Chapter 507

The pain in the Heart Demon Tribulation was infinitely magnified, and the pain Xu Miao felt now was even more painful than what she had experienced personally.It's just that the current Xu Miao, under the influence of the heart demon tribulation, can't tell where she is or what her cultivation level is.

He completely forgot that he was encountering the demonic calamity of a monk who transformed himself into a god, and mistakenly thought that he was still a monk in the Qi refining period, and his opponent was a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment.

The wild laughter and ferocious face of this late foundation-building monk were all engraved in Xu Miao's eyes: "Xu Miao, how does it feel to be burned by the flames? Do you feel that your soul will be burned to the ground?" ?”

"Hahahahaha, Xu Miao, you also have today. Aren't you so arrogant that your eyes are above your head on weekdays, and you don't know what modesty is? I will give you one more chance now. Just kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake, beg me for mercy, and forever Be my servant."

"I will show kindness and take away the spirit fire, and I can help you build your foundation. You, the Heqinggu small sect, probably don't even have a few foundation building pills!"

Xu Miao was continuously burned by the hot flames, and it was extremely difficult to even stand still.He could only lean his body against a boulder nearby to support his standing body.

After the stone was burned by the flame, it also rose to a high temperature, which made Xu Miao feel even more uncomfortable.No matter how much pain and suffering Xu Miao was suffering physically, his expression remained calm forever.

It seems that the flames that he is suffering now do not exist at all.Seeing Xu Miao's expression at the late stage of foundation establishment, the monk finally lost his patience: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in! Since you are so tough, I want to see how far you can persist." !"

The flame temperature on Xu Miao's body rose again, sweeping his whole body.Not to mention moving her fingers, Xu Miao even had difficulty thinking.There is only one thought in his mind, no matter what the final result is, he will never bow his head to the other party.

No matter how much suffering he has experienced, no matter how much he has to pay, it is impossible to deprive him of his dignity and will.Xu Miao was burned by the flames until only a skeleton remained, but his sanity was clearer than before.

The three armies can win the command, but the common man cannot win the ambition.Even if he, Xu Miao, is a monk at the lowest level in the cultivation world, not just anyone can step on him!

A surge of pride suddenly arose in Xu Miao's heart. When he realized it, the flames on his body were extinguished at some point, and his body was no longer just a skeleton, but returned to a human appearance.

To be precise, Xu Miao's current appearance is not what a normal monk should look like.His hair, eyes, and the spiritual power emanating from his body were all red like flames.

Xu Miao stuck out her tongue and licked her dry lips, her heart was full of desire for blood.He wants to kill people and suck the blood of monks.This impulse and desire urged Xu Miao to walk among the crowd.

He looked at the crowd around him, some with fear, some with mockery, and some with anger.Everyone's expressions are different, but in Xu Miao's view, these people are just storage containers for blood essence.

Xu Miao can grab these containers and enjoy his delicacies to his heart's content just by stretching out his hand.Xu Miao tilted her head and looked at the monk in front of her.He moved his nostrils almost invisibly, smelling the monk's scent.

This is the taste of blood, how tempting, how delicious.Xu Miao wanted to jump directly on the monk, bite open the meridian on the man's neck, suck out all the blood of the man and swallow it.

Warm blood into the throat, this taste must be very good.Xu Miao took the first step, but when he wanted to take the second step, he couldn't.

Xu Miao frowned angrily. The monk walked farther and farther, and the blood in his hand was about to leave.Xu Miao twisted her neck irritably and clenched her fists.

Another monk passed by, and Xu Miao learned to be smart this time, so she directly reached out to stop him.When he raised his hand and was about to break the man's neck, his body suddenly glowed with golden light.

The golden light made Xu Miao close her eyes involuntarily, and let go of the hand that was holding the monk just now.The appearance of the golden light made Xu Miao's red eyes clear for a short time.

Heart Demon Tribulation!What a catastrophe!He thought that through the Buddhist exercises, he could completely wipe away the tyranny and killing consciousness, but he didn't expect that the heart demon calamity could still arouse the greatest fear in his heart.

If there is no Buddha's light of Buddhist exercises, Xu Miao might have broken the monk's neck, intoxicated by the smell of the monk's blood, forever trapped by the inner demon, unable to wake up.

Xu Miao rejoiced for a moment, then found that the bustling crowd of people just now had disappeared, and the surrounding environment had changed into that of He Qinggu.He walked into the mountain gate of Heqing Valley, he seemed to have consciousness under his feet, and walked straight forward.

After passing through several quiet paths, a courtyard appeared in front of Xu Miao.Feeling something in Xu Miao's heart, she pushed open the bamboo gate of the courtyard. When the woman in the courtyard heard the sound, she turned around and smiled alluringly.

Xu Miao was stunned and froze in place.This woman is none other than Shui Mei.Xu Miao staggered, took a few steps, and held Shui Mei tightly in her arms.He tightened his hands, feeling the softness in his embrace and the unique breath of Shui Mei.

"Why did you come back so early today?" Shui Mei asked softly.

Xu Miao seemed to have known that Shui Mei would ask such a question, so she replied naturally: "There happened to be some problems in the school, but they were all resolved." Xu Miao put her hand on Shui Mei's slightly raised belly, and said in a low voice, "Is the child okay?" trouble you?"

Shui Mei shook her head, raised her hand to cover Xu Miao's hand on her lower abdomen, and slowly clasped it together.Deep down in Xu Miao's heart, perhaps he knew that he shouldn't believe it, but this scene was so beautiful that Xu Miao didn't want to break the current beautiful scene.

He is willing to sink into it, unwilling to wake up.Xu Miao held Shui Mei's cold hand and led her back to the room.The two stood in front of the window, Xu Miao embraced Shui Meixu from behind Shui Mei.

Putting his chin on Shui Mei's shoulder again, he whispered gossip to Shui Mei.The setting sun shines on Shui Mei through the window. From Xu Miao's perspective, she can clearly see the happy smile on Shui Mei's face.

The peaceful days were spent day by day without any disturbance. Xu Miao watched her and Shui Mei's child be born, watched her grow up, and herself and Shui Mei grew old.

At this time, Xu Miao was already gray-haired, and Shui Mei no longer had the alluring face of her youth, only her eyes filled with autumn water were always gentle.Xu Miao stretched out her hand to let Shui Mei lean in her arms, quietly feeling the love between the two.

Suddenly, Xu Miao's heart beat faster, and her body immediately became very uncomfortable.Xu Miao frowned, raised her hand to attach to her heart, and there were bursts of tingling pain there.

The water charm in her arms became transparent at this moment, Xu Miao panicked and was at a loss.Shui Mei raised her hand as usual, and gently smoothed Xu Miao's frown: "Xu Miao, don't be obsessed with me, you still have too much to do."

"I'll be waiting for you, always waiting for you. Wake up, Xu Miao." Xu Miao watched as Shui Mei's image became more and more transparent, and finally disappeared completely.He wanted to reach out and grab Shui Mei, but he couldn't catch anything.

Shui Mei's voice still echoed in my ears: "Xu Miao, wake up, don't succumb to the evil of the heart, I will always wait, waiting for the day when we meet again."

Xu Miao stood up abruptly. He took one last look at the courtyard where he and Shui Mei had lived together for hundreds of years, and finally closed his eyes resolutely.

His aura changed instantly, his old and stooped body gradually became tall and straight, and his white hair also quickly turned into blue silk.When he opened his eyes again, everything around him disappeared, leaving only darkness.

Xu Miao touched the heart tenderly, where there was Shui Mei's essence and blood.He looked at a white light in the distance and walked towards it.The gentle expression on Xu Miao's face also quickly receded, and turned into firmness again.

The dazzling white light enveloped Xu Miao, forcing him to close his eyes to avoid the white light.When the white light dissipated and Xu Miao opened her eyes again, the surroundings were still in a mess.As far as the eye can see, it is the worried Xiaotian, Shui San and Qingjiao.

The calamity of the heart demon has passed, and Xu Miao has completely become a cultivator of Huashen.Xu Miao didn't get up in a hurry, but absorbed the spiritual power on the spot, replenished the spiritual power in her body, and healed the injury caused by the previous sky thunder.

While adjusting her physical condition, Xu Miao listened to Xiaotian's story about what happened when he passed the inner demon tribulation.It turned out that it took him 20 years just to survive the calamity of the demons.

If it weren't for the critical moment when he was about to die of old age, the water charm blood in Xu Miao's heart reminded him, Xu Miao would never have woken up.In addition to the previous practice of "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra" and "Bodhi Mirror Mantra", it took him almost 50 years.

During the time when Xu Miao was going through the catastrophe of inner demons, Gu Yang had already ordered people to repair the wreckage next to Xu Miao's cave, and reopened the leased cave.Xu Miao's inner demon tribulation lasted too long, and even gave Gu Yang the illusion that Xu Miao could not survive the inner demon tribulation.

Gu Yang is unable to step into the stage of transformation in this life, so his greatest wish is to make money.The last time Xu Miao advanced, he lost a lot of spirit stones.Therefore, when Gu Yang has nothing to do, he always prays that Xu Miao will not wake up, and it is best to stay like this until he dies.

It's a pity that Xu Miao didn't hear Gu Yang's prayer and successfully survived the tribulation of inner demons.But even if Xu Miao heard Gu Yang's prayer, she would only give Gu Yang a hard lesson.

Gu Yang was sitting comfortably in the room, and suddenly found that the jade symbolizing the condition of the spiritual veins on the table was shaking wildly.This shaking, which he had seen 20 years ago, was the result of Xu Miao's frantic absorption of spiritual energy.

(End of this chapter)

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