Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 499 Eight Golden Dragons

Chapter 499 Eight Golden Dragons
Xu Miao was in the stage of refining the laws of heaven and earth, and devoted herself to it.But at the same time, he has an extremely sensitive intuition for danger.He noticed that several killing intents were rapidly approaching the cave where he was.

"Murderous!" Shui San also quickly realized that Xiao Tian was not good at fighting as a ghost of the sky-hunting stone tool, so Shui San asked Xiao Tian to continue to protect Xu Miao, and he and Qing Jiao went to meet these people for a while.

Shui San and Qing Jiao were standing at the nodes of the formation respectively. Xu Miao had informed them of these two positions before retreating.Although no one hosts the formation, although it can exert its power, it cannot exert its maximum power.

If someone can appear in the formation node and control the defense of the formation according to the outside attack, it will play a greater role.Shui San and Qing Jiao held the formation flag that Xu Miao gave them before, and began to control the formation.

This formation can not only defend against foreign enemy attacks, but also conceal the internal situation.Therefore, the four late-stage monks who appeared outside could not see Shui San and Qing Jiao.

A big monk faced the formation and held up a token.This token is the token responsible for controlling the original formation of the cave.When Gu Yang rented the Dongfu, he purposely kept a hand.

It was declared that only the monks who leased the cave mansion had the switch token of the magic circle outside the cave mansion, and no one else had it.But in fact, Gu Yang has all the control tokens of the cave magic circle.

If it wasn't for Xu Miao who also kept a hand, as soon as he saw this magic circle, he would habitually improve it.His drastic improvement made the formation no longer the original formation, and naturally the original formation control token could not function.

"Hey! Strange, why can't the formation be activated?" The monk holding the formation control token, no matter how he waved the token or chanted the spell, he couldn't activate the formation.

Several other monks taunted: "Why can't you even open a formation, bring it, I will open it!" However, this token was activated by four monks at the same time, and found that the formation could not be activated at all. Law.

"Could it be that there is something wrong with the token that Gu Yang gave us, I'll go to Gu Yang—"

"That's not right!" A late-stage cultivator who was a little dabbled in formations stopped him, "This is not the original formation. The current formation seems to be the same as Gu Yang's previous arrangement, but it has actually been modified!"

"Modified? I can't see that this cultivator who is breaking through actually has the ability to improve the formation without anyone noticing it. If so, I don't need to find Gu Yang. Everyone, let's blast it away !"

After all, the four late-stage monks shot at the same time, gathering their spiritual power to prepare for the bombardment formation.Shui San and Qing Jiao waved the array flags at the right time, and all the attacks fell on the mask of the array, and were immediately bounced off.

"Not good! Retreat!" In order to blast away the formation as soon as possible, the four of them did not hold back. They all used their strongest strength, but they never expected that the formation would rebound all the attacks of the four of them.

The four of them immediately used their bodies to avoid the rebounding attack, and they were in a panic: "This formation is not simple. When it was originally set up, it was claimed to be able to block the attack of the cultivator who transformed the spirit."

"Now that it has been improved, I am afraid that with our strength, we will not be able to open this formation in a short period of time." After discussing with several people, they decided that with their current strength, it is impossible to complete the task that Gu Yang entrusted to them. .

The four decisively left the cave where Xu Miao was, and reported the specific situation to Gu Yang.When Gu Yang heard the words of these four late stage monks, his face turned blue.He actually changed his formation without authorization so that he could not stop this person.

It is already impossible to ask the cultivator of Huashen to take action now.Gu Yang rolled his eyes, thinking in his heart: "Go and wait outside that person's cave, since you can't attack him now, then when he advances to become a god and prepares to cross the tribulation, he will naturally open the formation."

"At that time, the four of you will attack at the same time, and you must kill him completely!" Gu Yang's tone was sour, and the four late-stage monks sighed in their hearts when they heard this.

However, the daily cultivation resources of the four of them are all provided by Gu Yang, so naturally they will not express any objection on this.The four led the way, each occupying a position, waiting for Xu Miao to start crossing the catastrophe.

Xu Miao noticed that the four murderous auras had gone and returned. He just raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, without any movement, continuing to refine the laws of heaven and earth.The secluded earth plane is different from the earth-space plane, refining the laws of heaven and earth here will not cause the space to collapse.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the level of comprehension of the monks in the remote plane is higher than that of the monks in the low-space plane.Xu Miao quickly searched for a suitable law of heaven and earth, and kept refining it.

By the time the four monks reappeared next to the cave, Xu Miao had refined 36 laws of heaven and earth.In addition to the original 36, Xu Miao now has 72 laws of heaven and earth, and four laws of golden dragon.

This number, whether it was the Earth-space plane or the current Earth-space plane, is a shocking number.No monk has ever been able to reach this number when he advanced to become a god.

However, Xu Miao's vision is no longer limited to this secluded lower plane.Once he advances to become a god, it won't be long before he needs to ascend to the upper plane.

In the upper plane, both the monk's level and the strength of the monk will far exceed the monks in the lower plane.The Beiji that Xu Miao saw before was one of them.

His opponent has also changed from a monk on the lower plane to a monk on the upper plane.Therefore, Xu Miao did not feel complacent about the four golden dragons she had now.Xu Miao took a deep breath and continued to refine the laws of heaven and earth.

"It's been so long, why is this person still refining the laws of heaven and earth! Is the refining going to fail?"

"That's right, at this time, others have already passed through the catastrophe and have completely become cultivators of transformation. This person is still at the stage of the law of refining. It seems that he is just a guy with a lot of thunder and a little bit of bluff."

Su Jue, who has been observing Xu Miao's advanced progress, shook his head: "You are wrong. It's not that his refining progress is slow, but the amount of refining is large. The space he is in has become very unstable, which shows that the fixed space The laws have largely been lost."

"The lost laws must have been refined into the body by this person. In other words, this person's strength is definitely strong enough, so strong that the body can accommodate so many laws, there is nothing wrong with it!"

As a casual cultivator, Su Jue has extraordinary insights.What he said was usually true.The deduction that Xu Miao is still refining the law is also correct.

Since there is a late-stage monk who can refine a large number of laws, more and more monks are gathered here.They chattered about the advancement of the monks in the cave, and guessed the true identity of the monks in the cave.

The number of laws of heaven and earth refined by Xu Miao has reached 250.He knew very well that, as a great monk in the late stage, he was able to refine 250 second laws of heaven and earth, which was unprecedented.

But who is Xu Miao, as long as there is potential in his body, he will squeeze out all the potential.He mobilized the dragon's blood and continued to refine the laws of heaven and earth.

The golden dragon of the eighth law is gradually taking shape, but the speed of forming the golden dragon of this law is much slower and more difficult than before.A monk's body has a limit, forcibly containing too many laws of heaven and earth will only explode the monk's body.

The meridians and muscles on Xu Miao's body bulged uncontrollably. He clenched his hands tightly, running the dragon's blood, and forcibly suppressed the bulging meridians and muscles.

The eighth rule, Golden Dragon, Xu Miao is bound to win, no matter how much his body resists and rejects it, he will do it!As long as Xu Miao wanted to, nothing could stop him.

Xu Miao's eyes opened suddenly, looking at the surrounding situation, she clapped her hands on top of her head, immediately placed them on her chest, and quickly formed a seal.The Nascent Soul instantly appeared on top of Xu Miao's head, forming seals on the head just like the movement of the body.

The last eighth rule, the Golden Dragon, Xu Miao wants to put it into the Nascent Soul.The expression on Xu Miao's body was calm, but Yuan Ying couldn't maintain the same calmness.A look of pain emerged on Yuan Ying's face.

The Nascent Soul continued to expand, and then was shrunk and suppressed. Xu Miao's will and physical limits, the two sides were fighting hard.The eighth law golden dragon was unable to form for a long time, and a part of the law golden dragon that was originally refined also began to collapse.

Xu Miao's expression froze, and the running dragon's blood appeared next to the rule golden dragon.With the help of dragon power, Xu Miao controlled the golden dragon that was about to collapse, and pressed it inside the Nascent Soul.

The bodies of Yuanying and Xu Miao have always been one. Under this strong will, the eighth law golden dragon was finally refined by Yuanying.Xu Miao raised her hand and patted Yuanying, and Yuanying quickly returned to her dantian.

The eight golden dragons are divided into two parts, and each part has four golden dragons, which surround the body and the Nascent Soul respectively, circling up and down.After refining the law, Xu Miao needs to absorb more spiritual power to directly raise her cultivation level to Huashen.

All the meridians and acupoints were opened at this moment, and the Law Golden Dragon roared out, and a large amount of spiritual power poured into Xu Miao's body.Xu Miao's meridians, which have been strengthened, can bear the continuous impact of a large amount of spiritual power without any pressure.

Like a blue dragon absorbing water, the endless aura of heaven and earth was attracted by the vortex, and then flowed into Xu Miao's body.The onlookers were completely shocked by the scene in front of them: "My God! I have never seen a late-stage monk advance to become a god. It is such a scene!"

"This person's spiritual power reserve has reached a peak level. As long as he advances to become a god, he should be the strongest within the same level."

"No matter what this person's status is, our sect must make friends with him absolutely, and we cannot offend him. Otherwise, with this kind of strength, my sect can be destroyed in a flash, it's too powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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