Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 493 Dare to Protest

Chapter 493 Dare to Protest
After a brief silence, the entire Buddha's Birthday Mountain erupted in an instant. The monks began to discuss each other, and the voices became louder and louder: "What the hell, what does Xu Miao mean by coming here?"

"Lingjing Temple has agreed to allow Xu Miao to participate in the Buddha's election. Isn't this a joke? It's a blasphemy!"

"Agreed, this is blasphemy against Buddha, I protest!"



Before the monk protested, Xu Miao had been sitting quietly beside Jiru, like a little white rabbit who couldn't be more obedient.But after Xu Miao heard the protests of these monks, Xu Miao raised her head.

He looked at the excited monks around him with a half-smile. Wherever Xu Miao looked, the monks who were shouting and protesting just now shut their mouths.

A few monks accidentally met Xu Miao's eyes and fell to the ground in fright, not daring to express any objection.Jiru saw the performance of these monks, and couldn't help but want to sigh with his forehead.

Xu Miao glanced around, then looked back, looking at the nose, nose and heart, with an expression of ignoring the outside world.Seeing Xu Miao's appearance, the monks around wanted to bring Xu Miao up and beat him up.

What to pretend!Just now your eyes are the most fierce!If it wasn't for the fear of not being able to beat you, I would have already rolled up my sleeves!However, this group of monks only dared to think about it in their hearts. Xu Miao used to be so powerful that no monk dared to say no to Xu Miao.

I was afraid that if I said something wrong, I would offend Xu Miao, the evil star.In their hearts, if Xu Miao wanted to kill any monk, then the monk would definitely die, and it was impossible to escape.

So all the monks lowered their heads, secretly regretting why they opposed Xu Miao's participation in the Buddha's election just now.Master Guangchong looked at the monk who attacked him, and his attitude changed so quickly and so decisively, it was inconceivable.

It's no wonder Master Guangchong, Master Guangchong is obsessed with Buddhism, and often retreats to study Buddhism. Regarding Xu Miao's reputation, he has only heard two or three things.

When it comes to understanding Xu Miao, Master Guangchong is absolutely inferior to any of the monks present.Master Guangchong held the jade slip handed in by Lingjing Temple in his hand, and asked again: "Will you continue to protest?"

The answer to Master Guangchong was deathly silence, and even a needle dropped on the ground could be heard.Xu Miao smiled suddenly, and said, "If anyone of you objects, you can tell them directly, and you don't need to hide it."

As Xu Miao said, her eyes fell on Foxiu who raised objections at the beginning: "What does this mage think? Didn't he express his disagreement just now? Has his thinking changed now?"

When the Buddhist cultivator heard Xu Miao asking him directly, his facial features were completely wrinkled, and he didn't want to answer Xu Miao's question at all.But he knew that if he didn't answer now, Xu Miao's fist might be waiting for him.

"Of course I don't disagree. The little monk made a mistake just now and thought it was someone else. I didn't expect it to be Master Guizheng. If Master Guizheng is not qualified, I am afraid that there is no one in the world who is qualified to be a Buddhist disciple."

Xu Miao was very satisfied with this answer: "Master Guangchong, they have no objections, you can continue to introduce." Although Master Guangchong felt that the atmosphere was weird, but no one raised any objections, he naturally would not It's boring.

In the next introduction, there was no objection from the monks, and the introduction was completed smoothly.Master Guangchong directly announced the Buddha's election, and the assessment began.

The first round is the assessment of the strength of the Buddha's candidates. The other Buddha's candidates are all monks in the Golden Core Stage, Foundation Establishment Stage, and even the Qi Refining Stage. Their assessment objects are also monks with the same level of cultivation.

Compared with the brilliance of Taoist fighting methods, the Buddhist fighting methods are much inferior, and the monks watching are also lacking in interest.Until Master Guang Chong announced that Xu Miao was ready for the assessment.

Although Xu Miao's current cultivation is at the early stage of Jindan, the information reported is at the late stage of Nascent Soul.The person who assessed Xu Miao was naturally a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

This late monk Taichang also came from a Buddhist sect. He was born upright, with a hot temper, and he was merciless every time he made a move.

Xu Miao walked towards the high platform of the competition without haste, and everyone's eyes quickly focused on Xu Miao.As Xu Miao walked towards the high platform step by step, the spiritual power sealed up all over his body was revealed little by little, until the final Nascent Soul Late Dzogchen.

Seeing Xu Miao's true strength in the later stage, the Buddhist cultivator was shocked, and the mace in his hand was also tightly grasped.Xu Miao was very relaxed, raised her hand and said, "Master, please."

Xu Miao didn't plan to attack first, not because he was so virtuous, but because he needed to find the opponent's flaws through the opponent's attack, so as to use the least number of moves to break the opponent's attack.

Seeing that Xu Miao was not moving, Taichang himself moved first.All the news told Taichang that this Xu Miao, as long as he faced the same level, he had never been defeated.

When he came here, the senior brother just told him to protect his own safety and not to be beaten too badly by Xu Miao.After all, no one thought that Taichang could defeat Xu Miao.

But Taichang didn't believe in evil, he thought he couldn't defeat Xu Miao, and he wanted to show everyone that he could defeat Xu Miao.It's just a Taoist monk who became a monk halfway, do you still want to be compared with him, an orthodox Buddhist monk!
This time the Buddha's assessment is all about the content of the Buddhist school. In the test of strength, it is also necessary to use the Buddhist combat skills.If Xu Miao used Taoist exercises, even if the opponent wins, it will be considered a failure.

With this point, Taichang didn't think Xu Miao could beat him even more.The mace in his hand opened and closed wide, showing the momentum of swallowing the sky and sucking the sea.This mace was in Taichang's hands, dancing vigorously, aiming at Xu Miao, it was almost fatal.

Xu Miao just poured spiritual power into her feet, and used the lightness technique of Lingjing Temple to avoid Taichang's attack.Jiru looked at Xu Miao's movements, feeling very worried.

He is very aware of Xu Miao's current situation. As long as Xu Miao's spiritual power is unrestricted, there will be two violent conflicts of spiritual power.Xu Miao seems to be very calm now, but in fact he is enduring the pain caused by the collision of two spiritual forces.

Jiru is even more worried that although Xu Miao has gained a lot of kung fu, she has not practiced any of them.In other words, Xu Miao only understands various exercises through Xu Miao's past experience.

If Xu Miao really used exercises to fight, it would be very difficult for Xu Miao to fool everyone present.At least the cultivators here can tell whether Xu Miao is using Buddhist exercises.

Now Xu Miao is using Lingjing Temple's light body technique, but Xu Miao's evasion is too reluctant, not like Xu Miao's usual fighting style at all.Buddhist cultivators on the remote plane may not have seen Xu Miao's fighting demeanor, but many Buddhist cultivators on the earth-space plane have.

"What's going on? Xu Miao seems to be fighting very reluctantly this time, not like his previous style at all."

"That's right. In the past, Xu Miao would have summoned the Fog Condensing Sword. This Taichang would not be Xu Miao's opponent. With just a single strike, Taichang can be knocked down."

"You're right, it's a Taoist way of fighting. Xu Miao is now running for the Buddha's position, and he must use the Buddhist skills. He has become a Buddha and he has done his best, but it has only been ten years. How can he survive in this short period of ten years?" , compared with Taichang who practiced Buddhism and Taoism since he was a child?"

The monks in the Earth-space plane are of course on the side of the Earth-space plane monks. Xu Miao, as a monk in the Earth-space plane, naturally has the support of the Buddhist monks in the Earth-space plane.They hoped that Xu Miao could defeat Taichang and severely set back the spirit of the monks in the remote plane.

However, as the battle progressed, Xu Miao slowed down and was almost hit by Taichang's mace several times.Xu Miao knew very well that this was because the conflict between the two spiritual forces was too intense.

In the midst of the maneuvers, Xu Miao could still see the smug expression on Taichang's face, with the winning ticket in his hands.Taichang was too confident and believed in his own strength, so he ignored Xu Miao.

When Xu Miao was in the early stage of Yuanying, he was able to defeat the late stage of Yuanying, not to mention that now he was already at the top of the Yuanying monks.Even if he can't use Taoist exercises, he can defeat this Taichang.

"Anyway, you're just a half-way monk. I'm going to show you today, what is the real Buddhist practice!" As Taichang's loud voice fell, the mace in Taichang's hand also shook. The unstoppable power fell.

Xu Miao was standing in front of Taichang, just within the attack range of the mace.When Xu Miao heard Taichang's words, she raised the corners of her mouth and showed a mocking smile: "Let me see, with your strength, do you have the courage to let me see?"

Xu Miao forcibly lifted the Buddha power in her body to control the fluctuation of Dao power to a minimum.The formulas of various exercises that Xu Miao had read flashed through his mind quickly.

Taichang's mace swung down, seemingly powerful, but actually revealed a huge hole in his body.What Xu Miao has to do now is to move quickly, avoid the mace's attack, and attack Taichang's chest.

Instead of retreating, Xu Miao rushed towards Taichang amid the exclamation of a group of onlookers.Seeing Xu Miao's actions, Taichang laughed arrogantly: "Hahaha! Are you scared stupid? You actually rushed over—"

Taichang didn't finish his sentence, because he found that Xu Miao, who was coming straight towards him, had crossed the attack range of the mace and came in front of him.

In a situation that Taichang did not expect at all, Xu Miao clenched his fists with both hands, and mercilessly landed on the empty position in front of Taichang's chest with an Arhat fist.All the Buddha power in Xu Miao's body poured into both fists, and hit Taichang hard.

Every move is strictly in accordance with the regulations of Luohanquan, and no punch exceeds the prescribed movements.Like a textbook, it's perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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