Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 492 Candidate Identity

Chapter 492 Candidate Identity

"I'm just an ordinary Dharma cultivator. I will do what can improve my combat power. I don't have any special emphasis. If I have to say what I major in, it should be swordsmanship." Xu Miao described it very simply, It also sounds simple.

You can dabble in any aspect, but it is this kind of monk who dabbles in all aspects that is the most terrifying.The energy of human monks is limited, and the lifespan is also limited. It is completely impossible to be proficient in all avenues at the same time.

No matter which sect or family, including casual cultivators, they will teach their disciples, only study one, and at most two specializations.Too much can't be chewed, and too many Taoisms are placed in front of you, and you may not be able to achieve all of them.

But Xu Miao is different, completely subverting the cultivation methods of ordinary monks, practicing Sword Dao, Alchemy Dao, Formation Dao, Fu Zhuan Dao, and now Buddhism Dao at the same time, which is simply beyond the reach of others.

Yuan Chong and Jiru looked at me and I looked at you, and they both saw disbelief in each other's eyes.Yuan Chong settled down, and finally mentioned the matter of the Buddha's election.

"[-]% hope, Lingjing Temple can support you to run for the Buddha's son, but you must make a vow of heaven, as long as you don't violate morality, no matter what happens in the future, you need to stand unswervingly behind Lingjing Temple. "

Yuan Chong's request was very reasonable, and Xu Miao had no reason to refuse: "I agree." Xu Miao immediately swore the oath of heaven, and in an instant, a vague restriction appeared on his body, and it disappeared quickly.

"As long as you become a disciple of Buddha and can successfully change bones, we will teach you the "Vimalakrīrti Sutra" and "Pure Heart and Universal Mantra" needed for your next practice. If you fail to change bones—" Yuan Chong said nothing Let's go on.

Xu Miao didn't mind this, and continued: "If I fail in Yi Gu, I will do my best to support Chun Wu to become the next Buddhist disciple to succeed me. All in all, I will let the Buddhist disciples come from Lingjing Temple, not Other sects."

Yuan Chong is very satisfied with Xu Miao's promise. For Lingjing Temple, getting Xu Miao is tantamount to a guarantee.As long as Xu Miao can succeed in bone transformation, the future Huashen has almost been booked.

Even if Xu Miao fails, he can help Chun Wu become a disciple of the Buddha, and Lingjing Temple will never suffer.The two sides reached a consensus, and Jiru explained to Xu Miao about matters related to the Buddha's election.

The Buddha's election is aimed at all Buddhist cultivators in the secluded earth plane. Now, since the monks from the earth-space plane are also merged into the secluded earth plane, the scope has become wider than before, and the success rate of the election has become even lower.

The election includes several aspects of assessment, including the assessment of Buddha's own strength, the degree of Buddha's comprehension of Buddhism and Taoism, and finally there is a debate on Buddhism.

The assessment of Buddhist disciples must require the true face of the monk. At that time, Xu Miao can still use the title of Guizheng, but his true identity will also be disclosed to everyone.But Xu Miao has been recognized by Lingjing Temple, even if other monks refute it, it will not help.

Therefore, Xu Miao doesn't have to worry about the threat of his identity being revealed to the public. Xu Miao is a late Nascent Soul cultivator, so naturally he needs to be assessed by a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

With Xu Miao's current strength, naturally there would be no late Nascent Soul cultivator as his opponent.However, the Buddha's assessment is naturally to assess the content related to the Buddha, and Xu Miao must use the Buddha's skills to fight against the enemy.

Jiru didn't know Xu Miao's true strength, so he could only hand over some Buddhist combat exercises to Xu Miao, and let him choose two or three copies as appropriate for the strength assessment.

As for the assessment of Buddha's comprehension, Jiru casually tested Xu Miao's understanding of Buddhism and Taoism, and found that every understanding of Xu Miao was very precise and profound.It can be said that Xu Miao performed normally, as long as there are no accidents, no one can surpass Xu Miao in this respect.

Finally, it is about the debate on Buddhism, which requires Xu Miao's impromptu play.Judging from the information obtained from Lingjing Temple, Xu Miao possessed debating skills that would kill people, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

After Jiru explained, Xu Miao was asked to prepare by himself.After a year, he will go to Xu Miao on time to participate in the Buddhist election.Xu Miao nodded, and walked very calmly to her disciple's room.

"That day, when I told Chunwu about the Buddha's election, Chunwu's mood fluctuated, but Xu Miao didn't respond at all. Doesn't he know that the success or failure of the Buddha's election is related to his future cultivation career? ?” Jiru couldn’t help but sigh.

Yuan Chong looked at Xu Miao's back: "It is precisely because he knows too well that he knows that being nervous is useless. The monks who come out of the barren continent of the Earth-space plane can surpass the entire Earth-space plane, and even our current remote land. Plane."

"A monk of this strength, even if I am a cultivator who transforms spirits, I have to admire him." The speaker didn't care, but the listener meant it. Yuan Chong's casual words made Jiru look at him several times.

Although Yuan Chong is a Buddhist cultivator, but his spirit is so high, it can be said that in the entire remote plane, except for Yuan Chong's master, there is no second person who can convince him.Now that Xu Miao is a junior in the Nascent Soul Stage, but Yuan Chong admires her, how can she not surprise Ji Ru.

Xu Miao didn't hear the subsequent conversation between Jiru and Yuan Chong. All his attention was focused on the jade slips that Jiru gave him, which involved various Buddhist combat exercises.

Xu Miao's spiritual power is now sealed, so of course it is impossible to untie it to practice.All he could do was to memorize these exercise formulas, and wait until the day when he was assessed to unlock the seal of spiritual power, he would hold his feet and perform the exercises inside.

In the end, it was necessary to ensure that the monks who were in charge of assessing him did not see that he was selling dog meat as a sheep's trick—on the surface, he performed Buddhist exercises, but in fact he still used Taoist exercises.

Xu Miao memorized all the formulas of the exercises by heart, and began to simulate the moves of the exercises and study the skills.Xu Miao has always practiced this kind of combat skills without sticking to dead objects.

He will flexibly make reasonable adaptations based on the original moves.Let these moves adapt to his rhythm, not him to adapt to these moves.In addition, he has also practiced the cycle of nirvana.

That can be regarded as a kind of Buddhist practice, and if it really doesn't work at that time, he can still use the wheel and nirvana formula.Time is in Xu Miao's research, passing day by day.

The day of Fozi's election came soon, and Jiru knocked on Xu Miao's door on time.When everyone gathered at the gate of Lingjing Temple, Xu Miao saw Chun Wu who could only hear his voice but not see him.

Unlike Xu Miao, a monk like Chun Wu, who became a Buddhist cultivator after stepping into the realm of cultivation, had a bright spot on his forehead. Under the sunlight, his head was even brighter than the sun.

Since Xu Miao entered Lingjing Temple, he had hardly communicated with other monks in Lingjing Temple, so he only showed the early stage of Jindan's cultivation, standing obediently behind Jiru.

In addition to Jiru, the monk in charge of leading the team also had Yuan Chong, the deity-transforming monk we met last time.Yuan Chong came to the gate of Lingjing Temple and nodded to Xu Miao.It was just this ordinary nod that shocked the jaws of a group of Lingjing Temple disciples.

Who is Master Yuan Chong? He is a cultivator of Huashen!To actually nod to a monk at the early stage of Golden Core!Some monks rubbed their eyes, as if they wanted to see clearly again, but found that the two had already looked away.

Chun Wu also noticed that Master Yuan Chong greeted Xu Miao. He was devoted to Buddhism, but he didn't know everything.Guizheng's reputation, his younger brother once told him.

When practicing, there was a vision of heaven and earth, and the abbot of Jiru was also attracted.But later, this disciple named Guizheng kept a low profile, and he could hardly see him in the temple.

Today, he suddenly appeared in the Buddha's election, so he really had to be vigilant.As a disciple of Jindan, Chun Wu couldn't ask Master Yuan Chong, but Chun Wu's master Xuan Du asked bluntly.

"Senior Brother Jiru, what's the origin of this name, so Uncle Yuan Chong greeted him?"

Jiru didn't really like dealing with this junior brother Xuandu very much, so he just said perfunctorily, "Maybe it just happened to fall into the eyes of Uncle Yuan Chong." As for other things, Jiru didn't talk about them at all.

Xu Miao lowered her head and looked at the ground, acting like I didn't know anything, and followed a group of people to the tattered flying magic weapon of the cattail fan.

Along the way, Xu Miao could feel that many eyes fell on him, including curiosity, inquiry, and jealousy.Xu Miao closed her eyes and took a nap until everyone reached their destination.

The location of the Buddha's election is not in any Buddhist sect, but on a mountain.The name of this mountain is Buddha's Birthday Mountain, which means the birth of Buddha's son.

When the group from Lingjing Temple arrived, smoke had already lit up on the Buddha's Birthday Mountain, and many Buddhist monks had already arrived.Everyone put their hands together and said the Buddha's name to the monk who came up.

After all the visitors sat down, a respected Buddhist master Guangchong presided over the election of Buddhist disciples.The first is to introduce the Buddhist candidates selected by each sect, and all their origins will be made public at this time.

Master Guangchong took the jade slips sent by various sects and started a brief introduction.The front was all normal, and everyone listened casually until Xu Miao was introduced.

"Lingjing Temple is back to normal, the common name is Xu Miao, Xu Miao?" Master Guangchong was stunned when he read this.Xu Miao's name, whether it is the former Earth-space plane or the current Earth-remote plane, can be said to be known to everyone.

That is a well-known Taoist cultivator, no matter what level Xu Miao is in, within the same level, he has never tasted defeat.It is even easier to fight over the next level.As long as someone dared to provoke Xu Miao, Xu Miao would beat them all back, never daring to think of revenge.

How could such a monk appear in their Buddhist election and become a representative of Lingjing Temple.Everyone thought that the information handed over by Lingjing Temple was wrong, and someone from Lingjing Temple should come forward to modify the information.

But when the abbot of Lingjing Temple told them that the information was correct and that it was indeed Xu Miao, all the monks present looked like they had seen a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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