Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 494 Unqualified

Chapter 494 Unqualified
"This is... Arhat Fist!"

"Xu Miao played Arhat Fist. I thought he didn't know Buddhist fighting skills!"

"I have never seen such an Arhat Fist. Every move and style is exactly the same as that recorded in the jade slips!"

"What's even more frightening is that the Arhat Boxing is obviously only the most basic combat technique. Why is it so powerful in Xu Miao's hands? You see, Xu Miao completely suppressed Master Taichang, and Master Taichang didn't even have the strength to fight back. No!"

All the monks around the competition platform were shocked when they saw Xu Miao's attack.It is simply difficult for a Taoist cultivator to use the Buddha's cultivation method to such an extent.

Compared with the monks who talked a lot, Taichang was the one who suffered the most pressure.He never expected that Xu Miao could fight back under the full attack of his mace, and even began to suppress himself, gain the upper hand, and gradually control the battlefield situation.

Xu Miao threw another heavy punch, directly sending Taichang flying backwards.Xu Miao performed light body exercises, her figure flashed, appeared behind Taichang, and punched Taichang in the back again.

Taichang had nowhere to borrow strength in mid-air, so he could only let Xu Miao do whatever he wanted.Taichang was still holding the mace in his hand, accidentally, his body touched the spikes of the mace, and he was injured by his magic weapon.

At this moment, Xu Miao slowly retreated, and looked down at Taichang who was lying on the ground and ate a dog's shit.The monks near the competition platform opened their mouths in surprise when they saw that Taichang was injured by his magic weapon.

"Taichang is—lost?"

"Obviously Xu Miao just had the upper hand in the battle just now, why did the battle end so quickly?"

"You guys are so rare. What Xu Miao is best at is never a protracted battle. In a battle, if he keeps on the defensive, it means he is looking for your opening. If he starts to fight back, it means that you are not far from failure. .” A Buddhist cultivator from the earth-space plane explained.

Taichang was lying on the competition stage with "five body prostration", hearing people's intentional or unintentional laughter, his hands gradually clenched—Xu Miao, I am at odds with you!
Xu Miao was keenly aware of the change in Taichang's aura. He stood cautiously on the spot and observed Taichang's situation.Taichang slammed his hands on the ground, and he flew into the air. At the same time, he spun and changed direction in the air, and rushed towards Xu Miao.

"Xu Miao! The battle between us is not over yet!" Taichang no longer called Xu Miao by his legal name, which also indirectly showed the anger in Xu Miao's heart.

"Taichang has already lost, but now he is still entangled with Xu Miao. This is cheating!"

"After all, Master Guangchong didn't announce Taichang's failure, so Taichang is not a real failure."

Xu Miao looked at Taichang who was getting closer and closer to her, with a calm expression on her face, and her spiritual power did not fluctuate at all.Taichang's face gradually enlarged in Xu Miao's sight, Xu Miao suddenly raised the corners of her mouth: "Taichang, there used to be many people like you."

Taichang was somewhat puzzled by what Xu Miao said suddenly, but his doubts did not change his determination to kill Xu Miao.It can be seen from the Buddhist fighting skill Luohan Quan that Xu Miao showed just now that Xu Miao didn't know much about Buddhist fighting skills.

Otherwise, with Xu Miao's strength, he would definitely not only use Arhat Fist without using other combat skills.Xu Miao just caught him off guard because he was not prepared.

Now that Taichang is fully prepared, he doesn't think Xu Miao can beat him!Xu Miao suddenly summoned the Fog Condensing Sword, and Taichang was overjoyed when he saw it.Who doesn't know that Xu Miao's natal magic weapon, the Ningwu Sword, is extremely powerful.

But this is all for Daoxiu, and Xu Miao's taking out the fog-condensing sword also shows that he has no more Buddhist skills to use.As long as Xu Miao violated the rules and used Taoist exercises, Taichang would definitely win this battle!

"Xu Miao summoned the Fog Condensing Sword!"

"This time it's the Buddha's election, so you can't use Taoist exercises at all!"

"Is Xu Miao going to lose? If you use Taoist exercises, even if Xu Miao can defeat Taichang, it will be counted as defeat!"

The joy of victory could not help appearing on Taichang's face, and Xu Miao looked at him with a half-smile: "Do you think I will be forced to use Taoist exercises?" Taichang has not yet understood the profound meaning of Xu Miao's words. At that time, a set of smooth and flowing sword moves were displayed.

"This is—Dharma Sword!"

"Xu Miao did not use his usual sword technique, but chose the Bodhidharma sword!"

Before the smile on Taichang's face disappeared, it froze.Xu Miao integrated his understanding of the sword into the Dharma sword. The perfect mixture of Buddha and sword made Xu Miao's attack to another level.

"You -- you are not qualified to be my opponent yet!" Xu Miao's Dharma swordsmanship was like a storm, forcing Taichang to retreat steadily, and finally fell under the high platform of the competition.

In the competition between monks, there is nothing more painful than when the opponent still does not regard himself as an opponent after exerting his full strength.Taichang looked defeated and unbelievable, he clearly had the upper hand, why did Xu Miao turn defeat into victory before he could react.

Xu Miao walked to the edge of the competition platform, and said in a cold voice, "Taichang, you should be glad that the competition between you and me is in the Buddha's election. Otherwise, you would have died ten times just because of the killing intent you showed just now." !"

After speaking, Xu Miao jumped off the high platform without looking at Taichang's expression.Taichang's eyes are no longer full of confidence, but full of despair.

Even though he is a Buddhist cultivator in a remote plane, he has heard of Xu Miao's reputation.Now Xu Miao has the strength of the late Dzogchen, which is comparable to her own cultivation level.

For Xu Miao, the same level does not mean that they can compete with Xu Miao, but it means that they must lose.Taichang naively thought that Xu Miao was bound by regulations and could not show all his strength in the election of Fozi.

I can use this to defeat Xu Miao, and by then the entire secluded plane will know that he Taichang defeated Xu Miao, who used to be invincible.But the reality gave Taichang a resounding slap in the face.

What caused Xu Miao to fail and what made Xu Miao's reputation discredited were all his wishful thinking and daydreaming.Only when you meet Xu Miao face to face, will you know how terrifying Xu Miao is.

Xu Miao walked back to sit behind Jiru, and Jiru also breathed a long sigh of relief.The competition between Xu Miao and Taichang just now really made him terrified, for fear that Xu Miao would lose the competition.

After watching Xu Miao and Taichang's late stage monk competition, the competition of other Buddhist candidates can no longer attract the attention of everyone.Everyone finished watching all the competitions with little interest, and entered the second Buddha's assessment.

This time regarding the understanding of the Buddha, Master Guangchong only wrote the word "Buddha" in the air with mana, and asked all the candidates for the Buddha to write down their understanding of the "Buddha".

After Xu Miao glanced at the word "Buddha", she wrote a few words on the bamboo slip in front of her and handed it in.While other Buddhist candidates were still writing hard, Xu Miao was already sitting in a daze, wandering for nine days.

"Why did Xu Miao write it so quickly, just kidding!"

"Having become a monk halfway is becoming a monk halfway. It's ridiculous. How can one treat Buddha's understanding like this? It's really infuriating!"

"That's right, so perfunctory, Xu Miao should be expelled from the Buddhist selection!"

Xu Miao didn't express anything about the comments of the monks around him, unlike the previous demonstration with his eyes, he still just sat aside.At this time, it is not this group of monks that decides whether Xu Miao will be successful, but Master Guang Chong sitting above, and several highly respected Buddhist monks.

These monks are just talking and talking, and will not have any impact on Xu Miao.Xu Miao's silence gave the monks who were discussing more courage.

They thought Xu Miao was guilty and dared not refute them.Therefore, their voices of ridicule became louder and louder, until it affected the response status of other Buddhist candidates.

Without Xu Miao's action, Master Guangchong took the initiative to warn the commenting monks: "If there are any more talkative and random commenters, they will be expelled from Buddha's Birthday Mountain immediately!"

Although Master Guangchong doesn't care about common things, he is a true cultivator of transforming spirits.The cultivator of Huashen issued a warning, whoever dared to hide anything, naturally shut his mouth obediently, and did not dare to make any comments.

When the last Buddhist candidate handed in the bamboo slips, Master Guangchong directly announced: "Now enter the third round, everyone will debate with others based on your understanding of 'Buddha'."

The format of the debate this time is different from the previous ones. The debate is based on the situation in the second round.Everyone drew lots to choose the object of the debate, and Xu Miao's opponent was also a disciple of a large Buddhist sect.

"Buddha is the enlightened one, who values ​​the human mind, morality, and enlightenment..." The other party opened his mouth, followed by a series of long speeches, which made Xu Miao drowsy.

When the other party finally finished speaking, what he saw was Xu Miao with her eyes closed, wondering what she was thinking: "I don't know what advice Master Guizheng has?"

Xu Miao just opened her eyes and looked at the other person: "You said that Buddha values ​​people's hearts, and there are a lot of messy things. Then I would like to ask your Excellency, is it a bit biased when Buddha said that all are equal and only value people?"

"Also, the Buddha has never been an enlightened one. The real enlightened one is just himself. Only by being conscious can one perceive him..." Xu Miao seemed not to listen carefully to the other party's words, but in fact every point of rebuttal hit the point. Make it impossible for the other party to refute.

Xu Miao propped her chin and asked, "I don't know what excuse you have?" Of course Xu Miao just asked politely, he blocked all the back roads that this person could justify, and it was almost impossible to distinguish.

"Xu Miao is too ruthless. She caught a mistake and started to play, without giving anyone a chance to defend herself!" These monks were warned by Master Guang Chong, they did not dare to discuss loudly, only dared to discuss in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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