Chapter 481
At this moment, Xu Miao didn't hide her cultivation anymore, and the prestige of Dzogchen in the late stage of Yuanying was fully displayed, which directly made the sneak attacker so frightened that his legs went limp.This person looked at Xu Miao tremblingly, his mouth murmured for a long time, but he didn't say a complete sentence.

"It's courageous to attack me, He Qinggu! Who gave you the courage and guts?" Xu Miao reached out and lifted the attacker's chin. This person didn't dare to face Xu Miao at all, his eyes were tightly closed, His body couldn't stop shaking.

With her right hand, Xu Miao directly crushed the man's jaw, and threw her hand aside.He looked up again at the group of monks in front of him. There were quite a few monks, from the early stage to the late stage, basically all of them.

Some monks among these people were obviously afraid, and when they saw Xu Miao appearing, they wanted to turn around and leave immediately.In the battle for the transfer order that day, Xu Miao, at the mid-stage Nascent Soul, faced the siege of more than a dozen late-stage monks without panicking.

In the end, more than half of the monks were counter-killed and sent out of the space, and the remaining late-stage monks in stock were all scattered.Even in the face of Gao Jian, a late-stage monk from Qianyangmen, the strongest sect in Zhonglu, Xu Miao was not inferior, and also sent Gao Jian out of the space.

Such a glorious record has already left a deep impression on the hearts of all monks.They dared to come at this time because they were sure that Xu Miao would not leave the customs.

But it never occurred to him that Xu Miao would leave the seclusion at this time, even more terrifying than him before the seclusion, and directly advance to the late Dzogchen.

When Xu Miao was still in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, she was no longer afraid of late monks.Now that Xu Miao is in the late stage of Dzogchen, I am afraid that all Nascent Soul monks will no longer be Xu Miao's opponents.

"Real Wuyang, this person's name is Xu Miao, he is powerful, he is almost the strongest monk in the earth-space plane, and we are probably not his opponent."

Daoist Wuyang came from the Hezhangmen of the remote plane.This time, he was invited to deal with He Qinggu with some forces from the Earth-Space Plane, because he was interested in Xu Miao.

After many fights between the monks of the remote plane and the monks of the remote plane, a truth has been established in the cultivation world-the average level of the monks of the remote plane is indeed inferior to that of the monks of the remote plane.

Whether it is Zhang Ya from Qianyangmen, Xie Xiu from Jingyangzong, etc., when they fight against monks from remote planes, without exception, they all win less and lose more.

Therefore, Master Wuyang became very interested in Xu Miao, who had killed more than a dozen late-stage monks with his mid-term strength.If he could kill the rumored strongest person in the Earth-space plane, then the monks in the Earth-space plane would be completely trampled under the feet of Earth-space plane.

Master Wu Yang took a thousand steps, with an expression on his face that didn't take him seriously: "I heard that you are Xu Miao?"

"Didn't the dog next to you tell you? I don't know. Apart from stupidity, the monks on the remote plane also have bad ears. When you die, you don’t know how to die.”

For monks with malicious intentions, Xu Miao would not care whether the other party was from the remote plane or the space plane, and would fight back.In terms of words, Xu Miao never suffers.

Master Wuyang was very dissatisfied when he heard the gun and stick in Xu Miao's words, and his face immediately sank.When I was about to say something to refute, I was interrupted by Xu Miao: "What? What I said about your bad ears, are you angry?"

"Don't be angry, I haven't said anything else about you yet, save your anger and don't rush to vent it." Xu Miao rolled her eyes, and did not hide her contempt and sarcasm at all.

As a late-stage great monk in the remote plane, Wu Yang said angrily, "Zhu Zi is arrogant! Today, I will teach you a lesson and let you know that this is the place where you are born." The secluded plane is not the plane of earth and space, so you cannot be presumptuous!"

Before the words fell, Master Wuyang immediately raised his hand and summoned countless boulders, which quickly fell towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao remained expressionless, and sent Yang Lin to Lu Zhou's side with her backhand. At the same time, she raised her foot and kicked the attacker in front of her into the air to block the falling rocks.

Before the boulder fell on Xu Miao and caused damage to Xu Miao, the attacker was seriously injured.Real Wuyang is a late-stage cultivator, and the sneak attack is only in the early stage of Yuanying, how can he be the opponent of real Wuyang.

Coupled with the fact that Xu Miao was behind the scenes and sent this person directly to the front, it was expected that he would be seriously injured.Xu Miao retracted her five fingers, and the attacker quickly returned to Xu Miao's side.

Xu Miao used this person as a shield, constantly controlling him to block the rapidly falling boulder.The monk was able to scream at first, but later on, he didn't even have the strength to scream.

His spiritual power couldn't stop Wuyang's attack at all, and he regretted it so much that he had no choice but to beg for mercy.The meridians and bones of this monk's body were completely shattered under the bombardment of falling rocks.

After Xu Miao was sure to exhaust all the spiritual power of this person, she threw her hands at Master Wuyang.This time, Xu Miao didn't just throw it away, but used this person as a weapon.

If Master Wuyang connects easily, he will definitely be attacked by his spiritual power. If he does not connect, it will also affect other people.Master Wuyang is used to arrogance. When he saw the monk Xu Miao threw, he immediately took it.

When he saw Xu Miao's half-smile look, he realized that he hadn't picked it up at the wrong time, and was about to let go but it was already too late.This cultivator's body was infused with bursting spiritual power by Xu Miao, and it detonated the moment the real Wuyang took over, directly wounding the real Wuyang.

Master Wuyang never expected that this Xu Miao would give him such a big loss just after the fight.His face was gloomy like the sky hit by a torrential rain: "Okay, very good, you dare to hurt me, I will make you pay the price!"

Xu Miao didn't even bother to give him a straight look: "Some things have to be done by doing, not by talking. Once you shut your mouth, you want me to pay the price? A three-year-old child wouldn't do that."

"What's more, your tongue is not very sharp, it's just ridiculously stupid." The attack of the real Wuyang has arrived, and Xu Miao raised his hand calmly to block it.

In Xu Miao's view, this real Wuyang is not his opponent at all, and he doesn't even need to appear with the Ningwu Sword to finish him off.The reason why Xu Miao didn't get rid of the real Wuyang for so long was to put pressure on other bystanders.

Let them weigh their own weight when they want to deal with He Qinggu in the future, whether they have the strength to be the best against him, whether they have the capital to bear his anger.

Previously, he only used falling rocks to attack, and Master Wuyang didn't think Xu Miao was so powerful.Now that the spiritual power of the two collided together, Wu Yang really knew how terrifying the other was.

Master Wuyang had exerted all his strength, and the sweat was streaming down his forehead, but Xu Miao didn't even frown.Xu Miao's spiritual power is as deep as the sea, compared with his own spiritual power, it's like a small stream, there is a world of difference.

"Aren't you very arrogant? Aren't you very tough? It's just this level, you can't stand it? Hehe - a monk in a remote plane is nothing more than that." Xu Miao's tone was full of sarcasm, and her expression was completely Total contempt.

Master Wuyang looked at Xu Miao in front of him, and when he heard Xu Miao's words, he was furious in his heart, and wanted to teach Xu Miao a lesson so that he could never speak again.But he found that he couldn't suppress Xu Miao at all.

On the other hand, Xu Miao was able to suppress him so that he couldn't move with just raising his hand.Master Wuyang roared and summoned a spirit beast.This is an eighth-level spirit beast, and it is also his biggest trump card for coming here.

The strength of the eighth-level spirit beast on the remote plane is much stronger than the eighth-level spirit beast on the earth-space plane.He firmly believed that Xu Miao could not resist two attacks at the same time.

Xu Miao sneered: "The eighth-level spirit beast, you are so naive! Let me tell you, even if you take out the ninth-level spirit beast, you can't do anything to me!" The breath of the little phoenix burst out in an instant, and the eighth-level spirit beast was shot directly. The super spirit beast shivered under suppression.

Master Wuyang turned pale with shock. This is impossible. This eighth-level spirit beast is the most ferocious spirit beast. After following him, as long as it is released, it can instantly change the battle situation. Why is it useless today.

Xu Miao suppressed the spirit beast with one hand, clamped Wuyang's neck with the other, and tilted her head: "I really want to kill you today. Do you think I should kill you or your spirit beast?"

As soon as these words came out, the tyranny around Xu Miao was no longer suppressed, and she rushed out directly, extinguishing the last sliver of luck of Master Wuyang.Master Wuyang trembled: "Kill, kill that spirit beast!"

Xu Miao nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, I like you who can see the situation clearly." After saying that, Xu Miao let go of the hands that clamped the opponent's neck.

An eighth-level spirit beast, such a good spirit beast, how could it be killed like this.Not surprisingly, Xu Miao saw anger and sadness in the eyes of the eighth-level spirit beast. What could be more angry than being abandoned by his master?

Xu Miao walked up to the eighth-level spirit beast and said condescendingly, "Follow me, and I can guarantee your life." The eighth-level spirit beast was first abandoned by its owner, and then Xu Miao promised that it agreed without the slightest hesitation. .

The eighth-level spirit beast lowered its head and respectfully said, "Meet the master." Upon seeing this, Master Wuyang's face was ashamed.If he could grit his teeth and resist desperately when Xu Miao threatened him, he wouldn't watch his spirit beast become someone else's spirit beast.

"Master Wuyang, why don't you cancel your contract?" Xu Miao said indifferently, but Master Wuyang knew very well that if he hesitated or slowed down, he would be killed by Xu Miao immediately.

Master Wuyang quickly made a formula to erase the previous contract, and Xu Miao quickly concluded a new contract: "Lu Zhou, bring him back to the sect as a guardian spirit beast."

Although the Huoyan Spirit Demon is of a higher level, it is not convenient to show up at any time.This eighth-level spirit beast is different, it can show up at any time to deal with the invading enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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