Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 482 Lingjing Temple

Chapter 482 Lingjing Temple

Master Wuyang went to He Qinggu this time, he completely lost his wife and lost his army, he didn't teach Xu Miao a lesson, and even "gifted" the eighth-level spirit beast in his hand to Xu Miao.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Xu Miao looked up at the tangled and painful real Wuyang.

Master Wuyang kept slandering in his heart - of course there is something else!Can you give me back my spirit beast!But these Wuyang real people only dare to think in their hearts, he absolutely dare not say these things in front of Xu Miao.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're busy, you're busy!" Wu Yang changed his previous arrogance and became very flattering.Master Wuyang is also good at calculating in Hezhangmen, he spends his time every day to build various relationships.

The most important thing is to know how to talk to people and talk to ghosts.Now that he has kicked the iron plate of Xu Miao, he naturally knows what he should do.After Master Wuyang finished speaking, he turned into a ray of light and left without even wiping off the cold sweat on his forehead.

The most powerful Master Wuyang gathered here has already left, they dare not stay, one by one they are ready to leave directly.Xu Miao looked at the group of monks coldly, and said a word indifferently: "I want to leave, do I agree?"

The monks who were about to leave stopped instantly when they heard Xu Miao's words, and turned around stiffly, with a smile uglier than crying on their faces: "I don't know what advice you can give me?"

Xu Miao straightened her sleeves: "He came to trouble me, He Qinggu, for no reason. Now that I find that there is no way to trouble me, I plan to pat my ass and leave. Isn't your plan too good?"

When a group of monks heard this, everyone frowned.They have heard of Xu Miao's temper and past actions.That's called a wild goose plucking hair, and all those who offend him will obediently offer a considerable amount of compensation in the end.

A monk of the late Yuanying period came out, half bent, with a more modest posture and a more respectful attitude: "50 high-grade spirit stones per person, how about the friendship?"

50 top-grade spirit stones is not a small amount for ordinary monks, but it is not an impossible number for them Nascent Soul monks.

Xu Miao raised her head and looked at the other party with a calm expression, but it directly made the monk feel that he was sent to the snow from the scorching sun, and shivered involuntarily.

"50 top-grade spirit stones? Send the beggars?" Xu Miao glanced at the monks in front of him one by one, "I am a small family in Heqinggu, I can't compare to you, they are all big and big."

"One million fast top-grade spirit stones per person, and all sects who come here will separately offer another 100 million top-grade spirit stones. No bargaining is allowed. I will give you a little time for incense sticks. If you can't get it out, I don't mind coming to you in person. Get it from the sect."

Xu Miao's tone was calm and indifferent, but no one would question the authenticity of what Xu Miao just said.Since Xu Miao said that she couldn't get it out, she would go to the sect to get it, and she would definitely go.

They knew very well what strength Xu Miao was.Xu Miao's attainments in formations have long since reached an appalling level.Deciphering their large formation of the guard faction may be as simple as playing.

These monks didn't dare to have any luck, and quickly gathered together to raise spirit stones.The 100 million high-grade spirit stones per person does not count, and the sects who come here need to produce spirit stones separately.

There is only one stick of incense time, and these Nascent Soul monks can only pay in advance.Xu Miao stood there alone, but no one dared to challenge Xu Miao's authority.

After a stick of incense, the representatives of each sect walked up to Xu Miao and handed Xu Miao the magic weapon for storage with good words.Xu Miao glanced up, and after confirming that the number of spirit stones inside was correct, she waved her hand to let them leave immediately.

With Xu Miao's permission, the group of monks immediately acted like birds and beasts, and quickly left He Qinggu's sphere of influence, not daring to stay, for fear that Xu Miao would suddenly repent and call them back.

All He Qinggu's disciples looked at Xu Miao with admiration. In their hearts, Xu Miao had become He Qinggu's pillar.As long as Xu Miao is there, all the problems the sect encounters will not be a problem.

Xu Miao ignored the reverent gazes of all the disciples. He walked up to Lu Zhou and handed all the magic treasures he had just obtained to Lu Zhou: "The spirit stones inside are used for sect building, and the rules are the same as before."

"Don't let me know, some of you are pocketing your own money." Xu Miao's words made some monks who had ideas immediately kill their ideas in their cradles.

Now that He Qinggu's own strength has improved, and with the previously merged sects, He Qinggu can be regarded as a new large sect.However, this large sect is very fragile. As long as Xu Miao dies, the entire sect will be in trouble.

Xu Miao's help to the sect is limited, and it is impossible to stay in Heqing Valley forever.Therefore, he took advantage of this time to preach directly from the altar.Different from ordinary monks preaching, Xu Miao covered a wide range of aspects.

In addition to cultivation, there are arrays, talismans, pills, and even some special skills, which will be told to all disciples during the sermon.He Qinggu's disciples caused a complete sensation and quickly spread the matter.

Xu Miao set a time limit of 30 days. In the first ten days, he would give explanations, and in the next 20 days, he would answer students' questions in a complex manner.Teachers, in addition to preaching and receiving karma, also need to solve doubts.

The 30 days seemed to be very short, but Xu Miao's explanation left a deep impression on disciple He Qinggu.Countless disciples had an epiphany and improved their cultivation because of Xu Miao's instruction.

Some disciples even started to practice on the spot after Xu Miao finished answering.Instead of stopping them, Xu Miao arranged for monks to protect these monks.

Only when all the disciples of the sect are strong can the sect become truly strong. The 30 days passed quickly, and Xu Miao also ended her sermon.

He Qinggu's affairs are over, he now needs to go to the sect of Buddhism.In the plane of Earth and Space, the largest sect of Buddhist cultivation is the Yintai Sect.In the secluded plane, the largest school of Buddhist cultivation is Lingjing Temple.

Both sects belong to the large Buddhist sects. According to Xie Ling'an, his friend went to the Yintai sect.But the situation at that time was different from the present. The era Xie Lingan lived in was limited to the Earth-space plane.

The era Xu Miao lives in now is the merger of the Earth-Space Plane and the Earth-Remote Plane.Therefore, Xu Miao needs to know the difference between the two sects.The real difference in this kind of sect requires professional personnel to answer.

Xu Miao set her sights on Duobao Pavilion. Xu Miao had already seen the power of Duobao Pavilion when he was in the Earth-Space Plane.No matter which continent, there are Duobaoge stores.

Up to now, Xu Miao has a higher evaluation of the power of Duobao Pavilion.In the secluded plane, Duobao Pavilion is the one with the most influence.Xu Miao speculated that behind the Duobao Pavilion, there should be a monk from the upper plane manipulating it.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to have strength. On any plane, any town has their shops.After Xu Miao changed her face and flew for a while, she came to Jianhe City, a town belonging to the forces of the remote plane.

This town is relatively close to Lingjing Temple, and it is more convenient for the lobby to get news from Lingjing Temple.There are a lot of people in the Duobao Pavilion, so Xu Miao lowered his cultivation base to the level of the early Jindan stage, and entered the Duobao Pavilion without attracting the attention of others.

In the secluded plane, most of the monks in the Jindan stage joined the sect, so Xu Miao asked about the situation of Lingjing Temple, which was not a different kind.The maid in charge of receiving Xu Miao handed Xu Miao a jade slip.

This jade slip recorded the situation of Lingjing Temple in detail, and also mentioned the names and effects of some exercises in Lingjing Temple.Xu Miao was very satisfied with the results of Duobao Pavilion's news, and paid the Lingshi very readily.

Xu Miao put the jade slip on her forehead and immersed herself in her spiritual consciousness.It is mentioned in the Jade Slips that the most important exercise in Lingjing Temple - "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra" has very strict requirements on the monks' xinxing. At the same time, it can purify the monks' minds and reduce all kinds of desires.

When a monk advances, in addition to cultivation, there is also an assessment of state of mind, especially when the big realm is crossed.Although the practice of Buddhism is slow, as long as it happens naturally, generally there will be no problems with the state of mind.

This is also the reason why more and more monks consider joining the Buddhist sect and becoming a Buddhist monk in recent years.Although the word Qingxin is included in the "Pure Heart Mantra" that Xu Miao practiced before, it is more than one level behind the real "Pure Heart Mantra".

Xu Miao made a quick decision and decided to join Lingjing Temple.His luck was very good, just in time for Lingjing Temple to recruit disciples.Unlike other sects, Lingjing Temple has strict requirements on spiritual root for the recruitment of disciples.

He Qinggu, who was from Xu Miao's background, would make him a handyman disciple if he encountered a low-level spiritual root like Wulinggen.Only disciples with four spiritual roots can become outer disciples.

For sects like Qianyangmen and Jingyangzong, ordinary monks with three spiritual roots and double spiritual roots can only become outer disciples.Only a monk with an excellent single spiritual root or a different spiritual root can directly become an inner disciple.

But Lingjing Temple doesn't care about the monk's spiritual talent, but pays more attention to the monk's understanding of Buddha.As long as there is a relationship with the Buddha, even a monk with five spiritual roots can be accepted by Lingjing Temple.

The jade slip also mentioned that there was once a Buddhist cultivator with five spiritual roots, after some training, he directly advanced to transform into a god, and finally ascended to the upper plane.The deeds of this ancestor encouraged many monks who could not enter the ordinary sect to go to Lingjing Temple.

However, Lingjing Temple does not reject all visitors. If you have no destiny with the Buddha, no matter how high your spiritual talent is, even a monk with a single spiritual root may be rejected.

There is another reason why Xu Miao chose Lingjing Temple, that is, Lingjing Temple doesn't care about the origin and identity of the monks.

(End of this chapter)

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