Chapter 479

"There is a breakdown in the channel of the teleportation plane. All Nascent Soul cultivators will stay on the Earth-space plane for the time being. After the teleportation channel is repaired, we will transmit again!" A cultivator who transformed himself appeared in the air and notified the Nascent Soul cultivator here.

The Nascent Soul cultivator heard the words, and everyone was in an uproar, but the Nascent Soul cultivator was the Nascent Soul cultivator, and after a short period of worry, he calmed down.The transmission channel of the plane did not exist in the first place, and now there is a fault, just wait until the fault is rectified.

A group of people waited in twos and threes, randomly looking for a seat to sit down.Xu Miao glanced at the teleportation channel. He didn't know the teleportation channel of the plane, so he didn't know whether there was a problem with the teleportation channel, or it was just an excuse for the cultivator of Huashen.

After all, Kang Jian also agreed to generous conditions for several monks who turned into gods. It is very strange that these Nascent Soul monks who were supposed to be sacrifices came out of the ground intact.

Fang Yu, which Xu Miao casually threw out, had already been handed over to the Huashen monk by a certain Nascent Soul monk.This mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator's face is full of joy, the future is going to be smooth, how can he be unhappy.

Many Nascent Soul monks are jealous of this person, but not many people care why they leave the ground.

"Xiaotian, do you understand the transmission channel of the plane?" Xu Miao doesn't understand the transmission channel, so Xiaotian doesn't necessarily understand it.But this time Xiaotian couldn't answer Xu Miao's question. She only used the channel with the previous owner, and didn't study the channel.

Instead, Qingjiao spoke and introduced the transmission channel to Xu Miao.Qingjiao once came to the earth-space plane from the Demon Realm, and it was through the plane transmission channel.Following Qing Jiao's instructions, Xu Miao walked to the side of the transmission channel seemingly casually, so that Qing Jiao could observe.

"There is indeed a problem with this transmission channel, but this problem is not caused by too many transmissions, but because a certain component has been artificially destroyed, causing the channel to malfunction."

When Qingjiao said this, Xu Miao also knew what the cultivator of Huashen was thinking.They didn't find Kang Jian, and saw that most of the Nascent Soul monks survived, which was completely different from what was agreed before.

Therefore, one of the cultivators who promised to do things for Kang Jian destroyed the transmission channel while the other cultivators were not paying attention.This deity cultivator is the one who built the transmission channel, and checking the transmission channel is also his job.

As long as he said that it would take some time to repair the channel, all the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods could only wait.After getting the correct answer, Xu Miao didn't waste any more time here.

He once promised Xie Ling'an that he would go to the Ning'er Mountains and pay homage to a monk's tomb for him.The Ning'er Mountains are not far from the teleportation channel of this plane. Xu Miao can go and return quickly, so that he can return when the channel opens.

In order to be sure, Xu Miao left Shui San here and told him to notify him immediately once the passage was opened.After explaining, Xu Miao carefully left everyone's sight and flew to the Ning'er Mountains.

After arriving at the Ning'er Mountains, Xu Miao took out the scroll that Xie Ling'an had given him.Xu Miao was in the air, overlooking the entire Ning'er Mountain Range from the air, only to find that the picture on the scroll was the Ning'er Mountain Range.

He saw the tomb that was highlighted on the scroll at a glance. After carefully identifying the direction, Xu Miao quickly flew towards the location of the tomb.When he came to the location indicated on the scroll, he found that there was no trace of a tomb at all.

Xu Miao spread her consciousness and searched all the surrounding conditions, but still couldn't find anything related to the tomb.Judging from the time, Xie Ling'an was a cultivator who transformed himself into a god ten thousand years ago.

Ten thousand years is not a very long time in the cultivation world, but it is also not a short time.Some things will undergo earth-shaking changes within a hundred years, let alone ten thousand years.

Xu Miao called out Xie Ling'an's avatar hidden in the scroll and told him about it.Xie Ling'an was not in a hurry to find the grave, but took a look at Xu Miao with great interest: "It's been a long time since I saw him. The monks who were in the early stage of Jindan back then are now in the late stage of Dzogchen."

"Tsk tsk tsk, there are really talented people from all over the world, each leading the way for hundreds of years, and I, the former cultivator of transforming gods, will also withdraw from the stage of history." Xu Miao did not respond to Xie Lingan's praise. It was exchanged for the life of the water charm.

If he had a choice, he would rather remain a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator than a late Dzogchen cultivator.Xu Miao avoided talking about it, but said, "Can you find the exact location of the tomb?"

Xie Ling'an was silent for a moment, then walked to the original position of the tomb, the clone exuded strong spiritual power, and his body almost became transparent.

"The tomb is still there, just under here, you help me dig it out." The spiritual power gradually dissipated, and Xie Ling'an's body also returned to its original state.As a result, Xu Miao was faced with digging the ground again, which reminded him of the bad experience before.

But since Xu Miao promised Xie Ling'an to find the grave, then he would do it.With the strength of Xu Miao Yuanying's late stage, digging the ground under his feet is really too easy.

Xu Miao raised her hand, and the scarlet spiritual power immediately condensed in his palm.As long as Xu Miao uses her spiritual power, endless killing desire and tyranny will be born in her heart.

Xie Ling'an noticed that Xu Miao was different from what he saw almost instantly. At that time, Xu Miao had clear spiritual power and exuded a pure aura.Now it has become so bloody and violent, which is definitely not a good thing for monks.

"Xu Miao, what's the matter with your spiritual power? If you look like this, it will be more difficult for you to become a god in the future than ordinary monks." Xie Ling'an's tone implied worry about the younger generation.

When Xu Miao heard this, a self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Even if I am not like this, the catastrophe will not be easy." Xu Miao obviously did not want to mention this matter, her right hand was turned downwards, and the soil under her feet was covered with dust while breathing. Blast away.

Xu Miao and Xie Ling'an's extension appeared in a circular quaint tomb. There was a tombstone erected in front of the tomb, but there was no writing on the tombstone.

Xie Ling'an's expression became very heavy and sad the moment he saw the tombstone.Xu Miao stood aside and looked in the direction of the teleportation plane channel.

"Master, cultivator Huashen is instructing all Nascent Soul cultivators to start looking for Kang Jian." Shui San's voice transmission informed Xu Miao of the situation in time.Xu Miao ordered Shui San to mix in the crowd and pretend to be looking for it, but don't worry about the rest.

Those cultivators who transform the gods really don't give up, but they will never find health.In order to imprison Kang Jia completely, those Mahayana monks specially set up formations to completely hide Kang Jian's location.

If Xu Miao hadn't used the spiritual power left by Kang Jian on Fang Yu to track backwards and break the formation, he would not have been able to find Kang Jian's trace.

When Xu Miao left, she re-fortified and arranged a new formation.Even if these monks turn the plane of earth and space upside down, they will not find health.Xu Miao said that if Kang Jian was to die in pain and despair, he would not be allowed to leave the captivity alive.

Xie Lingan's expression had returned to normal. He walked up to Xu Miao and said, "You have done me a great favor. If you need any reward, just ask."

Xu Miao glanced at Xie Ling'an expressionlessly, and now he is the Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul, and is no longer the weak Golden Core cultivator.It is only one step away from the realm of transforming gods.Xu Miao can be sure that this step will not take too much time.

He shook his head: "You once taught me the Wallless Style, which can be regarded as a reward, and there is no need to pay any more." If Xie Ling'an's real body was here, Xu Miao might ask for hard currency such as spirit stones.

After all, He Qinggu is a big sect, and if it wants to develop in the future, spirit stones cannot be obtained.But now Xie Ling'an is just a doppelganger, it is not too much to say that he is penniless, and Xu Miao has no interest in asking for any reward.

"Wait, wait! I, Xie Ling'an, said that I would give you a reward, so I must never break my word!" Xie Ling'an rubbed his chin, and said, "Your current physical condition must have absorbed a large amount of monk's blood. "

When Xu Miao heard this, her eyes suddenly became fierce.The matter of absorbing the blood essence of the monks must not be exposed, otherwise those monks who transform the spirit will definitely make trouble for him.

Xie Ling'an saw Xu Miao's complexion suddenly changed, and quickly added: "Don't worry, I also had a friend who absorbed a lot of monks' blood, and I knew it was similar to your situation. Ordinary monks saw your situation, It's just strange, and I don't know the reason."

Although Xie Ling'an explained in time, Xu Miao's complexion did not change.Xie Ling'an didn't care either, and continued: "As a reward, I can teach you a mantra for purifying the heart."

"Absorbing a large amount of monk's blood essence will have an impact on your xinxing. Over time, you will become a murderous maniac. However, this heart-purifying curse is only a temporary solution, not a permanent cure, and cannot completely offset the influence of the monk's blood essence on you. "

Xu Miao calmed down, he knew that the mood changes just now were too fast.This was absolutely impossible before.It was precisely because of the monk's essence and blood that his emotions fluctuated violently.

"I'll teach you the Purifying Mantra first. This Purifying Mantra can also purify your spiritual power. Of course, it's also a superficial effort. At least when you use your spiritual power, you can avoid showing scarlet."

After Xie Ling'an finished speaking, he closed his eyes and made a gesture with his hands. A white light left from Xie Ling'an's body, flew to Xu Miao's side, and immediately fell into Xu Miao's mind.

The exercises of the Qingxin Mantra appeared in Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness at the same time. Xu Miao browsed through the formulas of the exercises, and it really had a calming effect.However, it was the same as what Xie Ling'an himself said, it was just treating the symptoms, not the root cause.

"If you want to completely eliminate the influence of the monk's blood essence on you, I'm afraid you need to go to the Yintai sect."

(End of this chapter)

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