Chapter 496
Xu Miao wrote it down carefully, and at the same time simulated it in her mind.He has a good memory, and he can repeat it clearly after listening to it only once.But easy bone is different from others, many emergencies will happen in the process of easy bone.

Among these situations, Xiaotian may have mentioned them, or Xiaotian may not have mentioned them.The human body is very complicated. Every meridian and every muscle performs its own duties and plays different roles. It is not easy to separate them from the bones.

In addition, each person's situation is also different, and different people may encounter different situations when undergoing bone-yielding.Once Yigu started and encountered an accident, Xu Miao had to solve it all by himself, and no one could help him.

If the emergency situation during Yigu cannot be resolved in time, the only thing waiting for Xu Miao is death.Xiaotian is very clear that Xu Miao must do the bone-changing matter, and will not give up because of these possible risks.

What Xiaotian can do is to stay by Xu Miao's side all the time. No matter what happens to Xu Miao in the future, she will always support him.After Xu Miao arranged all the preparations, she began to adjust her physical condition.

Yigu is a matter that determines the life and death of a monk, so Xu Miao is naturally cautious.After he exhaled a mouthful of foul air, he immersed his consciousness into his body.The bone Xu Miao first chose was a leg bone.

Even if there is a problem with the leg bone, it is just a waste of a leg.As long as it is slowly recuperated, the useless legs can also grow slowly.Xu Miao sealed the dragon's blood and began to peel off the meridians and muscles attached to the bones.

Xu Miao could feel a sharp pain every time she peeled off.However, no matter how painful it was, Xu Miao's hand remained absolutely stable.He won't allow himself to have problems with Yigu because of shaking hands.

The sweat on Xu Miao's body continued to ooze, and soon the whole person seemed to be fished out of the water.The clothes on his body were wet and dry, and they were sticky and sticky, which was very uncomfortable.

But these are nothing compared to what Xu Miao is doing.A complete leg bone was stripped off by Xu Miao, and what remained on the leg were soft meridians and flesh and blood, which looked horrifying.

Xiaotian's face was completely pale, and she covered her mouth with her hand to prevent herself from screaming.Xu Miao took a deep breath, collected herself, and took the bone of the Buddha's son and put it into her body.

Xu Miao needed to reattach the meridian and flesh to the bone, and the pain he felt was much better than before.Maybe it's because it's relatively easy to place, or maybe it's because Xu Miao has been in pain for too long, her nerves have been paralyzed, and she can't feel the pain.

One leg bone was easily replaced, and Xu Miao followed the example to complete the replacement of all four limbs.Although there were many situations encountered in the process, they were all told by Xiaotian in advance, and Xu Miao started to deal with them calmly and solved these problems smoothly.

Next comes the spine and ribs.Xu Miao peeled off her upper body with her hands, exposing her internal organs to the air.Xu Miao seemed unaware of this, and continued to change bones with a very calm expression.When he peeled off the rib closest to the dantian, the previously sealed spiritual power suddenly lost control and violently impacted all parts of his body.

This situation was completely unexpected, and Xu Miao's hand became unsteady in an instant.The impact of two spiritual powers, even when Xu Miao did not have Yi Yi, could not bear the impact of two completely different spiritual powers, let alone Xu Miao who was in the middle of Yi Yi.

Xu Miao's bone, which had been easily replaced before, was instantly dislocated by the impact of spiritual power.Xu Miao's eyes immediately turned red, and the spiritual power in his whole body was surging, and he was in an extremely dangerous state.

"Xu Miao!" Xiaotian couldn't help crying out, she stood beside Xu Miao helplessly, "Xu Miao——"

Xu Miao raised her head and gave Xiaotian a comforting smile. He temporarily put down the ribs in his hands, endured the severe pain and shot like lightning, and tapped several acupoints at the same time, and at the same time set up restrictions to seal the spiritual power inside the dantian.

It's just that Xu Miao's bones are changing now, and the power of the restraint has also weakened.In order to ensure that there would be no more problems with his spiritual power, he forcibly suppressed his dantian.Although this method can control the spiritual power, it will also make Xu Miao's cultivation base fall to several realms.

But at this time, Xu Miao couldn't care less about the drop in cultivation.He needs to replace all the bones in his upper body as quickly as possible.Xu Miao clenched her back molars tightly, and the veins at her temples bulged.

Xu Miao's speed is already very fast, but in Xiaotian's view, it seems as long as hundreds of years.When Xu Miao finally repaired the skin and flesh of her upper body, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Neither the limbs nor the bones of the upper body are the most difficult.The most serious of easy bones is the easy replacement of head bones.In the sea of ​​consciousness of the head of the monk, there is the soul and consciousness of the monk.

No matter which one of the problems arises, it is very tricky.Xu Miao was not in a hurry to change the head, he readjusted his physical condition, and then started to change the head.

Xiaotian watched Xu Miao use the indestructible chaotic gas to cut off the head, carefully avoiding the location of the sea of ​​consciousness, and took out the head completely.The whole scene was extremely bloody, but Xiaotian didn't care about it at all. Xu Miao was the only one she was worried about.

Because it was changing the head, Xu Miao could no longer observe with his eyes. He used Yuanying to observe the condition of the head, and replaced the Buddha's head into Xu Miao's head little by little, and finally repaired the scar.

After the whole head replacement was completed, Xiaocai realized that he was so nervous that he even forgot to breathe.After Xu Miao put the head in, he connected all the bones together.

This skeleton did not belong to Xu Miao, his body strongly rejected it, and his whole body was screaming for pain and discomfort.Xu Miao didn't even have the strength to sit up straight, and when she was about to fall backward, she was held in Xiaotian's arms.

Xu Miao's head was resting on Xiaotian's chest. Normally, Xu Miao would be a little distracted.But at this moment, all of Xu Miao's energy was struggling with the bones, and he had no energy to pay attention to other things.

The bones repel, causing Xu Miao's body to shake uncontrollably.The bones were not completely integrated with Xu Miao's body, and Xiaotian didn't dare to hug Xu Miao forcefully, so he could only surround him vaguely.

Xu Miao's eyes were closed tightly, but she didn't dare to clenched her wrists tightly. She could only let her body twitch and shake continuously.Xu Miao wanted to pass out countless times in order to escape the pain caused by Yi Gu.

But he is very clear that during this period of time, he must remain absolutely awake.Only in this way can the body regain its fighting strength immediately after the body adapts to the bones.

Otherwise, once he falls into a coma, his sea of ​​consciousness and dantian will all fall out of control, it will cause irreversible damage to his body.Whether it is future cultivation or others, problems will arise.

Due to the body's repulsion, Xu Miao's body was churning, and blood flowed out of his mouth continuously.Xiaotian could only wipe off the bleeding bit by bit, and kept praying that Xu Miao would get better.

However, it was also in this situation that the tyrannical consciousness that had always caused Xu Miao a headache did not appear to cause trouble, so Xu Miao could only focus on fighting against bone repulsion.

Xu Miao didn't know how long it had been outside. When he finally felt the pain of the tide wash away, when he opened his eyes, he saw Xiaotian's eyes full of tears.

Seeing Xu Miao wake up, Xiaotian finally couldn't help shedding tears.Xu Miao raised her hand feebly, wiped away Xiaotian's tears, and comforted her hoarsely: "Don't cry, I'm fine now."

Although Xu Miao said this, both he and Xiaotian knew that it was just words of comfort.After changing the bones, you have to adapt to the bones, and you have to talk about the restoration of the cultivation base that was suppressed during the previous bone changes.

There are thousands of thoughts and ideas, and none of them can be made overnight.Xiaotian carefully positioned Xu Miao so that he could easily absorb the aura of heaven and earth.Xu Miao looked at Xiaotian and said, "I'm not made of porcelain, so don't be so careful."

Xiaotian just glanced at Xu Miao reproachfully, and still acted like this.Xu Miao showed a barely visible smile and closed her eyes again.After Yigu, everything has to start all over again.

Whether it is to absorb aura, or other matters.Xu Miao felt her current cultivation base, it was the early stage of Nascent Soul, which was already a blessing in misfortune.If he falls to Jindan, he needs to re-infant.

Xu Miao circulated her spiritual power calmly, guiding the meridians in the body, gradually forming a spiritual power cycle.With the existence of the bones of the Buddha's child, the Buddha's power and the Tao's power no longer conflict, but work together in harmony.

After all the pain, the result was satisfying at last.The speed of the spiritual power in the body was slow at the beginning, then became faster and faster, and then increased rapidly.

Seeing this, Xiaotian began to place the spirit stones without the slightest hesitation.Being in He Qinggu's position, if Xu Miao lets go of absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world, it will only drain most of He Qinggu's spiritual energy.

This is not what Xu Miao wants to see, so he has already ordered Xiaotian to guarantee his cultivation through the spirit gathering array and the best spirit stone.When Xu Miao was looking for Fang Yu before, she found the spiritual core.

This spirit core was dug out by Xiaotian long ago and placed in the spirit gathering array.The spiritual power contained in the spiritual core is not comparable to ordinary spiritual stones. It has absolutely rich spiritual power, which is enough for Xu Miao to recover.

Xu Miao practiced both Buddhist and Taoist exercises at the same time, pushing her cultivation level upwards, reaching the state of half-step transformation of gods in one fell swoop.As long as Xu Miao is willing, he can take the remaining half step at any time, and completely advance to become a god.

However, Xu Miao was not in a hurry to advance to God Transformation. The tyrannical consciousness in his body had not been completely resolved. He needed to go to Lingjing Temple again to get the "Vimalakirti Sutra" and "Pure Heart Universal Mantra" in his hands.

When Jiru opened the door, he saw Xu Miao who was leaning on the chair, very leisurely.Jiru instantly exuded his consciousness, felt Xu Miao's breath, and couldn't be more stable.

"You succeeded?" Although he had seen it with his own eyes, Ji Ru still couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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