Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 470 Xuan Zhen's Teachings

Chapter 470 Xuan Zhen's Teachings

When Xu Miao sent a late Zhonglu cultivator out of the space, she found that Shui Mei and Xuan Zhen Jianzun were facing each other.No matter how powerful Shui Mei is, how can she compare with Xuan Zhen Jianzun of Zhonglu Jingyang Sect.

But after a short time, he was seriously injured.Xu Miao frowned, and turned around to help Shui Mei.But now it is Gao Jian from Qianyangmen who is fighting Xu Miao, and the two have long disliked each other.

At that time, due to the change of the mummy, the two temporarily put aside their personal grievances and confronted the enemy together.Now that the two are standing on opposite sides again, it can be said that the enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and Gao Jian entangles Xu Miao tightly, never giving Xu Miao a chance to rescue Shui Mei.

Xu Miao mobilized all the spiritual power, and the blue sea was completely externalized, and layers of water curtains rose out of thin air, blocking Gao Jian's attack.Gao Jian is worthy of being a late stage monk of Qianyangmen. Whether it is spiritual power reserve or attack strength, it is beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

Even with layers of water curtains, it didn't buy much time for Xu Miao.Xu Miao hadn't rushed to Shui Mei's side, Gao Jian's attack came after him again.

Gao Jian's attack was so fierce this time, Xu Miao could only turn around to resist.Looking at Xu Miao's anxious expression, Gao Jian felt a little complacent, but also a little annoyed: "Xu Miao! When you fight against me, you still have the time to worry about your woman!"

Even though she knew that even if Shui Mei was defeated by Sword Master Xuan Zhen, she would only be sent out of space, not a real death, but Xu Miao couldn't accept this scene from the bottom of her heart.

He couldn't just watch Shui Mei disappear before his eyes, no matter what the reason was.Shui Mei and Xu Miao share the same mind, feel Xu Miao's anxiety, and transmit voice in time to soothe Xu Miao's inner anxiety.

"Xu Miao, even if I lose the battle, I will only leave temporarily. I will help you deal as much damage as possible to Xuan Zhen, and then you will be able to kill him in the shortest time and send him out of the space."

After the sound transmission was completed, Xu Miao felt the violent impact of spiritual power next to her.Shui Mei did what she said and had a great influence on Xuan Zhen.Xu Miao's spiritual sense could no longer detect the breath of Shui Mei.

At this moment, Xu Miao calmed down instead.His face was calm, and his eyes were neither sad nor happy. Gao Jian looked at Xu Miao. Compared with Xu Miao who was in an anxious state before, this kind of Xu Miao made him palpitate even more.

Xu Miao leveled the fog-condensing sword in her hand, before the sword move was made, the sword intent was born.The sharp sword intent directly enveloped Xu Miao and Gao Jian at the same time. To Gao Jian's surprise, Xu Miao cut his skin with just the sword intent.

Gao Jian's hands quickly shifted in front of his chest, giving birth to a huge mask.Qianyangmen and Jingyangzong often fought against each other, and Gao Jian also knew many ways to deal with sword cultivators. This mask was figured out by him, and it was originally intended to be used against Sword Master Xuanzhen.

Now that Sword Master Xuanzhen has not met, let Xu Miao use it first.Xu Miao looked at the mask in front of her eyes, and the fog condensing sword in her hand did not stop at all.The body jumped up, from top to bottom, with the help of the body's gravity, it slammed down.

All the spiritual power poured into the sword body of the Ningwu Sword, and the sword intent reached an unprecedented level of sharpness.The moment the mask collided with the Mist Sword, Gao Jian's heart involuntarily rose to his throat.

Xu Miao's sword just now was too powerful, even he had some doubts about the strength of the mask.However, the mask only vibrated slightly, and was not shattered by Xu Miao's sword move.

Gao Jian's heart sank completely, and he showed a smug smile: "Xu Miao, your sword intent can't even break my mask, do you still want to beat me?"

"Really?" Xu Miao also grinned, showing a smile.Gao Jian didn't even see the smile on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth, and found that Xu Miao had disappeared.

Xu Miao has clearly understood the power of Gao Jian's mask in the contact and temptation just now.This mask is indeed strong, but not indestructible.One sword move cannot break it, but multiple sword moves will definitely break it.

Xu Miao's body skills have been improved to the extreme, he has already found the weak position of the mask, and used the broken star sword technique to continuously launch sharp attacks on the weak position of the mask.

From Gao Jian's point of view, Xu Miao's clear figure could no longer be seen, only streaks of silver light kept flashing in front of his eyes.Gao Jian tried to find Xu Miao's real location to attack him, but no matter how he spread his consciousness, he couldn't find Xu Miao's exact location.

The chaotic gas was all condensed on the blade by Xu Miao, and one attack after another was able to pass through, making Gao Jian dizzy.With the last sword stroke, Xu Miao finally stopped, and Gao Jian also saw clearly where Xu Miao was.

He was overjoyed, and when he was about to attack Xu Miao, he was surprised to hear a crisp cracking sound.Gao Jian immediately realized that the mask was broken.

Gao Jian's face was full of disbelief, he knew how strong the mask was, how could it be crushed by Xu Miao.Gao Jian was still in a state of astonishment, while Xu Miao raised his sword and charged at Gao Jian again.

Unleashing a berserk sword move, Gao Jian did not adjust slowly, and quickly pulled out of the previous state, and also launched an attack on Xu Miao.However, this adjustment time is enough for Xu Miao.

Before Gao Jian's attack fell on Xu Miao, Xu Miao's fog-condensing sword had already broken through the defense of Gao Jian's body, pierced through Gao Jian's dantian, and sent him directly out of the space.

The sword just now seemed to be an ordinary sword, but in fact it almost drained all the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body. At this moment, there was no more spiritual power in Xu Miao's dantian.

The monks outside the space watched the later monks of Qianyang Gate being sent out of the space by Xu Miao's own strength, which refreshed their perception of Xu Miao's strength again.

"The previous Qianyangmen monks were all besieged by several people and sent out of the space after exhausting their spiritual power. Xu Miao actually killed Gao Jian by relying on one person and one sword!"

"Gao Jian has come out, look!" All the monks' eyes fell on Gao Jian, Gao Jian's face was very ugly at this time, he walked to the side and sat down without saying a word.

Due to the prestige of the monks in the later stage, all the monks only dared to look at him secretly, but Gao Jian's face still became more and more serious.Gao Jian clenched his fists——Xu Miao, next time, I will definitely kill you!

Xu Miao didn't know anything about what happened outside the space.Just as he was about to take out the spiritual source of water and drink it, he felt a sudden crisis.Xu Miao rolled forward on the spot to avoid the surprise attack from behind.

"Xu Miao, your spiritual power is exhausted. It's time for you to die!" A late-stage cultivator approached Xu Miao with a smirk, and flames fell one after another.

This late-stage monk is a fire root monk, who is best at fire attribute attacks.Xu Miao's surroundings immediately turned into a sea of ​​flames, the temperature continued to rise, and even breathing became very difficult.

Xu Miao, who had exhausted her spiritual power, was immediately burned by flames from top to bottom.With a sudden cry, all the flames were absorbed in an instant.

After the flames disappeared, the monks who released the flames were stunned on the spot.Xu Miao took this opportunity to quickly recover her spiritual power.However, his spiritual power has not yet fully recovered, and the monk's attack fell again.

This person also noticed that Xu Miao had a way to collect spiritual fire, so he resolutely gave up attacking Xu Miao with flames, but used other methods to attack Xu Miao.

Xu Miao held the Fog Condensing Sword in one hand and dealt with the opponent, and held the high-grade spirit stone in the other hand to restore her spirit power.All the meridians in the left hand were opened, and the spiritual power in the top-grade spirit stone was emptied in an instant and turned into powder.

With the recovery of spiritual power, the power of Xu Miao's attack is also increasing.From being pressed and beaten by the opponent at the beginning, to being evenly divided, and finally suppressing the opponent.

Xu Miao slashed down with a sword, cutting off the opponent's right hand that was making a formula, and sent the opponent out of the space with another sword.After Xu Miao dealt with this person, Sword Master Xuanzhen's attack also arrived.

Facing Sword Master Xuanzhen, Xu Miao did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and she used the strongest Star Broken Sword Technique and the Reincarnation Nirvana Jue.Both of them have reached an extremely high level of comprehension of swords.

Rather than saying that the two are fighting, it is better to say that the two are discussing the way, discussing the way of swordsmanship.The more Xu Miao fought, the more she admired Sword Master Xuan Zhen.Sword Master Xuan Zhen's cultivation in the way of the sword is stronger than him.

Similarly, when Sword Master Xuanzhen fought against Xu Miao, he also felt Xu Miao's profound comprehension and excellent talent in the way of swordsmanship.When Xu Miao first fought against him, she didn't show such a frightening sword intent.

However, as the time between the two of them became longer, Xu Miao's sword moves were obviously different.Xu Miao is relying on fighting him to prove her understanding of kendo.

He has only seen this kind of talent growing up in battle, and that is his senior brother Xuanfeng Jianzun.But even Xuanfeng Sword Master couldn't grow up as fast as Xu Miao.

Xu Miao seems to be a dry sponge, as long as Xu Miao is given enough water, he can absorb it continuously.All of Xu Miao's mind was immersed in the confrontation with Sword Master Xuanzhen, feeling Xuanzhen's comprehension of kendo, and thus transferred to herself.

The swords of the two kept colliding in the air, and at the same time, the sword intents were constantly confronting, gnawing, and blending.Because Sword Master Xuanzhen fought against Shui Mei, Shui Mei tried her best to send out the space, and also injured Xuan Zhenjian respectfully.

Therefore, Xu Miao and Sword Master Xuanzhen faced each other at this time, and it can be said that they took advantage of it.Sword Master Xuanzhen was injured, so he could only attack Xu Miao with his sword intent, but Xu Miao was able to pass this point and improve his sword intent, so he didn't have to worry about the threat of Sword Master Xuan Zhen to him.

Xu Miao's sword moves were fast and sometimes slow, and the rhythm of the battle between him and Sword Master Xuanzhen was completely controlled by him.No matter what kind of sword move Xuan Zhen used, he could immediately find what he needed.

Xie Xiu stood outside the space, watching Xu Miao's moves.He is a disciple of Sword Master Xuan Zhen, and he is very aware of Sword Master Xuan Zhen's way of teaching disciples.It seemed to be a battle, but Sword Master Xuanzhen was actually teaching Xu Miao.

(End of this chapter)

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