Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 476 Water Charm!

Chapter 476 Water Charm!

When the transmitted light disappeared, Xu Miao found herself trapped in an ice coffin.The ice coffin is completely transparent, and the outside situation can be seen through the ice coffin.

Xu Miao found that not only his ice coffin, but also countless ice coffins were arranged in the air in a certain order.He moved his fingers carefully, and found that his body was still under his control.

He turned his head almost invisibly, looking at the ice coffin next to him.In the ice coffin closest to him, there was Shui Mei.Shui Mei closed her eyes, her face was serene, she was ignorant of everything that happened outside.

Xu Miao watched several monks in the ice coffin, all of them were like this.The number of ice coffins around is still increasing. According to Xu Miao's calculation, almost all Nascent Soul cultivators were brought here under control.

"Xiaotian, can you see the specific situation outside?" Xu Miao didn't dare to move casually, for fear of attracting the attention of the people who arranged it, so she could only communicate with Xiaotian with her spiritual sense.

"I can see it, but the range of activities is limited inside this ice coffin, and I can't leave the ice coffin." Xiaotian told Xu Miao after trying.

"Very good, please help me to see if there are other people around here." The other people Xu Miao mentioned naturally did not refer to the Nascent Soul cultivator who entered this place, but the person who arranged the arrangement.

Xiaotian searched for it as she said, but she looked all over the situation near the ice coffin where Xu Miao was, but she didn't see the person who arranged it.Xu Miao closed her eyes, thinking about the real intention of the person who made the arrangement.

According to common sense, the capture and control of so many late-stage monks is nothing more than to gain benefits from the monks.Since this layout person is doing this, the greatest possibility is to absorb the monk's body essence and blood.

Some monks need a lot of blood essence in order to be able to practice certain exercises.Among these blood essences, the most effective ones are the blood essence of monks, especially the blood essence of high-level monks.

But why didn't the opponent choose the blood essence of the cultivator of Huashen, but the blood essence of the monk Nascent Soul?There is only one reason, and that is the person behind the scenes. His current strength cannot compete with the cultivator of Huashen, so he chooses the cultivator of Nascent Soul.

Xu Miao could get too few clues, so he could only guess up to this point.The other party didn't show up, so all Xu Miao could do was wait.In this ice coffin, the spiritual power did not continue to slack.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Miao began to slowly recover her spiritual power.This ice coffin isolates Xu Miao from the outside world, completely immune to outside influences.

With Xiaotian's help, Xu Miao's spiritual power gradually recovered until the mid-Yuanying period.Xu Miao can fight with the person who will appear next when he has a cultivation base close to him.

When Xu Miao closed her eyes and adjusted the spiritual power in her body, Xiaotian suddenly said, "Xu Miao, that Fang Yu has appeared!" Fang Yu was the target they were looking for on this trip, and she appeared before the person who arranged it.

"Ten ice coffins have been opened, and Fang Yu seems to be absorbing the blood essence of the monks in the ice coffin!" Xiaotian watched Fang Yu's movements and kept reporting to Xu Miao.

Xu Miao still didn't open his eyes. He tried to open the ice coffin, but the ice coffin was so strong that it couldn't be opened from the inside.Only by waiting for the outside to open, can he try to escape from the ice coffin.

If Fang Yu is really absorbing the blood essence of the monks in the ice coffin, it means that this Fang Yu is not a so-called "immortal world" secret at all, but created by the organizer to absorb blood essence.

The strength and level of this layouter definitely far exceeds the realm of transforming gods.But because of something, he's stuck in Earthspace.Since the lifespan of the Earth-space plane is about to reach its limit, the restrictions on the planner have also been weakened, allowing him to get part of himself.

But this is far from enough. If this person wants to completely recover his cultivation base, his body can only rely on this square jade to absorb the monk's blood essence.In order to get a sufficient amount of monk blood, he designed this "immortal world" secret.

The war of aggression launched by the monks of the secluded plane against the earth-space plane, it was the organizer who deliberately let the monks of the secluded plane know about it, which aroused the attention of the monks of the secluded plane.

Now that the place is secluded, the Nascent Soul cultivators from the two planes of the earth and the sky gather here, and it's like jumping into the pit by themselves.The organizer absorbs the blood essence of the monks, and only waits for the absorption to be completed before he breaks out of the boundary.

Restore strength by absorbing the monk's blood essence, and use your knees to know that the other party is not a good person.If it is allowed to completely regain its freedom, it may be the day when the remote plane will suffer.

Xu Miao guessed the truth of the matter only through some clues that were not obvious.It's just that he didn't guess that this scam, in addition to the careful planning of the organizers, also required the cooperation of the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods.

Without the active cooperation of the monks who transformed the spirit, no matter how hard the organizers worked, they would not be able to reach the current level.Fang Yu is getting closer and closer to Xu Miao, absorbing the blood essence of so many monks, she must be full of powerful power now.

Shui Mei is right next to Xu Miao. According to the order in which Fang Yu absorbed it, he must have absorbed it first.As long as he has a chance to break free from the control of the ice coffin, he can directly take Shui Mei's ice coffin away, and try to escape from here.

Xu Miao made countless calculations, but she didn't expect him to be here. Fang Yu changed the direction of absorbing blood essence—starting to absorb blood essence from Shui Mei's side first!

Xu Miao's eyes widened in an instant. Once the monk's blood essence was completely absorbed, there would be no way to recover. No one could rescue the monk who had lost his blood essence.

At this moment, Xu Miao watched Fang Yu getting closer and closer to the ice coffin where Shui Mei was. He no longer cared about being discovered by Fang Yu's planners, and the spiritual power of his whole body surged out, violently bombarding the ice coffin.

The powers of Qing Jiao, Little Phoenix and Shui San were all requisitioned by him, and their spiritual power frantically hit the ice coffin as if they didn't need money.Xu Miao absolutely cannot allow Fang Yu to suck all of Shui Mei's essence and blood away under his nose!

The spiritual power hit the ice coffin and bounced back to Xu Miao's body, directly causing terrible injuries to Xu Miao.But Xu Miao continued to bombard the ice coffin crazily, as if she had no pain or consciousness.

"Xu Miao! Stop quickly! Your body can't withstand the combined spiritual power of Qingjiao, Little Phoenix, and Shui San!" Xiaotian was trapped in the ice coffin by Xu Miao, and she was not allowed to come out to stop his actions.

Xu Miao turned a deaf ear to Xiaotian's words.His eyes were scarlet, and his whole body was covered with injuries caused by the rebound of spiritual power.The Nascent Souls in the dantian were all in a sluggish state, but Xu Miao showed no sign of stopping.

Shui Mei's ice coffin was opened, and Fang Yu was absorbing Shui Mei's blood essence!Xu Miao was going crazy. He stared at this scene with his eyes wide open.

With a "click", a crack finally appeared in the ice coffin under Xu Miao's desperate bombardment.Xu Miao speeded up, and her spiritual power skyrocketed. The sound of "Kaka" continued, Xu Miao struck out with a sword, and the ice coffin was completely smashed into pieces.

Xu Miao circulated all the spiritual power in her body, and suddenly hit Fang Yu who was above Shui Mei.Fang Yu was suddenly attacked by Xu Miao, interrupting the absorption of Shui Mei's blood essence.Xu Miao moved very quickly, and directly sent Shuimei and the ice coffin into the Hunting Stone.

"Xiao Tian, ​​how is Shui Mei's situation!" Xu Miao's voice was urgent, and her worry about Shui Mei was palpable.

Xiao Tian carefully inspected Shui Mei's situation, shook his head and sighed: "Although you interrupted her, but she lost too much blood, she will die soon." These words were like a bolt from the blue.

Obviously they have just become Taoist couples, why did such a thing happen!Xu Miao's whole body was filled with rage, and her murderous aura shot up all over her body, tyrannical and wanton.

He looked at that piece of Fang Yu, it was that piece of Fang Yu that had sucked the blood of Shui Mei, Xu Miao would not let this piece of Fang Yu continue to move, so Xu Miao raised his sword and slashed at Fang Yu fiercely.

One corner of Fang Yu was cut off by Wu Ning Wujian. Xu Miao jumped up and grabbed Fang Yu in her hands, trying to find Shui Mei's blood essence from it and send it back to Shui Mei's body to restore Shui Mei to its original state.

However, when Xu Miao's hand just touched Fang Yu, Fang Yu's blood essence poured into Xu Miao's body like a river that had been hoarded for too long.

Before Fang Yu absorbed the blood essence of Shuimei, Fang Yu had already absorbed the blood essence of hundreds of monks, including all monks in the late, middle, and early stages.

The blood essence of these hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators gathered together constituted an incredibly powerful force.Now all of them have entered Xu Miao's body, and Xu Miao's meridians were burst in an instant.

Fang Yu was made to absorb the blood essence of Nascent Soul cultivators for use by the planners themselves.In order to make it easier for the organizers to absorb the monk's blood, this piece of jade was endowed with a feature, as long as someone's hand touched Fangyu, the blood in Fangyu would flow out automatically.

Xu Miao just wanted to hold Fang Yu in her hand so that she could find Shui Mei's blood essence.But by mistake, Fang Yu absorbed all the blood essence that Fang Yu had absorbed into his body.

The essence and blood of hundreds of monks was simply not something Xu Miao could accommodate.In addition to bursting meridians, bones, organs, and muscles all have problems.

At this time, Xu Miao could only run the "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" continuously to repair his body, but the "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue", which is a mid-level heavenly skill, could not repair Xu Miao's body in time.

Xu Miao's body became more and more dilapidated, and the blood essence that could not be absorbed by Xu Miao's body began to spill out.Xu Miao's whole body seemed to be twisted, beaten, and pulled, and the pain was beyond words.

He gritted his teeth tightly, and told himself that he must not give up, that Shui Mei's blood essence has not been found, and the organizers have not been exposed, so he cannot just die.

At this moment, Xu Miao broke out with the strongest will to fight against the blood.He knew very well that with his current physical condition, it was absolutely impossible to receive so much blood essence.

The only way is to use the power of the monk's blood essence to attack the late Nascent Soul and even transform into a god.Only by improving the cultivation base can the meridians be broadened and the body's tolerance to external blood essence can be increased.

(End of this chapter)

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