Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 506 Drinking a Degenerate God

Chapter 506 Drinking a Degenerate God
Even though it was a short distance away, the monks watching could feel Xu Miao's killing intent at this moment.Ever since entering Lingjing Temple in order to suppress the tyrannical consciousness in her heart, Xu Miao has not made any killing intentions for a long time.

After so long without killing intent, Xu Miao almost forgot what it was like to show her killing intent.At this time, the killing intent erupted, and even a group of onlookers felt a chill uncontrollably.

The Golden Armored Soldier was the closest to Xu Miao. They were not like ordinary monks who would be afraid of Xu Miao's killing intent, but they also had solemn expressions on their faces because of Xu Miao's killing intent.

They have already noticed that Xu Miao, a monk, is different from ordinary upper plane monks.When some upper-plane monks cross the catastrophe, it will also cause the golden armored soldiers to appear for many years.

However, those monks appeared only because they possessed a certain special physique, or possessed some heaven-defying magic weapons, and suppressed them. Of course, the purpose was not to kill them.

Only this cultivator named Xu Miao, the two of them have received an edict and need to kill this person.If they can't be killed, they won't be able to complete the order from Shangfeng.

Originally, the situation was good, but the special field they had already constructed made Xu Miao lose her fighting spirit.It was only a little bit close to killing Xu Miao.But now the situation has taken a turn for the worse, which not only restored Xu Miao's fighting spirit, but also caused Xu Miao's body to mutate.

It has never been possible to not be afraid of the attack of Tianlei.The Golden Armored Soldier could only give up using the sky thunder attack and use other attack methods to deal with Xu Miao.

They are the last hurdle for Lei Jie, so they naturally need to abide by Tian Lei's regulations.If you use an attack method outside the prescribed range without authorization, you don't need to go up to the peak to make a move, and the way of heaven that overrides them will play a role.

The Golden Armored Soldier can only use the magic weapon in his hand to attack Xu Miao.Fighting with magic weapons is the way Xu Miao is least afraid of.Xu Miao's skills and moves are more than enough to deal with two golden armored soldiers who can't show their true strength.

Facing two enemies at the same time, Xu Miao is even more familiar.Xu Miao nimbly shuttled between the two of them. In the battle, Xu Miao always had the upper hand firmly, and did not give the Golden Armored Warrior a chance to fight back.

The Golden Armored Soldiers finally felt the horror of Xu Miao. Under Xu Miao's constant oppression, they finally couldn't hold on, and Xu Miao solved them one by one with a sword.

The two golden armored soldiers disappeared, and Jieyun, who had been pressing down on the top, also showed signs of dissipating.Throughout the thunder disaster, Xu Miao experienced several life and death crises.Especially with the appearance of the last golden armored soldier, he stood on the edge of the cliff.

If it wasn't for his monastic instincts and body mutations, he would have died at the hands of the Golden Armored Divine Soldier long ago.Looking back now, Xu Miao couldn't help but be grateful.Taking advantage of the robbery cloud not completely dispersed, Xu Miao quickly set about arranging a defensive formation.

The Heavenly Tribulation is divided into two parts, one is the Thunder Tribulation, and the other is the Heart Demon Tribulation.He has successfully passed the thunder tribulation, and now he needs to survive the heart demon tribulation.

When a monk is going through the catastrophe of the heart demon, there must be no outsiders to disturb him. Once a monk with malicious intentions interferes, the monk who is going through the catastrophe is likely to be severely injured, and the most serious consequence is to die directly.

The Heart Demon Calamity does not seem to be as powerful as the Thunder Calamity, but it is not easy for the monks to survive.According to relevant records, the number of monks who died under the thunder calamity was almost the same as the number of monks who died under the heart demon calamity.

This also shows the horror of the Heart Demon Tribulation, and some monks have accidents when crossing the Heart Demon Tribulation, and they can only sink in the Heart Demon for the rest of their lives, unable to wake up until the moment their lifespan is exhausted.

Therefore, Xu Miao didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and the array he arranged was also the highest level of defense.Xu Miao wants to survive the catastrophe, but some people will not let Xu Miao survive the catastrophe.

The cultivator who had been hiding in the air in the distance immediately appeared above Xu Miao and surrounded Xu Miao.Although Xu Miao has survived the catastrophe of the sky, she has not yet survived the catastrophe of the heart demon, so she is not considered a real cultivator of transforming spirits.

As long as they seize this opportunity and attack Xu Miao, they will definitely be able to kill Xu Miao here.

A cultivator who transforms spirits even sent out a spiritual power attack directly to Xu Miao. This spiritual power attack was about to fall on the formation that Xu Miao was setting up. Xu Miao frowned and threw a spiritual power backhand.

To the surprise of Huashen in the sky, Xu Miao's spiritual strength was not inferior to the real Huashen monks, and even faintly overwhelmed them.

This is still the case when Xu Miao's spiritual power has not fully recovered. If Xu Miao's strength recovers, only this spiritual power can directly cause damage to the cultivator of Huashen.

After exchanging their spiritual consciousness, several cultivators who turned into gods quickly launched an attack on Xu Miao.Xu Miao snorted coldly, without even raising her head, she just controlled her spiritual power to separate from her body, forming the armor of Fu Yu.

With the improvement of Xu Miao's strength, the range and strength of Fu Yu's helmet can now cover the range of the magic circle he is going to set up.The attacks of several cultivators who transformed themselves into gods all landed on Fu Yu's helmet, but Fu Yu's helmet only shook a few times without even cracking.

"I don't have the energy to deal with you right now. If you are sensible, you'd better get out of here immediately. Otherwise, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless!" Xu Miao's voice was cold, without any temperature or emotion.

The cultivator of Huashen heard the killing intent from inside, and facing Xu Miao's killing intent was something that every monk was unwilling to face.When one of the monks heard Xu Miao's words, he couldn't help but think of quitting.

Xu Miao's combat power is too strong, and fighting over the next level is as easy and simple as drinking water.Now they are taking advantage of others' danger to join forces to attack Xu Miao.In case they were still unable to kill Xu Miao, then Xu Miao would definitely hunt them down in the future.

Who doesn't know that Xu Miao holds vengeance the most, as long as you offend him, no matter where the world is, he will find you and carry out the most terrible revenge.One of the cultivators who turned into gods hesitated, and the rest of the cultivators who turned into gods were also affected.

The alliance of the few of them has not yet affected Xu Miao, but it has been fragmented.If Xu Miao had a real fight with these monks with his current strength, he would definitely not be their opponent.

The serious injuries he suffered during the thunder tribulation, and the upcoming catastrophe of the heart demon, could not make Xu Miao fight with all her strength, so Xu Miao could only threaten the opponent with words.However, with the help of Xu Miao's reputation in the past, these cultivators were really frightened and hesitated.

That being the case, Xu Miao unceremoniously added another flavor: "If you retreat now, I can guarantee that you will not be blamed for this matter. If you continue to entangle, I don't mind letting you become the No. 1!"

As soon as these words came out, the monk who was most eager to retreat completely gave up dealing with Xu Miao, and quickly turned around and fled away, regardless of the thoughts of the others.Xu Miao watched the monk leave, and glanced at the remaining monks.

Xu Miao obviously didn't use any spiritual power, any power of spiritual consciousness, but the eyes of death made several monks who turned into gods completely lose their courage, and immediately left the place.

A group of onlookers who thought they could fight were disappointed: "You just left like this?"

"There is no way, Xu Miao's reputation is too great, and there are too many cards. If Xu Miao is really offended, and Xu Miao has not been killed, then Xu Miao will definitely be chased and killed. It is better to retreat."

"You don't need to fight, you can defeat the enemy with just a few words. When will I be as strong as Xu Miao!"


After confirming that the cultivators of Transforming God had completely left, Xu Miao continued to set up the magic circle.His hand speed almost reached the limit, and all kinds of materials were quickly placed in accurate positions.

When the light of the formation flashed out, Xu Miao's heart demon tribulation also arrived unexpectedly.The previous cave had been completely shattered by Tianlei, so Xu Miao managed to find a hidden corner and sat cross-legged inside.

The entire formation can completely block the sight of the outside world, Xiaotian, Shui San, and Qingjiao all appeared outside, ready to fight.

Xu Miao felt a call in her ear, it was her mother's voice.For Xu Miao, the mother's voice seemed so long ago that it happened in a previous life.

When he opened his eyes again, the environment around him changed.He was no longer in the messy cave in the secluded plane, but returned to the village behind the palace.

At this time, Xu Miao knew very well that he was going through the catastrophe of inner demons. Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar face of his mother in front of him, Xu Miao was filled with emotion.For so many years in the realm of self-cultivation, he has been busy with the cultivation of skills and the improvement of his realm, and he has not returned to Dianhou Village for many years.

The mother in the heart demon tribulation kindly told Xu Miao not to think about illusory immortals, but to take the imperial examination, embark on an official career, and finally marry a wife and have children.Xu Miao really wanted to refuse, but his mother's eyes were too kind, so he couldn't say decisive words.

When Xu Miao walked out of Dianhou Village with his mother's eyes on him, his expression became resolute again.He has embarked on the road of self-cultivation, and no one can change his mind.

His mother had been dead for many years, and he had no reason to linger on the past.Xu Miao took one last look at her mother leaning against the entrance of the village, and left without looking back, becoming more determined.

The scene around him suddenly changed, Xu Miao was being hunted down by Cheng Xuanzong's late Foundation Establishment monk.His whole body was being burned by the spiritual fire, and he felt extreme pain.

"As long as you beg me for mercy and offer your loyalty to me, I can recall the spirit fire and let you die!" Xu Miao was suffering unspeakably from this pain at this time, a person who can quickly get rid of this pain Options appeared in front of him.

Xu Miao raised her head with difficulty and looked at this person: "Begging for mercy? You're dreaming! Even if I, Xu Miao, were to die, I wouldn't beg for mercy from trash like you!" The monks in the late foundation building period were furious when they heard the words, and immediately mobilized their spiritual power , the spiritual fire attached to Xu Miao's body burned even more violently.

(End of this chapter)

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