Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 484 Tyrannical Consciousness

Chapter 484 Tyrannical Consciousness
Master Jiru looked at the back of Xu Miao leaving, and muttered to himself: "Whether the blood demon will really be born, and whether Lingjing Temple can escape this catastrophe, it's all up to you."

Xu Miao's five senses were keen, and when he heard this, his brows frowned almost imperceptibly, and the abbot of Lingjing Temple really knew his true identity.However, he still followed the little novice in front of him as if nothing had happened. Since Lingjing Temple accepted him as a disciple, he would naturally not pursue other matters.

During the days in Lingjing Temple, Xu Miao was like other ordinary monks, doing homework and reciting Buddhist scriptures every day, and had no chance to touch the "Pure Heart and Universal Mantra".

He was not in a hurry either, Xu Miao remembered what Master Jiru told him that all the exercises in Lingjing Temple needed Dinglingxiang as the foundation.He sat on the futon, looked at the unlit Dingling incense in his hand, and recalled the scene in the Buddhist hall that day.


"The Buddha told Subhuti. Bodhisattvas and mahasattvas should subdue their hearts in this way..." Xu Miao chanted the scriptures over and over again, and he could faintly feel the vibration of the incense burner in front of him and the connection with the Buddha statue.

He has an intuition that this connection is very weak, and as long as he gives up reciting scriptures, the connection will be broken immediately.Xie Ling'an had warned him that if he couldn't get rid of the tyranny in his heart, the catastrophe he encountered when he stepped into God Transformation would be enough to crush him to pieces, not even leaving his soul behind.

The "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra" of Lingjing Temple is his greatest hope at present, and it is impossible for him to give up this hope that is close at hand, and then look for other ways to get rid of tyranny.

It was nothing more than reciting the scriptures. If it didn't work once, it would be twice, and if it didn't work twice, it would be three times. As long as the Buddhist hall didn't drive him out, he could keep on reciting.

"Subhuti. What do you think? Can you see the Tathagata in person..." Xu Miao noticed that when he recited the scriptures to No. 40 nine times, a ray of red and purple mixed together appeared above the incense burner. gas.

This wisp of gas is very thin, as if a gust of wind can blow it away without a trace.Xu Miao looked at the wisp of gas without any expression on her face, and continued to chant scriptures.

During the recitation of the scriptures, his previously anxious mood calmed down.Although the tyranny in his heart still popped up from time to time, it was not as crazy as before.

As the scriptures were recited more and more, the gas above the incense burner became more and more solid.When he recited No.80 once, a whole red sandalwood appeared on the incense burner.


Xu Miao stared at the sandalwood. He had seen the sandalwood in the hands of the monks who entered the Buddhist hall before, and they were all purple.Including putting your hands on the Buddha statue before, the light shown by the Buddha statue is also red.

He knew very well that this had something to do with the blood essence of the monks in his body, and when other monks expressed surprise, he did not show too much expression, making it difficult for others to guess what he really thought in his heart.

According to the rules of Lingjing Temple, he needs to move this Dingling incense into his dantian and ignite it with the dan fire.Only by successfully igniting can one practice higher-level exercises.

Xu Miao adjusted her spiritual consciousness, brought her spiritual power to an optimal state, exhaled deeply, and controlled her spiritual power to guide Ding Lingxiang into her dantian.

Dingling incense is an item of Buddhist cultivation, and since Xu Miao stepped into the realm of self-cultivation, he has always practiced Taoist exercises.Although the two are not incompatible, they are not so easy to blend.

Xu Miao's movement was the same as Yuanying's in the dantian, raising both hands and turning the Nirvana Jue.This cycle of reincarnation and Nirvana is a combination of two theories and two true meanings of Taoism and Buddhism.

With the help of the reincarnation Nirvana Jue, Ding Lingxiang can feel the Buddhist breath emanating from his body, so that it is easy to enter the dantian.With the help of the Nirvana Jue of Reincarnation, Dinglingxiang entered the dantian very smoothly, except for being rejected by the body at the beginning.

However, when Dinglingxiang was just placed in the dantian, the tyranny in Xu Miao's body immediately attacked Dinglingxiang uncontrollably.Demonic cultivation techniques and Buddhist cultivation techniques are naturally mutually exclusive.

Xu Miao has absorbed so many monks' blood essence, which is not much different from that of a demon cultivator.Now, if you move the Ding Lingxiang, which represents Buddha cultivation, into the dantian, you will naturally receive a strong backlash.

The camouflage that had been made before, whether it was breath or appearance, all collapsed at this moment.Xu Miao's hair and pupils returned to red again, and the agitated spiritual power all over her body exuded a bloody smell, intertwined with the sandalwood in the disciple's room.

Xu Miao's hands were clenched instantly, and his heart kept clamoring for a powerful desire to destroy Ding Lingxiang.He adjusted his breathing and performed the Qingxin Mantra, trying to suppress this terrible thought.

But the more Xu Miao wanted to suppress, the clearer his thoughts became. Xu Miao's eyes turned red. If other monks approached Xu Miao at this time, they would definitely think that Xu Miao had gone mad.

His sanity is gradually being swallowed up and destroyed by this desire to kill.Holding on to the last bit of clarity in her mind, Xu Miao called out Xiaotian and ordered her to set up a formation immediately to prevent anyone from entering the room.

Seeing Xu Miao's state, Xiaotian also knew that the matter was urgent, so he didn't dare to delay at all, so he quickly threw out the formation flag according to Xu Miao's method of arranging the formation.

When the light of the formation rose faintly, Xiaotian hurriedly came to Xu Miao's side.Xu Miao was struggling with the murderous desire in her heart at this time, and the veins all over her body were bulging.

Sensing someone appearing beside him, Xu Miao shot like lightning and directly grabbed Xiaotian's neck in her hands.Keep tightening your fingers.There is only one thought in Xu Miao's heart - how pleasant it is to kill someone!

Xiaotian raised his hands and took Xu Miao's hand that was clamping her neck: "Xu Miao, wake up! You can't just succumb to tyrannical desires like this! You are Xu Miao, the one who will never give up, never give up! Xu Miao will fail!"

"Think about Shui Mei, she's still waiting for you to revive her—" Xiaotian's words were interrupted by Xu Miao's sudden force in his hand.Xiaotian coughed a few times, and continued, "Even if you really become a murderous maniac, I will stay by your side."

"Whether it's destroying the world or being cast aside by others, I will accompany you." Xiaotian's voice was not high, but it awakened the only bit of clarity left in Xu Miao's mind.

She will be with him, he cannot kill her.The person in his hands is Xiaotian, who has been by his side since he entered the cultivation world.No matter what happened, Xiaotian was always by his side, how could he kill her!

Xu Miao's hand suddenly let go, and Xiaotian noticed the struggle in Xu Miao's eyes, and immediately threw himself on Xu Miao's body, injecting spiritual power into Xu Miao's body, guiding Xu Miao's spiritual power, and running the Qingxin Mantra.

At the same time, Xiaotian also fused his own spiritual power with Xu Miao's spiritual power to light the Ding Lingxiang.This time Xu Miao suddenly lost control because of the tyrannical consciousness in his heart and felt the threat brought by Ding Lingxiang.

If the Ding Lingxiang is ignited, it will definitely have an impact on the tyrannical consciousness, which is also the reason why the tyrannical consciousness suddenly attacked.With Xiaotian's help, Xu Miao's sanity finally took the dominant position.

With the help of Xiaotian's power, he directly ignited the Dingling incense in one go.The moment the Ding Lingxiang was ignited, the tyrannical consciousness shrank back to the bottom of his heart like a mouse seeing a cat, and stopped acting mischievously.

Xu Miao took a deep look at Xiaotian, closed her eyes, and performed the Purifying Mantra.His crimson hair and bloody spiritual power gradually returned to normal under the comfort of the Purifying Mantra.

Looking inside the dantian with spiritual consciousness, he saw that Dinglingxiang was already in a stable burning state.Dingling incense needs to be nourished with spiritual power to ensure that it can burn forever.According to the method taught by Lingjing Temple, he introduced a ray of spiritual power into Dinglingxiang.

When he opened his eyes again, what he saw was Xiaotian's worried expression.Due to the gradual recovery of the rank of Huntian Stone, Xiaotian is no longer the appearance of a child before, but the appearance of a [-]-year-old girl with a beautiful demeanor.

Xu Miao quickly looked away and raised her hand to recall the temporary formation flag.Only then did he notice that there was a sound transmission talisman outside the disciple's room.Fu Zhuanzhong informs the disciples who have just started to go to the Sutra Hall.

If what he expected is correct, it should be to teach the cultivation method to new disciples.Xu Miao didn't delay, and flew to the Sutra Hall according to the directions on the map.

In Lingjing Temple, it is very common to introduce Dinglingxiang into the dantian. There has never been a monk who took a long time to successfully introduce it like Xu Miao.

Therefore, when Xu Miao arrived at Chuanjing Hall, all the new disciples had already arrived.Xu Miao's lateness made many disciples feel dissatisfied.However, since Xu Miao was at the Golden Core stage, they did not dare to express their dissatisfaction in their mouths.

The disciple who is in charge of teaching the exercises is also a monk at the Golden Core stage, but his cultivation level is a small realm higher than the early Golden Core stage shown by Xu Miao, which is the Middle Golden Core stage.

Since the senior disciple in Lingjing Temple has a higher level of cultivation than Xu Miao, this person unceremoniously called out Xu Miao alone: ​​"Anyway, I'm late for teaching the scriptures, and I will go to the Discipline Hall to be punished."

Xu Miao glanced at him indifferently, without arguing with him, she went directly to the Discipline Hall.The tyrannical desire in Xu Miao's heart has just been suppressed, and he doesn't want to waste his previous efforts because of this person.

So Xu Miao turned around and left very simply, but Xu Miao wanted to avoid trouble, but some people didn't like him.A middle-stage Jindan monk took a thousand steps, and said dissatisfiedly: "Anyway, as a beginner disciple, when you meet a senior brother who tells you the testimonials, you should be humble and be taught!"

"It's not so arrogant, you don't even say a word, just turn around and leave! It seems that before you go to the Discipline Hall, I need to educate you first!" Although Lingjing Temple is a Buddhist cultivator, it does not mean that everyone It is a pure heart.

Where there are people, there is the dark side of human nature.Even Lingjing Temple is not exempt from vulgarity.When Xu Miao heard this, she turned around and looked straight at the middle-stage Jindan cultivator.

"Educate me? What qualifications do you have to educate me?"

(End of this chapter)

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