Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 490 Spiritual Conflict

Chapter 490 Spiritual Conflict
Xu Miao is a volcano that may erupt at any time. Once the eruption cannot be suppressed, it is difficult for anyone to extinguish this volcano.Jiru listened to the behavior of the disciples around him, but told the disciples not to ask too many questions, and dismissed the curious disciples.

Although they were driven away from Xu Miao's disciple room by Jiru, these disciples still had a high degree of curiosity about it.When they left, they were still talking about it.

"Looking at the appearance of the host, maybe this guy named Guizheng is really the next Buddha disciple!"

"But didn't you all talk about Senior Brother Chunwu before? Senior Brother Chunwu is different from Guizheng. He practiced in our Lingjing Temple as soon as he stepped into the realm of cultivation. It's not like Guizheng, until the early stage of Jindan, he didn't know what to do. Come to our Lingjing Temple."

"More than that, Senior Brother Chunwu's comprehension of Buddhism has always been far superior to monks of the same level. Even the host once said that Senior Brother Chunwu's attainments in the way of Buddhism have surpassed him."

"Senior brother Chunwu is powerful, but this is not bad anyway. How long has he been a beginner, less than ten years! He actually produced a golden appearance while practicing the exercises. You know, even senior brother Chunwu, It was only after 30 years of cultivation that the vision of heaven and earth appeared!"

These disciples who left couldn't convince anyone, they argued and walked away.Jiru has sharp eyes and ears, listening to the discussions of his disciples, he kept thinking in his mind whether he needed to take another shot to erase their memories.

It's just that the possibility of making another successful attack is extremely slim, and a monk's sea of ​​consciousness is a fragile and complicated thing.Although Jiru and Xu Miao are both late-stage monks, they possess powerful and majestic spiritual consciousness.

But if they continue to use their spiritual consciousness to erase the memory of the same monk, it will have an irreversible impact on the monk's sea of ​​consciousness, which will affect the height they can reach in the future.

Jiru couldn't let all the monks in Lingjing Temple take this risk because of Xu Miao alone.It is impossible to erase the memory, we can only start from Xu Miao.

Jiru wanted to talk to Xu Miao very much now, but Xu Miao was still immersed in the cultivation of the "Lotus Sutra", and there was no sign of the end of the cultivation.

In desperation, Jiru could only set up strict restrictions and barriers next to Xu Miao's disciple's room.The tightness of this barrier, even the vision of heaven and earth displayed by a real Buddha, cannot break through the barrier and be known by others.

After Jiru arranged it, he left a sound-transmitting talisman seal on the door of Xu Miao's disciple's room, and told him to come find him quickly after he finished his training.Xu Miao didn't know that he had caused such a big commotion during his cultivation, and he didn't know that Jiru was almost worried to death by him.

After the golden dharma image shone for a period of time, it returned to calm, emitting only a soft and non-glare light.Xiaotian also came out of the Hunting Stone at the right time and continued to guard Xu Miao.

This protection lasts for three years.In fact, Xu Miao's "Lotus Sutra" has already been practiced, but when his body and spiritual power are running in the "Lotus Sutra", there is a conflict.

The Taoist exercises and the Buddhist exercises began to collide in the body. If Xu Miao let the Taoist exercises run, it would be tantamount to letting the tyrannical consciousness emerge.But if it is forcibly suppressed and used Buddhist exercises, it can only lead to two different forces clashing wildly in the body.

Obviously, there was no such situation when the cultivation of the "Admiral Flower Sutra" was completed, so why did this situation appear after the cultivation of the "Lotus Flower Sutra".Xu Miao was puzzled and tried to suppress this conflict.

But every time Xu Miao was suppressed, she found that after a while, the conflict would intensify again.In a rage, Xu Miao simply sealed off her spiritual power.

Without spiritual power, naturally there will be no more conflicts.The conflict disappeared, and Xu Miao felt that the whole world was quiet.Xu Miao, who has no spiritual power for the time being, can only rely on Xiaotian's power to check Jiru's sound transmission talisman seal.

After five years of retreat, Xu Miao walked out of the student room again.Xu Miao only showed the vision of heaven and earth at that time, and later, under the special cover of Jiru, there was no special movement.

Therefore, Xu Miao passed by a group of monks generously, and no one recognized him. He was Gui Zheng who created the vision of heaven and earth.

Jiru looked at Xu Miao with a bitter old face, and wanted to vomit bitterness to Xu Miao.Xu Miao also learned about the recent situation from Jiru's description.The campaign for the next Buddhist disciple is already in full swing.

Every sect of Buddhist practice hopes that the Buddha can fall into its own sect.Although all Buddhists in Lingjing Temple practice, it does not mean that they are truly pure in heart and ascetic.Even if Jiru doesn't care about the belonging of the Buddha, other monks will care about the ultimate belonging of the Buddha.

Xu Miao was compared with Chun Wu before, thinking that the two of them are likely to be one of the next Buddha disciples.But these are just the conjectures of each monk. Only with the approval of the "Buddha" can one become a disciple of the Buddha.

Ji Ru asked in every possible way that Xu Miao must not become a Buddhist disciple.Of course Xu Miao knew that being a Buddhist disciple was the highest honor for a Buddhist cultivator.He became a monk halfway through, how could he come to grab this title.

After Xu Miao promised, she turned her head and talked about the Buddha power and Dao power in her body. The conflict between the two spiritual powers also raised her own doubts.If you are not suitable for practicing Buddhist exercises, you should have exposed it as early as when you were practicing the "Yan Hua Jing", why did you show the conflict now.

According to Xu Miao's narration, Jiru analyzed for a while before saying: "If you are the head of a faction, and I am also the head of a faction, and the two of us saw a talented mortal at the same time, would you rob this mortal with me?" ?”

Xu Miao was obedient, and just after Jiru finished this example, she understood the true meaning of Jiru's words: "You mean, Buddhism and Taoism have taken a fancy to me at the same time, so they want to suppress the other power."

Jiru admired Xu Miao's profound comprehension ability, and he nodded in relief. It is easy to talk to smart people.He only needs to say a word, and he knows your central idea.

Xu Miao did not expect this to be the reason. If so, he would have no way to continue practicing Buddhist exercises.Without the intervention of Buddhist exercises, his tyrannical consciousness will definitely not be suppressed, and he will become a murderous blood demon, just around the corner.

It would be even more impossible for him to give up the Taoist exercises he had practiced before and turn his head to practice Buddhist exercises.This means asking him to abolish all his previous cultivation and start from scratch.

Whether it's the secluded plane or the space plane, people who hate him, Xu Miao, can go around the entire cultivation world, and there is still room for them.There are countless people who want to kill him, Xu Miao, and many of them are late stage monks.

Once the news of his fall in cultivation was spread, Xu Miao would definitely die without a place to bury him. He would not allow this kind of thing to happen, and Xu Miao gave up this possibility cleanly.

Jiru has already known Xu Miao's talent in Buddhism. If Xu Miao is willing to abolish his cultivation and practice Buddhism again, then no one can compete with Xu Miao for the next Buddha, even if Xu Miao only has a cultivation level of Qi refining period. .

Lingjing Temple will also do its best to help Xu Miao get the title of Buddhist disciple.When the time comes, it will be such an exciting thing for the Buddhist family to produce a shocking genius.It's a pity that Jiru knew that Xu Miao would not agree to this matter when he saw Xu Miao's face.

Xu Miao waved her hand, indicating that she would go back and think of a solution.If the day comes when the cultivation must be abolished, Xu Miao also needs to make comprehensive preparations, at least not to let Jiru know.

Although Ji Ru was kind to him, the matter of abolishing his cultivation base was too important to be known by anyone.Xu Miao wobbled back to the disciple's room, frowning.

Now he still maintains the state that his spiritual power is banned, because once the shackles of spiritual power are untied, there will be endless conflicts of spiritual power.

"Xu Miao, there is another method that allows you to practice Taoist and Buddhist exercises at the same time." Xiaotian walked up to Xu Miao, stretched out his hand to smooth Xu Miao's frown.Xu Miao raised her head and looked at Xiaotian puzzled, waiting for Xiaotian to continue to explain.

"Yi Gu." Xiaotian held Xu Miao's hand, squatted down in front of Xu Miao, and said in a low voice, "I will replace your entire skeleton with the bones of an eminent monk."

Buddhist exercises are different from Taoist exercises. Buddhists pay more attention to the aura emanating from the bones, while Taoism pays more attention to the aura emanating from the meridians, flesh and blood.

If one could obtain the skeleton of an eminent monk who attained Taoism, then Buddhist exercises would consider that Xu Miao had completely become a Buddhist cultivator, and naturally there would be no conflict with Taoist spiritual power.The Taoist exercises feel the meridians and flesh and blood full of Taoism, and will not conflict with the spiritual power of Buddhism.

For monks, easy bone is almost a high-risk operation that is extremely close to death.There are two difficulties here, one is to find the bones of the eminent monks.The eminent monks who have attained the Tao have either ascended to the plane, or died at an early age, so it is difficult to find.

The only surviving skeleton of an eminent monk who has attained the Tao is that when a Buddhist disciple was advancing to become a god, he had an accident and died, leaving behind a skeleton.Now this skeleton is taken care of by every generation of Buddhist disciples.

In other words, as long as whoever becomes the next Buddha, whoever can get that salary bone.The second difficulty is Yigu Guozheng.The monk's bones, flesh and blood, and meridians grow together seamlessly.

When changing bones, it is necessary to peel off the flesh and meridians on each bone, then extract clean bones and replace them with the target bones.At the same time, during the bone-changing process, monks must remain absolutely awake.

Severe pain will make the monk faint involuntarily.Once the monk falls into a coma and fails to replace the bones in time, it will directly lead to the death of the monk.

Since there are historical records, there are many monks who have changed bones, but very few have succeeded.The high risk of Yigu made the matter of Yigu gradually disappear from the cultivation world.

Xu Miao knew that the method proposed by Xiaotian was probably the only solution for him not to give up his cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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