Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 471 Bribery

Chapter 471 Bribery
What Xie Xiu can feel, Xu Miao can naturally feel the mind of Sword Master Xuan Zhen.No matter why Sword Master Xuanzhen did this, Xu Miao was very grateful.

The last move fell, and the two of them stopped the swords in their hands at the same time.Xu Miao was not injured, and his spiritual power was very sufficient. Compared with him, Sword Master Xuanzhen was seriously injured and his spiritual power was almost exhausted.

It is clear at a glance who wins and who loses.Just when everyone thought that Xu Miao was going to attack Xuanzhen Sword Master, unexpectedly, Xu Miao just bent down, saluted Xuanzhen Sword Master respectfully, and turned to look for other opponents.

The monks outside the space were in an uproar, unable to understand Xu Miao's thoughts at all, only Shui Mei understood Xu Miao's true thoughts.The grace of teaching is not something that can be ignored casually.

Xu Miao did not attack Sword Master Xuanzhen, but the other monks would not show mercy.At this time, Xu Miao had already exchanged hands with other monks, and there was no need to care about Sword Master Xuanzhen.

After being instructed by Sword Master Xuan Zhen, Xu Miao's understanding of the way of swords has deepened.Every move and style showed extraordinary power. When others thought Xu Miao would use this sword move, Xu Miao chose to use that sword move.

No one can prejudge all the moves.With Qianyangmen, the later monks of Jingyangzong were gradually eliminated, and Xu Miao completely became the strongest in the field.

No one can hold on to fifty strokes under Xu Miao's sword.The later great monk lived for so many years and saw countless things.Seeing that Xu Miao's kendo power was increasing rapidly against Sword Master Xuan Zhen, he knew it was the reason for Sword Master Xuan Zhen's guidance.

They really wanted to pull Sword Master Xuanzhen from outside the space back into the space, and pulled his collar to ask him—why did they teach Xu Miao, why did they make Xu Miao more powerful!
Xie Xiu also asked Sword Master Xuan Zhen about this question.Sword Master Xuanzhen didn't seem to care about this at all, but said: "A monk with such talent in the way of swords, even though he is not a disciple of Jingyang Sect, I hope he can go further."

"I now somewhat understand why Master Feiqi told Xu Miao the characteristics of certain formations that day. In any case, he is a monk in the Earth-space plane just like us."

Xie Xiu listened to Sword Master Xuanzhen's explanation, and looked up at Xu Miao whose sword light was surging in the space. He knew that the distance between himself and him had widened, and he might not be able to catch up with Xu Miao in his whole life.

The sudden increase in Xu Miao's strength caused the rest of the people to gather together to deal with Xu Miao.But even if these people go to bed together, Xu Miao won't care.

Because there are only six people left in the space, including Xu Miao.There are two people in Zhonglu, three people in Nanlu, and Xu Miao is the only one left in Donglu.

Xu Miao glanced at Cultivator Lu, and said, "Do you want to consider our cooperation to kill Nanlu's demon cultivators?" As soon as these words came out, all the monks spit blood from their hearts and scolded Xu Miao for being shameless.

First, unite with Nanlu to kill the most powerful Zhonglu.Now that Nanlu is getting bigger, he plans to unite with the cultivators of Zhonglu to kill the demon cultivators in Nanlu.This combination of vertical and horizontal moves is really superb.

The remaining two Zhonglu monks, one from the Yintai sect and the other from the He family, were instinctively unwilling to join forces with Xu Miao, but they had no choice but to join forces with Xu Miao.

If the three demon cultivators from Nanlu can be sent out of the space, their teleportation order will be ranked second and third.If Xu Miao and Nanlu Yaoxiu joined forces, they would definitely not be in such a previous order.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling they were, they could only hold their noses and agree to Xu Miao's proposal.Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth, of course he knew that the two would agree.

There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies.With such great benefits in front of them, they have no reason to reject Xu Miao.

Binghuo Jinpeng saw that the ally just now turned into an enemy in an instant, and immediately flew into a rage: "Xu Miao, you actually betrayed our agreement without authorization!"

Xu Miao stretched out her index finger and shook it: "I'm wrong, I didn't betray the agreement. Our agreement has been completed. After the order battle is over and I leave this space, I will give you what you want."

"I, Xu Miao, always keep my word, so don't worry." Before he finished speaking, Xu Miao notified the Buddhist cultivators of the Yintai Sect and the monks of the He family through sound transmission to attack the three demon cultivators of the Southern Land.

The easiest way to deal with demon cultivators is to suppress them with the aura of the little phoenix.Especially the Binghuo Jinpeng is more susceptible to the influence of blood suppression.

With little effort, Xu Miao and two monks from Zhonglu joined forces to send the three demon cultivators from Nanlu out of the space together.There are three people left, standing in the space.

"What are you two waiting for? Let's decide No. 3 and No. 2." Xu Miao walked to the side and sat down very leisurely, as if she was not worried that the two would attack Xu Miao.

The monks outside the space watched Xu Miao's tricks one after another, and they almost knelt down to Xu Miao's IQ.In the last match, Xu Miao did it completely without bloodshed, and got the No.1 order.

"Are you so confident?" The monk of the He family looked at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao shrugged: "Of course, or do you insist on fighting with me to waste time?" This is a battle that already knows the end, and no one wants to waste time.

The Indian-Taizong Foxiu and the He family monks fought together, and finally the Indian-Taizong Buddhist Xiu narrowly won the battle and won the battle.Xu Miao just stood up, patted the non-existent ashes on her body, and sent Buddha Xiu out of the space with a sword.

At this point, the battle for transmission order is over, and all the rankings have been released.The Ye family in the Eastern Continent became the first force to teleport, followed by the Yintai sect, the He family...

What will happen to them in the secluded plane, all the monks in the earth-empty plane don't know.This is why Xu Miao is willing to form an alliance with the Ye family, let them go to test the depth of the water first.

The sects and families allied with the Ye family are not limited to He Qinggu's family.However, due to Xu Miao's strong strength, Brother He Qinggu's teleportation order was ranked after the Ye family's main family.

Even though the average strength of other sects and families is stronger than that of He Qinggu, they can only give way to Brother He Qinggu.The monks in the Western Continent were able to rank ahead of them and carry out the plane transfer. Countless monks were so jealous that their eyes were red.

The teleportation channel of the plane was opened, and the monks of the Ye family carried out the teleportation first.The earth-space plane and the remote plane, the two ends of the passage run simultaneously, and the monks on the passage disappear from everyone's eyes instantly.

"Friar He Qinggu step forward." A cultivator who transformed God ordered, Xu Miao heard the words and brought all the cultivators of He Qinggu to the transmission channel one by one.

The monks of He Qinggu had never looked at so many monks who were stronger than them, and they would inevitably feel uneasy in their hearts.But when they saw Xu Miao's back at the front, they suddenly felt extremely calm.

As long as Elder Xu Miao was around, He Qinggu would have such confidence.A monk He Qinggu heard the complaints from the passing monks: "These Xilu monks are not lucky, there is such a monster as Xu Miao in the sect. Otherwise, they will only have the last teleportation life!"

The cultivator He Qinggu immediately spoke back: "We are lucky, elder Xu Miao in the sect, you are mad at you!" Xu Miao, who was walking at the forefront of the sect, heard this episode, but he did not intervene.

He Qinggu is indeed blessed by him now, and can teleport in the first place.However, once he leaves, He Qinggu's strength will not improve immediately, and he will be treated even worse.It seems that we need to discuss with Lu Zhou about the future development of the sect.

"Everyone stand up, ready to start teleportation!" The voice of the cultivator of Huashen interrupted Xu Miao's train of thought. Xu Miao settled down and prepared to teleport.

Just for long-distance teleportation, monks already need to bear a lot of teleportation pressure, not to mention the teleportation between planes, which need to bear even greater pressure.

Therefore, all the monks got a talisman to relieve the pressure of teleportation.The light of the teleportation lights up one by one, and the huge teleportation pressure immediately falls on the body.The talisman on everyone's body played a role in time, and when the talisman completely dissipated, it was the end of the teleportation.

Xu Miao looked at the situation on the secluded plane, and the environment was roughly similar to that on the Earth-space plane.Those who greeted them were late stage monks from the secluded plane.This person handed Xu Miao a jade slip: "This is the entire map of the secluded plane, and your domain has been divided."

"As for where to choose, it is your own task to become your mountain gate station." The late-stage monk introduced the situation to Xu Miao with a businesslike look.

Xu Miao didn't take the other party's attitude to heart at all, but took out a high-grade Houtian Lingbao and handed it to this late-stage cultivator.The Acquired Spirit Treasure is a level of magic weapon that can only be used by cultivators who transform themselves into spirits.

If the Nascent Soul cultivator possesses the Acquired Spirit Treasure, he will definitely be able to gain a huge advantage in the fight with fellow cultivators of the same rank.The Acquired Spirit Treasure, for ordinary monks, can make them red-eyed.

However, to Xu Miao, it was just a low-grade ordinary magic weapon obtained from Qi Feng.Xu Miao smiled all over her face: "Anyway, these places have been allocated to the Earth-space plane. Why don't fellow Taoists tell me directly which places have enough aura."

No matter which monk in the earth-space plane, he doesn't understand the remote plane.Only the monks of the secluded plane understand where the aura is abundant and where the aura is poor.

It is the most suitable choice to let them serve as guides.If He Qinggu's monks were to smear and search randomly, not only would it be inefficient, but it would also be difficult to obtain satisfactory results.Xu Miao is best at using the smallest price in exchange for the greatest benefit.

The Ye family who arrived earlier also gave this monk a lot of good things.But the value of what they gave was not as good as Xu Miao's high-grade Houtian Lingbao.Therefore, this late-stage cultivator kindly told Xu Miao some locations.

(End of this chapter)

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