Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 474 Desire in Crisis

Chapter 474 Desire in Crisis
At the same time, Xu Miao discovered many places in the jade slips, and there were traces of Fang Yu at the same time.According to what monk Huashen said, there is obviously only one piece of Fang Yu. Why do so many monks find Fang Yu in different places?
Xu Miao approached Fang Yu following the vibration pattern of the jade slips.When reaching a certain position, the vibration of the jade slip reached the extreme.Xu Miao raised her hand and summoned the Fog Condensing Sword, and started digging at the ground under her feet.

As it got closer to the ground, the vibration of the jade slip became more intense.Xu Miao keenly discovered that in addition to the vibration of the jade slips increasing, the surrounding temperature was also gradually dropping.

According to common sense, the closer to the depth of the core, the higher the temperature.But here it is doing the opposite. It is said that if there is an abnormality, there must be a demon. Maybe the mysterious piece of Fang Yu is indeed here.

After descending to a certain height, the ground suddenly opened up, revealing an empty space.This space is entirely composed of ice, and people talking in it can produce echoes.

Shui Mei's whole body was already on high alert. It was a strange thing to have such an extremely cold environment deep underground.After observing the surrounding area, Shui Mei suddenly said: "Xu Miao, have you noticed that our spiritual power is gradually dissipating!"

Xu Miao nodded. He had already noticed this: "Not only that, the temperature here is too low, and my spiritual consciousness has also been affected. It is impossible to leave the body at a long distance, and it can only reach a range of ten feet at most."

"If the extended range exceeds ten feet, you will feel that the entire sea of ​​consciousness is frozen and paralyzed." Xu Miao looked serious, and now he really wanted to leave this strange place.

However, the passage they came in had been frozen by ice, no matter how the Mist Condensation Sword was swung, they could not break through the ice wall and ice roof here.In other words, it is easy for them to come in, but difficult to get out, and they are completely trapped here.

In addition, the jade slips that had been vibrating strongly before arrived here did not continue to vibrate at all, as if the previous violent vibrations were just Xu Miao's illusion.

Xu Miao had an ominous premonition that she had been tricked here. Whether it was the inability to disperse her spiritual sense to investigate, or her spiritual power gradually disintegrated, it was not a good sign.

Since there is no retreat, then go forward.Since it is a trap, then eradicate the trap and leave this place.The Ningwu sword was always hanging above Xu Miao, ready to attack at any time.

The road under our feet is not flat, but has an unnoticeable curvature.This arc is slightly downward, indicating that the road under the feet is leading Xu Miao to a deeper position.

The surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower. Although Xu Miao and Shui Mei are both water spirit roots, they still need to use their spiritual power to condense into a body protection mask at this time, so as not to cause paralysis of the body muscles due to too low temperature, and cannot reflect the surrounding environment in time. Case.

"Spiritual energy is dissipating faster." Shui Mei frowned, worried.Xu Miao took Shui Mei's cold hand and comforted her: "If this is the case for us, the other monks who entered should be the same, so don't be afraid."

Xu Miao didn't say the latter sentence. If all the monks were like this, then there must be an ultimate beneficiary.The ultimate beneficiary is the target they need to deal with.

It's just that in this case, both Xu Miao and Shui Mei tacitly avoided talking about it.Although Xu Miao's consciousness could not be too far away from the body, she also keenly noticed that there were many white monsters approaching where they were.

The reason why they were called monsters was because Xu Miao didn't find them among the monsters.The whole body of these monsters is covered with white fluff, but there is a purple-black horn on the top of the head that exudes black air.

"Hold your breath!" Xu Miao was instinctively worried about the black air, and immediately transmitted her voice to Shui Mei.Just as Xu Miao transmitted the sound, the group of monsters had already rushed in front of Xu Miao and Shui Mei.

Xu Miao took the initiative to step forward and stand in front of Shui Mei.The Mist Condensing Sword, which was always hanging above the head, had launched an attack, and powerful spiritual power poured out.

The white monster at the front was affected by the attack of the Wu Ningjian, turned backwards, stabilized its figure, and rushed towards Xu Miao again.Others didn't know the attack power of Xu Miao's attack with the fog sword just now, but he knew it very well.

Even if he didn't use his full strength, he still used [-]% of his strength.Although Xu Miao is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but with [-]% of his power, he can at least have a certain influence on the eighth-level monsters, and he will definitely not be unscathed by the current white monsters.

"Xu Miao! These are black unicorns! The black air above their heads is highly poisonous, absolutely must not be contaminated. Once contaminated, even gods can't save them!" Xiaotian's voice suddenly sounded.

Xu Miao had never heard of a black unicorn, but from Xiaotian's description, he already knew that it was not a good thing.The black energy that even the gods can't save is not something they little shrimps can provoke.

Fu Yu's helmet was immediately propped up to block the black energy that was about to approach his body.Shui Mei also condensed into an ice shield near her body, resisting the black air approaching.

Originally here, nothing moved, and the spiritual power was already disintegrating on its own.Now Xu Miao mobilized the spiritual power to kill the unicorn, causing the spiritual power to collapse faster and faster, as if someone was absorbing the spiritual power in his body.

"Xiaotian, what is the weakness of the black unicorn?" Since Xiaotian can recognize these white monsters, he must know their weakness.As long as you can find the opponent's weakness, you can kill it.

Xiaotian does know the weakness of black unicorns, but this weakness is impossible for monks to solve: "The horns on the heads of black unicorns are their biggest weakness."

"If you want to kill them, you must first cut off the horns. But the horns of black unicorns are very hard, and it is impossible to cut them off with ordinary methods. And once the horns are cut off, the black unicorns will burst out a large number of The black air will cause the person whose horns are broken to be affected by the black air, and will be poisoned to death."

Xu Miao propped up Fu Yu's helmet with both hands, protecting herself airtight, and did not allow the black air to approach at all. At the same time, she asked Xiaotian: "If I condense the chaotic air into the shape of a knife, and cut at them from a distance?" Horn, is it possible to not be affected by the black air?"

"It's very difficult. The black energy of the black unicorn will follow the path of your attack and affect it in the opposite direction. Unless there is a magic weapon that is not afraid of black energy, but such magic weapons are all hard to come by."

"When the previous owner met these black unicorns, it happened that one of his companions had a magic weapon to defend against black energy, so he killed the black unicorns. Otherwise, the owner would have died there."

Xu Miao thought about the magic weapon in his hand. Although there was a high-level magic weapon such as the Hongmeng Lingbao, he couldn't activate it at all.While these high-level magic weapons are powerful, they also have extremely high requirements on the users themselves.

Once this requirement is not met, if you use it rashly, your spiritual power will be directly drained by the magic weapon.This place was accelerating the collapse of his spiritual power. If he used a high-level magic weapon again, he would die immediately without waiting for the black unicorn to attack.

Xu Miao thought for a moment, and suddenly realized that she had entered a misunderstanding.He only thought about using magical weapons to resist the black energy, but forgot that he had the most powerful defense in his body—dragon blood.

No matter how strong the black energy of the black unicorn is, it can't be stronger than the power of the dragon, let alone break through the defense of the dragon's power.Xu Miao tried to control the dragon's blood, forming a small shield in front of her.

Sure enough, as he expected, the black air could not penetrate the dragon force.Xu Miao asked Shui Mei to stand behind and not to act rashly. He was responsible for solving the black unicorn.Xu Miao opened his left hand, and the dragon's blood immediately came from his heart to the palm of his hand.

Xu Miao raised her left hand, and the dragon's blood instantly formed a tight shield.He condensed the chaotic gas into countless sharp blades, and flew towards the black unicorn in front of him like a flying knife.

This group of black unicorns was still rushing forward without fear of life and death, but when they suddenly found that this person could cut off their horns, they all felt fear and began to hesitate.

These black unicorns hesitated, but Xu Miao would not stop.The chaotic gas flew towards the black unicorn without reservation, and even the fleeing black unicorns were not spared, all died under the chaotic gas.

Although the black unicorns died, the black energy they generated before they died lasted for a long time, floating in the air all the time.Xu Miao noticed that no matter how dense the black air was, the surrounding ice walls were not affected in any way.

Xu Miao found a small ice brick, hollowed out the middle, and guided the black air into the middle of the ice brick.Since this black energy has the effect of dying when touched, he can't waste it in vain.

After solving the black unicorn, Xu Miao never encountered any strange monsters again, only the sound of him and Shui Mei walking could be heard along the way.When he turned a corner, he stopped suddenly.

His spiritual sense sensed the fluctuation of spiritual power in front of him, but because the current environment had too much influence on his consciousness, he couldn't accurately judge whether it was the monster here or other monks that caused the fluctuation of spiritual power.

Xu Miao pulled Shuimei to find a gap in the ice wall and hid in it.The gap here is very narrow, and it is difficult to accommodate the two of them. Xu Miao and Shui Mei can only hide by sticking to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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