Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 478 Blood Demon Art

Chapter 478 Blood Demon Art
While talking, Xu Miao observed the man's strength.During the heyday of this man, Xu Miao reckoned that he had at least the ability to fit together, or even Mahayana.

However, after being imprisoned in the earth-space plane for hundreds of thousands of years, after wearing down the restraint on the man, there is not much left.Xu Miao's spiritual sense directly swept over it, and found that the other party was only at the cultivation level of the transformation stage.

"The stage of transformation?" Xu Miao looked at the man with a half-smile, and asked a question that didn't need to be answered.Hearing this sentence, the man suddenly reacted strongly. He raised his hand, and the iron chains that bound his hand made a clanging sound.

"What about the stage of transformation, even if I only have this little strength left, it's still enough to crush you!" The man was hoarse, like a hungry wolf that had been trapped for many years, he just wanted to pounce on Xu Miao.

Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth, and said with sarcasm: "It's just the stage of becoming a god, what right do you have to be so arrogant in front of me! I will torture you slowly, not let you die so simply, and make you regret living In this world."

"You are just a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul, what qualifications do you have to challenge me, a monk who transforms spirits!" The man was still full of confidence, and he didn't think Xu Miao could do anything to him at all.

Xu Miao didn't continue to explain to the man. For this kind of man who was about to die, Xu Miao didn't want to say much.He didn't act in a hurry, but took out the pinching formula and quickly tapped a few acupuncture points on the other side.

Because monks have spiritual body protection, they can alleviate some pain levels.Xu Miao's move just now not only reduced the opponent's ability to relieve pain, but also increased the sensitivity of the nerves.

Let a point of pain imposed on him become ten points.Xu Miao smashed all the bones in the man's body with a few snaps.The man was still able to scream at the beginning, but later he couldn't even scream.

"Can't stand it anymore? Don't worry, I still have many ways to make you feel."

Hearing Xu Miao's undisguised killing intent, the man finally showed a trace of fear in his eyes.Xu Miao's words were too calm, but it was this kind of calm that made him feel afraid.

After being locked underground for hundreds of thousands of years, he had already forgotten the feeling of fear, but now he felt fear again in front of this Nascent Soul cultivator.

"You can't kill me, let alone torture me. I've absorbed so much blood from monks. Without my guidance, you'll become a monster who lost your sanity!" The man used this reason again, but this time, his The tone was more flustered.

Xu Miao raised her eyes and glanced at him: "Why do I need your guidance? Just search for your soul directly. It's just the level of a cultivator who transforms spirits, so I can't subdue you?"

Before the words finished, Xu Miao directly put her hand on the man's head, and all the vast spiritual consciousness rushed into the man's sea of ​​consciousness.Xu Miao didn't know the origin of this man and the reason why he was locked up here until now.

This person's name is Kang Jian, he comes from the upper plane of the sky, and he was once the proud son of a large sect, Nanming Sect.However, in order to surpass a more outstanding fellow junior, he chose another path.

This path is magic power.By absorbing the blood essence of other monks, one can increase one's own cultivation.He had never done this kind of thing before, so he did it very secretly, and no one discovered his behavior.

Later, Kang Jian felt the sense of accomplishment from the rapid improvement of his cultivation base from here, so he completely gave up using the previous cultivation methods and practiced magic skills directly.

Just killing one or two people is no longer enough to meet the needs of magic skills.Kang Jian's courage is getting bigger and bigger, and his attacks are getting more and more ruthless.Once, he directly slaughtered several small sects and families.

This incident caused an uproar in the sky plane.Kang Jian's sect, Nanming Sect, also learned of this.As the orthodox sect in the cultivation world, Nanming Sect immediately announced that it would expel Kang Jian from the sect.

Expelled from the sect, Kang Jian became even more unscrupulous, until he killed the heir of a wealthy family.In a fit of rage, the aristocratic family issued a large sum of money to kill Kang Jian.

At that time, Kang Jian became a street mouse, and everyone shouted and beat him.However, Kang Jian possessed magic skills, and many monks who came to chase him were killed by Kang Jian, and finally returned in defeat.

Later, several Mahayana monks joined forces to capture Kang Jian.Originally, he wanted to abolish Kang Jian's cultivation base, but because of the weirdness of Kang Jian's exercises, abolishing it rashly would affect the cultivation base of the person who abolished it.

Therefore, after several people discussed, Kang Jian was imprisoned in the ground-space plane.With the help of the laws of heaven and earth on the Earth-space plane, health is completely trapped underground on the Earth-space plane.

It's just that these few Mahayana monks had calculated thousands of times back then, and they didn't calculate that the life span of the earth-space plane would reach the limit.The law of heaven and earth on the earth-space plane also shakes because of this, giving health a chance.

Taking advantage of this, Kang Jian sent a message through a special method, telling the monks in the remote plane that the plane of Earth and Space was about to collapse, and the secrets about the "immortal world" in the plane would also be wiped out.

Therefore, monks in the remote plane would think of invading the Earth-space plane and search for this "immortal world" secret on the Earth-space plane.In order to quickly occupy the ground-space plane, they found the Mummy King and launched the Mummy Transformation.

Except that the Earth-space plane had indeed reached its limit and was about to collapse, all other information was deliberately disseminated by Kang Jian in order to get the attention of monks from the remote plane.

In addition, in order to increase the success of this trip, Kang Jian also persuaded several monks who turned into spirits, telling them that he needed some of the blood of the monks to help him recover as soon as possible.

It wasn't until this time that Xu Miao finally figured out the matter.With his own selfishness, Kang Jian stirred up such a great disaster, and caused countless monks to die. Not killing them would not be enough to calm the anger in Xu Miao's heart.

Xu Miao withdrew her consciousness and looked at Kang Jian coldly.Without Xu Miao's consciousness, Kang Jian also recovered his clarity. When he realized it, he realized that Xu Miao knew all his secrets, including the magic book.

The magic art practiced by Kang Jian is called "Blood Demon Art".The cultivator who wrote this exercise was trapped in a realm bottleneck and could not break through for a long time, so he created this exercise on a whim.

This cultivator also mentioned at the end of "Blood Demon Art" that once he practiced this exercise, he would become addicted, having a strong desire for the monk's blood essence, and it would also change the practitioner's temperament drastically.

The monk who created this exercise also died of madness in the end.Although Kang Jian did not die from madness, he lived a life that was more painful than death.

Xu Miao continued to torture Kang Jian before setting up a formation.This formation will replace Xu Miao and continue to torture Kang Jian.As long as the ground-space plane does not collapse, this formation will continue.

The principle of the array is to absorb healthy blood to provide the driving force of the array, thereby attacking health.Repeatedly, it can definitely make Kang Jian want to commit suicide immediately.

In order to keep Kang Jian alive, Xu Miao also set up a pill in the formation.As long as Kang Jian's physical condition reaches the set limit, the formation will take the initiative to take the pill for Kang Jian, and continue to torture him when his injury improves.

After the array was set up, Xu Miao stood aside to check the effect of the array.Although Kang Jian was trapped before, he was simply trapped.Now there is an extra layer of torture, which really makes his life worse than death.

Kang Jian gave up the dignity of a monk on the upper plane, and begged for mercy in a low voice: "Please let me go, I can do anything for you. I can also help you find monks and let you absorb their blood essence !"

When Xu Miao heard this, she didn't even move her eyebrows, she just watched Kang Jian being tortured by the formation.In the end, Kang Jian's begging for mercy has become: "Please kill me, kill me, I don't want to live anymore."

"Kill you? Don't think about it, you just live in despair. Of course, you still have one hope, and that is to pray for the ground-space plane to collapse as soon as possible. At that time, you will be able to die together with the ground-space plane."

After finishing speaking, Xu Miao turned and left without looking back, leaving only Kang Jian's desperate wailing.With a healthy memory, Xu Miao knew exactly how to leave.

He returned to the place where the ice coffin was before, released all the monks, and changed his appearance to mix among them.Fang Yu was also thrown aside by him. After several monks found out, another battle broke out.

At this time, Xu Miao was no longer interested in snatching anything, but was just waiting for the arrival of the cultivator who transformed the spirit.He remembered very clearly the names of those cultivators who had conspired with Kang Jian, and he wanted to find them out one by one and kill them to avenge his water charm.

When An Xitong saw Xu Miao again, she felt that Xu Miao had become quite decadent.What made her even more strange was that Shui Mei, who had always been inseparable from Xu Miao, disappeared without a trace.

The search for Fang Yu this time was not completely safe, and many monks died underground, among them Xu Miao's Taoist companion Shui Mei Zhenjun.

An Xitong took a deep breath and walked to Xu Miao's side: "Xu Miao, I know you're very sad, but the matter of Master Shuimei—" Before An Xitong finished speaking, Xu Miao turned her head suddenly To see him.

The once black and white eyes became scarlet and unfamiliar, which made An Xitong swallow the next words.Xu Miao narrowed her eyes: "You'd better stay away from me, get out!"

Xu Miao's words were not polite at all, and the killing intent in the words was not hidden at all, which directly made An Xitong take a few steps back in fright.However, she didn't give up, she just stood quietly behind Xu Miao, watching Xu Miao's back quietly.

"Xu Miao, An Xitong has been watching you." Qing Jiao's voice sounded, Xu Miao didn't even stop, and continued to walk forward in the direction of the flow of people.

What An Xitong wants has nothing to do with him, he has more important things to do, and he has no time to play around with An Xitong.

(End of this chapter)

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