Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 468 The real anti-killing

Chapter 468 The real anti-killing
Caught off guard, the mysterious thunder that was supposed to fall on Xu Miao also fell on this monk.Not all monks are completely unresponsive to Xuan Lei.

This monk happened to be a wood spirit root, and was restrained by Xuan Lei.As soon as the mysterious thunder fell, it directly affected the movement of the monk's spiritual power.

Xu Miao immediately felt that the other party's spiritual power was not running smoothly. She didn't even use the fog condensing sword. She directly condensed the chaotic gas in her hand, aimed at the monk's neck, and stabbed down with one hand. The monk didn't resist. was sent out.

The cultivator who mobilized Xuan Lei never expected that the Xuan Lei he summoned could actually let Xu Miao borrow a knife to kill people.The monk could only temporarily stop the formula, but when he stopped, Xu Miao didn't.

Taking advantage of the opponent's old strength and new strength, Xu Miao decisively sent the opponent out of the space.Xu Miao's cold eyes swept over the monks in front of her, and there were still nine of them left.

These nine people looked at Xu Miao with vigilance and fear they didn't want to admit.As a late-stage cultivator, it is ridiculous and generous to attack a mid-stage cultivator.

What's more, a dozen of them teamed up to deal with Xu Miao would be a complete joke in the cultivation world.The worst thing was that a dozen of them fought together, and Xu Miao was not dealt with. Several of them had already been sent out.

After this battle, they will become an existence that everyone can laugh at, and Xu Miao will step on them and become an invincible myth among monks in the earth and space plane.

After a brief confrontation, Xu Miao took the lead.Every time a battle is fought, Xu Miao will observe the opponent with his spiritual sense and look for flaws.Xu Miao didn't seem to have fought against some of them, but she already had a general understanding of their methods.

As soon as he attacked, Xu Miao chose one of the monks with the most flaws.Xu Miao likes fighting monks with many flaws the most. Any flaw can make him defeat the opponent.

Xu Miao wanted to face the monk, but the monk quickly threw a formation flag in front of him and built a defensive circle.The defense level of this magic circle is extremely high, and because it also has a counterattack effect, it is difficult for even a big monk in the later stage to directly destroy it.

The person said triumphantly, "Xu Miao, no matter how strong you are, it's still hard to destroy my formation." Xu Miao looked at the formation in front of him, his figure kept moving, and his consciousness instantly covered it.

This formation, in the eyes of others, is an extremely difficult obstacle, but in Xu Miao's eyes, it is just an obstacle that can be easily overcome.

"Playing the formation in front of me, who gave you the courage and confidence?" Xu Miao appeared in front of the formation, the monk's smile was stiff on his face, because he found that the formation was not working at all, Xu Miao swaggered Walked into this formation.

After Xu Miao entered the range of the formation, he still didn't forget to close the passage to enter, and directly trapped him and the monk in the formation.

This cultivator is not familiar with Xu Miao, he only knows Xu Miao's strength in combat, but he doesn't know that Xu Miao also has profound attainments in formation. Seeing Xu Miao enter suddenly, he quickly summoned a magic weapon to attack Xu Miao Miao.

In front of Xu Miao, a moment of panic meant death.The spiritual power required for the magic weapon's attack has not yet been injected, and Xu Miao has already sent the monk out of space.

Now Xu Miao is inside the formation, and the eight late stage monks are outside the formation.With the help of this formation, Xu Miao is completely able to deal with them without worrying about getting hurt.

The fog-condensing sword in Xu Miao's hand swelled sharply, piercing straight into the late-stage cultivator who was injured by the counterattack of the magic circle.This person's defense is extremely high, and when he saw Xu Miao flying towards him, he quickly summoned a super eighth-level monster.

The battle stipulated that monks could use monsters, so the opponent did not violate the rules.A super eighth-level monster is equivalent to a half-step transformation of a god, and its strength is stronger than that of a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul.From the opponent's eyes, Xu Miao saw the expression of victory.

"Half-step transformation into a god? Is it very powerful? What are you confident about?" The spiritual power condensed in Xu Miao's free left hand continued to increase, and Xu Miao contained the aura of the phoenix in it.

Coupled with the power of the ninth-level monster of the Huoyan Spirit Demon, Xu Miao raised his hand suddenly to fight, and the super-eighth-level monster immediately felt the aura of a divine beast, and did not dare to attack Xu Miao again.No matter how this late-stage monk was driven, he would not obey the instructions.

"Do you know why it doesn't listen to you?" Xu Miao asked in a deep voice standing in front of the monk.The monk was flustered and didn't know how to answer.

Xu Miao didn't expect his answer either. This question was originally intended to stimulate the opponent's psychology and thus affect the opponent's judgment in battle.He raised his hand again, and this super eighth-level monster actually attacked another late-stage cultivator.

"This is impossible! What are you doing, stop!" The owner of the super eighth-level monster continued to issue orders, but this monster ignored the owner's orders at all.

The natural suppression of the beast can surpass the relationship between the master and the monster.With the help of the breath of the little phoenix, Xu Miao directly gave orders to the super eighth level monsters.No matter how unwilling this monster is, it must obey. This is the suppression of blood.

The cultivator who was attacked by a super eighth-level monster immediately changed his face, quickly dodged to the side, and cursed at the same time: "Why are you so useless! You can't even manage a monster!"

The owner of the monster beast also had an ugly expression on his face. He couldn't understand why his monster obeyed Xu Miao's orders.The sound of cursing him didn't last long before disappearing.

Under the attack of Xu Miao and the super eighth-level monster, the monk couldn't hold on, and was directly grabbed by the monster and sent out of the space.Xu Miao turned around immediately, and the super eighth-level monster stood beside him, making the remaining seven monks dare not move.

The owner of the monster's eyes were tearing apart. He originally wanted to find a helper for himself, but he didn't expect to find a helper for Xu Miao.The situation is changing so fast that no one is prepared.

Xu Miao didn't give them time to prepare either. The Fog Concentrating Sword and the Nirvana Sword appeared in the air at the same time, stabbing one of the monks.This monk was the weakest of the remaining seven. Two swords blocked his left and right sides, while Xu Miao and the monsters blocked his front and back.

There was no way this monk could avoid it, so he could only forcefully raise his magic weapon and resist Xu Miao.Xu Miao spoke disdainfully: "Fighting me hard is not the choice a smart person should make."

The chaotic gas condensed in Xu Miao's hands stabbed violently at the monk.Together with the magic weapon, it was cut off by Xu Miao and sent out of space.Xu Miao's gaze fell on a monk who was closest to him, who was the owner of the monster.

When Xu Miao saw this person, his whole body was terrified and shuddered.Xu Miao chuckled: "Don't worry, I won't send you away now, after all, your spirit beast is very useful."

Xu Miao lightly dropped a word, and flew towards the other monks.Xu Miao killed six late-stage great monks one after another, but she was unscathed. This has caused a storm among the monks.

And the rest of the six late-stage monks who faced Xu Miao had already lost their minds.More than a dozen people could not kill Xu Miao, let alone only six of them left.

In life-and-death battles between monks, it is most taboo for one side to lose fighting spirit, then no matter how powerful this side is, it will be killed by the other side.

The six people Xu Miao faced were the ones who had lost their fighting spirit.As for Xu Miao, no matter when and where, she will never lose her fighting spirit.In his opinion, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!
What the six of them didn't expect was that Xu Miao's aura could continue to increase until now, and the spiritual power in his body was surging, which was no obvious difference from when the battle first started.

Xu Miao held the fog-condensing sword in her hand, and raised the corners of her mouth: "Which one of you will go first?" Xu Miao's words were no different from asking them who would die first.

As long as Xu Miao makes a move, almost no one can escape under his hands.This is the common view formed by the six monks towards Xu Miao, and it is also the view of the monks outside the space.

"Is Xu Miao still human? He is simply a killer. All the monks who stand in front of him will be killed by him."

"This kind of strength doesn't look like a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and it's also a monk in the middle stage. I can't last three rounds under the hands of a big monk in the late stage!"

"It's so rare for you to see. Xu Miao has already defeated the Patriarch of the Zhu family in Zhonglu and the elder of the An family when he was in the early stage of Yuanying. They are all monks in the late Yuanying stage!"

No matter what happened to Xu Miao in Zhonglu, neither the monks in the East nor the West were aware of it.Now that I heard the monk Zhonglu speak, I understand Xu Miao's horror even more.

They were suddenly very fortunate that they didn't need to face Xu Miao face to face, otherwise they might kneel down and surrender if they didn't even have the courage to summon the magic weapon.

However, the six monks surrounding Xu Miao in the space were unable to get off.It was they who first proposed to encircle Xu Miao, and then kill the opponent. Now they failed to encircle, but were counter-killed. Now it is too late for them to leave.

"Since you don't move, I'll do it first." Xu Miao's words were like the judgment of the King of Hades, and the blade of Ningwu Sword was full of fierce sword intent.

The target of the Ningwu Sword is a late-stage cultivator who is weaker among the six.This late cultivator didn't even consider using a magic weapon to resist, but turned around and ran away.

Xu Miao sneered: "Want to run? It's too late." Before the words finished, Xu Miao had already sent the monk out of the space.In front of Xu Miao, if he fought with magic weapons, he might persist for a while.

If he ran away directly, no one could beat Xu Miao in speed, and the only result would be death.This monk didn't even have a chance to scream. The other monks looked at each other and ran away from different directions, scattered like birds and beasts.

When Xu Miao saw this, she almost looked up to the sky and laughed. She had never seen a monk in the late stage besieging a monk in the middle stage, and ended up running away.Xu Miao didn't chase them either, but focused on Shui Mei who was next to her.

(End of this chapter)

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