Chapter 483

No matter who the monks who joined Lingjing Temple were, or what sect they came from, Lingjing Temple will not pursue them.For Xu Miao, there is no school more suitable for him than Lingjing Temple.

When Xu Miao came to the registration office of Lingjing Temple, there was already a long queue here.All the monks thought they were standing in a line, quietly waiting for the line to move forward.

When it was Xu Miao's turn, the Buddhist cultivator in charge put his hands together, chanted a Buddhist name in a low voice, and asked, "Why did the benefactor join this temple?"

Xu Miao had already thought of a reason: "For one person." The Buddhist cultivator who asked was obviously surprised, but he quickly reacted and asked Xu Miao to put his hand on the Buddha statue in front of the case.

Xu Miao did as he said, and the Buddha statue seemed to feel something, showing a different red color than before.The monks in front of Xu Miao put their hands on the Buddha statue, either they couldn't make the Buddha statue shine, or they made the Buddha statue glow yellow.

Like Xu Miao, the two Buddhist monks in charge of registration who emit red light have never seen each other before.However, they were instructed that as long as they were monks who could make the Buddha statue shine, they could bring it back to the temple.

Therefore, although Xu Miao's situation is very special, the two Buddhist monks still let Xu Miao stay.There are too many monks who want to join Lingjing Temple, and it is impossible to complete the test in a short time.

Every day at dusk, disciples from Lingjing Temple would come to bring the qualified monks to Lingjing Temple.The flying magic weapon of Lingjing Temple is also different from that of ordinary sects.

Other sects use flying magic weapons like treasure ships. Even the Yintai sect, which is also a Buddhist sect, their flying magic weapons are also treasure ships.But the flying magic weapon of Lingjing Temple is a tattered cattail fan.

Driven by the spiritual power of the disciples of Lingjing Temple, the cattail fan almost swelled in the wind, becoming huge enough to accommodate their group.Among the group of monks that Xu Miao was in, there were those who had the same golden core cultivation as Xu Miao, and there were also monks who had cultivated at the Qi refining stage.

Everyone's face was full of excitement, only Xu Miao was so calm and indifferent.When they arrived at Lingjing Temple, the first thing that caught their eyes was a quaint temple gate, which looked tattered, just like the cattail leaf fan under Xu Miao.

Lingjing Temple seems very strange, everything is tattered.Xu Miao followed the disciple who led the way to Lingjing Temple, and heard the Sanskrit singing to purify people's hearts.Xu Miao's anxious state of mind along the way was immediately relieved.

"All benefactors, please walk this way." The leading disciple led Xu Miao and others, bypassing the disciples who were chanting scriptures in front of the square, and walked to another quaint gate.

A monk in the early Yuanying period stood in front of the gate, waiting for the arrival of Xu Miao and his group of monks.Xu Miao is a Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul, even if he is a cultivator of Huashen, it is difficult to see that he hides his cultivation.

This early Yuanying monk put his hands together and said: "The poor monk Huiyuan is in charge of the last round of the entrance examination. You will enter behind this gate one by one, as long as you can get a stick of sandalwood behind the gate. , you can enter my Lingjing Temple."

"If you can't get the sandalwood, you can only ask the donor where he came from and where he is going back." After speaking, Master Huiyuan chanted the Buddha's name again, turned sideways, and got out of the way.

According to the order, monks enter the gate one by one, and the second monk can only enter after the previous monk comes out of the gate.The first person came out quickly, with obvious joy on his face, and Xu Miao saw that he was holding a stick of sandalwood in his hand.

The monk was quickly picked up by the disciples of Lingjing Temple who were waiting nearby. When the second monk entered, he had to wait for half an hour, but the final result was the same as the first one. root sandalwood.

Xu Miao was completely unable to judge whether he got sandalwood from the time when the monk entered.There is a time to get a cup of tea, and it takes an hour to get it; there is also a cup of tea to leave, and it takes a few hours to come out.

By the time Xu Miao arrived, more than ten days had passed.Xu Miao let out a deep breath and walked into the door.The door closed behind Xu Miao, and the candlesticks in front lit up one by one.

Looking at the lighted candlestick, Xu Miao's first reaction was to hold his breath. He had encountered poisonous gas contained in the lamp before.Xu Miao, who was used to being cautious, only shook her head in self-deprecating manner when she saw the Buddha statue that appeared last, and returned to normal breathing.

He walked up to the Buddha statue. Under the Buddha statue was a desk with a few words written on it—recite scriptures quietly.Xu Miao glanced at the Buddhist scriptures on the desk. In front of the Buddhist scriptures, there was an incense burner.

Xu Miao guessed that by chanting sutras, let the incense burner judge whether the chanting sutras are related to the Buddha.If there is a destiny, there will be sandalwood in the incense burner, if there is no destiny, naturally there will be no sandalwood.

He sat cross-legged, adjusted his mind to the most ethereal state, and began to chant sutras: "So I heard that the Buddha was in Savatthi for a while..." Although Xu Miao didn't understand the various rules of Buddhist practice, he also knew that to To do one thing, you must put your whole heart into it.

Only by doing something wholeheartedly can we achieve the so-called sincerity.Every day before that, Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness was calculating, calculating specific things.

Even when he was practicing in closed doors, his spiritual consciousness was running at a high intensity, observing the movement of spiritual power in his body and the specific condition of his body.Not to mention the various dangers and difficulties that Xu Miao encountered when traveling abroad.

There was never a moment when Xu Miao's mind was completely empty, and she only focused on the scriptures in front of her.He slowly recited the scriptures one after the other.I don't know the passage of time, I don't know how long I have been reading, I only know how to read the scriptures.

From the scriptures, he felt unprecedented ease.When all the scriptures were recited, Xu Miao's mind gradually returned to its place.There was no sandalwood on the incense burner in front of him, and there was no sign of letting him go.

Xu Miao didn't know what went wrong, so she started chanting scriptures again.He had already read it once, and the cultivator's photographic memory allowed him to read it directly without looking at the scriptures.

The monks outside the gate were a little impatient. The monk who entered just now actually stayed inside the gate for three full days, which was too long!

Not only the monks waiting for the test were impatient, but even Master Huiyuan was a little strange.Among the monks he was in charge of assessing, no monk had ever stayed in the Buddhist hall for such a long time.

If it is said that the other party is unqualified, then the Buddha statue will send this person out directly, and the monk will not be allowed to chant scriptures all the time.Master Huiyuan could only recruit disciples and ask them to send the monks behind Xu Miao to other examination halls.

What happened in this Buddhist hall was soon known by other Nascent Soul Buddha cultivators, and they also came to this Buddhist hall one after another.It has been ten days since Xu Miao entered the Buddhist hall, and there is still no sign of coming out.

They are all disciples of Lingjing Temple, and they also know the wonders of this Buddhist hall.The Buddhist hall was built that year to test whether the monks had a relationship with the Buddha.For the most accurate results, there should only be one person in the temple.

This is also the reason why they only let the monks enter one by one. Now a group of Nascent Soul monks can only worry outside the Buddhist hall.The incident in the Buddhist hall finally alarmed Master Jiru, the abbot of Lingjing Temple.

Master Jiru walked to the door of the Buddhist hall, stood for an hour, and then said: "Keep waiting, don't let anyone interrupt the assessment of this benefactor, the Buddha will naturally give us a suitable answer."

The host had already spoken, and of course the other mages would not have any objections, and they also dispersed. Only the responsible mage Huiyuan stayed and continued to wait.

This class is a full ninety-nine and 81 days.On the day of No.80, the door of the Buddhist hall, which had been closed for a long time, finally opened, and Xu Miao walked out of the Buddhist hall, holding a stick of sandalwood in her hand.

However, this sandalwood is different from the sandalwood held by those monks before.Others took purple sandalwood, but Xu Miao took red sandalwood.

As long as you can get sandalwood from the Buddhist hall, you are a disciple of Lingjing Temple.Master Huiyuan stepped forward, and took Xu Miao directly to the main hall according to the instructions of Master Jiru, the host.

What kind of person is Xu Miao, he knows that his difference must have attracted the attention of Buddhist practitioners in Lingjing Temple.If Lingjing Temple is unwilling to accept it, he will naturally not force it.At that time, he will go to Yintai sect again.

After Master Jiru saw Xu Miao, he asked Master Huiyuan to retreat first: "Since the benefactor has obtained the incense for entering the temple, you can worship in my Lingjing Temple." Holding the sandalwood, Xu Miao couldn't understand it for the first time. people in front of you.

"The incense for entering the temple is also known as Dingling incense. You need to move this sandalwood into your dantian, and use this sandalwood to practice the skills of my Lingjing Temple." Xu Miao heard that Jiru Master Only then did I know about the cultivation method of Lingjing Temple and this requirement.

If he had the idea of ​​sneaking into Lingjing Temple and stealing some exercises, even if he succeeded, he would not be able to practice the exercises of Lingjing Temple.Xu Miao suddenly felt lucky that she didn't use the method of "stealing".

"Entering my Lingjing Temple, our temple doesn't care about the past of the benefactor, and the benefactor also needs to abandon his original name. The poor monk will give you a dharma name—Guzheng."

"No matter what the future holds, you need to remember your true heart, and don't forget your true heart." Master Jiru's voice was low and solemn, echoing constantly in the hall.Xu Miao felt for a moment that the other party recognized his true identity, but he didn't ask after all.

Following Master Jiru's example, Xu Miao clasped his hands together: "Anyway, I understand." Master Jiru recruited a disciple who was waiting outside the hall, and ordered the disciple to take Xu Miao to the disciple's room to arrange various matters of practice.

The young disciples outside the hall obviously did not guess that this new disciple would be taken care of by the host, and hurriedly took Xu Miao to the disciple's room respectfully, and taught Xu Miao the cultivation scriptures of Lingjing Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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