Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 486 Travel

Chapter 486 Travel
Xu Miao took the exercises and returned directly to the student's room without stopping.Xu Miao recalled what the monk said just now, which was requested by Master Jiru.

Full of doubts, he stuck the jade slip to his forehead.The words "Hua Yan Sutra" were written on the jade slip. Xu Miao was a little inexplicable. Why would Master Jiru hand over the Hua Yan Sutra to him on purpose?
"Xiaotian, do you understand the Buddha's cultivation method?"

In Xu Miao's disciple's room, no one else could enter at will without Xu Miao's permission.Xiaotian flashed into the room, and sat down next to Xu Miao: "The former owner once had a friend who was a Buddhist practitioner. They seem to pay attention to a step-by-step process."

"It's different from Taoism. If you want to practice any kind of skills, you just practice directly. They have to practice some skills before they can finally practice the highest skills."

"However, whether it is the "San Hua Sutra" in your hand or the "Pure Heart and Universal Mantra" for your purpose, I don't know, so I don't know. If that Master Jiru really knows your identity, he will send you Into the temple, there should be no malicious intentions."

Listening to Xiaotian's explanation, Xu Miao didn't nod her head in agreement, nor shook her head hastily to veto it.From the time Master Jiru said that when he left the hall, Xu Miao had already confirmed that the other party knew his true identity.

But Master Jiru also mentioned the word "Blood Demon", which just fits the name of "Blood Demon Art".If Master Jiru had other ideas and used these so-called "San Hua Sutras" to control him, he would also be able to destroy the Gorefiend.

It's not that Xu Miao doesn't want to believe in Master Jiru, but that Xu Miao has experienced too many things, and it's hard for him to trust a stranger in such a life-threatening situation.

Xu Miao read the "San Hua Jing" from the beginning to the end, and based on his knowledge, he didn't find anything inappropriate.Whether it is Buddhist practice or Taoist practice, although there are many differences, the main purpose is still the same.

Three thousand avenues, the core of each avenue is the same.Therefore, he was able to judge whether this exercise was tampered with.Xu Miao thought for a while, and finally decided to trust Master Jiru for the time being.

If Master Jiru really intends to harm him, he has nothing to fear.After making up her mind, Xu Miao began to practice according to the formulas of the "Yan Hua Jing".

Xu Miao was not used to being accustomed to the spiritual power of Taoist cultivators and suddenly turned into a Buddhist cultivator.He first guided the burning cigarettes from the Dingling Incense to all parts of his body, and then fused them with spiritual power, changing the previous method of spiritual power operation.

The tyrannical consciousness that was suppressed in Xu Miao's heart showed signs of being ready to move again, and his hair color gradually changed from black to red.Ordinary Buddhist practice can only practice one skill at a time.

If you are greedy and practice two kinds of exercises at the same time, it is very easy to go crazy and cause irreversible damage to your body in the end.But Xu Miao is different from ordinary Buddhist cultivators. He has two equivalent spiritual roots.

When he practiced the Taoist exercises, he also practiced the two exercises together.Therefore, it is not a big problem for Xu Miao to practice the "Pure Heart Mantra" while practicing the "San Hua Sutra".

The two exercises were activated at the same time, and Xu Miao's sense of tyranny in his heart was improved and alleviated.He couldn't suppress all the tyrannical consciousness for the time being, but he could also prevent this consciousness from bursting out.

Anyway, no one paid attention to his situation, and he didn't need to hide it, just focus on cultivation.The purpose of Xu Miao's coming to Lingjing Temple is to obtain the "Pure Heart and Pu Shan Mantra".

Therefore, Xu Miao didn't think about anything other than cultivation.Xu Miao is not interested in traveling or going to the Buddhist hall to listen to lectures.

Under Xu Miao's concentrated cultivation of "San Hua Jing", it was far from reaching Xu Miao's set goal.Unlike Xu Miao's practice of Taoism, this "Yan Hua Jing" has been practiced for a long time, but Xu Miao can't fully understand it.

Xu Miao's talent is absolutely unique, otherwise, in just a few hundred years, less than a thousand years, he would have become the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen and could successfully cultivate Tiandingmen. "The Jue of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation" and "The Jue of Reincarnation and Nirvana".

However, even with this kind of talent, he was a little helpless against the ordinary Buddhist practice "Yan Hua Jing".On this day, Xu Miao stopped practicing and stared at the Buddha statue in the room in a daze.

He was thinking about what went wrong in the process of cultivation.Xu Miao is best at summing up experience. He has no teachers to ask for many problems encountered during cultivation, and he relies on himself to find solutions.

"Xu Miao, Buddhist cultivators in Lingjing Temple like to go out and travel, do you want to think about it too?" Xiaotian looked at Xu Miao's frowning expression and made a suggestion.

Xiaotian's words made Xu Miao wake up suddenly.He only wanted to speed up the progress, but he ignored that Buddhism is not a simple school of birth.The birth and entry into the world must be combined in order to truly understand the true meaning of Buddhism.

Xu Miao walked out of the disciple's room and asked other disciples about their travels.Only then did Xu Miao know that the new disciple was preparing to travel abroad.He quickly explained the situation to the monk in charge, and added his name in the column of travel.

Hong Zhi has been paying attention to the disciples who are traveling abroad. If Xu Miao is not among them, naturally he will not appear.Today, the monk who was in charge of registering disciples who traveled abroad suddenly sent him a letter telling him that Xu Miao had appeared.

After waiting for so long, Xu Miao finally appeared.Hong Zhi hurriedly dragged the relationship, took favors, and replaced one of the three monks who led the team with him.

Many disciples who were preparing to travel outside gathered at the gate of Lingjing Temple.Xu Miao looked up and saw Hong Zhi, and two other mid-Gold Core cultivators.

Except for Xu Miao, who is in the early stage of Jindan, most of the monks are in the foundation stage.Therefore, it is normal for Lingjing Temple to appoint three monks in the middle stage of Jindan.

From the moment Xu Miao appeared, Hong Zhi's eyes had been on Xu Miao.Xu Miao also noticed this line of sight, and also felt the faint killing intent in this line of sight.

Xu Miao would not take this killing intent to heart at all.To Xu Miao, the opponent's strength was nothing more than an ant-like existence, which could not arouse Xu Miao's attention at all.Seeing Xu Miao turning a blind eye to him, Hong Zhi couldn't help but intensify the flame in his chest.

The real person in charge of leading the team this time is a Buddhist monk named Hong Jue.Unlike Xu Miao, a monk who became a monk on the way, Hong Jue entered Lingjing Temple from the moment he stepped into the world of self-cultivation.

Hong Jue walked up to the crowd and briefly introduced the trips.They will walk like mortals, instead of using spells to fly.

You have to go step by step, and you have to improve your mood step by step.Some monks could not help complaining, they had long been used to flying around, but now they suddenly turned into mortals, how could they bear it.

Xu Miao has no objection to this. He originally wanted to improve his state of mind on Buddhism and Taoism through traveling.The more this is the case, the more beneficial it is to improve the state of mind.

After Hong Jue's introduction, he didn't talk nonsense and took the lead directly down the mountain.Xu Miao didn't hesitate either, and raised her legs to follow Hong Jue, which surprised Hong Jue quite a bit.

It's not the first time that he led his new disciples out on a trip. Every time, he would encounter a situation where the disciples were unwilling. No disciple had ever been able to accept it without any grudges.

But the disciple behind him didn't show any impatience or dissatisfaction, and just followed quietly.Hong Jue nodded secretly in his heart, he was sure that this person would be able to go a long way on the Buddhist path in the future.

Along the way, Hong Jue would explain Buddhism and Taoism to everyone in combination with the current environment from time to time.Since Xu Miao was appreciated by Hong Jue, Hong Jue took good care of Xu Miao, so Hong Zhi never found a chance to attack Xu Miao.

Xu Miao looked at Hong Zhi anxiously all the time, but didn't make any statement.He waited for the time when Hong Zhi couldn't bear it, that is when he really killed Hong Zhi with his hands.

Suddenly, the area they were in was shaken.Xu Miao's consciousness dissipated in an instant, and she noticed that a monk was fighting a monster.The monks are obviously at a disadvantage, there are only three of them, but there are more than a dozen monsters.

As a human monk, seeing a monk being chased and beaten by a monster, naturally someone wants to stand out.But Hong Jue was one step ahead of them, stopped them, and asked, "Why do you think these three monks were chased by monsters?"

"Naturally, the monsters chased and killed the monks when they saw the three monks who were alone and wanted to eat their flesh and blood." A monk replied naturally.

Hong Jue was noncommittal, and continued to ask: "Then is it possible that the monk killed a certain monster in order to seize the inner alchemy of the monster, and was finally hunted down by the clansman of that monster?"

"This—" The monk who answered before was a little hesitant, and he thought that what Hong Jue said was also possible.Hong Jue didn't give him time to think, and continued to ask: "If you rescued him, would they just use you as a tool for the end?"

"Or, you are not the opponent of the monster together, and you died together under the hands of the monster?" Hong Jue's consecutive questions stopped the monk who was impulsively rushing up just now.

Xu Miao glanced at the impulsive monks. They had stayed in Lingjing Temple for a long time, and they might have been influenced by the Buddhist compassion.Only then did Hong Jue say seriously: "The heaven and the earth are not benevolent, and they treat everything as a humble dog."

"In our opinion, everything in the world is equal. The question I just asked was not to prevent you from going to the rescue, nor to encourage you to go to the rescue. I just told you that before doing anything, you must think about all possibilities. Do you do it well? be prepared to bear the consequences.”

"Everything in the world is like this. Anything you do will lead to a different ending. There is a cause, and there is an effect. No matter what the final outcome is, you need to bear it."


Xu Miao listened to Hong Jue's words and felt the true meaning of Hong Jue's words.Because of cause and effect, he got the monk's blood essence and improved his cultivation, but he also made Shui Mei pay the price of his life, and there was a hidden danger in his body that could erupt at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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