Chapter 485

Xu Miao's tone was so calm that it was terrifying. It was not at all like the respect and fear that a low-ranking monk should have when facing a high-ranking monk.The middle-term cultivator's face sank like water: "You are just a new disciple, and it is only right for me to teach you a lesson."

"Hehe!" Xu Miao smiled and looked at the other party, "You are just an ordinary monk who is responsible for bringing our new disciples here. You are neither my teacher nor a member of the discipline hall. You have no reason and no qualifications."

"If you insist on doing the math with me, do you have the qualifications? Yes, let's go to the Discipline Hall and do the math slowly." Every time I go to a place, Xu Miao thoroughly understands the rules of that place, and Lingjing Temple does not. exception.

In Lingjing Temple, only the Discipline Hall has the right to punish disciples, and other people, no matter how deep they are or how senior they are, do not have this qualification and right.

According to the regulations, there is no obvious difference between old and new disciples in the sect. Xu Miao's verbal conflict just now was definitely outside the scope of the regulations. Even if he went to the Discipline Hall, the other party couldn't catch Xu Miao.

"Hmph—" The monk immediately gathered his spiritual power and rushed towards Xu Miao without any warning.The other disciples were taken aback, and they didn't expect a disagreement at all and started to attack.

The opponent's spiritual power was about to fall on him, and the nearby monks wanted to retreat to a far away place immediately, so as not to be affected by disaster.Xu Miao didn't even move her eyebrows, letting her spiritual power drop.

It's just that when the spiritual power is still one meter away from Xu Miao's body, no matter what, it can't continue to fall.Seeing this, the monk continued to increase his output of spiritual power, trying to break through Xu Miao's defense.

But no matter how he output his spiritual power, he couldn't affect Xu Miao in the slightest. Instead, he attracted disciples from the Discipline Hall who were patrolling.Xu Miao noticed the person coming from behind, and gave him a half-smile.

"What happened here? It's strictly forbidden to do anything in the Sutra Hall, don't you know!" A late Jindan cultivator from the Discipline Hall walked between Xu Miao and the mid-stage cultivator, and sternly reprimanded him.

Xu Miao stood there casually without saying a word.Xu Miao didn't speak, but the other party had no choice but to speak: "This senior brother, Hong Zhi, is teaching the disciples who just started..."

The middle-stage Jindan monk, that is, Hong Zhi, explained Xu Miao's lateness and disobedience to discipline, embellishing it again.According to Hong Zhi's description, Xu Miao simply disrespected his fellow disciples, disobeyed the temple's laws, and was a thoroughly problematic disciple.

The best way to treat this kind of disciple is to drive him out of Lingjing Temple and let him fend for himself outside.Xu Miao listened to Hong Zhi's words and kept silent all the time without any rebuttal.

At this time, Chang Qing, a late Jindan cultivator in the Discipline Hall, turned around and looked at Xu Miao: "Return, junior brother, is what junior brother Hong Zhi said just now true?"

Xu Miao's eyes shifted between Chang Qing and Hong Zhi: "Isn't there a stone of former dust in Lingjing Temple? We can go to the stone of former dust to judge whether it is true or not. If in Lingjing Temple, you speak lies, slander your fellow disciples, and do it in the hall of teaching scriptures, Brother Chang Qing should know better than me what punishment he should receive from the Discipline Hall, right?"

Chang Qing glanced at Xu Miao meaningfully, only to realize that this previously calm junior was the real ruthless character.He didn't say anything at first, and let Hong Zhi talk on the sidelines.

Hong Zhi said to himself, seeing that Xu Miao didn't refute or argue, he naively thought that Xu Miao was afraid and became more unscrupulous, but he just fell into Xu Miao's trap.

In some places, the situation can be grasped without taking the initiative to speak.As a reformed junior, he is much smarter and more powerful than Hong Zhi.

Xu Miao has reached this point, and Chang Qing will naturally assume the responsibility of the Discipline Hall: "Of course, you two will follow me to the Discipline Hall first, as for the new disciples here, other senior brothers will come to take charge. "

After Chang Qing finished speaking, he led Xu Miao and Hong Zhi, together with several Discipline Hall disciples, left the Sutra Transmission Hall, leaving a group of new disciples whispering to each other.

"The one called Guizheng is really powerful. He dared to confront the old disciples in the temple just after entering Lingjing Temple, and even offered to find the Discipline Hall to solve it."

"He's so impulsive, isn't he afraid that Uncle Hong Zhi will give him small shoes in the future?"

"Anyway, this person is very scheming, and Hong Zhi's IQ may not be able to put Gui Zheng in small shoes." Among the beginner disciples, there are monks who are not familiar with the world, and there are also experienced monks.

Some monks can't see Xu Miao's strength, but some people can see Xu Miao's strength at a glance.Being able to let the opponent not benefit from losing the opportunity is not something that ordinary monks can do.

All the Buddha statues in the precept hall are solemn in appearance and glaring in the eyes of King Kong.This was Hong Zhi's first time entering the Discipline Hall. When he was outside, Hong Zhi had heard of the prestige of the Discipline Hall.

As long as you go to the Discipline Hall, you will definitely punish the disciple who made a mistake so that you dare not do it again.If you lie in the Discipline Hall, what awaits your disciples is even more serious punishment.

Hong Zhi felt apprehensive, his footsteps became hesitant, and a look of fear appeared on his face.Chang Qing has been paying attention to the changes in the expressions of the two of them. Seeing Hong Zhi's performance, Chang Qing is very satisfied with the image that the Discipline Hall has created in the hearts of many disciples.

On the other hand, Xu Miao walked forward with a calm expression, his eyes on his nose, his nose on his heart, without any tension or fear.Chang Qing raised his eyebrows, this new disciple was really surprising him constantly.

The prestige of the Discipline Hall is what both new and old disciples are afraid of.But this Guizheng did not show any fear at all, which surprised him very much.

Chang Qing walked in front of a Buddha statue, and a stone that was so ordinary that people could easily ignore it was placed in front of this Buddha statue.This stone should be the former dust stone mentioned in the jade slips introduced by Lingjing Temple.

This stone, of course, is not, as its name suggests, able to see through the monk's past.Instead, investigate what just happened.Whether it is right or wrong, Qianchenshi can make a judgment.

When Hong Zhi saw Qianchenshi, all the courage he had been holding on to finally collapsed.He exaggerated many parts of what he just said at Chang Qing in Hejietang, not the truth, but just to increase Xu Miao's punishment.

If it was true, Xu Miao was just late, and even if she arrived at the Discipline Hall, she was just copying scriptures.But speaking lies, slandering fellow students, and doing something in the scripture hall, these things are much more serious than Xu Miao's being late.

Any one of these three things is enough to ask for the whip from the Discipline Hall.Xu Miao pretended not to see the sweat dripping from Hong Zhi's forehead, and said to Chang Qing, "Brother Chang Qing, you can start now."

Chang Qing nodded, and ordered the two to put their hands on the Qianchen Stone.Xu Miao stretched out her hand frankly, but Hong Zhi's hand couldn't stop shaking.Even if there is no past dust, Chang Qing knows that Hong Zhi has lied when he sees Hong Zhi's state.

But Xu Miao didn't intend to stop, so naturally he wouldn't take the initiative to stop.The hands of the two were placed on the dust stone at the same time, and with a flash of light, Chang Qing knew the truth of the matter.

Seeing Chang Qing's expression, Hong Zhi knew that disaster was imminent.He closed his eyes in despair, his knees gave way, and he collapsed to the ground.He couldn't figure out why it was Xu Miao who violated the temple's law first, but why it turned out to be his own mistake in the end.

He couldn't figure it out, but he couldn't lie to the past.Xu Miao was sent by Chang Qing to copy scriptures as punishment for being late.Before Xu Miao left, she left a sentence in Hong Zhi's ear: "Heaven committed evil, you can still live, self-inflicted evil, you can't live."

Not only Hong Zhi, but also Chang Qing heard this sentence.When Hong Zhi heard this, his face immediately turned pale.Xu Miao hummed in a good mood and went to copy the scriptures.

Hong Zhi could be taught a lesson without bloodshed.Xu Miao was in a very happy mood now, without arousing the tyranny in her heart and venting her anger, and she didn't feel impatient in copying the scriptures.

Copying the scriptures can also calm the mind. Nothing is more suitable for Xu Miao now.While copying scriptures, Xu Miao didn't even move her eyebrows while listening to Hong Zhi's screams as he was whipped.

When he wrote the last word, he cast a mocking look at Hong Zhi who was not far away, and walked out of the Discipline Hall.When Hong Zhi saw Xu Miao's eyes, he knew that Xu Miao was not something he could provoke.

Originally, he wanted to use Xu Miao to make an example to others, so as to establish prestige in the hearts of a group of new disciples.It turned out that stealing the chicken was not enough to lose the rice, so Xu Miao was taught a lesson and was still being tortured in the Discipline Hall.

Hong Zhi secretly swore in his heart that since he couldn't teach Guizheng a disciple in Lingjing Temple, when Guizheng left the temple, he would take advantage of the difference in realm to give him a good lesson.

In Lingjing Temple, every disciple does not work behind closed doors. After a period of time, they have to go out together to travel and exercise their minds.Next time, when these new disciples need to go out, he will find a way to recruit the task of leading the team to himself.

At that time, he, Hong Zhi, would like to see if Xu Miao could find any other discipline hall disciples to help.Xu Miao naturally wouldn't know Hong Zhi's thoughts.

But even if Xu Miao knew about it, he wouldn't take it to heart.It's just a mid-Gold Core cultivator, Xu Miao really can't think of a reason to worry.Now even if a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul was standing in front of him, he didn't need to worry, let alone a Hong Zhi.

When Xu Miao returned to the Hall of Passing the Scriptures, the other new disciples had already left.The disciple in charge of replacing Hong Zhi saw Xu Miao coming, so he handed a practice to Xu Miao: "This is the order of the host, I will give it to you."

"When you practice, you only need to follow what the exercises say. The most important thing is to use the Dingling Incense. Don't be negligent." Leaving the Sutra Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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