Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 491 The Almighty Genius

Chapter 491 The Almighty Genius
In the conversation with Jiru just now, he promised to Jiru that he would not covet the position of Buddha, but now he had to start fighting for the position of Buddha.

Just thinking about it, Xu Miao felt a headache.Especially since he still has to continue looking for Jiru for the remaining exercises.He has already practiced the "Admirable Flower Sutra" and "Lotus Flower Sutra".To practice the "Pure Heart Universal Mantra", he also needs to practice a copy of the "Vimalakirti Sutra".

In other words, he is still short of two skills.Now that Jiru already knew about the conflict between his two spiritual powers, it was impossible to tell him the remaining exercises.Xu Miao was worried again, how should she explain it to Jiru.

"Why don't we just snatch it from that Buddhist cultivator named Chun Wu? He's just a late-stage Golden Core cultivator, and he's not our opponent at all." Qing Jiao also appeared in the disciple's room, and began to come up with ideas.

Xu Miao directly shook her head, denying Qingjiao's proposal: "If Chunwu gets the skeleton, the one who will protect the skeleton in the end will definitely not be Chunwu, but the entire Lingjing Temple."

"As far as I know in Lingjing Temple, there are at least two cultivators who transform spirits, and there are quite a few late-stage monks. If it was before, I would certainly not be afraid of them. But today is different from the past. , will arouse a sense of tyranny."

"If I get out of control, I will completely become a contemptible blood demon. This is not what I want to see." Qingjiao's plan was rejected, and Xiaotian wanted to capture Chun Wu and make Xu Miao pretend to be Chun Wu. Enlightenment appearance, to participate in the selection of Buddhist disciples.

It's not that Xu Miao hasn't thought about this method, but even Lingjing Temple has a magic weapon like the Qianchen Stone, and he can be sure that there are other magic weapons to determine the identity in the selection of Buddhist disciples.

If the identity is revealed at that time, there will definitely be another bloody storm, and a big battle will inevitably occur. This situation is also not what Xu Miao wanted to foresee.Xu Miao thought about it, and finally decided to confess to Jiru that if she wants to become a disciple of Buddha, she must get the help of Lingjing Temple.

Xu Miao met Jiru again. Jiru didn't expect Xu Miao to think of a way so quickly. When he was about to ask Xu Miao, he was shocked by Xu Miao's words - "I want to run for the Buddha".

Jiru felt that after he met Xu Miao, Xu Miao had caused all his fright and anger in his life.If Ji Ruo was not the abbot of a temple, he would have grabbed Xu Miao by the collar, shook him desperately, and asked him if he forgot what he just said!
"You promised me before that you would not get involved in the election of Buddha's son." Jiru's voice was still full of lingering anger.Xu Miao smiled and told Jiru all his plans.

Jiru listened to Xu Miao's detailed plan, and had to say that the whole plan was perfect and impeccable.Xu Miao made a careful plan for the whole bone-yielding process, making sure that there would be no mistakes.

Even if he is also a later stage monk, Jiru thought to himself that he could not dare to take such a big risk and make such a rigorous plan in such a short period of time like Xu Miao.

In order to get Jiru's approval, Xu Miao can only promise: "If I become a Buddhist disciple, I will definitely fulfill the obligations of a Buddhist disciple and do my best to protect Lingjing Temple."

The importance of the Buddha is not only to give lectures to other Buddhist sects, but also to bring great luck and great opportunities to the sect where the Buddha belongs.There was an inconspicuous small Buddhist sect before, but it was immediately promoted to a large sect because of a Buddhist disciple.

Countless monks are willing to join the sect where the Buddha belongs. In the heart of the Buddha, the existence of the Buddha represents the way of luck. As long as he can get a little bit of the breath of the Buddha, he can change his own luck.

Ji Ru silently listened to Xu Miao's promise, he knew very well that Xu Miao's talent in Buddhism and Taoism definitely surpassed Chun Wu's.If Xu Miao were allowed to participate in the Buddha's son election, there would be almost a [-]% chance of becoming a Buddha's son.

Don't underestimate the [-]% chance, even if Chun Wu participates, it is only a [-]% chance.There has never been a sect of Buddhist candidates who can have a [-]% success rate.

Jiru's heart was moved. As the abbot of Lingjing Temple, he had the responsibility and obligation to make Lingjing Temple more prosperous.Xu Miao's future is limitless, and it is already a certainty.

This is also why he and a few cultivators who transformed themselves into spirits were willing to take the risk to bring Xu Miao into Lingjing Temple.It can be seen from Xu Miao's treatment of He Qinggu, the sect of his origin, that Xu Miao is a person who knows how to repay him.

He Qinggu was kind to him, and he would naturally repay He Qinggu.Back then when Xu Miao traveled from Heqinggu, it was just a small sect that couldn't be smaller.

In just a few hundred years, Xu Miao has turned a small sect into a new large sect, and as long as Xu Miao survives, he can keep He Qinggu alive for thousands of years.

Jiru didn't answer Xu Miao directly: "This matter is very important, I need to report to Master Huashen in the temple, you wait a moment." After Jiru finished speaking, he left the room to find the monks of Huashen to discuss the matter.

Xu Miao was not in a hurry, so she randomly found a futon and sat down to make talisman seals.Anyway, his current spiritual power is blocked by himself, so he can't cultivate and can only do things that don't require spiritual power.

Xu Miao is quite unfamiliar with making talismans and seals, and even once she gets started, she is not used to it.The making of talisman seals is different from others, and requires the leadership of spiritual consciousness, and spiritual power is only secondary.

So Xu Miao began to try to see if he could successfully make talisman seals only through divine consciousness.This is a road that no one has ever walked, but Xu Miao wants to walk on this road.

For him, there is no way in this world, but there is a way only when someone walks.There are more and more discarded talismans around Xu Miao. If anyone passes by at this time, they will definitely think Xu Miao is crazy.

However, if someone carefully observes this pile of discarded talisman seals, they will find that the completion rate of talisman seals is constantly rising.Since there is no spiritual power injection, Xu Miao can only rely on divine consciousness to draw the talisman.

As a result, when he was drawing talisman seals, some complex runes could not be drawn in one go.The most important thing is to make talisman seals in one go. Once the drawing process is interrupted, the entire talisman seal will be scrapped.

Xu Miao's attempts at talisman seals, from the very beginning with only one stroke and then scrapped, have been almost completed in the end.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness is huge, and while drawing talisman seals, he can also set aside a part to observe the surrounding situation.

"Success!" Xu Miao put away the last stroke, and a complete talisman appeared in front of his eyes.This talisman is just a second-level low-grade talisman.Even when Xu Miao drew the talisman seals before, the grade of the talisman seals produced was higher than this one.

But this talisman was a talisman that Xu Miao made without using spiritual power.It can be said that the appearance of this second-level low-grade talisman seal has opened up a new idea and method for making talisman seals.

You don't need spiritual power to successfully make talismans.It's a pity that just after Xu Miao finished making this talisman, Ji Ru came back here with a cultivator who transformed himself into a god.

Jiru saw that his room was full of discarded talisman seals in a mess, and the veins on his forehead twitched unconsciously.He was only away for a few hours, why did his room become a garbage dump!

When Xu Miao saw the two coming in, she calmly gathered the discarded talisman seals on the side, and was about to send them into the Hunting Stone, and asked Shui San to incinerate them. Who made Xu Miao's spiritual power be sealed now? , There is no way to ignite the flame.

The deity-transforming monk who followed Jiru, whose Buddhist name is Yuanchong, usually resolves matters that Jiru cannot make a decision in Lingjing Temple.Yuan Chong saw the talisman seals under Xu Miao, and keenly realized that these discarded talisman seals did not have any spiritual power.

Generally, if the talismans fail to be made, even if they fail again, there will be spiritual power attached to them, unlike the talismans in Xu Miao's hands, where they can't feel the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power.

"Why do these talismans of yours have no spiritual power?" Neither Xu Miao nor Jiru thought that Yuan Chonghui would ask this question as soon as he came up, but if someone asked, can you avoid talking about it?

Xu Miao explained what she had just done in a few words, and found that Yuan Chong's eyes had changed.When Yuan Chong saw Xu Miao just now, he just looked at people's expressions normally, but now when he saw Xu Miao, he was full of interest in Xu Miao, which made Xu Miao feel like he was a lamb and was being targeted by hungry wolves.

Yuan Chong held the second-level low-grade talisman that Xu Miao successfully produced in his hand, and he couldn't put it down to play with it.Although Yuan Chong is a Buddhist cultivator in Lingjing Temple, he is very fond of talisman seals and often studies the making of talisman seals.

Seventy percent of the various talisman seals existing in Lingjing Temple are from him.The talisman seal that Yuan Chong is most proud of is a ninth-level low-grade talisman seal.As a cultivator who transforms spirits, it is already incredible to be able to make a ninth-level talisman.

The production of talisman seals is not directly proportional to the cultivation level of the talisman maker. Many talisman makers in the Nascent Soul stage can only make sixth-level talisman seals.Generally, cultivators of Huashen can only produce seventh-level and eighth-level talisman seals.

Therefore, the higher the cultivation level of the monks, the less research they will have on talismans.When the investment and income are not proportional, they will start to give up.

However, Yuan Chong has a tenacity. He sees the talisman seal, so he must make some achievements in the talisman seal.Therefore, when he saw a monk who also had high attainments in talisman seals, he inevitably came up with the idea of ​​exchanging experiences.

Jiru had a black line on his face, he wanted to stop but dared not, so he could only watch Yuan Chong and Xu Miao enthusiastically exchange their experience in making talismans.The more Yuan Chong communicated with Xu Miao, the more frightened he became.He found that Xu Miao's attainments in talisman seals were almost as good as his.

Yuan Chong endured it, and still asked the question that had been lingering in his heart: "Xu Miao, I want to know, what is your major?" According to the information about Xu Miao obtained from Lingjing Temple, Xu Miao said Whether it is in the way of swordsmanship, alchemy, or formation, people have extremely high attainments.

In contrast, everyone didn't say much about Xu Miao's attainments in talisman seals.

(End of this chapter)

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