Chapter 503
Xu Miao is a genius among geniuses. No matter if they are geniuses in the remote plane or the earth-space plane, their brilliance will be suppressed by Xu Miao, not to mention those monks who can't even be called geniuses are directly suppressed by Xu Miao. You have to die.

Three thunderbolts fell at the same time, even Xu Miao had never experienced such a catastrophe.The Nirvana Sword and the Fog Condensing Sword were summoned at the same time, facing two of the thunders.

For the remaining thunder, Xu Miao didn't have a suitable magic weapon to resist it.But it would be naive to say that Xu Miao has nothing to do.Xu Miao has countless means, how could he lack the means to deal with Tianlei.

The chaotic gas traveled along the meridians of both hands, and quickly condensed in the palms of both hands, forming two spiritual swords that were about the same length as the Mist Condensation Sword.It's just that these two spirit swords are completely composed of chaotic gas, and their structure is completely different from ordinary spirit swords.

Holding two Chaos Spirit Swords in his hands, Xu Miao met the last of the three thunderbolts in a flash.Xu Miao was able to control the Mist Condensation Sword, the Nirvana Sword, and the Chaos Spirit Sword at the same time, all thanks to his majestic consciousness.

As early as when Xu Miao was still in the Nascent Soul stage, his spiritual consciousness was already comparable to that of a cultivator who transformed himself into a god.Now Xu Miao's spiritual power level has reached the level of transforming gods, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness has increased a lot compared to before.

For Xu Miao, controlling several swords was a breeze.With just one thought, one can skillfully control the spirit sword.Wu Ningjian performed the star-shattering sword technique, Nirvana sword performed the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art, and Xu Miao himself performed the Wallless Form.

Three different exercises were used, but none of them showed a disadvantage.Under Xu Miao's control, each kind of kung fu brought out its strongest power to the fullest.

"A person, in the face of three terrifying thunderbolts, was able to perform the three exercises in such a stable manner without the slightest panic. Xu Miao's will has already surpassed ordinary people."

"It's more than just will. Look at Xu Miao's sword moves. Every move seems simple, but in fact it is using the smallest spiritual power to display the greatest power. Let every sword play a role, even the best swordsman It may not be possible to do it!"

"It's not that simple. Xu Miao and those two swords seem to have no rules, but I always feel that he seems to be setting up some formations. It's just that my attainments in formations are not as high as Xu Miao's. I still can't see Xu Miao's real intentions. where."

If Xu Miao heard what this monk said, she would definitely express her high praise.He is indeed arranging a formation, but this formation does not have any materials, and it is completely arranged by spiritual power.

There are three thunderbolts, although there are only three, but it is also a formation.Three thunderbolts falling at the same time will greatly limit the monk's spiritual power.What Xu Miao has to do is to repay him with his own way.

Since Tian Jie gave him face in this way and set up a formation, he would naturally not miss this opportunity.A formation that destroys the combined attack of the three thunderbolts was constructed without anyone knowing the situation.

Xu Miao's formation was arranged while resisting the attacking thunder.There are extremely strict requirements for Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness, body movement, and attack power.

When he struck down with his sword for the last time, a white light formation was displayed in front of everyone.As soon as the formation appeared, many monks exclaimed.

Some of them saw that Xu Miao was arranging a formation, but they didn't see through what kind of formation Xu Miao was arranging.As soon as Xu Miao raised her hand, the formation quickly displayed its strength.

"The attack of the three thunders is actually imprisoned by this formation, and cannot affect Xu Miao!"

"How did Xu Miao do it? How could he make Tianlei be banned by the formation?"

All the monks had expressions of disbelief and disbelief.They couldn't figure out how Xu Miao did it.Of course Xu Miao would not tell them that he used the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint.

These three thunders seem to be one, but in fact, only by close contact will you know that their attributes are completely different.The three thunders with different attributes can depend on each other, thus affecting the monks who have crossed the tribulation.

Xu Miao used this principle to do the opposite, and changed the interdependence of the three through formations into the current mutual restraint and mutual restraint.Once the three sky thunders are in a restricted state, Xu Miao no longer needs to take action.

They themselves will attack each other until all the power of the thunder is exhausted.Xu Miao quickly withdrew from the three thunderbolts, returned to the ground, and recovered her spiritual power.

Xu Miao easily arranged the formation just now in the eyes of others.But in fact, Xu Miao created this formation in a short period of time, and arranged it under the tremendous pressure of the sky thunder, which is not something ordinary monks can do at all.

Just the step of a large number of calculations will cause many monks to retreat in the face of difficulties.In the follow-up process, dodge the thunder attack, mobilize spiritual power, and build a formation.There must be no slight mistake in every step. If you accidentally make a mistake, it will definitely be fatal.

But in the eyes of most of the onlookers, Xu Miao just did a very easy and simple thing, and passed the seventh thunder: "Isn't this one-minute-three-day thunder not as scary as it is in the legend? ? Look at Xu Miao, it was easy, even easier than before."

Among the monks, some are confused and some are smart: "You also know that Xu Miao is the one who crosses the catastrophe, and Xu Miao is the one who faces the one-point-three-day thunder. If it were any one of the people present, I am afraid that it would only take one breath. It will be killed by thunder in one minute and three days, and there will be no bones left!"

"How can it be so exaggerated?"

Another monk who is good at formations stood up and added: "That's true. The formation that Xu Miao arranged to restrain the one-minute-three-three-day thunder just now was definitely conceived by him on the spur of the moment."

"One minute and three days thunder is in the historical data, only one monk has experienced it, so all other monks will not understand the one minute and three days thunder, Xu Miao is no exception."

"However, Xu Miao was able to quickly detect the characteristics of Tianlei after seeing the thunder for one minute and three days, avoid the attack of Tianlei, and arrange this almost perfect formation. I am not targeting anyone, I mean the presence Everyone, including myself, underestimated Xu Miao's true strength."

It can be said that Xu Miao took advantage of a loophole to get through the seventh thunderstorm so smoothly.The remaining eighth and ninth thunders will never give Xu Miao another chance like this.

His expression also became extremely serious, not daring to relax in the slightest.But Xu Miao waited for a while, but never found the eighth thunder.It is impossible to say that the catastrophe is over, after all, the catastrophe cloud shows no signs of dissipating.

The onlookers were also whispering to each other, discussing the reason why the eighth thunderstorm had not formed for a long time.Just when everyone was at a loss, a guard in golden armor and holding a halberd suddenly appeared in Jieyun.

"Golden Armored Soldier? Why does the Golden Armored Soldier appear in Xu Miao's Heavenly Thunder? Shouldn't it be Heavenly Thunder?"

"The golden armored soldier is also a kind of thunder calamity." Su Jue looked at the golden armored soldier in the sky, "It's just that this kind of thunder calamity only appeared in ancient times. In ancient times, it no longer exists."

"The reason is that the level of the monks in the ancient times can no longer be compared with the monks in the ancient times. Naturally, there is no need for such a difficult thunder calamity as the Golden Armored Divine Soldier."

"You mean, Xu Miao's current strength can be compared with those of the ancient times?"

"Even if you don't hit it, it's not far away." Su Jue shook his head and said this sentence.The expressions of the monks next to him changed again and again, but they were just watching a monk advance to become a god, and they were able to see so many scenes that they had never seen before.

Especially what Su Jue said just now is comparable to the power of ancient monks.What kind of concept is this? Xu Miao did something that even monks in ancient times failed to do.

The monks have complicated hearts, but most of them are envious and admired.Xu Miao's strength has left them far behind.No matter how hard they have worked all their lives, they will never forget it.

Xu Miao looked at the golden armored soldier in the sky, and frowned deeply. Before he could figure out what the opponent was, the golden armored soldier threw the halberd at Xu Miao.On the halberd, a violent thunder light kept wandering, quickly approaching Xu Miao.

The power displayed by this halberd is even more terrifying than the previous seven thunders.At this moment, Xu Miao felt a sense of familiarity when he saw the halberd approaching him.

That was when he was still in the Qi refining stage, and he met Cheng Xuanzong's late stage monk of foundation establishment.That sense of powerlessness and despair quickly surged into Xu Miao's heart.Since he advanced to the Foundation Establishment Stage, he has never felt this powerless feeling again.

In the end, no matter whether he encountered Taoist Li Huan or an envoy from the upper plane, he had a way to deal with it.But today, he didn't expect that this feeling would linger in his heart again when he advanced to transform into a god and survived the catastrophe.

When he was chased by monks in the late stage of Chengxuanzong's foundation, when only one skeleton was left, he really narrowly escaped death.If it wasn't for that drop of mysterious blood, Xu Miao would have been reincarnated a long time ago, how could she have reached the height she is today.

Xu Miao's eyes became fierce in an instant. He would never allow the scene from that year to be repeated again.Xu Miao's body, which was suppressed by the halberd and could not move, suddenly gave birth to a heroic aura.

Since he didn't die that day at the hands of that cultivator at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, he naturally wouldn't die at the hands of this ridiculous golden-armored soldier today.It is not that simple to want Xu Miao's life.

Xu Miao had already refined the laws of space belonging to the remote plane in the refining of the laws of heaven and earth before advanced.He was also able to use teleportation now, and at the moment when the tip of the halberd was about to pierce Xu Miao's eyebrow, Xu Miao teleported away from the spot.

The long halberd quickly changed direction and went straight to Xu Miao's position.

(End of this chapter)

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