Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 472 Sales News

Chapter 472 Sales News
The monk from the remote plane told Xu Miao that there are five places with sufficient aura.It seems to be a lot, but in fact, for the entire earth-space plane, it is really very little.

In the entire earth-space plane, there are countless sects, families, and various forces are as numerous as crucian carp crossing the river, but according to what this late-stage monk said, there are only five places that are truly full of aura, so in the near future, it is very likely that they will be reborn again in the near future. Make waves.

Xu Miao rolled her eyes and thanked the late-stage monk repeatedly. At the same time, he took out 100 million top-grade spirit stones and gave them to the monk, asking him where the concentration of spiritual energy was slightly lower.

As the saying goes, if a person is innocent but guilty, with the current strength of He Qinggu's sect, it is impossible to guard these five places with the most abundant aura.When it comes to the current peak combat power of the sect, He Qinggu is no worse than other sects and families.

Xu Miao has shown his strength to all the monks on the Earth-space plane in the battle for the order of transmission.However, compared with other established large sects and families, their biggest weakness is their lack of sect background.

Those sects, families passed down through several generations and tens of thousands of years, and the magic weapons, spirit stones, exercises, and various ultimate methods left by countless outstanding disciples are not something that He Qinggu, who has just risen from a small sect, can surpass.

The weakness on this point has nothing to do with Xu Miao, but requires the joint efforts of generations of outstanding disciples to keep the entire Heqing Valley alive.

Therefore, Xu Miao spent another spirit stone to inquire about the slightly worse spiritual condition of this late-stage cultivator.This later cultivator is also a human being. Hearing Xu Miao's question, he quickly understood Xu Miao's true thoughts.

After collecting so many spirit stones and magic weapons from Xu Miao, he naturally did his best to quickly leave a few marks on the jade slips of the map.Xu Miao nodded gratefully, walked to Lu Zhou, and ordered him to send monks to investigate these places, find the most suitable place as a mountain gate, and finally tell him the news.

At the same time, he also ordered Lu Zhou to send more credible disciples to investigate the specific situation in other places.They, He Qinggu, managed to become the first batch of sects to come over, so they naturally wanted to take some advantage.

As for Xu Miao, he wants to stay here and make some deals with certain sects and families.He spent a acquired spirit treasure, 100 million high-grade spirit stones, and he had to earn it back from other people.

All member alliances related to the Ye family have already been teleported, and their leaders also asked the late-stage cultivator about the location with strong aura.

However, this late-stage cultivator had already been entrusted by the cultivator of Huashen above before coming here, so he must not reveal a word.If Xu Miao hadn't given him an Acquired Spirit Treasure as soon as he came up, he wouldn't have said a word either.

These people hit their heads and can only study on their own.Xu Miao walked over in a timely manner, indicating that she had relevant aura concentration locations here.These locations were told to him by later cultivators, and also discovered by disciples of He Qinggu.

There was hesitation in the eyes of some monks, and Xu Miao was not in a hurry to urge, but just said coolly from the side: "If you don't want to, I won't force it. After all, you can find these places by searching a little bit."

"It's just that I'm afraid that when you find it, this place will no longer belong to you, but will be occupied by others." What Xu Miao said was exactly what they were worried about.

For a faction like them, with only 100 million high-grade spirit stones, it is definitely not too much to buy a suitable news.As long as this news is true, they can indeed save a lot of effort.

A late-stage cultivator pondered for a moment, then said, "Give me a place with a medium-to-high aura concentration." Xu Miao raised her eyebrows and glanced at the cultivator upon hearing this.

This cultivator had the same thoughts as himself at the time, he was not moved by the place with the strongest aura, and chose the most suitable place instead.However, Xu Miao has always only done things and never talked when doing business.

The two of them paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other, and they reached a deal.After receiving Xu Miao's message, this late-stage cultivator did not leave immediately. Instead, he asked the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator under his sect to investigate and confirm the authenticity of Xu Miao's message.

When the mid-stage cultivator returned, the late Nascent Soul cultivator completely believed the information provided by Xu Miao.He nodded gratefully, and left with the monks under his door.

Seeing that Xu Miao's information was true and correct, the remaining monks rushed forward.They delayed a lot of time, searching a little bit, how could Xu Miao give the news directly.

Xu Miao sat on the ground and raised the price calmly: "Just now I was full of sincerity. I can get the real news for 100 million top-grade spirit stones. It's a pity that you don't want to believe me."

"There are no such good things now. One news is 200 million high-grade spirit stones." Xu Miao's price was directly doubled from the original basis, but the monks in front of him did not hesitate.

Any large force can get this spirit stone.However, spending 200 million high-grade spirit stones can lay the foundation for the future development of the sect, so why not do it.

Xu Miao sold a total of five messages, and earned 1000 million high-grade spirit stones in a flash.The other monks could only watch Xu Miao make money helplessly, and they had to try their best to send money to Xu Miao.No way, Xu Miao is the person who has the most information and the most accurate information.

It has to be said that the late-stage cultivator in the remote plane who provided information to Xu Miao is really reliable, and all of them are true, so that Xu Miao can make a fortune.

The rest of the aura locations that have not been disclosed are the five places with the most intense aura.Xu Miao didn't plan to give these five locations to these ordinary forces, because he wanted to use these five locations to make a lot of money.

At this time, the monks of Qianyang Gate and Jingyang Sect had also arrived at the secluded plane, and according to the news of the monks arranged by He Qinggu at those locations, no other forces had found those aura locations for the time being.

Xu Miao sat there very calmly, closed her eyes and took a nap, waiting for other monks to come and ask.The great monks in the later period are all wise and close to monsters. If they have a simple method, they will never choose a complicated method.

"Do you know the place with the strongest aura?" Gao Jian walked up to Xu Miao and asked.Deep down in Gao Jian's heart, he didn't think Xu Miao would be able to hear the news.

But the disciples around him told him that Xu Miao did know these locations, and there were several other sects. The family got the correct location through Xu Miao, and started to arrange the mountain gate.

Xu Miao slowly opened her eyes and looked at Gao Jian.Although Gao Jian was in a standing posture and Xu Miao was in a sitting posture, Xu Miao's momentum was not suppressed by Gao Jian at all.

"Of course, 1000 million high-grade spirit stones, the first location, 2000 million, and the second location, add up one by one. I have five locations here. First come, first served, no waiting."

Xu Miao looked at the sects and family monks who surrounded him, and calmly asked for a price increase.He wasn't worried that they wouldn't ask for this price. There were more wolves than meat, and if one faction didn't want it, there would always be other forces that wanted it.

"1000 million top-grade spirit stones! Xu Miao, why don't you grab them!" Gao Jian said angrily. He had heard before that at most, only 200 million top-grade spirit stones would be used.

Xu Miao raised her eyes and glanced at him: "The information I gave before was only aura-like, but now I can guarantee that the concentration of aura is the highest in this area. What are you dissatisfied with?"

"If I go to grab it, it won't be this amount. You love to buy and buy, and if you don't buy, get out, don't stand in my way and affect my business." Xu Miao didn't take Gao Jian to heart at all, because he knew Gao Jian And will definitely buy in the end.

This group of people will break their heads just to snatch the purchase qualification of the first message.Several monks were at war with each other, and no one was willing to give up the opportunity to buy the first message to the other party.

The onlookers looked at the scene in front of Xu Miao, and they were all dumbfounded.I have seen people who want to buy things, but I have never seen people who buy things like this.

At this time, Xu Miao said leisurely: "Xuanzhen Sword Master is kind to me, I will sell you this first message. I will give you a 1000% discount for 800 million high-grade spirit stones, [-] million yuan Top-grade spirit stones, take away the news directly."

Sword Master Xuanzhen couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Xu Miao's words.He really needed information from Xu Miao, after all, the location of the sect was related to the future development of the sect.

He was also ready to compete with a few monks, but he didn't expect Xu Miao to give him such a big favor directly, and even gave him a discount on the way.

Sword Master Xuanzhen took out the corresponding number of spirit stones and handed them to Xu Miao. Xu Miao handed the other party a jade slip: "If it's fake, I guarantee your satisfaction." It was quickly sold out.

It's just that he has just arrived in the remote plane, and Xu Miao has already earned a lot of high-grade spirit stones.Later, the tens of millions of top-grade spirit stones and the various factions were paid for with top-grade spirit stones.

In other words, Xu Miao already has 150 million top-quality spirit stones on him, and he can say without exaggeration that it is absolutely no problem to support a large sect.

All the information was sold out, and Xu Miao did not stay here any longer, but directly turned into a ray of light and flew to the gate of Heqing Valley.Lu Zhou has already sent him a message that the location of the sect has been determined and various tasks are in progress.

Xu Miao looked at the busy monk in front of him and landed beside Lu Zhou.On the remote plane, although there are many things brought from the earth-space plane, many other things have to be rebuilt.

Here, a large number of spirit stones are needed as a backing.Xu Miao summoned all the high-level managers in the sect, gathered in Qiqian Pavilion, and handed over a storage ring to Lu Zhou in front of everyone.

"In this storage ring, there are 50 top-quality spirit stones. I don't need to say the value of the top-quality spirit stones, you all know it."

(End of this chapter)

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