Chapter 500
Compared with the amazement of the onlookers, Gu Yang's face sank already, and the muscles on his face twitched uncontrollably, he just wanted to curse - this man is really hateful, why rent his cave!

His high-quality spiritual vein has now been emptied by [-]% by this cultivator who is being promoted!Gu Yang's heart was bleeding, the more spiritual power contained in the spiritual veins was drawn, the greater his loss.

Gu Yang just wanted to rush to the cave where Xu Miao was, drag Xu Miao out, beat him up hard, and then search the other party's entire wealth, so that he could barely make up for the loss of his spiritual veins.

But all of this was just what Gu Yang thought in his heart, because he couldn't break through the formation that Xu Miao set up outside the cave at all.Thinking of this, Gu Yang gritted his teeth with hatred.

Gu Yang simply closed his eyes, put away his spiritual consciousness, kept out of sight and out of mind, and kept praying in his heart, hoping that Xu Miao would fail in advancing!It's a pity that Xu Miao couldn't hear Gu Yang's prayer, but even if Xu Miao heard it, she would just dismiss it.

Eight golden dragons circled and danced around constantly, and their spiritual power pushed Xu Miao's cultivation to improve rapidly.He has already felt the door, the door that separates Nascent Soul from Huashen.

Without the slightest hesitation or pause, Xu Miao pushed open the door and stepped into the door with both feet.In an instant, Xu Miao's level has risen to another level - the stage of transforming into a god!

The speed of the influx of spiritual power is even faster. Xu Miao's dantian seems to have dried up for a long time at this moment, and it urgently needs spiritual power to fill it up.Countless spiritual power merged into the spiritual power vortex, then into Xu Miao's body, and finally into the dantian.

Between the red sun and the bright moon, there is a large amount of spiritual power gathered here.Xu Miao is not familiar with this scene at all, he is very clear that a brand new image is being formed.

Expanding the surface with points, the spiritual power gradually expands from a gathered point to a comprehensive one.When the spiritual power gradually flowed to other places, Xu Miao saw clearly the newly created phenomenon, Xiangyun.

Perhaps due to the influence of Buddhist exercises, this auspicious cloud exudes a golden light.It's just that this golden light is not dazzling at all, it is very gentle, covering the red sun and the bright moon lightly, it will not weaken the power of the red sun and the bright moon, but strengthens the power of the two from the side.

The formation of new objects means going through the catastrophe.The Heavenly Tribulation of Nascent Soul's Advancement into God is divided into two parts.One is Thunder Tribulation, and the other is Heart Demon Tribulation.Only by successfully surviving the two catastrophes can one truly become a cultivator of transformation.

First of all, during the thunder calamity that needs to be spent, the spiritual vortex in the sky has gradually dissipated, and dense dark clouds have gradually formed.This dark cloud almost covered the sky and completely covered the sky above the city where Xu Miao was located.

"What a terrifying thunder tribulation, just the coercion emanating from the dark clouds makes me feel a little out of breath!"

"I once saw a Nascent Soul cultivator advanced to transform into a god. The power of the catastrophe at that time was not as powerful as this one. If I were under the cloud of catastrophe, I'm afraid I would be chopped into pieces in a short time .”

When the onlookers saw the robbery cloud above Xu Miao, they all expressed their shock.It's just that no matter how these monks lament, they are just as bystanders. Only the real monks who transform the spirit are the most qualified to judge.

A few cultivators who turned into gods also heard the news and came to the town where Xu Miao advanced. They were hidden in the air, and the monks in the city could not see them.

"This son's thunder calamity is not only more terrifying than the thunder calamity I experienced back then, it is even scarier than any thunder calamity I have ever seen." A cultivator of transformation of gods stroked his beard and frowned.

"I'm more interested in this person's identity than Thunder Tribulation. As far as I know, there is no news about the monks in the remote plane who may trigger such Thunder Tribulation."

"Could it be a monk from the Earth-space plane?"

"It's not impossible. Don't forget that when Xu Miao from the Earth-Space Plane made his public appearance last time, he was already a Dzogchen monk in the late stage. From the information I got, the speed of this kid's advancement can be called inverse. sky."

"No matter what level it is, the bottlenecks that other monks suffer from don't exist here. If it is really Xu Miao from the Earth-Space Plane, then it is really possible to trigger this level of thunder disaster."

Xu Miao's reputation, even a cultivator who is a cultivator in a remote plane, has already understood it clearly.After all, he is the closest existence among the known monks to transform into a god.

"During the Nascent Soul Stage, he already overwhelmed the monks in our remote plane. Once he succeeds in becoming a god, we old fellows may only become Xu Miao's stepping stones."

There were deep meanings in the eyes of the cultivators who transformed themselves into spirits. After looking at each other, they smiled meaningfully.No need to talk, they've already made plans.Before Xu Miao faced the catastrophe, he blocked it.

Xu Miao is already a disciple of the Buddha, and the fate of the disciple of the Buddha is something that every monk covets.If Xu Miao is killed, there is a chance to take Xu Miao's luck as his own.A cultivator from a small sect in the Earth-Space Plane, who has come to this point, definitely has luck against the sky.

No matter who it is, the more luck, the better.The gazes of the cultivators who turned into gods froze, and immediately launched an attack on Xu Miao.Now that the sky thunder has not yet fallen, Xu Miao has not completely become a cultivator of Huashen.

This opportunity was their only chance to defeat Xu Miao, so there was no room for loss.But when several people appeared above Xu Miao's cave, they were surprised to find that magic circle.

The power of Heavenly Tribulation is powerful, so Xu Miao directly used this formation to survive Heavenly Tribulation.Now this formation, before stopping the Heavenly Tribulation, has already stopped the cultivator who was intent on killing Xu Miao.

The previous four Nascent Soul cultivators saw the murderous Spirit Transformation cultivator appearing, and immediately stepped forward to inform them of the situation of the magic circle.A cultivator of Huashen said disdainfully: "It's just a formation formed by a Nascent Soul cultivator, but you are so incompetent that you can't even blast the formation!"

The four Nascent Soul cultivators secretly slandered, you are a cultivator who transforms spirits, of course you can say that.They were at the same level as Xu Miao at the time, so naturally they couldn't destroy that formation!
A cultivator who transformed himself into a god concentrated his spiritual power absently and blasted towards the formation.However, he didn't see the scene where the formation was opened by brute force as he expected. Instead, the spiritual power fell on the formation and rebounded directly.

The cultivator of Huashen quickly dodged to the side, making the Nascent Soul cultivator next to him very difficult.The four Nascent Soul cultivators are about to pee out laughing. If you want to pretend to be aggressive, now you can’t pretend to be aggressive, you’ll be fooled!

The remaining cultivators gathered quickly to observe the situation of the formation, and concluded: "This formation is very strong, and the catastrophe is about to fall. It is impossible for us to destroy this formation in such a short period of time."

Others don't even need to think about the formation that even the cultivators of Huashen can't break through.The four Nascent Soul monks also left the place quickly after they left as incarnation monks.

The scope of Xu Miao's robbery cloud is too large. If he is accidentally implicated, these monks in the Nascent Soul stage are definitely not the opponents of the heavenly robbery.Not only the four Nascent Soul cultivators, but also the other onlookers all backed away, for fear of being implicated by the catastrophe.

The first sky thunder has gradually formed, surpassing the lowest level of purple sky thunder, it is directly white sky thunder.Xu Miao had confronted Bai Lei when she was conceiving a baby, and she didn't panic when she saw Bai Lei this time.

He has absolute confidence in his formation, blocking the first thunder is no problem.Before the first thunder fell, the surrounding monks were already in an uproar.

"The white sky thunder, surpassed the purple sky thunder, I can't even imagine the strength of this person!"

"It is recorded in the Jade Slips that there was a monk tens of thousands of years ago. When he advanced into a god, he did not encounter all purple sky thunder, but it was also the intersection of purple and white sky thunder. None of the purples appeared!"

"If he succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, his strength may directly become the strongest in the secluded plane, and no one can match him!" Su Jue looked at the thunder that was about to fall, and said an unbelievable truth in conclusion.

In normal times, many monks would refute or sneer at this conclusion.But they also saw the power of Xu Miao Tianlei today, and they didn't have the confidence to refute Su Jue's conclusion at all.

Shui San, Qing Jiao, and Xiao Tian have all been sent back to the Hunting Stone by Xu Miao.Under the calamity cloud, there must be no second living beings, otherwise the power of the catastrophe will be increased, and it will also pose a fatal threat to other living beings that appear.

The first sky thunder rumbled down and hit the defensive circle.For the first time, this formation, which was so strong that even the cultivators of Huashen could not shake it, trembled.

Xu Miao didn't panic at all, he calmly took out the formation flag and controlled the formation to neutralize the power of the first thunder.At the same time, guide the decomposed sky thunder to flow into his body, and use the sky thunder to forge his body.

This is Xu Miao's last magic weapon to completely integrate the bones into herself, and that is Tianlei.Thunder is invincible, but it also gave Xu Miao a chance.As long as Tianlei can keep suppressing Xu Miao's body, it can speed up the fusion of bones and body, and finally become a whole.

The sky thunder that was introduced into Xu Miao's body continued to wander around the body, forging the body.The bones were suppressed by the thunder, and they were also rapidly fused. Just the first thunder, [-]% of the progress of the fusion has been completed.

The last [-]% is left. According to the trend of this thunder, he can also introduce part of the power of the second thunder into his body to complete the final fusion.

Xu Miao survived the first thunderstorm without any pressure, which made all the monks drop their jaws in shock.They never expected that Xu Miao would easily pass through a powerful white sky thunder just like that.

The second thunder came in an instant. The diameter of this thunder was more than twice as thick as the first one, and its power also increased by more than twice.Even under the formation, Xu Miao could feel the terrifying coercion of Tianlei.

Xu Miao quickly waved the formation flag and mobilized the formation to resist the thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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