Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 477 Breakthrough Late Stage

Chapter 477 Breakthrough Late Stage
Xu Miao's eyes were red, the Nascent Soul in the dantian sat up cross-legged, the spiritual power near the Nascent Soul was running to the extreme, and began to promote the cultivation base to attack the late Nascent Soul.

It has not been long since he broke through from the early stage of Nascent Soul to the mid-stage of Nascent Soul, and Xu Miao has been troubled by various things, so he has never had enough time to consolidate his cultivation.

Now Xu Miao's Nascent Soul mid-stage realm is still stabilized by relying on life-and-death battles one after another.But in terms of state of mind and comprehension of "Tao", Xu Miao was not satisfied.

Although compared with ordinary monks, Xu Miao's state of mind is sufficient.However, Xu Miao has always been strict with herself, and will never allow perfunctory duties.

Therefore, Xu Miao's original plan was to return to the remote plane with Shui Mei after finding the so-called "Fang Yu".In Heqing Valley, practice in closed doors.

Firstly, he can stabilize his current state, and secondly, He Qinggu has just settled down on the mountain gate, and has not yet established a firm foothold.With Xu Miao in charge, he can suppress other sects and family forces, killing two birds with one stone.

People are not as good as God, and plans cannot keep up with changes.All Xu Miao's plans collapsed at this moment.Under the current circumstances, Xu Miao had no other choice but to temporarily give up the comprehension of the state of mind and forcibly raise the level of cultivation.

The powerful spiritual power contained in the monk's blood was like surging waves, constantly hitting Xu Miao's body.Xu Miao's body was already riddled with holes, and she was on the verge of death, and would die at any moment.

Xu Miao stood out of thin air, her limbs drooping naturally, and her whole body was shrouded in a strange crimson light.This light is formed by the monk's blood essence.The Nascent Soul in the dantian quickly pinched the seal and began to forcibly improve his cultivation.

Under the guidance of Yuanying, the meridians began to repair and strengthen quickly, and the bones, organs, and muscles were constantly being destroyed, and the cycle of repair went on and on.

All of Xu Miao's energy was devoted to improving her cultivation, and she didn't know anything about what happened outside.Xiaotian sent Shui San out of the Huntian Stone, and asked Shui San to protect Xu Miao.

Even Xu Miao didn't know what Shui San's real strength was.But Xiaotian knew very well that when Xu Miao was in a life-and-death crisis, Shui San would definitely explode with strength stronger than anyone else in this plane.

Xu Miao has become numb after suffering from pain for a long time.He felt that the pain was nothing more than scratching an itch and had no effect on him.The most painful thing for Xu Miao was the situation of Shui Mei.

Xu Miao found Shui Mei's blood essence in the endless assault of blood essence.It seems that Shui Mei's blood essence is familiar with Xu Miao, unlike the violent attack of other monks' blood essence, Shui Mei's blood essence is very gentle.

Just like Shui Mei, she gently strokes the meridians in Xu Miao's body.Xu Miao's heart throbbed violently. Enduring the pain, he slowly pulled out the blood essence and put it into his heart.

A monk's heart can only hold his own blood. If blood from a foreign monk is forcibly added, it will put a huge burden on the heart.When Xu Miao fused dragon blood before, she suffered a lot of torture.

Compared with the last dragon blood fusion, Xu Miao has absolute faith.He must put Shuimei's blood essence into his heart, only his heart is the best place to protect Shuimei's blood essence.

Xu Miao has already figured it out. When he leaves this place alive, he will find a way to make Shuimei come back to life.No matter how difficult it is, he will do it.

At this time, the heart showed an unprecedented sense of repulsion due to the impact of various monks' blood essence.The heart kept beating to avoid the blood essence of Shui Mei.

Xu Miao vigorously raised her right hand and pointed to her heart, and her heart paused for an instant.Xu Miao seized this opportunity and sent Shuimei's essence and blood into her heart.

After solving this matter, Xu Miao felt relieved.The Nascent Soul in the dantian is progressing smoothly, and his single-different dual-spiritual roots have played the greatest role at this time.With the help of two kinds of spiritual roots, he absorbed a large amount of blood essence from Fang Yu.

As long as Xu Miao doesn't take the initiative to stop, the single different double spiritual roots will drive the meridians and continuously absorb the essence and blood.The objects in the dantian began to gradually change, and the scope of the blue sea expanded again, becoming more vast and boundless.

The red sun in the blue sky showed more dazzling light than before, and the clear brilliance of the bright moon was also brighter than before.The originally dim stars were not at all captured by the red sun and bright moon, shining in the blue sky, exuding a powerful coercion.

"Boom——" Xu Miao's cultivation was successfully promoted to the late Nascent Soul stage. Now the speed of repairing various parts of the body can compete with the speed of destruction, ensuring that Xu Miao will not die under the impact of blood essence.

It's just that the speed is different, and there is no guarantee that Xu Miao will be able to survive.He had to make the speed of repair faster than the speed of destruction, so that he could absorb all the essence and blood into his body.

Xu Miao is still focused on improving her cultivation. Since she is underground, she doesn't know how long the outside world has spent.Xu Miao's cultivation was finally promoted by him to the Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul, so that he could withstand the blood of hundreds of monks.

If it weren't for the dragon power, the golden dragon would protect Xu Miao's body together, and Xu Miao would have been shocked and turned into a dead person when he first came into contact with the monk's essence and blood.

Xu Miao's breath gradually stabilized, her spiritual power was no longer agitated, and she completely recovered her calm.He slowly opened his eyes, reflecting the ice wall next to him, he found that the present self and the past self had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xu Miao's hair was black before, but now she has fiery red hair, and there is a red mark on her cheek, which looks very hideous and frightening.Not only that, but the color of his pupils also changed from black to red.

The whole person, as if he had practiced magic skills, became evil and arrogant, and had the desire and impulse to kill anytime, anywhere.Xu Miao looked at herself inside the ice wall, raised the corners of her mouth, and showed a very cruel smile.

His cultivation level is now at the late stage of Dzogchen, and he is only one step away from becoming a god.If Xu Miao is willing, he can even advance to become a god right now.

However, he suppressed this urge to improve his cultivation too quickly, which is not a good thing.He looked at the ice coffin in front of him, except for the monk who was opened to suck the blood, the other monks in the ice coffin seemed to be asleep and did not respond at all.

Xu Miao looked at these monks, clamoring in her heart to kill them.His water charm is dead, why are these monks still alive?When Xu Miao didn't realize it, he raised his hand and was about to strike the ice coffin closest to him.

"Xu Miao! You're crazy!" Xiaotian's voice appeared in time, calling back Xu Miao's reason.Xu Miao's appearance just now, even though Xiaotian has seen too many people, he has never seen such tyranny as Xu Miao just now.

Just one glance at that kind of eyes will tear your liver and gallbladder, and you will not be able to think of running away again.Xu Miao looked at Fang Yu who was still floating aside, and poured the low-level blood essence that he had excluded into it.

He will not destroy this square jade just yet, he needs to use this square jade to find the person behind the scenes, kill him, and avenge Shui Mei.

At this time, the planners deep in the ground clearly saw Fang Yu's blood essence, which was completely absorbed by the middle-stage Nascent Soul monk, and also helped him become a late-stage Dzogchen.

This made the organizer gnash his teeth. If it wasn't for the physical confinement, he would definitely rush out of here and tear Xu Miao's body to pieces.A Xu Miao, a planner, had the same idea of ​​killing each other for different reasons.

If the planner wants to control Fang Yu, he needs to use spiritual power to control it.Whenever there is a trace of spiritual power, Xu Miao can follow the direction of the spiritual power to find the location of the organizer.

When the organizer found out what Xu Miao had done, he immediately cut off his contact with Fang Yu.But it was too late, Xu Miao had already discovered the real location of the organizer.

An ice door appeared in front of Xu Miao, and when he opened it, he could see his enemy.Xu Miao raised her hand, and the spiritual power that belonged to the Dzogchen monks in the later period was immediately collected in her hand.

Different from Xu Miao's blue spiritual power before, the spiritual power in Xu Miao's hands at this moment is all dazzling blood red.His spiritual power was originally obtained by relying on hundreds of monks.

The prohibition on the ice gate, because of the past many years, has long lost its original strength.Under Xu Miao's bombardment, it completely dissipated into the air.Xu Miao pushed lightly, and saw a red-haired man in red clothes, sitting in the middle of Tai Chi Eight Diagrams.

This is the organizer who manipulated Fang Yu to suck the blood of Shui Mei away!Xu Miao walked slowly step by step, but with each step, the violent killing intent in Xu Miao's body would increase by one point.

The man raised his head: "It's really gratifying that the descendants of monks can break through my design and come here." Although the man said this, his tone did not have the slightest gratification.

No one would be happy to be interrupted by someone who has been interrupting a complex situation that has been laid out over the years.Xu Miao squatted down and raised the man's chin with her hand: "Are you relieved?"

Xu Miao directly used her right hand to crush the man's mandible.The man snorted and looked straight at Xu Miao: "Cultivator of the next generation, do you think that you will succeed if you get my blood essence?"

"You are too naive to absorb blood essence that does not belong to you without authorization. Sooner or later, you will be confused by these blood essence and become a murderous maniac who only craves blood! Hahahaha!" The man is not afraid of Xu Miao, who is full of killing intent eyes, looking up to the sky and smiling.

Xu Miao's expression didn't fluctuate at all, and she threw the man's chin away in disgust: "A murderer? Just like you? Was he locked up in this dark underground?"

"I'm not you, and I won't have such an ending!" Xu Miao stepped on the man's hand that was hanging on the ground, crushing it mercilessly with spiritual power.Introducing so many monks into the game, just to absorb the blood of the monks, and killed Xu Miao's beloved woman, Xu Miao will not let this real murderer go.

(End of this chapter)

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