Chapter 469
Shui Mei was born in the Ye family, and was once the lord of the city, her strength should not be underestimated.Three late-stage monks besieged Shui Mei together, but none of them did any substantial damage to her.

However, Xu Miao noticed that on Shui Mei's right hand, someone cut through her clothes, leaving a not deep scar.To a monk, this kind of scar is nothing at all, and the spiritual power can be restored by just turning it around.

Xu Miao's originally peaceful eyes suddenly darkened when she saw this scar.His Xu Miao's woman is not allowed to lose even a strand of hair.

He moved his figure, and a flame that was about to fall on Shui Mei blocked it.The voices of Xu Miao and Shui Mei have always been gentle: "Who hurt you?"

Hearing this, Shui Mei showed an alluring smile, raised her hand, and pointed at one of the late-stage monks: "It's him." The pointed late-stage monk saw Shui Mei's raised hand and Xu Miao falling on her body. The sight is creepy.

He clearly felt Xu Miao's cold killing intent. Although he was responsible for blocking the water charm, this monk had been observing Xu Miao's situation with his spiritual sense.

Just now Xu Miao was able to counter-kill more than a dozen late-stage monks. This kind of strength is definitely not something he can provoke.The monk retreated decisively, but it was still too late.

"If you do anything to Shuimei, you must be prepared to bear my anger." Xu Miao's voice suddenly sounded behind this person, very close at hand.The Ningwu Sword pierced through this person's dantian and sent him out of the space.

Xu Miao turned to look at the remaining two late-stage monks. The two late-stage monks looked bitter, and after looking at each other, they hurriedly fled in different directions.Xu Miao and Shui Mei took each other's life directly.

In the end, Ye Yi's opponent, with the addition of Xu Miao and Shui Mei, had no power to resist, and even chose to capture him without a fight.Xu Miao was also polite, and the Mist Sword flashed past, sending several monks out of the space.

A siege was solved by Xu Miao in this way. Whether it was a monk in the space or a monk outside the space, seeing such a situation, the shock in his heart could not be described in words.

A Nascent Soul cultivator murmured to himself, "Are these later cultivators too useless, or is Xu Miao too defiant?"

"Of course Xu Miao is too heaven-defying! Have you ever seen any middle-stage monks who can crush late-stage monks like this! Even Zhang Ya from Zhonglu Qianyangmen, I have never seen him face the attack of more than a dozen late-stage big monks at the same time." , and counter-kill."

Xu Miao's toughness made a group of straggling monks in the late stage dare not come to provoke him.As for Zhonglu, the late-stage monks of the large and powerful Donglu sect also reached a tacit agreement not to do anything to Xu Miao.

They all chose to attack the weaker cultivators, first to eliminate the weak ones, and then to compete with the strong ones.The tacit understanding between Xu Miao and Shui Mei's Taoist couple was fully demonstrated at this moment, and the two picked monks to attack without haste.

In the space, the two became the gods of death in the hearts of later monks.As long as they are spotted by the two and attack, no one can escape the joint attack of Xu Miao and Shui Mei.

Later, whenever Xu Miao appeared, the monks in the later period avoided it like a mouse seeing a cat.As a result, Xu Miao had no chance to make a move, and another monk wanted to escape.

Anyway, this battle is to see which one persists for a long time, not to count the number of monks killed.In such a situation, Xu Miao couldn't wish for it.Wandering around in the space while talking with Shui Mei, it seems to make up for all the time that was missed before.

"It's too much for Xu Miao to turn a good battle into a trip with a Taoist companion!"

"Especially the Shuimei Zhenjun is so beautiful. She smiles at Xu Miao, and I am obsessed with it!" The monks outside the space expressed their envy and hatred for Xu Miao, but they couldn't change it. Who made Xu Miao's strength Strong enough to be almost invincible.

The rest of the weaker late-stage monks have all been a cappella, leaving only the representative monks of large sects and aristocratic families.Just like He Qinggu teamed up with the Ye family, the Ye family and other sects and families also have alliances.

These remaining monks temporarily formed a tripartite group, roughly headed by Zhonglu, Donglu and Nanlu.As for the sects and families of the West Land and the North Land, either they were sent out of the space early, or they have joined forces with forces from other continents.

The number of monks remaining in the three parties is about the same, about 20.At this time, the situation in the space is tense, and everyone is on high alert, ready to attack at any time.

Xu Miao chuckled and broke the atmosphere on the factory floor: "Don't be so nervous, anyway, we are the only ones left, why don't we come to negotiate a deal?" Regardless of human monks or demon cultivators, when they heard Xu Miao's words, they all looked away. Moved to Xu Miao's body.

"According to common sense, we human monks should cooperate to deal with you demon cultivators, but we have long admired you from the Southern Land, how about we join forces?"

Xu Miao knows that his current situation is not optimistic. As the saying goes, the stronger the strength he displays, the easier it is to arouse the fear of the enemy.It is very likely that Zhonglu will join hands with Nanlu to send him out of the space first.

After all, Donglu's level of comprehension cannot be compared with that of Zhonglu and Nanlu.Nanlu's eighth-level demon cultivator Binghuo Jinpeng looked at Xu Miao, with hesitation flashing in his eyes.

Xu Miao not only said this in front of everyone, but also sent a voice transmission to him, telling him that if he was willing to cooperate with Donglu, he would be able to solve their greatest enemy - Zhonglu, and also get the blood power of Phoenix, the descendant of Suzaku.

Jinpeng is a certain branch of Suzaku, and it is far inferior to Phoenix in terms of blood inheritance.If he can get the power of the Phoenix's bloodline, he can use it to achieve bloodline return to his ancestors, and under the current strength conditions, he can go to another level.

He has been stuck at the eighth level for a long time.Even though he was an eighth-level monster, there was no monster that could fight him, but when he encountered a ninth-level monster, he had no strength to fight back.

Binghuo Jinpeng has endured for too long and does not want to let go of this opportunity.The only thing he was worried about was that Xu Miao didn't have the blood of Phoenix, which would make him tear up the agreement with Zhonglu in vain.

Xu Miao saw the hesitation of Binghuo Jinpeng, he slowly raised his left hand, revealing a phoenix breath.Binghuo Jinpeng felt the phoenix breath in Xu Miao's hand, and his eyes were straightened.

The desire in the eyes of the Binghuo Jinpeng could not be concealed. If it wasn't for the breath in Xu Miao's hands, this Binghuo Jinpeng would never hesitate, and would rush directly in front of Xu Miao, kill Xu Miao, and then snatch the breath of the phoenix.

Xu Miao has a little phoenix, no matter how much breath, no matter how much blood can come out.As long as Xu Miao survives, she can raise the little Phoenix to grow up, just a drop of blood, inexhaustible.

The late monks in Zhonglu also felt the aura in Xu Miao's hands, and they all complained that Xu Miao was too insidious.Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, he took out something so attractive to Binghuo Jinpeng.

The monks in the space knew what Xu Miao was holding, but the monks outside the space didn't know what exactly Xu Miao took out, which made Binghuo Jinpeng so excited.

"Xu Miao, how many good things does he have in his hand, which can impress the eighth-level monsters!"

"I guess all the things in Xu Miao's hands are more than enough to support a medium-sized sect!" The monks who were discussing didn't know that Xu Miao still had millions of high-grade crystals in his hands.

If they knew, they would never say anything about supporting a medium-sized sect, but they can be sure that Xu Miao can directly support a large sect without any problem.

The monks in Zhonglu would not let an excellent ally turn to Donglu, and also brought out a lot of natural materials and treasures.But what treasures of heaven and earth can compare with the blood of little phoenix?
Under Xu Miao's intervention, Nanlu finally formed an alliance with Donglu.The moment the alliance was established, both sides launched a violent attack.Binghuo Jinpeng would agree to form an alliance with Donglu, also holding his own ideas.

If Dong Lu was sent out first, the fight with Zhong Lu would definitely not be easy.But if they unite with Donglu and send Zhonglu out first, it will be much easier then.

Xu Miao was naturally clear about Nanlu Yaoxiu's thoughts.What he was worried about was never Donglu as a whole, but the Ye family.As long as the Ye family can persist longer, the more benefits He Qinggu can get.

This is a deal reached by Xu Miao and Ye Chen, and it is also the most beneficial deal for both parties.Cultivator Zhonglu didn't expect that the Demon Cultivator would turn against him, disrupted all his plans, and quickly resisted the attacks of Donglu and Nanlu.

Zhonglu's strength is really extraordinary. Many late-stage cultivators in Donglu are not their opponents at all, including Ye Yi, who was sent out of space by Xuanzhen Sword Master of Jingyangzong in several fights.

In this melee among the three parties, the number of monks dropped significantly, from 60 to less than 20, a two-thirds reduction.

At present, there are still seven left in Zhonglu, six in Nanlu, and seven in Donglu.Among the seven monks in Donglu, two are from the Ye family.

All the Eastern Continent forces are envious of the Ye family's situation, and the Ye family's recruitment of Xu Miao to their subordinates is equivalent to a guarantee of victory.As long as there is no accident, Xu Miao will definitely not be sent out in a short time.

Binghuo Jinpeng did not expect that the number of demon cultivators left on his side was even less than that of Donglu. He began to rethink the alliance with Donglu.

Xu Miao is so scheming, once he saw Binghuo Jinpeng's eyes roll, he knew what he was thinking.Xu Miao sent a voice transmission to the other party in time: "Fellow Daoist Ice and Fire, the alliance needs to have a beginning and an end. If it ends midway, I may not be able to fulfill what I promised you."

Hearing Xu Miao's words, Binghuo Jinpeng wished to become a prototype immediately and send Xu Miao out of space.But he asked Xu Miao again, so he could only endure his temper and continue to join forces with Xu Miao.

Prompted by Xu Miao, the alliance between Donglu and Nanlu continued to be maintained with difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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