Chapter 501

The power of this sky thunder instantly affected the magic circle, and several nodes were broken and destroyed.Xu Miao didn't have time to take care of the situation of the formation. He needed to guide the thunder that was separated by the formation into the body in the shortest possible time.

As soon as Tianleifu entered his body, Xu Miao felt a sharp pain.The second thunderbolt can already affect the divine consciousness, and this catastrophe should not be underestimated.

Xu Miao temporarily put aside her worries about the next catastrophe, and began to guide Tianlei to wander in her body.Constantly stimulating the bones with thunder, the last [-]% that were free were finally completely fused under the stimulation of the sky.

The body has reached the most perfect state, and Xu Miao no longer has to worry about it. While forging the body with the help of Tianlei, he quickly mobilized his consciousness and repaired the formation.

When this formation was first deployed, Gu Yang spent a lot of manpower and material resources in order to achieve the publicized effect.All kinds of rare items and materials are integrated into this formation.

Now it is cheaper for Xu Miao. Xu Miao can completely change the effect of the formation by adding a few materials.Under Xu Miao's quick changes, the node that was previously destroyed by the second lightning has been repaired.

In order to ensure the firmness of the formation, Xu Miao even took out the chaotic gas and used it as a link to connect the nodes, thus spreading the pressure.

If a certain part of the original formation is attacked, then only this part is needed to withstand the attack power.After Xu Miao's improvement, if one part is attacked, the entire formation will share the attack.

If even the formation can't fully withstand the attack of the sky thunder, then it will continue to be distributed to Xu Miao.The more individuals there are, the less stress each individual is under.

When Xu Miao had just arranged all the nodes of the formation, the third thunder fell quickly.This time interval is even shorter than the interval when Xu Miao was conceived and crossed the catastrophe!

This also shows from the side that Xu Miao is under greater pressure this time.Compared with the second sky thunder, the diameter of the third sky thunder is directly four times larger.

The power of Heavenly Tribulation is not simply multiplied by multiples, but expanded like a leap.Although the third thunderbolt was four times thicker than the second thunderbolt, it was eight times more powerful.

Just as the third thunder came into contact with the formation, there was a crisp sound of cracking the mask.Xu Miao was originally standing on the ground, but when the thunder fell, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Xu Miao immediately separated her feet, supported her swaying body, and together with the formation, resisted the thunder.The sky thunder entered the body, unlike the first and second forging body, this sky thunder directly caused severe damage to the body.

Fortunately, Xu Miao had forged her body before, so that she could withstand the damage of Tianlei to her body.Xu Miao used her spiritual power to compete with Tianlei.Use spiritual power to dispel the power of the sky thunder, and it was not until most of the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was consumed that the sky thunder was completely dispelled.

Xu Miao didn't look at the broken formation again. When the third thunder could not bear, it was time to give up the formation.Even if you spend time and energy repairing the formation, you can't resist the power of the fourth thunder.

Only by knowing the trade-offs can we go further.The fourth sky thunder no longer simply increased its diameter, but began to change its color. The white sky thunder contained [-]% golden light.

"It's just the fourth sky thunder, and the trend of golden thunder is about to appear!"

"It's hard to imagine how terrifying the next sky thunder will be!"

"This person's formation has been destroyed by the bombardment of the sky thunder. I will soon be able to see the true face of this person. I am really looking forward to who it is that can cause such a strong sky thunder."


The fourth thunder fell quickly, and Xu Miao stood directly under the falling thunder with her feet apart.He suddenly raised his head, looked directly at the golden and white sky thunder, decisively summoned the fog-condensing sword, and slashed at the sky thunder from top to bottom.

It has never been Xu Miao's style to sit and wait for death. Only by taking the initiative to attack can the power of Tianlei be minimized.This sword contained most of the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body, and directly cut off half of the power of the thunder.

Xu Miao quickly drank the spiritual source water to replenish the spiritual power in her body.After Tianlei was cut down by his preemptive attack, the speed of falling did not decrease but increased. Xu Miao's eyes showed a look of disdain: "Only these powers are left, and you want to destroy me?"

He raised his right hand upwards, and the Wu Ningjian quickly flew towards Tianlei.One goes down, the other goes up, colliding not far from the ground.The spiritual power continued to gather in his hands, and Xu Miao raised both hands, pushing the Wu Ning Wu sword with fierce spiritual power, and charged upward again.

The fourth sky thunder couldn't compare with Xu Miao's powerful spiritual power, and it dissipated into the sky immediately.The onlookers recognized the Fog Condensing Sword with sharp eyes: "I recognize that sword, it is the Fog Condensing Sword, and it is Xu Miao's talisman!"

"It's Xu Miao? No wonder it triggered such a terrible catastrophe!"

"Didn't Xu Miao become a disciple of Buddha before? Why did he become a Taoist again?" The doubts and shock of the monks were not diminished by the exposure of Xu Miao's identity.

The roar of the robbery cloud above Xu Miao's head became louder and louder, which meant that the power of the sky thunder was gradually increasing.The roar covered up the discussion of the monks, and Xu Miao had no idea what the monks watching outside were discussing.

All his attention was focused on the fifth thunder that was about to fall.After the power of the fifth thunder was gathered, it was immediately displayed in front of everyone.

"White and gold each occupy half!"

"The power of the fifth thunder is more than sixteen times stronger than that of the fourth!"

"If Xu Miao died under this thunder—" This is a monk who had a quarrel with Xu Miao. Of course, this is the unilateral opinion of this monk.Because even if this person stood in front of Xu Miao, Xu Miao couldn't recognize him.

However, someone quickly refuted the monk: "It's ridiculous, how could Xu Miao die under the fifth thunderstorm? Didn't you see how Xu Miao survived the fourth thunderstorm just now? The power to blow ashes!"

"That's right, even if Xu Miao can't hold on, it will only be a few thunderstorms in the back, not this one!"

Although the monk just said it casually, he was really hit by a lot.It was just the fifth thunder, Xu Miao really didn't take it to heart.Although the power is much greater, Xu Miao has absolute confidence and can survive smoothly.

Xu Miao jumped up, holding the fog condensing sword, and rushed directly to the fifth thunder that was falling rapidly.Xu Miao's whole body was completely bathed in the raging thunder light. The sword light of the fog-condensing sword intertwined with the thunder light of the sky thunder, so that the surrounding monks could hardly find Xu Miao's location.

Only by being in close contact with Tianlei can one feel the true horror of Tianlei.Under Tianlei's suppression, Xu Miao even had difficulty breathing.Facing the terrifying sky thunder, many monks would involuntarily have the idea of ​​fear and escape.

These thoughts are normal.But it is also because of this kind of human nature that monks will not be able to exert their maximum strength due to the fear in their hearts when facing the catastrophe.

Xu Miao didn't even frown at the terrifying Tianlei.The Broken Star swordsmanship was unleashed, and he regarded Tianlei as a formidable opponent.Sword repair has always been that the enemy is stronger than me, so what if the sky thunder is stronger, I will be stronger than you.

In the hands of Xu Miao, the broken star swordsmanship has already reached a supreme level.With the foundation of the previous life, the sword force that Xu Miao displayed at this time is not inferior to the self in the previous life.

A set of broken star swordsmanship was completed, and the fifth sky thunder was completely resisted.Xu Miao found that since practicing Buddhist exercises, his strength has improved even more than before.

At least he encountered the catastrophe when he was conceiving a baby. He definitely didn't have such an easy way to resist the fifth catastrophe.Xu Miao slowly landed on the ground to replenish her spiritual power.

"...I have never seen a monk who was able to survive the fifth catastrophe so easily."

"Me too. I've seen quite a few cultivators who transformed themselves into catastrophes. When they encountered the fifth catastrophe, they were all on the verge of death. They always felt that they would be unable to support themselves and die in the next moment."

"Yeah, who can dance a set of swordsmanship like Xu Miao, and dissolve the fifth thunder." The monks in the Nascent Soul stage were talking like this, but there was nothing wrong with it. God monks, upon hearing this, they were all embarrassed.

They are the ones that these Nascent Soul cultivators said they would die or live when they encountered the fifth thunder.Obviously, the power of the fifth thunder is already terrifying. It's normal for them to die or live, isn't it!
Not everyone is like that monster Xu Miao. Dealing with the fifth thunder is as simple as practicing swords!The cultivators who transformed into gods in the air were very wronged, but they couldn't say anything.

Speaking out is equivalent to slapping yourself in the face.If you don't have that ability, you have to go out and argue with people, it's really quite embarrassing.The cultivator of Huashen could only hold back his breath and continue to observe Xu Miao's situation of crossing the catastrophe.

At this time, the sixth thunderbolt had already condensed and was about to fall.The sixth sky thunder turned completely golden, and the whole golden thunder was very thick.The onlookers trembled just by looking at it, not to mention Xu Miao, who was the target of the thunder.

Facing such a terrifying sky thunder, Xu Miao immediately used her spiritual power to support Fu Yu's helmet at the moment the sky thunder fell.Fu Yu's helmet collided with Tianlei, making a piercing sound.

However, with the effort of breathing, cracks appeared in Fu Yu's helmet.All the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body left the body in a short period of time, constantly strengthening Fu Yu's armor.At the same time, Xu Miao opened all the meridians and acupuncture points, and began to absorb the aura of this place.

Seeing that the spiritual power of the spirit veins began to decrease rapidly again, Gu Yang spat out a mouthful of old blood in anger.How come he didn't forget to snatch his spiritual energy when he crossed the catastrophe!Gu Yang wanted to cry, but he couldn't stop Xu Miao from absorbing the spiritual energy.

(End of this chapter)

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