Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 473 Playing for Two

Chapter 473 Playing for Two
He Qinggu now has a total of ten high-level monks who can really make decisions, excluding Xu Miao and Shui Mei.Although Shui Mei joined He Qinggu before, she always appeared as an elder Ke Qing and did not participate in the decision-making within the sect.

Although Xu Miao was born in He Qinggu, he had too much time to travel and could not stay in the sect for a long time.Therefore, Xu Miao had to explain certain things clearly.

50 top-grade spirit stones is definitely not a small amount, even in a large sect like Qianyangmen and Jingyangzong, it is a number that cannot be ignored.

"The spirit stone in this storage ring is shared by the sect. It can be used to provide disciples' cultivation, sect building, expansion, and relationship management, etc. As long as it is used in a reasonable way, the best spirit stone can be used."

Xu Miao's tone was calm, but the ten high-level monks in the Qiqian Pavilion all showed excitement, and even their breathing became heavy.Xu Miao knew that it was not a wise choice to hand over such a large sum of spirit stones to Jindan monks.

However, he didn't have much time. After the sect settled down, he needed to return to the Earth-Space Plane immediately to find the secrets of the so-called "immortal world" with other monks.Therefore, he must fully explain all kinds of things before leaving.

"However—" Xu Miao changed the subject, and her tone suddenly became harsh, "If someone enriches their own pockets and has some thoughts that should not be born in their hearts, you should know my methods."

Xu Miao's words were like a basin of cold water, poured on the head, and the ten people calmed down quickly.Xu Miao nodded with satisfaction: "All expenditures and purposes need to be recorded in detail. I will return to the sect regularly for random inspections, and search for the soul of the person in charge."

Once the words of the soul search came out, no one dared to give birth to selfish desires.After all, a monk's knowledge of the sea cannot fool a high-ranking monk.They have already seen Xu Miao's strength, and using Xu Miao's means to make their lives worse than death is really too simple.

Xu Miao saw that the warning was about the same, so she raised her hand to summon the Huoyan Spirit Demon: "This ninth-level Huoyan Spirit Demon, as a township spirit beast of the sect, encounters something that you can't solve, and I can't rush back. Let him figure it out."

The already numb nerves of the ten monks completely fell into madness when they saw the Huoyan Spirit Demon.A ninth-level monster, what kind of concept is it, it is equivalent to a human deity cultivator!

Why are those large sects so powerful, and why are their waists so tough? Isn't it because there are monks who transform themselves behind them!Now they also have cultivators in He Qinggu, what are they afraid of doing!
Huoyan Spirit Demon has already been taught to be honest by Xu Miao, he will do whatever he is asked to do.Now that Xu Miao is staying in Heqing Valley, he doesn't have any objection.

After Xu Miao gave almost all instructions, she left Heqinggu with Shui Mei.They need to go to the plane transmission channel, and use the channel to return to the earth-space plane.

The previous agreement reached between the secluded plane and the plane of space was that all Nascent Soul monks and cultivators in the space plane should be put into the search.So after they settled down a bit in their sect, they rushed back without stopping.

When Xu Miao arrived at the transmission channel, many Nascent Soul monks had already arrived.Xu Miao led Shui Mei to the side, waiting for everyone to arrive.

Among them, when An Xitong saw Xu Miao, she was very happy and wanted to go and say hello to Xu Miao.But when she saw Xu Miao talking softly and talking with Shui Mei in a gentle manner, she stopped in her tracks.

An Xitong admitted that she fell in love with Xu Miao, and she even naively fantasized about becoming a Taoist couple with Xu Miao.But what she saw now shattered all her dreams.

Xu Miao already has a beloved woman, and has formed a Taoist couple with her, so there is no place for her by Xu Miao's side.Just thinking of this made An Xitong's heart ache involuntarily.

The man she fell in love with for the first time didn't see her at all in his eyes.In the eyes of the man she likes, all eyes are full of that female cultivator named Shui Mei.

Shui Mei frowned suddenly and looked in An Xitong's direction.Just now, there was an aura of something she couldn't ask for fell on her body. Although the other party hid it well, she was still aware of it.

Xu Miao held Shui Mei's waist and asked what was going on, but Shui Mei fudged her away.From the moment she knew Ye Qianqian's feelings for Xu Miao, Shui Mei knew very well that how good Xu Miao is, he will be favored by many women, and there will also be many women who will fall in love with him in the future.

It's just that she didn't expect to meet a woman who fell in love with Xu Miao here.Shui Mei didn't say much, and Xu Miao didn't ask too much, he naturally changed the topic to the interesting things he had seen before, to make Shui Mei happy.

This operation was a joint operation of the remote earth plane and the earth-space plane, so all the Nascent Soul monks from the two lower planes almost came out, leaving only a few guarding sect families.

When all the Nascent Soul cultivators had assembled, Xu Miao looked over at a glance, and it was extremely spectacular.The top combat powers of the two planes are all standing here.

The cultivator of Huashen appeared at the right time, and said loudly: "In this operation, what we need to find is a transparent jade—Fang Yu. The shape and characteristics of this piece of jade are recorded in detail in the Jade Slip."

After all, the cultivator of Huashen waved his hand, and countless jade slips flew to each Nascent Soul cultivator.Xu Miao took the jade slips into her hands and dipped into her consciousness directly, only to find that this piece of transparent jade was a square, about the size of a human head.

"According to calculations, this piece of jade is still on the Earth-space plane." The words of the cultivator Huashen are very clear, that is to say, this piece of jade has not been discovered by the monks, and it is still hidden in a certain position in the Earth-space plane.

"The jade slips in your hands are specially made. As long as this square jade is within a hundred feet of you, it will emit light and vibrate to help you find Fang Yu."

"The Nascent Soul cultivator who can successfully find this piece of jade can get a huge reward - I will help this person advance to become a god!" Upon hearing this, the Nascent Soul cultivator immediately went crazy.

From Yuanying to Huashen, it seems that it is only a realm improvement, but the difficulty is more difficult than any previous realm advancement.Otherwise, there would be so many Nascent Soul cultivators in the Earth-Space Plane, and there wouldn't be only so many Soul Transformation cultivators.

Now the cultivator of Huashen promises to help the monks who have successfully found Fang Yu to advance to Huashen, which is no different from the appointment of Huashen.Some monks are unable to break through the bottleneck and advance to become gods throughout their lives.

This kind of opportunity is in front of you, and it is more convincing and exciting than any spirit stone, magic weapon, or kung fu.The Nascent Soul cultivators were almost all boiling, gearing up one by one, eager to pass through the teleportation channel, enter the Earth-space plane, and start looking for Fang Yu.

The cultivator of Huashen looked at the excited Nascent Soul cultivator in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction: "Now the teleportation begins!" The Nascent Soul cultivator hurriedly walked to the teleportation position, for fear of falling behind.

Xu Miao didn't hurry up with the excitement, and took Shui Mei's weak and boneless hand, and walked slowly towards the transmission channel.An Xitong looked at Xu Miao and Shui Mei, and suddenly asked, "Xu Miao, are you not in a hurry?"

Xu Miao was a little surprised by An Xitong's sudden question, but he still replied: "If it was so easy to find, it would have been found long ago. There is no rush for this matter."

Xu Miao's words were not loud, which calmed down some impulsive monks.Indeed, they have lived in the Earth-Space Plane for so long, whether it is various secret realms, ancient cave mansions, or other situations, they have experienced a lot.

But none of them had ever seen this square jade on the jade slips.Finding a Fang Yu the size of a human head in the entire space plane is definitely not a simple matter.

Fortunately, this group of cultivators of Huashen also produced this jade slip that could feel Fang Yu, otherwise, Xu Miao would definitely consider finding a place to hide and retreat for others to find.

The familiar teleportation light appeared, and when Xu Miao opened her eyes again, she had already returned to the Earth-space plane.The Earth-space plane is still the same Earth-space plane, but has lost its vitality.

The entire plane of earth and space exudes depression and decay, and only when passing through the place where mortals are, can one feel the long-lost vitality.A mortal body cannot bear the plane transmission channel.

Therefore, for this transfer, there are only monks and demon cultivators, as well as things that can be put into the storage magic weapon.The mortals are the ones who are abandoned. After all, there are quite a few mortals on the remote plane.

Because it is unknown when the plane of Earth and Space will collapse, this group of mortals can continue to reproduce for several generations.When the world finally falls, no one will save them.

Xu Miao and Shui Mei kept a certain height and flew quickly in the air.They hung the specially made jade slips around their waists, and they were always paying attention to feeling the vibration of the jade slips.

According to the direction drawn before, Xu Miao checked all the area he was in charge of, and then drew a cross on this area.These jade slips are universal, if any monk crosses them, other monks carrying jade slips can see them at the same time.

Therefore, within a few months, many crosses have been drawn on the jade slips, but similarly, there are still many places that have not been explored.For this kind of meaningless investigation, Xu Miao is not very interested, and is just completing the task.

He is more interested in talking about love with Shui Mei than looking for Fang Yu.If the interest comes, Xu Miao will open up a temporary cave nearby, and hold Shui Meiyun and Yu for a while.

Xu Miao has been busy with various things since she became a Taoist couple with Shui Mei.Now, with the help of finding Fang Yu, being able to get along with Shui Mei for a long time is also a different kind of fun.

On this day, Xu Miao flew across the sky with Shui Mei as usual, thinking in her heart to find a place to double practice with Shui Mei, but suddenly found that the jade slip that had been in a quiet state had a weak vibration.

Xu Miao stopped immediately, stood where she was, and searched for Fang Yu's specific location based on the vibration of the jade slip.

(End of this chapter)

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