Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 504 The Terrible Divine Weapon

Chapter 504 The Terrible Divine Weapon
This halberd carried a burst of thunder light, which could absolutely suppress Xu Miao, and the speed of the halberd was so fast that Xu Miao couldn't even see its attack clearly.

Since you can't see clearly, don't look at it, Xu Miao immediately closed her eyes.A monk's five senses are sensitive, and when one of the senses is actively turned off, the other senses will become more acute.

Giving up vision at this time, Xu Miao's hearing and touch are much more sensitive than before.At the moment when he heard the thunder grow louder, relying on his instinct of life and death for many years, Xu Miao raised the fog condensing sword and crossed it in front of him.

The long halberd and Ningwu sword collided at a very close distance. It was just a simple collision. Xu Miao felt the tiger's mouth go numb, and the whole arm of the right hand holding the sword was frozen, unable to move flexibly.

Xu Miao did not expect that the long halberd could paralyze her entire arm with a simple touch.Because the halberd was attached to the sky thunder, Xu Miao couldn't control the fog-condensing sword with his consciousness.

Once the divine consciousness is impacted by the thunder, it will even disturb his thinking, causing more serious effects.Xu Miao retreated decisively to avoid the attack of the halberd.

Originally, Xu Miao was able to teleport smoothly to avoid the attack of the halberd.But as time went by, later on, he found that the entire law of space had changed, and he couldn't use teleportation at will.

When Xu Miao was about to teleport to avoid the halberd, she failed.The halberd was about to fall on her head, so Xu Miao could only get low on the spot and roll to the side, barely avoiding the attack of the halberd.

The speed of the halberd was so fast that Xu Miao didn't dare to stand in the same place for too long.He got up quickly and used his spiritual power to use his body skills to avoid the halberd.Xu Miao's movements were not slow, and she was also thinking quickly in her mind, looking for a way to crack it.

Xu Miao has never heard of, nor encountered, that when she crosses the catastrophe, she can become like this.It's like being pushed behind, constantly driving yourself away.

The weakness of the halberd, he needs to know the weakness of the halberd.Due to the existence of the Golden Armored Soldier, the long halberd has not weakened after so long.Xu Miao's eyes lit up. By the way, he can try to control the Golden Armored Soldier first.

As long as the Golden Armored Soldier is under control, the power of the halberd will not be as endless as it is now.Xu Miao suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the golden armored soldier in Jieyun.

The golden armored soldier was hidden in the robbery cloud, and the expression on his face was incomparably superior.In the eyes of this Golden Armored Divine Soldier, a little cultivator like himself, who is only a deity, really does not attract his interest.

Xu Miao ignored the halberds that were chasing closely behind, and jumped into the sky, flying towards the golden armored soldier.This jump, although teleportation cannot be used, but Xu Miao also increased the speed to the extreme.

But in the blink of an eye, Xu Miao had already appeared in front of the Golden Armored Soldier.With an invincible momentum, the Ningwu Sword stabbed at the golden armored soldier.The Golden Armored Soldier did not expect that Xu Miao would directly attack him regardless of the attack of the long halberd.

In the golden armored soldier's paralyzed expression, a rupture finally occurred.His halberd was his only magic weapon, and it was not by his side at this moment.

He raised his hand to recall the halberd to deal with Xu Miao.However, how could Xu Miao do what he wished, Xu Miao immediately released her spiritual power from behind, propping up a huge Fu Yu's helmet.

Fu Yu's helmet has the function of defense, and at the same time, it also has the function of blocking the opponent's actions.The existence of Fu Yu's armor made it impossible for the halberd to return to the golden armored soldier in the first place.

A trace of obvious anger flashed in the eyes of the Golden Armored Divine Soldier, and Xu Miao didn't even give him a straight look.Even if a golden armored soldier who wanted to kill him jumped into a rage in front of him, Xu Miao's expression would not change.

Xu Miao swiftly swung down several formation flags, cutting off the connection between the golden armored soldier and the long halberd.This formation is not very clever, but if it is only to buy some time for Xu Miao, it is enough.

When the Golden Armored Soldier realized that he could not control the halberd, Xu Miao had already launched an attack on the halberd.He externalized the branches of the Cangmu, and with the help of the branches, entangled the Mist Sword.

The Mist Condensing Sword can guide the thunder from the halberd into the body, thereby paralyzing the limbs.But Xu Miao chose wooden strips that cannot conduct electricity.As long as there are branches as partitions, he can attack the halberd.

The halberd of the long halberd was still densely covered with thunder, which continued to affect the Wu Ningjian.However, Xu Miao's hands were tightly entwined with the branches of Cangmu, and she was no longer afraid of the paralyzing effect of the halberd.

Xu Miao urged her spiritual power with all her strength, and the light on Ningwujian continued to grow.The Ningwu Sword was backed by Xu Miao's spiritual power, but the long halberd was not backed by the divine power of the Golden Armored Soldier.

In addition, Xu Miao didn't want to die, and he didn't want to fight with spiritual power, which quickly consumed the power of the halberd.The Golden Armored Soldier roared angrily, and Xu Miao heard it, without even frowning.

He paid attention to the formation formed temporarily by the formation flag, and its power was rapidly decreasing.Xu Miao's sword moves were called to Changji's body more quickly. When the last bit of spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was exhausted, the thunder light on Changji's body was completely annihilated.

Xu Miao knew very well that this was not the end. If he wanted to completely survive the eighth thunderstorm, he had to break off the halberd and disappear here.Xu Miao immediately raised her neck and drank the spiritual source water, and her spiritual power was fully replenished immediately.

The reincarnation nirvana formula was used, and after the halberd persisted for a while, cracks finally began to appear.At this time, the Golden Armored Soldiers had already destroyed Xu Miao's formation, and re-established contact with the long halberd.

Once the power of the Golden Armored Divine Soldier is applied to the halberd again, Xu Miao will never have a second chance to break the halberd.Xu Miao stood in the middle of the long halberd and the golden armored soldier, and his spiritual consciousness spread out instantly.

The Golden Armored Divine Soldier controls the halberd, relying on divine sense.Xu Miao used his spiritual sense to face his divine sense. The divine sense of the Golden Armored Soldier has the effect of thunder and lightning.As soon as Xu Miao's spiritual sense met that of the Golden Armored Soldier, he immediately felt a pain like thousands of needles pricking his head.

In just an instant, Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness became unstable, and his body swayed uncontrollably in mid-air.Enduring the severe pain, Xu Miao forcibly continued to use his consciousness to resist the consciousness of the golden armored soldier.

He mobilized all the spiritual energy in his body and poured all of it into the Wuwu Sword, holding the hilt of the Wuwu Sword with both hands, and slashed fiercely from top to bottom.Without the support of the Golden Armored Soldier, the halberd finally broke under Xu Miao's sword.

Once the halberd was broken, the golden armored soldier also disappeared into the air in an instant.All of Xu Miao's spiritual power was exhausted, and there was no extra spiritual power to support him in mid-air.

Xu Miao fell straight to the ground like a paper kite with a broken string.Xu Miao looked at Jieyun whose power was still growing, and knew that the matter was not over yet, and he couldn't rest just yet.

He settled down and drew the spiritual power of the underground spirit vein again.As Xu Miao spent more and more Tianlei, his strength gradually increased.In this spiritual power extraction, [-]% of the total spiritual power of the spirit veins was directly drawn by Xu Miao.

When Gu Yang was notified by his subordinates, he could no longer express anger or distress.He just numbly listened to the reports of his subordinates without any expression.

After replenishing most of her spiritual power, Xu Miao had the leisure to check her body.The battle with the halberd just now was too intense and intense, I only wanted to cut off the halberd, and didn't have the extra energy to pay attention to other things.

Upon closer inspection, he discovered that there were wounds all over his body.Neither the thunder carried by the halberd nor the injuries caused by the halberd itself could heal before the last thunder came.

What Xu Miao can do now is to recover as much spiritual power as possible, and use the current limit state to face the last thunder.Xu Miao's physical exhaustion came like a tide, constantly torturing his sea of ​​consciousness.

If he just followed the desire in his heart, Xu Miao would also completely sink in this desire, and finally die.Xu Miao managed to survive the eight thunderstorms ahead, how could he allow himself to give up at the last moment.

Xu Miao bit the tip of her tongue decisively. The rusty taste in her mouth and the pain on the tip of her tongue made Xu Miao wake up a little bit.At this time, the ninth thunder appeared.To be precise, it was not the ninth thunder, but two golden armored soldiers.

"Did Xu Miao offend the heavens? His thunder tribulation is too terrifying. During the eighth thunderstorm, there was a golden-armored god soldier. When the ninth thunderstorm came, two golden-armored gods appeared directly." Soldiers!"

"The heavens can't tolerate Xu Miao's existence against the sky. He must think that Xu Miao has disrupted the balance of the monk's strength and needs to get rid of him."

The monks expressed their opinions in a hurry, and they all thought that Xu Miao was too strong, which attracted the attention of Heavenly Dao, so they wanted to kill him with the help of Thunder Tribulation.

Without the roar of the sky thunder, Xu Miao could clearly hear the discussion of the monks next to him.Xu Miao had an instinctive premonition that someone really wanted to kill him, but it was definitely not because of his too strong strength.

If it is said to be powerful, besides the lower planes, there are obviously various upper planes.The strength of those monks should be comparable to his own, and there is no reason to only target him alone.

However, Xu Miao's speculation was interrupted by the attack of two golden armored soldiers before it spread.Unlike the eighth thunderbolt, these two golden armored soldiers left from the robbery cloud and landed beside Xu Miao like a skyfall.

The coercion around Xu Miao instantly increased, and the appearance of two golden armored soldiers made him unable to breathe smoothly.Xu Miao and the Golden Armored Warrior attacked almost at the same time. Xu Miao held the Nirvana Sword in one hand and the Condensing Fog Sword in the other.

The level of the Nirvana Sword was not high enough, and after a few collisions, cracks appeared on the Nirvana Sword.If Xu Miao could obtain the real body of Nirvana Sword, she would definitely not be so constrained.

At the moment when the Nirvana Sword was completely broken, Xu Miao held the broken sword in her hand and threw it as a hidden weapon.Facing this wave of offensive, a golden armored soldier calmly slashed down.

(End of this chapter)

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