Miao, Shui Mei and Ye Yi.

Xu Miao was not among these people. Seeing Zhang Ya, Xie Xiu and others, after all, all sects would be cautious when it comes to the future development of the sect in remote planes.

Most sects and families have this configuration, as long as there are late monks in the sect, they will be dispatched.Even if he couldn't compete with those monstrous monks, he could at least eliminate the weaker forces.

The temporary space jointly constructed by the Digigod monks is specially used to hold this battle for the order of transmission.A cultivator who transformed himself into gods walked in front of everyone: "I think everyone already knows the rules, I don't want to talk nonsense, the competition will start immediately!"

A golden light shrouded everyone, a burst of teleportation pressure flashed, and Xu Miao's position had changed.After the cultivator beside Sui stood firm, he launched an attack with the fastest speed.

Xu Miao's strength was too strong, and as soon as the competition started, more than a dozen late-stage monks took Xu Miao's position.At the same time, there were other monks who surrounded Shui Mei and Ye Yi to prevent them from helping Xu Miao.

"Xu Miao, no matter how strong you are, you are still hard to beat with two fists and four hands. We must send you out as soon as possible today!" A late-stage cultivator was full of confidence.

Xu Miao glanced at the monks surrounding him in front of him. He was not familiar with these people, which meant that they were not monks from a large sect or aristocratic family.Xu Miao sneered: "Just because you insects are similar, I really don't care."

Before the words were finished, the Wu Ningjian was unsheathed in an instant, and the violent spiritual power and sword intent were revealed, which directly caused the space to vibrate.

"Xu Miao, don't be too arrogant, you're just a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator!"

"You also know that I'm a middle-stage monk? It's a big battle and a great prestige to dispatch more than a dozen late-stage monks to attack me together." Xu Miao raised his sword and directly stabbed the speaking monk.

There are so many people, Xu Miao can't have a protracted battle with them. He must use the power of thunder to make a quick decision, and use the shortest possible time to reduce the opponent's number and send out a few monks.

Since this place is a special space built by the cultivators of Huashen, Xu Miao can't use teleportation here, but can only use agility to speed up the movement.

It's been a long time since Xu Miao has used any kung fu to move in battle.However, this fighting habit has long been engraved in his bones, and it will not become rusty because it has not been used for a long time.

The late-stage cultivator who spoke obviously did not expect Xu Miao's speed to be so fast.When the other party was about to use a magic weapon to attack Xu Miao, Xu Miao had disappeared from him again, and his whole body was like an arrow that flew off the string, and directly chopped off the head of one of the monks with such force.

From shifting the target of besieging the monk to killing the monk, Xu Miao made strict calculations for every step.Including the opponent's reaction speed, and everyone's clearance time.

If Xu Miao wanted to win someone with one blow, he had to finish it within this time difference.Although Xu Miao's calculations were complicated and difficult, she never made a calculation error.

With just one move, Xu Miao directly sent a late Nascent Soul cultivator out of the space by virtue of his strength in the mid-stage Nascent Soul.All the monks present did not expect Xu Miao to be so fast.

Some monks didn't even react and were still on the spot in a daze.After Xu Miao succeeded in one strike, she didn't stop at all, and the Mist Condensing Sword swept across. This time, the opponent reacted in time, and summoned a shield to block it before the Mist Condensation Sword fell.

Xu Miao's move was blocked, she didn't get entangled with the opponent, she retreated decisively, and used the move of Nirvana Heaven and Earth Art.Xu Miao needs to use large-scale attack moves to find the weakest of these people.

Since he doesn't know this group of people, he can't try them one by one. Only using group attack moves is the fastest solution.More than a dozen late-stage monks used their own methods to block this move.

Xu Miao already knew who was the strongest and who was the weakest the moment they resisted.He dodged and appeared behind the weakest monk.

The spiritual power of the whole body was circulated to the limit, and all the spiritual power was poured into the fog-condensing sword, and the fierce sword intent poured into the late stage monk in front of him.

Sensing the crisis, this person stepped back quickly, and at the same time summoned a magic weapon to defend against Xu Miao's attack.Since Xu Miao has already taken a fancy to this monk, how can he give him a chance to escape.

Once Xu Miao had the intention to kill, no one could escape from his sword.The Broken Star Sword Art whizzed out, and this late-stage cultivator couldn't form an effective place at all, and was completely suppressed and beaten by Xu Miao.

Seeing this, the other monks immediately rushed forward and attacked Xu Miao together, trying to save the monk from Xu Miao's sword.These attacks are not insignificant. If you just change to a mid-term monk, you will definitely not be able to resist it.

But Xu Miao was never an ordinary person. Facing the stormy attack, Xu Miao didn't even frown. His whole body was filled with spiritual power. He directly released his spiritual power, forming a shield to block all attacks.

The spiritual power that formed Fu Yu's armor did not come from the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body, but was drawn from Qingjiao and Huoyan Spirit Demon.No matter how powerful Xu Miao's ability was, he couldn't block their full blows under the siege of ten late stage monks at the same time.

The moment Fu Yu's helmet appeared, it protected Xu Miao tightly.Only his goal is displayed in front of him.The murderous aura in Xu Miao's body, tyrannical, did not hide anymore, and all rushed towards the monk.

For the first time in the late period, when the big monk faced a monk with a lower rank than him, he felt fear and panic.But his panic didn't last long, Xu Miao had pierced his dantian with a sword and sent him out of space.

At this time, the defense of Fu Yu's helmet had reached its limit, and countless cracks appeared on the top of the mask.Xu Miao's eyes were fierce, and she quickly turned to one of the monks, and the fog-condensing sword fell high.

This cultivator reacted very quickly, and quickly activated the formula, and countless mysterious thunders fell on Xu Miao.Xu Miao smiled at this moment, what he wanted was the opponent's attack.

With so many monks, even if they lined up in front of him and let him kill them one by one, it would take a lot of spiritual energy.Xu Miao's plan is to use their strength to solve them.

For Xu Miao, no matter how strong Xuanlei is, it cannot be stronger than Tianlei.These mysterious thunders fell on Xu Miao's body, but they couldn't cause any terrible injuries to Xu Miao.

Xu Miao did not make any defenses, and took these mysterious thunders.While the opponent was still chanting the spell, he rushed at another monk.The cultivator did not expect Xu Miao to be able to move so quickly under Xuan Lei's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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