Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 502 1 Minute 3 Thunder

Chapter 502
Xu Miao's Jieyun might not even dare to get close to him, let alone a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.I'm afraid that as soon as he walked into Jieyun's range, he would be killed by the sky thunder the next moment.

No wonder Xu Miao is said to be difficult to deal with. From this point alone, Gu Yang has a deep understanding.Gu Yang gritted his teeth, with an angry expression, he could only stare wide-eyed, watching how Xu Miao survived the catastrophe.

The fifth thunder continued to press down, and the armor of Fu Yu in front of Xu Miao was already on the verge of breaking. It seemed that in the next second, the entire armor of Fu Yu would be completely shattered, and Xu Miao herself would be hit by the thunder.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Xu Miao took the initiative to withdraw Fu Yu's helmet, and directly raised his sword to slash at Tianlei.With the help of Fu Yu's armor just now, the power of the fifth thunder has been partially reduced.

For the rest, Xu Miao can already contend against it with the Fog Condensing Sword in her hand.Xu Miao stood on the ground, and the Wu Ning Sword met Tianlei head-on, the sword was full of thunder light, completely suppressing the sword light of the Wu Ning Sword.

"The Ningwu sword has been suppressed. I'm afraid it's the end of the rope. I don't think Xu Miao will be able to escape the thunder this time." Seeing that Xu Miao was at a disadvantage, a monk from a remote plane immediately vowed.

A monk in the Earth-space plane next to him retorted: "That's because you don't understand Xu Miao. Xu Miao didn't even release his Law Golden Dragon, so how could he not be able to survive this catastrophe?"

"You monks from remote planes, don't underestimate Xu Miao. Xu Miao can do things that everyone else can't do. Xu Miao seems to be at a disadvantage, but he must be trying to find a way to find the flaws of Tianlei. The last blow to break it."

It has to be said that the understanding of Xu Miao by the monks in the Earth-Space Plane has exceeded Xu Miao's imagination.If Xu Miao heard the evaluation of the earth-space monk just now, she would definitely be surprised.

He is indeed at a disadvantage, but the current disadvantage is completely under Xu Miao's control.Although Fu Yu's armor weakened the fifth thunder, the power of the remaining thunder was still extremely powerful, and Xu Miao could not defeat it with a single sword.

The reason why Xu Miao chose to face Tianlei with a disadvantage was also to reduce the power of Tianlei.The power of every sky thunder is limited, as long as it is not endless, the power of sky thunder will be exhausted for a moment.

Under Xu Miao's current cave, there happened to be a spiritual vein, and he wanted to use the spiritual power of the spiritual vein to fight a protracted battle with Tianlei to see who could consume the other!

Gradually, the power of Tianlei began to weaken, and Xu Miao changed from a disadvantage to an equal share with Tianlei.Xu Miao had been waiting for this moment, and he suddenly pulled out the spiritual power in the spiritual veins, and poured all the spiritual power into the fog-condensing sword.

The sword light on Ningwujian's body soared instantly, even shining brighter than the thunder light of Tianlei, some monks involuntarily closed their eyes.Xu Miao stared at Tianlei with her sword in hand.

Tianlei's coercion was no longer as strong as before, but began to be suppressed by Xu Miao.The Broken Star sword technique was used again, and the aura of this sword exploded completely, completely smashing the fifth thunder.

The fifth sky thunder left only dots of thunder light scattered in the air.These thunder lights were just used to continue forging Xu Miao's body.Xu Miao unceremoniously took all the thunder light into her body to refine the thunder light.

Xu Miao stood on the ground with both feet, and the position he chose happened to be the closest to the underground spiritual vein, so he could draw out the spiritual power from the spiritual vein without any effort.

After quickly replenishing his spiritual power, he noticed the sky thunder in Jieyun above his head.If what he expected was right, the sixth thunder should turn all golden.The stronger the monk's own strength, the stronger the catastrophe he will encounter.

Xu Miao is one of the best monks, so the catastrophe he encountered is naturally the strongest one.The sixth thunder thundered down without giving Xu Miao much time to prepare.

"Jin Lei, Jin Lei through and through!"

"The sixth path is already a complete golden thunder. The strength of Xu Miao's catastrophe is too terrifying. Many cultivators who transform gods will not encounter a golden thunder until the last catastrophe. Xu Miao actually touches it now. Arrived at Pure Gold Thunder!"

"I can't imagine what color thunder Xu Miao will encounter next!"

Xu Miao didn't raise her sword in a hurry to meet him, but threw out a lot of talismans.These talismans were all collected by Xu Miao from the magic treasures stored by different monks, and they had various levels and functions.

After these talismans were detonated in the air, they emitted a dazzling light, which mixed with the golden thunder light, causing the entire city to vibrate.The city lord quickly dispatched monks to stabilize the town buildings, and at the same time released spells to protect other monks.

Not only Gu Yang, but even the city lord can't wait to find Xu Miao and let him compensate for his losses.The monks in the City Lord's Mansion came and went, for fear that Xu Miao would accidentally destroy the entire town.

Xu Miao didn't know that other monks were busy, even if he knew, he wouldn't express anything.He chose this town to survive the catastrophe, which can be said to be carefully selected.

When monks from the remote plane invaded the empty plane, many towns were completely destroyed overnight.Xu Miao has not done anything to these towns yet, so she is already very kind.

The power of the sixth thunder and the talisman explosion contacted in the air. Xu Miao threw away all the talismans in his hand, but it did not have much impact on the sky thunder.As expected of a golden thunder, its power is so terrifying.

Xu Miao unhurriedly drew out the dragon's blood to form a protective film on all parts of the body.Xu Miao raised her sword and rushed towards Tianlei. With the protection of dragon blood, Xu Miao was not afraid of the damage of Tianlei to the monks.

There are countless small thunder lights on his body, constantly wandering on the surface of the skin.Wherever it passed, there was a burst of sparks and lightning.Under the bombardment of the thunder, Xu Miao's clothes became tattered and her skin became pitch black.

If someone observes carefully, they will find that although Xu Miao's skin color has changed under the bombardment of the sky thunder, there is no scar on Xu Miao's body.

This shows that the sky thunder did not cause substantial damage to Xu Miao's body at all, and it also shows from the side that Xu Miao's body is so tough that even the sky thunder cannot harm him.

This kind of defense alone is enough to shock a group of monks, not to mention that Xu Miao has an attack power that is not inferior to Tianlei.The Ningwu sword in Xu Miao's hand moved, bursting out with a piercing sword intent.

The sword intent of the Ningwu Sword formed a sword intent tornado, colliding with the sky thunder continuously.The double-reverse constantly nibbled at and attacked the opponent, but Xu Miao stood still and didn't move.

It seems that Xu Miao is very relaxed, but only Xu Miao knows that he is under tremendous pressure now.The sword intent tornado is not so easy to form, and it contains vast spiritual power.

Just a sword-like tornado almost drained all the spiritual power in his body.If it weren't for the spiritual veins under his feet to continuously provide him with spiritual power, Xu Miao would never have chosen to use the sword-like tornado to counter the sky thunder.

He would rather choose to trade injuries for injuries, using his own injuries to exchange for Tianlei's injuries, thus crushing Tianlei.Xu Miao was holding the right hand of the Ningwu Sword, and the veins were bulging. It could be seen how hard Xu Miao was exerting himself.

The sword intent of Ningwujian continued to rise until it was completely equal to Tianlei.Under the collision of the sword-like tornado of the pure golden thunder, the dazzling golden color gradually became dim, and finally even the coercion began to decrease.

Seizing this opportunity, Xu Miao swung a sword and split the sixth thunder in two.The sky thunder, which had been reduced in power, was no longer Xu Miao's opponent, and was separated by Xu Miao, making it easier to be swallowed by the sword-like tornado.

When the last bit of golden thunder disappeared into the sky, the sword-like tornado also dissipated immediately.If you only look at the sky, you can't imagine how powerful the collision of forces happened here just now.

Only the broken ground quietly told the terrifying scene just now.The seventh sky thunder had already assembled, and when the sixth sky thunder disappeared, it roared and was ready to fall.Xu Miao noticed that the seventh thunder was a little different from the previous ones.

"It should be the seventh thunderbolt, but now, what number is this?"

"Why did three thunderbolts appear in the robbery cloud, did the remaining seven, eight, and nine thunderbolts fall at the same time?"

"Impossible, the ninety-nine can be unified, and there has never been a situation where the remaining three thunders gather and fall together." The monks watching were all confused like water in a frying pan.

Xu Miao looked at Tianlei who blocked his back from three directions.It was indeed not that the rest of the thunders fell at the same time, what he was facing now was only the seventh thunder.

However, the seventh thunder has changed, evolving from one thunder to three thunders.Xu Miao looked at the three thunderbolts exploding with golden light. It seemed that Heaven hated him very much, otherwise it wouldn't have rained three days of thunder.

"I remembered, this is one minute and three days thunder!"

"One minute and three days of thunder?"

"Because the people who cross the catastrophe are too powerful, Tiandao thinks that the existence of such people destroys the balance of the world, so they will use the help of the catastrophe to kill them. Among them, the thunder of one minute and three days is the representative inside, a thunder of heaven, Possesses the power of three heavenly thunders."

"I saw it in an ancient document, and that document recorded this type of thunder. It also mentioned that the cultivator who encountered the thunder of one minute and three days at that time, because he couldn't survive it, was finally struck by the thunder It has become several parts, and the body dies and the dao disappears!"

"..." The expressions of the onlookers changed completely. They never thought that the catastrophe that Xu Miao was about to face now would be such a terrifying and tyrannical existence.

Some monks felt that Xu Miao's death was a pity, but some monks were overjoyed, including Gu Yang, the lord of this city, and the cultivator who was far away.

Not every monk hopes that in his era, geniuses will emerge in large numbers.The reason why geniuses become geniuses is not only because of their talent, but also because of their strength.

The fact that powerful monks are in the same era means that their edge will always be overshadowed by geniuses.

(End of this chapter)

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