Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 497 Bodhi Mirror Curse

Chapter 497 Bodhi Mirror Curse

Xu Miao nodded calmly: "If I fail, I will have no way to stand in front of you. According to our previous agreement, you will give me the "Vimalakirti Sutra" and "Pure Heart Universal Mantra" .”

This is the agreement between Jiru and Xu Miao. As long as Xu Miao can successfully change his bones, he can have the "Vimalakrīrti Sutra" and "Pure Heart Universal Mantra".In return, as long as Xu Miao meets the disciples of Lingjing Temple, she will protect them as much as possible.

Jiru looked at Xu Miao's calm look now, but spontaneously thought of the pain that Yi Gu had to bear.A certain senior in Lingjing Temple once tried to change bones.

Later, because he couldn't bear the pain caused by Yigu, he fell into a coma during the Yigu process. When he finally woke up, he became crazy and was imprisoned by other monks.

Whether it's Yuan Chong or Ji Ru, their expectations for Xu Miao are also not high.It's just that they didn't expect that Xu Miao could really do it, and seeing Xu Miao's state, the bones and body were fused smoothly, and there were no other problems.

To be able to bear the pain of Yi Gu, how firm Xu Miao's will and perseverance are, Ji Ru is shocked just thinking about it.

Naturally, Lingjing Temple would not violate what Xu Miao promised.According to the original agreement, Jiru handed over the two jade slips to Xu Miao: "After 50 years, all the forces in the remote plane will be rearranged."

Xu Miao didn't pay attention to the ranking of forces.However, monks from the earth-space plane migrated to the secluded plane, which disrupted the original pattern of the entire secluded plane. The real speaker must naturally be selected.

In the world of comprehension, the candidates for the speaker have always been selected by fists.Only the strongest can have the highest right to speak.Jiru's words seem to be telling Xu Miao that the major forces will be rearranged, but it actually implies a deep meaning.

Xu Miao has promised to help Lingjing Temple, so of course Xu Miao will represent Lingjing Temple and compete with other forces.Although Buddhist cultivators don't like to get involved in other matters, the level of discourse power involves the future development of the sect.

Only with a high enough right to speak can we get more cultivation resources and enable the sect to flourish in the future. Therefore, Lingjing Temple attaches great importance to the order of power in 50 years.

"After 50 years, no matter what my cultivation level is, I will definitely help Lingjing Temple. Master Jiru doesn't need to worry." After Xu Miao finished speaking, she left Lingjing Temple like a gust of wind.

Jiru's spiritual consciousness tracked away at the first time, but lost Xu Miao's trace.The two were both late-stage monks before, but now Xu Miao has become a half-step deity.

When Xu Miao finishes practicing the "Vimalakrīrti Sutra" and "Pure Heart and Universal Mantra", it may be time for him to advance to become a god.Jiru hopes that Xu Miao can appear in the ranking of forces 50 years later with the posture of transforming into a god.

As long as Huashen can overwhelm other sects, Lingjing Temple doesn't need to think about anything else.Xu Miao knew Jiru's thoughts like the back of his hand.But all of this needs to consider the effect of the "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra".

If you can't suppress the tyrannical consciousness in your heart within 50 years, then everything is empty talk.After Xu Miao returned to Heqing Valley, she told Lu Zhou about the ranking of forces after 50 years.

After Lu Zhou learned of this, he calmed down quickly after the initial surprise.Xu Miao is very satisfied with Lu Zhou's performance: "I will retreat for 50 years, and after 50 years, no matter what the results of the retreat are, I will leave the retreat on time."

"Therefore, you don't need to worry about these things. You just need to follow the normal steps to urge the sect's disciples to practice and expand." Lu Zhou naturally followed Xu Miao's orders and nodded repeatedly.

Xu Miao didn't talk too much nonsense. After explaining, she left Heqing Valley, went to the monk's site in a remote plane, and rented a cave with a high-quality aura concentration.

Although the price of this cave is high, it is definitely a bargain for Xu Miao.If he advanced to become a god, he would need a huge amount of spirit energy, which cannot be covered by the number of spirit stones rented.

Therefore, it is the most cost-effective to borrow the aura of the cave.The concealment of the cave here is very high, and the formation outside the cave is constructed by the digital god monks.

Even with the presence of several deities, they cannot destroy this formation in a short time.After seeing this formation, Xu Miao reinforced it by herself, which greatly enhanced the defensive effect of the formation.Both Xiaotian and Shui San were summoned to protect Xu Miao.

After everything was ready, Xu Miao began to study the Vimalakirti Sutra.With the foundation of "Admiral Flower Sutra" and "Lotus Flower Sutra", Xu Miao practiced "Vimalakirti Sutra" without any effort.

After Yigu, the Buddhist magic power no longer repelled other spiritual powers in the body, and began to function normally.It took Xu Miao a year to complete the entire "Vimalakirti Sutra".

In the process of cultivation, Xu Miao once again had a vision of heaven and earth, with a solemn face behind him, and Xu Miao's face was solemn, just like the reincarnation of a true Buddha.If it weren't for Xu Miao's arrangement of the formation, it would not only be able to block the attacks from the outside, but also hide the changes in the internal cultivation.

Xu Miao's rented cave has already attracted the attention of other monks. The golden light Dharma image produced during the cultivation of the "Vimalakirti Sutra" is even more powerful than the Dharma image produced by the "Lotus Sutra".

Jiru once gave him a lot of jade slips, describing the phenomena of heaven and earth.It mentioned that in today's lower plane, few Buddhist practitioners can cultivate the vision of heaven and earth.Every Buddhist cultivator who has a vision of heaven and earth is like the favored son of heaven.

Xu Miao never took these words to heart, not boasting, even without these visions of heaven and earth, he, Xu Miao, is like the favored son of heaven.

The only thing that caught Xu Miao's attention was Xiaotian's mention that the golden light on his back was mixed with streaks of red, and he could even feel the aura of tyranny from the image.

The awareness of tyranny has affected the Golden Light Dharma, which also means that it is imminent to practice the "Pure Heart and Universal Mantra".Xu Miao didn't stop, and directly started to study "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra".

In the entire exercise formula, there are a few similarities with the "Qingxin Mantra" given to him by Xie Ling'an, but it is obviously much more subtle than the Qingxin Mantra.

If he guessed correctly, this "Pure Heart Mantra" should be the version of "Pure Heart Mantra" leaked by some monk. The way it is today.

In fact, the suppression effect on the tyrannical consciousness cannot be compared with the real "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra".Xu Miao just started to practice, and felt her mood calmed down, and the faint impulsive tyrannical consciousness was gradually resolved.

The "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra" can play a role, which is the best result.Xu Miao continued to practice the "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra" at a leisurely pace.However, he discovered that there was still a sense of tyranny deep in his heart, which could not be resolved no matter what.

The entire "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra" has been practiced, and Xu Miao has exerted the effect of this exercise to the extreme. Most of the tyrannical consciousness has been dissolved, but that consciousness has never been resolved.

Xu Miao opened her eyes, and there was a dark tide surging in her eyes, and her expression was even more indistinguishable.Xiaotian, as Xu Miao's tool spirit, could feel Xu Miao's tyrannical consciousness has almost diminished at the first time. She didn't understand why Xu Miao still had a heavy expression.

The smartest thing about Xiaotian is that she knows when to speak up and when to keep quiet.At this time, Xu Miao must have to think alone.

Although most of the rage consciousness has been almost resolved, Xu Miao will not burst out killing intent anytime and anywhere.But Xu Miao knew very well that with his current state, he couldn't advance to become a god.

Advanced Transformation God, which is different from other advanced realms, has the test of inner demons.The tyrannical consciousness in the bottom of my heart will make it more difficult for the demon to pass, and even directly trigger the tyranny in the test of the demon, so that the whole person will completely fall into madness.

After Xu Miao pondered for a while, she finally turned her hands and took out the "Bodhi Mirror Mantra" that Beji had given him.Xu Miao is not sure whether the formulas in this exercise are the real "Bodhi Mirror Mantra", or whether the formulas in it have been modified.

"Xiaotian, have you ever seen the real "Bodhi Mirror Curse"?" Xu Miao can only place all her hopes on Xiaotian, she is the only one who might know.

"I have only seen people who practice the "Bodhi Mirror Mantra", but I have not seen the specific formula of this exercise." Xiaotian was frustrated, but Xu Miao's eyes lit up.

As long as Xiaotian has met people who practice this exercise, he can practice this exercise while at the same time prove it through Xiaotian.Even if this exercise is not real, he can modify it to the correct way.

Xu Miao directly divided the whole book of exercises into several small parts.He practiced according to a small part of the formula, as long as the situation shown was different from what Xiaotian saw, Xu Miao could slowly adjust.

The progress of this adjustment is not fast, and Xiaotian's memory is also relatively vague. Many times, Xu Miao needs to stop and wait for him to recall.But Xu Miao's waiting was worthwhile, because Xiaotian did point out a few differences.

Xu Miao had seen many Buddhist exercises in Lingjing Temple, and practiced a lot herself, so she began to revise according to different places.Xu Miao's expression became more and more ugly every time she corrected a section of exercises.

This tragedy is basically cheating him.If he didn't give him the exercises directly, he didn't get it anyway, and he didn't care.But Bei Ji gave him a wrong book of exercises, and even lured him to practice.

"Bodhi Mirror Mantra", if he really practiced according to the compassionate aid, death would be impossible, and it might help him advance to become a god.However, he himself will be completely controlled by Beiji, and he will also need to be restricted by them when he ascends to the upper plane in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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