Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 505 Not Fearing Thunder

Chapter 505 Not Fearing Thunder
The Nirvana Sword was completely reduced to dust under the powerful attack of the Golden Armored Soldier.Xu Miao looked solemn, and the two golden armored soldiers personally held the magic weapon and attacked him at the same time. At this time, the pressure he was under was simply incomparable to outsiders.

To Xu Miao, the two golden-armored warriors were like two big mountains, pressing him down firmly.Xu Miao could only defend passively, and could not find a chance to counterattack at all.

There was no flaw in the attack of these two people, every move and style cooperated seamlessly, even if Xu Miao wanted to create a flaw, it was impossible.

Coupled with the fierce attack of the Golden Armored Soldier, Xu Miao's spiritual power was also crazily consumed.In just a moment, most of Xu Miao's spiritual power had been consumed.If Xu Miao can't find a chance to replenish his spiritual power, Xu Miao will die of exhaustion of his spiritual power before he finds the opponent's weakness.

The more tense the situation was, the more expressionless Xu Miao's face became.At least the onlookers couldn't tell Xu Miao's mood and state from Xu Miao's face at all.

Only Xu Miao knew that his palms were already sweating a lot, and he couldn't even hold the Wu Ningjian sword firmly.In Xu Miao's eyes, the two golden armored soldiers beside him seemed like a bottomless sea.

He has no way of knowing the real strength of the opponent, but feels that every time he fights, he feels powerless.Due to the rapid consumption of spiritual power and the change of mentality, Xu Miao's sword moves gradually slowed down.

In the battle of life and death, the most taboo thing is that one side loses fighting spirit.Once you lose your fighting spirit, [-]% of your normal strength will be reduced to [-]%, or even less.

"Xu Miao's speed has slowed down, his body should have reached its limit by now."

"That's right, no matter how strong Xu Miao is, how can he use his human strength to compete with the Dao of Heaven. Compared with the Dao of Heaven, we human monks are just like ants."

"With such a strong Xu Miao, I originally thought that he could create miracles, but I didn't expect it to be impossible."

"As the saying goes, toughness is easy to break. The more aggressive Xu Miao showed before, the easier it is to attract the sanction of heaven. This is fate. No one can escape the fate of heaven."

Xu Miao just felt exhausted all over her body, and she really wanted to put down the Mist Condensing Sword in her hand and have a good sleep.He didn't want to care about whether the man next to him was a golden armored soldier or a golden armored ghost soldier.

Xu Miao didn't want to pay attention to the downbeat sound from the monks nearby.This group of monks is nothing more than grass on the wall. If Xu Miao is now suppressing the golden armored soldier, they will have some excuses.

Xu Miao's mind was in a daze, and her eyelids drooped, as if he was going to fall to the ground and fall asleep in the next moment.Suddenly a magic weapon of a golden armored soldier pierced Xu Miao's dantian. As a monk, Xu Miao's instincts for many years allowed him to move sideways for a certain distance at the critical moment of life and death.

It was this distance that allowed the magic weapon of the Golden Armored Soldier to rub against Xu Miao's Nascent Soul and pass by, leaving a big blood hole.The dantian was stabbed, and the severe pain directly awakened Xu Miao's drowsy consciousness.

Xu Miao was furious in an instant, it was really endless, but because she was a magic soldier, she wanted to kill him.In Xu Miao's rage, all eight golden dragons roared out, surrounding him tightly.

At this moment, around Xu Miao also appeared a space field composed of lawful golden dragons.Being in his own space, Xu Miao's previous thoughts of wanting to give up immediately dissipated completely.

No wonder he had this idea, no wonder he didn't want to continue fighting, this is the most dangerous part of the Ninth Thunder.Calmly let the people who crossed the catastrophe have the idea of ​​giving up, bit by bit to kill the monk's fighting spirit, and finally killed the monk.

Xu Miao's bewildered eyes immediately became sharper, and she looked at the two golden armored soldiers beside her.The Golden Armored Warrior noticed the change in Xu Miao's momentum, and a flash of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Of course, the Golden Armored Soldiers knew their purpose, and that was to wear down Xu Miao's fighting spirit and make him give up the fight voluntarily.It's just that they never expected that after being attacked by the magic weapon, Xu Miao could react quickly and rekindle his fighting spirit.

Seeing the change in the expression of the Golden Armored Divine Soldier, Xu Miao smiled mockingly: "The way of heaven? You are also worthy to represent the way of heaven? Using this method to destroy the fighting spirit of monks, I really saw your shamelessness today."

Before the words fell, the eight golden dragons under Xu Miao's control attacked the two golden armored soldiers respectively.

"Eight lawful golden dragons, am I delusional?" The monks watching looked at the lawful golden dragons around Xu Miao in disbelief, and some rubbed their eyes vigorously.

"There has never been a monk who can have eight golden dragons when he advanced to become a god, which has surpassed the limit of becoming a god!"

The golden armored soldier represents the so-called way of heaven, but Xu Miao's golden dragon is the epitome of the way of heaven.Xu Miao stood proudly and said: "Everyone is the Dao of Heaven, let's see whose Dao of Heaven is stronger!"

Xu Miao opened the meridians and acupuncture points of her whole body to absorb spiritual power again. In order to speed up the recovery of spiritual power, Xu Miao also began to take pills.When the two golden armored soldiers were fighting against the law golden dragon, Xu Miao suddenly teleported and appeared behind one of the golden armored soldiers.

The appearance of the golden dragon of the law made Xu Miao no longer restricted by the other party's space domain, allowing Xu Miao to freely use any law of heaven and earth, and teleportation is naturally not a problem.

The Golden Dragon can affect the Golden Armored Soldier, but it will not hinder Xu Miao. Instead, it can help Xu Miao deal with the Golden Armored Soldier.Under the siege of the golden dragon, the golden armored soldier quickly burst out with intense thunder.

The golden dragon was attacked by the sky thunder, and immediately became a little sluggish.Xu Miao put her left hand in front of her chest, read the mantra, and controlled the golden dragon to continue wrapping around the golden armored soldier.

His golden dragon wasn't strong enough to collide head-on with the golden armored soldier who was full of lightning.Since it was impossible to collide head-on, Xu Miao simply gave up the collision.

Lightning can cause serious damage to Xu Miao, but it can't cause serious damage to Jinlong.With the cover of the golden dragon, Xu Miao continued to attack the golden armored soldiers.

Even though the cang tree branches were turned into coke by the lightning, it didn't slow down Xu Miao's attack one iota.The aura around Xu Miao became higher and higher as the spiritual power blasted out.

All Xu Miao needed to do was to kill the two golden armored soldiers in one go.No matter how powerful they are, they can't break through the restrictions of the secluded plane. This is Xu Miao's greatest reliance.

The Ningwu Sword became an afterimage in the air, and even the Golden Armored Soldier couldn't know exactly where Xu Miao was.The two golden-armored warriors looked at each other, and the lightning burst out directly, filling the entire hell.

No matter how fast Xu Miao was, he couldn't leave the position where Tian Jie was, and was hit by the thunder released by the golden armored soldiers.Xu Miao's teleportation was interrupted, and most parts of her body had an obvious burnt smell.

It's fine if it smells burnt, but not only that, Xu Miao's right half of her body has completely lost its function.Whether it is the meridians, bones, or muscles, they were all attacked by the thunder and couldn't continue to function.

In other words, Xu Miao can only use the left half of her body now.The right half of the body lost its function, which directly caused Xu Miao's combat power to drop by more than half.

When the enemy was strong and we were weak, Xu Miao didn't even have time to avoid the subsequent thunder attack.If the left half of the body is also hit, Xu Miao will be completely a fish on the ground.

Unavoidable, Xu Miao twisted her body forcibly, allowing Tianlei to continue to strike under the right half of her body.With this lightning strike, Xu Miao's right half of his body was left with white bones.All the flesh and blood, meridians, completely disappeared under the bombardment of the sky thunder.

Being hit by the sky thunder continuously, Xu Miao's body even showed changes that he didn't realize.Dragon's Blood did not need Xu Miao's mobilization, and began to repair the right half of the body spontaneously.The power of Longli and Tianlei were intertwined, and even Xu Miao didn't know what kind of reaction happened.

The right half of his body began to regenerate rapidly, and another thunder fell. Although Xu Miao was amazed by the changes on the right half of his body, he still did not forget to avoid the thunder.

This time, although he avoided most of the lightning strikes, a small part of the lightning still landed on the right half of the newborn's body.To Xu Miao's surprise, she originally thought that the right half of her body would stop growing when the lightning strike fell.

The reality is that not only did the right half of the body not stop growing, but even under the bath of the thunder light, the growth rate continued to accelerate.This time, not only Xu Miao, the Golden Armored Soldier, but also the surrounding monks all stared wide-eyed.

The attack of the sky thunder will damage the monk's body, which is the consensus of all monks.They have never seen a monk who can continue to grow new flesh and blood under the continuous bombardment of sky thunder.

"This is the most ups and downs of a monk's crossing the catastrophe that I have seen in my life."

"Xu Miao, no, he is no longer human, he is simply a god!"

"Being bombarded by the ninth thunderbolt, he could still grow blood and flesh. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!"

As the person involved, Xu Miao was very happy to see that her body had become less afraid of thunder.In order to confirm the situation just now, Xu Miao took the initiative to bump into the nearby sky thunder.

Sure enough, as in the previous situation, Xu Miao's body recovered faster and faster.Xu Miao simply bumped the left half of her body into Tianlei.Under the previous two thunder attacks, only the body was damaged.

But when the thunder struck for the third time, Xu Miao's body also began to grow rapidly.In the eyes of everyone, it was a flesh and blood skeleton that was constantly in close contact with Tianlei.

Xu Miao didn't know why this happened, but he only needed to know that this situation was beneficial to him and not harmful.Xu Miao's face was blackened by Tianlei, and now she was grinning, and in the eyes of everyone, she shuddered.

(End of this chapter)

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