Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 475 Spirit Core

Chapter 475 Spirit Core
"What the hell is this place? It's so cold, and the spiritual power is still collapsing uncontrollably!" Xu Miao was no stranger to this voice, it was An Xiyue's voice.

If An Xiyue is here, it means that An Xitong and the An family are also here.Listening to the size of the sound, they are not far away.

Although Xu Miao really wanted to directly set up an enchantment and have a direct encounter with Shui Meiyun, she had to consider other things.After Xu Miao tilted her head and gently kissed Shui Mei's red eyes due to desire, she tidied up Shui Mei's clothes and walked away from the gap.

Xu Miao pretended to be here just now, and walked to the opposite of An Xiyue.Xu Miao looked up and saw that besides An Xitong and An Xiyue, there were two An family monks whom she didn't know.

"Xu Miao!" An Xitong's voice was clearly filled with the joy of a little girl.Shui Mei glanced at Xu Miao with a half-smile, and Xu Miao suddenly felt a chill in her back.

Three women in one play, even monks, are no exception.Xu Miao could only pretend not to hear the joy in An Xitong's tone, and asked her about their situation.

An Xiyue narrated it in detail. It was roughly the same as when Xu Miao came to the ground. She was attracted by the vibration of the jade slips.As a result, after reaching the ground, the jade slip no longer vibrated, and they were unable to leave.

Xu Miao looked at the map annotation on the jade slip. It had been a long time since anyone had drawn a cross on it. In other words, it was very likely that all the monks were attracted by the vibration of the jade slip and came underground.

Now that An Xitong and the others are coming from in front of them, it means that the road ahead has already been walked, and there is no need to go further.But Xu Miao and Shui Mei also came from behind, which meant that they had fallen into a dead end.

Just as Xu Miao was thinking about how to get out of here, the world was spinning for a while.Xu Miao grabbed Shui Mei's hand as fast as she could to prevent her from having an accident.

An Xitong looked at Xu Miao's actions, with an unconcealable loss and envy in his eyes.Xu Miao held Shui Mei's hand, and hugged Shui Mei tightly in her arms with all her strength.

The ice-made road completely collapsed, and everyone was falling rapidly.Holding Shui Mei's waist in one hand, Xu Miao slashed fiercely at the wall she passed by while falling, holding the Fog Condensing Sword in the other.

However, the ice wall is extremely hard, and the Fog Condensing Sword cannot be fixed on the ice wall at all. They can only use the friction between the Fog Condensing Sword and the ice wall to slow down their falling trend.

The whole whereabouts seemed endless. Xu Miao could still hear An Xiyue's screams at first, but then these voices also began to disappear, leaving only the howling of the wind in her ears.

When Xu Miao and Shui Mei finally landed, there was no trace of An Xitong and others around them.Based on the falling speed and time of falling just now, Xu Miao estimates that they are at least a few thousand meters deep underground.

The surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower, and with the spiritual power consumed just now, Xu Miao's current spiritual power is only the strength of the golden core period.The most frustrating thing for Xu Miao was that no matter whether he swallowed the elixir, spiritual source water, Cangmu fruit, or spiritual stones, he could not recover his spiritual power.

Now it only has the strength of Jindan's late stage, and its spiritual power is still collapsing, so it can't be stopped.Not only Xu Miao is like this, but Shui Mei is also like this, and her cultivation base has also dropped to the late Jindan stage.

Xu Miao didn't move forward in a hurry, but found a place to sit down and think about what happened along the way.First, through the vibration of the jade slips, they were led to the ground.

Then, through the slack of spiritual power, their strength will be further reduced.Xu Miao speculated that as he went deeper into the ground, the speed of spiritual power conversion would get faster and faster, and his strength would also decline faster and faster.

When his cultivation is only in the foundation building or Qi refining stage, then he will completely become a fish on the ground and be slaughtered by others.The entire secret realm of "Immortal World" is very likely to be just a scam from the beginning to the end.

All the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Earth-Empty Plane and the Remote-Earth Plane were tricked here, and their cultivation strength was weakened step by step.When they are as weak as ants, that's when the person who planned this scam will show up.

If they stayed here forever, the only result would be exhaustion of their spiritual power, and they would freeze to death in the end.Returning to the ground is already an impossible thing.You must go forward, find the person who planned the scam, and kill him before you can leave alive.

Xu Miao's eyes were full of firmness, and Shui Mei felt relieved when she saw Xu Miao's expression.It seems that as long as Xu Miao is there, she can feel safe, and she doesn't need to fight desperately and deal with others.

Xu Miao told Shui Mei his guess about this place, and discussed with Shui Mei in detail.It's a pity they have too little information to guess anything more.

The jade slip, which had been keeping quiet all this time, shook violently again.The vibration at this time was more violent than the previous one.Xu Miao looked at the jade slip with vigilance, and there was a faint light here.

Since there are such obvious guidelines, there is no reason not to follow them.Xu Miao quickly walked forward following the vibration pattern of the jade slips.

"Xu Miao wait a minute, there's something here!" Xiaotian's voice suddenly appeared.Xu Miao stopped her pace according to her words, Xiaotian never shoots indiscriminately.Xu Miao's sharp eyes scanned the surrounding things. They were all ice walls and ice blocks. He didn't find anything unusual.

"Did you see that strange-shaped ice stone? It's it. Go over there." Xu Miao let go of Shui Mei's hand, and walked to the ice stone according to Xiaotian's instructions.

Xiaotian continued to explain: "If I'm not mistaken, there should be a banned spirit core in this ice stone." The so-called spirit core is the most important core produced by the spirit stone mine.

The spirit stone mine is the source of spirit stones.The stones excavated from the Lingshi Mine are exactly Lingshi.In other words, with the spiritual core, the spiritual stone mine can be gradually produced.

There are good and bad spirit stone mines, and the key to affect the spirit stone mine is the quality of the spirit core.The higher the quality of the spirit core, the higher the quality of the resulting spirit stone ore.If the quality of the spirit core is low, the quality of the produced spirit stone ore will naturally also be low.

Xu Miao approached this unremarkable ice stone, and it was hard to imagine that there was a spiritual core hidden in it.The mining of spiritual cores requires special techniques and cannot be completed overnight.

Therefore, Xiaotian didn't plan to let Xu Miao mine directly here, in case other monks were attracted, the loss outweighed the gain.What Xu Miao needs to do is to remove this ice stone from the ground it is attached to.

It is also not an easy job to say that it is taken down.The temperature here is extremely low, and this ice stone has been firmly fixed to the ice wall and the ground, making it difficult to move.

Xu Miao's spiritual power is only the strength of Jindan's late stage, so it must not be wasted here.He borrowed the fire power of the little phoenix and started to melt the ice around the ice stone.

The little phoenix is ​​still in its infancy and cannot provide flames for a long time, so it can only work for a while and rest for a while.The vibration of the jade slip became more and more intense, as if urging Xu Miao to make the trip as soon as possible.

The more Yujian urged, the less anxious Xu Miao became.Since the mastermind behind the scenes regarded all of them as prey, they naturally wanted all the prey to appear.

Therefore, Xu Miao directly threw the jade slip into the Huntian Stone, regardless of its vibration, just helping the little phoenix to spray flames.Shui Mei has never seen Xiao Fenghuang before, and she can't put it down when she sees Xiao Fenghuang.

Xu Miao was also so happy, and let Shui Mei accompany Xiao Fenghuang when he was resting.With the help of Little Phoenix, the ice stone was finally separated from the ice wall and the ground.

Without hesitation, Xu Miao sent the ice stone into the Huntian Stone with a wave of her hand, and asked Xiaotian to mine the spirit core.Owning Little Phoenix is ​​a secret of Xu Miao.This secret can be known by Shui Mei, but not by more people.

Therefore, after fixing the ice stone, Xu Miao also sent the little phoenix back to the Hunting Stone.The vibration of the jade slip continued to increase, Xu Miao smiled mockingly, and continued to walk forward.

This time, even if he didn't get anything, it was already an unexpected joy to get the spiritual core.After all, in Xu Miao's view, it is inevitable to advance to become a god, and no help from outsiders is needed.

The god-transforming monks who advanced through spiritual power injection will only be the weakest batch of monks who have transformed into gods. Xu Miao will not be so stupid as to become such a monk.

A door made of ice cubes appeared in front of Xu Miao. Xu Miao pushed it lightly with her hand, and opened the solid and heavy ice door.When Xu Miao walked into this gate, he found that his consciousness could no longer even leave the body.

At this time, his spiritual power level has dropped to the late stage of foundation establishment.After falling to this level of strength, it is estimated that it is almost at the limit, and the speed of spiritual power slack begins to gradually slow down.

On the ground is a Tai Chi pattern made of different types of ice.Xu Miao just took a look at the Tai Chi pattern, and found that his body was completely out of his control, walking to the side of the Tai Chi pattern.

While the consciousness was still functioning, Xu Miao quickly mobilized the dragon's blood and the Golden Dragon of Law.The dragon's blood immediately formed a film of light all over his body, and the law golden dragon even came out of the body directly, hovering up and down Xu Miao's body.

With the guardianship of dragon blood and law golden dragon, control of Xu Miao's body returned to her own hands.At this time, Shui Mei had completely fallen into a coma, and a teleportation array appeared under her body.

Xu Miao really wants to snatch Shui Mei away, but the teleportation array under Shui Mei has a layer of protection, and Xu Miao can't break it at all with her strength.

"Qingjiao! I need your strength!" Qingjiao reacted extremely quickly, and quickly concentrated his power into Xu Miao's hand, and hit with half-step Huashen's full strength.However, the light of the teleportation array had already lit up, and when the attack fell, Shui Mei had disappeared from Xu Miao's eyes.

Xu Miao's eyes were about to burst, and a teleportation array appeared under him at this moment.In order to find Shui Mei, Xu Miao can only follow this teleportation array.The light of the teleportation array lit up, Xu Miao didn't struggle to resist, and let the teleportation array send her.

(End of this chapter)

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