Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 487 The True Essence of Buddhism

Chapter 487 The True Essence of Buddhism
Everything has a reason for its existence, and everything has a reason for not existing. No matter what, Xu Miao will not let the blood demon reappear in this world.

The disciples of Lingjing Temple just stood aside, but the three monks who were hunted down by monsters saw a group of monks from Lingjing Temple rushing towards them desperately.

"Fellow Taoists of Lingjing Temple, please help us, we are disciples of Yunyanlou!" Yunyanlou is a medium-sized sect in the secluded plane, and its power cannot be compared with that of a large sect like Lingjing Temple. .

However, Lingjing Temple often helps others, and the three monks in Yunyan Building were immediately overjoyed when they saw the Buddhist practice in Lingjing Temple.It was just the performance of the people in Lingjing Temple, which disappointed them greatly.

None of the people standing there showed any signs of rescue.One of the Yunyanlou monks said eagerly: "I also ask you to lend a helping hand, Yunyanlou is grateful!"

Hong Jue took a meaningful look at this group of new disciples, and greeted the three of them in Yunyan Building.As soon as Hong Jue made a move, the other two middle-stage Golden Core monks naturally also made a move, and Hong Zhi was no exception.

However, it was more than a dozen sixth-level monsters who chased and killed the three Yunyanlou monks. Even if the six of them worked together, they might not necessarily be the opponents of more than a dozen monsters.

The monks in the foundation building period naturally couldn't participate in it, only Xu Miao, a monk in the early stage of Golden Core, was left.Everyone turned their attention to Xu Miao, but Xu Miao turned a blind eye to it.

He has been stared at by countless people, and he will not feel any discomfort when stared at by such eyes.Xu Miao watched the six people confront the monster. If Xu Miao made a move now to repel the monster, it would definitely attract the attention of others.

After all, he is just an ordinary Jindan early-stage cultivator, and it is impossible to defeat more than a dozen sixth-level monsters at once.If he was allowed to stand by and watch, Xu Miao couldn't feel at ease.

Lingjing Temple didn't care about his origin and identity, and taught him the exercises.Hong Jue even took care of him along the way, telling him various Buddhist principles one by one.Xu Miao is not a person who knows how to reciprocate his kindness. He has accepted Hong Jue's love, so he naturally wants to repay him.

Xu Miao thought for a while, took advantage of everyone's inattention, brought Shui San out of the Hunting Stone, and ordered him to come from another direction to drive away these monsters.

Shui San's cultivation is the same as Xu Miao's. Xu Miao is already in the late Nascent Soul, and Shui San is naturally also in the late Nascent Soul.It couldn't be easier for a great monk in the late Yuanying period to deal with more than a dozen sixth-level monsters.

As for the reason why the late Nascent Soul cultivator appeared here to help them solve the monsters, no one dared to ask.Xu Miao's plan was perfect, and Shui San followed suit.

Shui San appeared, and as soon as the coercion that only belonged to the perfect monks in the later period was released, a dozen monsters were instantly frightened, and ran away like hell.Xu Miao didn't let Shui San kill the monster, his purpose was just to save people.

After dealing with the monster, Shui San disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant.Hong Jue was very surprised, but he couldn't stop this late-stage cultivator for questioning, so he could only figure out the reason by himself.

However, while pondering the reason, he did not forget to tell everyone about the Buddhist principles.Xu Miao couldn't help being a little funny when he heard Hong Jue mention the word "fate".

If Xu Miao wasn't here, how could there be such a fate.Before Xu Miao's smile spread, she realized one thing.Xu Miao standing here is already a fate.

Entering the secluded plane is a fate, and entering Lingjing Temple is another fate, and finally helping each other is not a fate. Buddhism pays attention to fate, what happened just now is just a "fate" "Character.

Xu Miao suddenly had an epiphany, and her body started to run the "Yan Hua Jing" spontaneously.Along the way, Xu Miao also asked Hong Jue about the cultivation of the "San Hua Jing".Hong Jue just told him that what other people told him was always other people's comprehension and experience.

Only when you realize it yourself, is it truly your own.Ever since Xu Miao practiced the "San Hua Sutra", it has never operated so smoothly, as if every flow of spiritual power is seamless.

He was too deliberate before, just wanting to forcibly run the "Swallow Flower Sutra", but he ignored that Buddhist practice should be done in accordance with the heart.This seems to be the point of view of Buddhism, but it naturally coincides with the Taoism of Taoism.

There are three thousand avenues and thirty thousand small avenues, all of which remain unchanged.No matter which way is derived, it is the same.The epiphany of Xu Miao's state of mind changed the momentum of the whole body.

As a disciple of Lingjing Temple Jindan's generation, Hong Jue had a deep understanding of Buddhism, and he clearly noticed Xu Miao's changes just now.Being able to gain comprehension through the incident just now, this child also has a lot of talent in the way of Buddha.

All beginner disciples will be brought on such a tour.But not every disciple can be promoted and enlightened during the travel.How many people come, and how they return in the end.

Among this group of new disciples, Hong Jue is most optimistic about Xu Miao.But he never expected that Xu Miao could comprehend the truth so quickly and successfully cultivated the "San Hua Sutra".

The three monks in Yunyan Building were protected by the Buddhist monks of Lingjing Temple, and they also went with the Lingjing Temple group for the time being.The words in his mouth were scorching, saying that although the monster beast has been driven away by the great power of Yuan Ying's late stage, it may make a comeback.

There are only four Jindan stage monks in the group of Lingjing Temple, who can't compete with the monsters. They stay to protect the safety of Lingjing Temple monks.

Hong Zhi was very grateful to the monks of Yunyanlou for their generous help, and thanked him again and again.Hong Jue, on the other hand, remained motionless and meditated on the sidelines.The new disciples are not stupid either. Seeing the behavior of the monks in Yunyanlou, they will soon know their purpose.

What did you say to protect the disciples of Lingjing Temple?It was because he was afraid that the monsters would come back and wanted to use the power of Lingjing Temple to protect himself.However, they are all just a group of monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and none of the masters and uncles in the Golden Core Stage have any objections, so naturally they will not talk nonsense.

Xu Miao also didn't express anything, he just took a look at this group of people and knew what they were thinking.Although Hong Zhi was stupid, he was not so stupid that he couldn't tell the real intention of the other party.

The reason why Hong Zhi thanked the other party was because he wanted to use the monks from Yunyan Building to deal with Xu Miao.In Lingjing Temple, it is strictly forbidden for fellow disciples to kill each other.

Once discovered, they will be severely punished in the Discipline Hall, and finally expelled from Lingjing Temple.So no matter how much Hong Zhi hated Xu Miao, he didn't dare to take action against Xu Miao himself.Originally, Hong Zhi came to teach Xu Miao a lesson under the pretense of finding some casual cultivators who were paid to do things.

Now that the monks from the Yunyan Building have come forward, of course there is no need to spend more on those spirit stones.Hong Zhi secretly discussed with the monks in the Yunyan Building through sound transmission, thinking that no one knew, but he didn't know that Xu Miao had already listened to the content of their conversation in its entirety.

Hong Zhi proposed to find a few more monsters to disrupt the team at Lingjing Temple, and then the monks from Yunyan Building managed to surround and kill Xu Miao.During the whole process, Hong Zhi will not come forward, and the monks of Yunyanlou need to complete it by themselves.

As long as they can succeed, not only the monks of Lingjing Temple will act with them and help them, but they can also get 5000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones.As an ordinary Golden Core cultivator, 5000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones is definitely not a small amount.

The monks in Yunyan Building got Hong Zhi's promise, and they agreed without even thinking about it.The three of them would take risks for the inner alchemy of the sixth-level monsters and offend a group of monsters.Now, of course, he will deal with Xu Miao for the 5000 yuan high-grade spirit stone.

Xu Miao meditated with her eyes closed all the time, neither stopped nor exposed the matter.If you want to borrow a knife to kill someone, you have to see if the knife is sharp enough.Playing these little tricks in front of him really underestimated him, Xu Miao.

After resting, everyone continued to move forward.The monks in the Yunyan Tower passed their eyes and used a very subtle trick to attract a few sixth-level monsters next to them.

Since monk Yunyanlou and Hong Jue were both mid-stage Jindan monks, Hong Jue didn't notice the small movements of the three of them.The attracted monsters were in a state of madness, rushing towards the cultivator crazily.

The disciples of Lingjing Temple, except Xu Miao, who are at the Golden Core Stage, are all at the Foundation Establishment Stage, and they cannot resist the attack of the sixth-level monsters at all.Under Hong Jue's order, they hurriedly ran in all directions.

Xu Miao was only an early stage Golden Core cultivator at this time, and couldn't fight against the sixth-level monsters. She also pretended to be panicked and ran to the side.Hong Zhi has been observing Xu Miao's actions all the time, and now seeing Xu Miao running away in a panic, he is overjoyed.

He followed Xu Miao carefully and provided information to the monks in Yunyanlou.When the monk Yunyanlou came out, Xu Miao had completely moved away from the main force.

Three monks from Yunyan Building suddenly appeared, blocking Xu Miao's way of escaping.Xu Miao looked at the three mid-stage Jindan monks, and a look of fear immediately appeared on his face.

"Such a guy with such strength actually wants the three of us to take action? Is Hong Zhi's brain trapped by the door?"

"Why do you care so much, use other people's money to eliminate disasters for others, what are you talking about! Kill this person, and go back to get the spirit stone!" The leading monk among the three nodded his head and motioned for the monk beside him to deal with Xu Miao. .

Xu Miao leaned against a big tree, the expression on her face disappeared and she became very calm.The monk walking towards Xu Miao was a little strange, but he quickly attributed the change to the fact that Xu Miao was frightened.

"Don't blame me. If you want to blame, blame you for offending someone you shouldn't offend!" The monk said, the spiritual power in his hand enveloped Xu Miao, and when he retracted his right hand and was about to crush Xu Miao, he suddenly found that his Unable to grasp right hand.

This move is this person's must-kill move. First use spiritual power to control the opponent, and then tighten it suddenly to crush the enemy.Although facing high-level monks, or monks of the same level, there are times when they miss, but facing low-level monks, there has never been a situation where they cannot be tightened.

"Strange—" The person tried to tighten his fingers again.

(End of this chapter)

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