Chapter 495
Xu Miao's logical thinking ability and degree of prudence in debate are almost unmatched by anyone.All Buddhist cultivators who thought they were good at debating ended up with the same result in front of Xu Miao—speechless.

There are so many classic allusions of Buddhism, it is impossible for Xu Miao to comprehend all of them thoroughly and sum up the main points in the short one-year preparation time.

Therefore, in the second round of comprehension of "Buddha", Xu Miao only wrote four words - Buddha is in the heart.These four words seem simple, but they contain countless philosophies.

Different people will have different understandings when they read these four words.The other Buddhist candidates all wrote a lot of lengthy essays, which are directly inferior to Xu Miao's brevity.

Based on Xu Miao's understanding of the cultivators of Huashen, they would not like to explain everything thoroughly.Three points for description, seven points for blanks, and the remaining ninety points, the judges will naturally comprehend it thoroughly.

As for the third round of debate, Xu Miao listened to their babbling nonsense, citing scriptures, and talking eloquently, which made Xu Miao very dizzy.

He also didn't care which scripture the other party found the example from, and which scripture he found the philosophy from.Xu Miao used the simplest method, he only looked for loopholes in the other party's speech.

No matter who it is, as long as it is a human being, after a long series of words, there will be mistakes that I have not discovered.What Xu Miao did was to find out such mistakes and debate them.

No one can deal with Xu Miao's every step of the way, and the final winner is naturally Xu Miao.This result surprised everyone.

Master Guangchong watched Xu Miao talk about his opponents one by one, watching his opponents become less and less, until finally there was no one in front of Xu Miao.

"Xu Miao, do you really want to become a disciple of Buddha?"

"I suddenly had an idea. If Xu Miao became a disciple of Buddha, would he be able to get part of Xu Miao's luck just by fighting with Xu Miao?"

"You still have a fight with Xu Miao, don't dream, Xu Miao makes a move, it is life and death, do you want luck or death!"

"Xu Miao can reach the peak of practicing Buddhist exercises. I wonder if there is anything Xu Miao can't do?"

"...Maybe Xu Miao can't give birth to a child." A group of monks couldn't help laughing when they heard this answer.This is Xu Miao, there is nothing he can't do, as long as he wants to do it, he can do it.

Master Guangchong lowered his voice and asked Xu Miao to come forward: "Anyway, disciple of Lingjing Temple, you have defeated all the candidates for Buddhist disciples and have the greatest qualifications to become Buddhist disciples. Now you enter the inner hall, and there will be Someone is waiting for you."

Jiru didn't tell Xu Miao that after the three rounds of assessment, there would be such an accident.Jiru also looked puzzled, the Buddha's son campaign he participated in was indeed not so troublesome.

Whoever passes the three rounds of assessment can be declared a disciple of the Buddha on the spot. Why did he come to Xu Miao's place and enter the inner hall.Jiru didn't understand the situation, so Xu Miao could only follow the instructions and enter the inner hall.

Right in front of the inner hall, a monk stood gracefully in front of a Buddha statue with his hands behind his back.This person sensed Xu Miao coming in and turned to look at Xu Miao.If it weren't for the string of Buddhist beads hanging around this man's neck, Xu Miao really wouldn't think that this man was a Buddhist cultivator.

"Anyway, Xu Miao." The person suddenly asked strangely, "Why did your spiritual power suddenly disappear?"

Xu Miao didn't answer the person's question, but instead asked, "Who are you?"

"The former Buddha's son——Being in aid." Although Xu Miao had some guesses about the identity of this person, she was still a little shocked when she heard the person's answer.

Beiji was born in a small Buddhist sect, but his comprehension and comprehension of Buddha far surpassed the disciples of the contemporary large Buddhist sects.In the hearts of all Buddhist practitioners, compassion is a legendary existence.

There is a great fortune in the body, as long as there is an expedition with Beiji, you can get a huge harvest.Not only that, Bei Ji relied on his own strength to promote his small Buddhist sect to a large sect, becoming the place that the world's Buddhist cultivators yearn for.

For such a person, everyone thought that he had ascended to the upper plane, but they did not expect that he was still in the lower plane.Although Xu Miao has sealed off his spiritual power, his consciousness is still there, and he can tell whether this person is a clone or a body.

The Beiji who stood in front of Xu Miao was exactly the same person.Beiji sensed Xu Miao's question, and took the initiative to answer: "I have indeed ascended to the upper plane, and it is for you that I returned to the remote plane this time."

Xu Miao raised her eyebrows, noncommittal.Beiji continued to tell the reason why he came here. After Beiji ascended to the plane, he joined a large Buddhist sect in the sky plane——Qinglianzong.

Recently, an elder of the Qinglian Sect discovered during calculations that there is a Buddhist cultivator in a remote plane whose strength is not inferior to that of Beiji.Therefore, the elder used all means to help Beiji return to the secluded plane, and asked Beiji to book this buddhist cultivator.

When this person ascends to the upper plane of the sky, he can become a disciple of the Qinglian Sect.In addition to absorbing excellent monks from the sky plane, the various sects in the upper plane of the sky will also look for monks with outstanding talents from the lower planes under their jurisdiction.

A person with Xu Miao's strength is the object of competition among various forces.The elder of the Qinglian Sect who is good at calculations calculated Xu Miao's existence first, and this scene happened now.

"Senior Beiji should know that I am just a Taoist cultivator, and I joined Lingjing Temple only for a certain reason. Buddha is not suitable for me." Xu Miao bluntly refused. There is a reason.

As for the specific situation of the plane in the sky, he was completely blindsided.On the premise that Xu Miao didn't know anything about the situation, it was impossible for him to agree to this kind of invitation at will. If he cheated himself, who could he turn to for reasoning?
Beiji seems to have been prepared for Xu Miao's refusal: "Anyway, you don't have to rush to refuse. You joined Lingjing Temple just for the sake of the "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra."

When Xu Miao heard this, although the expression on her face did not change, her heart froze.If this Beiji knew the "Pure Heart Universal Mantra", then it is very likely that he also knew other things.

"The "Blood Demon Art" is not a secret in the sky. Almost all monks know it, and many monks practice this art. In the end, these monks chose to use the Buddhist art to relieve the killing and tyranny in their hearts. .”

Xu Miao found that Buddhist cultivators especially like to talk nonsense, and they can't stop once they say it. He didn't bother to listen to Beiji's nonsense, and directly interrupted Beiji: "You are here to invite me, I can consider agreeing to you , but I need time."

"This is the choice of a wise person." Beiji showed a satisfied smile, "You can spend the time before ascension to the plane for consideration. As my sincerity, you can become a disciple of Buddha."

Seeing the smile on Beiji's face, Xu Miao felt it was very dazzling: "Beiji, you'd better make it clear that Buddha is already in my pocket and has nothing to do with your sincerity."

"If you really want to show your sincerity, you will be truly satisfied if you tell me some Buddhist exercises that can alleviate the "Blood Demon Art"." Bei Ji was taken aback, unexpectedly, Xu Miao was still bargaining with him.

Beiji pondered for a moment, and a jade slip appeared in the air. With a wave of Beiji's hand, the jade slip flew directly in front of Xu Miao.Xu Miao took it and saw that it was "Bodhi Mirror Mantra".

Xu Miao once saw the "Bodhi Mirror Mantra" in a bunch of exercise introductions that Jiru gave him.The effect of this exercise is roughly similar to that of the "Pure Heart and Universal Mantra", and it is said that the effect is better.

Beiji's ability to directly give the "Bodhi Mirror Mantra" also shows that he is really sincere.The so-called shortage of manpower, if Beiji refuses directly, Xu Miao will refuse in the future.But Beiji gave the "Bodhi Mirror Mantra" very generously, which made Xu Miao a little embarrassed.

"The effect of this exercise is better than that of the "Pure Heart and Universal Good Mantra". As long as you practice the "Pure Heart and Universal Good Mantra", you can directly practice the "Bodhi Mirror Mantra". This is the sincerity of me and Qinglian Sect. I hope you will give Qinglian sect a serious consideration."

After Beiji finished speaking, he sent a voice transmission directly to Master Guangchong, telling the other party that Xu Miao had passed the examination and could become a Buddhist disciple.Beiji's return to the remote plane is a top-secret matter that should not be known by outsiders.

Therefore, Beiji did not participate in the ceremony for Xu Miao to become a disciple of the Buddha.After a series of burning incense and praying, Xu Miao got the skeleton of the Buddha.After returning to Lingjing Temple, Jiru asked what happened in the inner hall.

Xu Miao told Jiru about Beiji without psychological pressure. Since Beiji didn't warn her to hide his tracks, she certainly didn't need to hide the other party's tracks. She just omitted the "Bodhi Mirror Curse".

Jiru heard Xu Miao's explanation, his whole body felt as if struck by lightning, and it took him a long time to speak: "There are some things on the plane in the sky, which are very complicated. I can only advise you, don't agree casually."

Xu Miao looked at Jiru leaving the disciple's room in a daze, feeling even more puzzled.Many conjectures and possibilities emerged in his mind for a while, but Jiru had already left, and he didn't intend to go to verify it immediately.

Now for Xu Miao, the most important thing is Yi Gu.Xu Miao couldn't be completely relieved of the environment in Lingjing Temple, so she left a jade slip in the disciple's room, and after explaining her whereabouts, Xu Miao returned to Heqing Valley.

Yi Gu's matter is of great importance, related to Xu Miao's life and death, only returning to Heqing Valley, Xu Miao is the most at ease.When returning this time, Xu Miao only told Ye Qiguang that she was going to retreat, and then closed the cave, and all the formations were in operation.

Xiaotian told Xu Miao in detail about the whole process of Yi Gu, precautions, and possible situations that might be encountered.

(End of this chapter)

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