Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 508 Information Change

Chapter 508 Information Change
Could it be that another evildoer like Xu Miao appeared and came to trick him?This was Gu Yang's first thought, but he quickly dismissed it.

This idea is unlikely, at least according to his sources, among this group of Nascent Soul monks, none of them has the strength to stand shoulder to shoulder with Xu Miao.Since it's not another monk, could it be that Xu Miao has already passed the tribulation of inner demons?

Gu Yang appeared outside the cave in a flash, observing the direction of spiritual power.Sure enough, all the spiritual power of the Lingmai rushed to the location where Xu Miao had rented the cave.

Due to the array set up by Xu Miao outside the cave, Gu Yang couldn't see clearly what was going on under the array.The direction of the spiritual power in the spiritual veins cannot be deceived.

All the signs indicated that Xu Miao had definitely survived the tribulation of inner demons, and now he was absorbing spiritual energy and recovering his physical condition.Gu Yang looked at the spiritual power that kept passing away, and once again his heart ached so much that he couldn't help himself.

Gu Yang really wanted to break through the magic circle, grabbed Xu Miao's collar, and questioned Xu Miao with tears and snot in his nose: "Even if you pluck the wool, you can't just pluck it all by me! All the hair on my whole body will be plucked!" You got it clean!"

But Gu Yang could only think about it, firstly he couldn't break through the magic circle, secondly he couldn't get close to Xu Miao's body, and thirdly he didn't have the guts to cry out his tragic experience in front of the cultivator of Huashen.

Gu Yang's subordinates only saw Gu Yang's expression changing in a short period of time, which was very exciting.Scratching my ears and cheeks for a while, and excruciating pain for a while.

Xu Miao has successfully survived the catastrophe, and now she has completely become a monk of Huashen.His current spiritual power reserve in the dantian is more than five times greater than that in the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen period.

This is the gap between Huashen and Yuanying, one heaven and one earth.No matter how strong the Nascent Soul cultivator is, he can't fight against the Spirit Transformation cultivator.

Becoming a cultivator of transforming spirits is not like other low-level cultivators who only want to improve their cultivation.All the monks who transform themselves are trying to leave the lower plane and go to the upper plane.

The lower plane is restricted by the Dao of Heaven, and the monks can only reach the early stage of transformation.The following mid-stage, late-stage, and even higher-level cultivations are not allowed by the laws of the lower plane.

If you want to raise your cultivation to a higher level, the only way is to go to the upper plane.It's just that this upper plane is not something a monk can get on if he wants to.

There is a channel from bottom to top between the upper plane and the lower plane, but this channel is very dangerous.There are space hurricanes in the passage all year round, and any hurricane can cause serious injuries to the cultivator of Huashen.

Not all monks who entered the channel of the plane were able to reach the upper plane intact.Many cultivators who transformed themselves into gods fell to their deaths in the passage.Even if there are a small number of lucky monks who successfully reach the upper plane, their cultivation base will be greatly damaged in the end.

There are only a very small number, a very small number of monks, who have the Dao of Great Luck and can reach the upper plane intact without being affected in any way.However, there are very few monks of this kind, and even one out of 1 monks who have ascended to the upper plane may not be able to appear.

Due to the high risk factor of the plane passage, many cultivators who have transformed themselves would rather stay in the lower plane than go to the plane passage easily.After all, with their strength, they are already the pinnacle existence in the lower plane.

As long as they are willing, they can call the wind and rain, move mountains and fill the sea, and command any monk.As for the ascension to the upper plane, even if they are lucky enough to survive and successfully reach the upper plane, they will immediately change from a peak existence to a low-end existence.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.Getting used to being high above the sky, suddenly falling from the clouds one day, even a firm-minded monk may not be able to adapt quickly.

In addition, the monks on the upper plane will also look down on the monks on the lower plane, thinking that the monks on the lower plane are humble existences.This kind of psychology is normal, just like before the Earth-Space Plane, people in Zhonglu looked down on Donglu and Xilu, and people in Donglu looked down on Xilu.

Later, the monks of the secluded plane looked down on the monks of the earth-empty plane, but it was just the dark thoughts of human beings.Xu Miao doesn't care about this kind of opinion at all, as long as her fist is hard enough, she can get respect from others wherever she goes.

Xu Miao has always relied on herself from a small sect in a continent with poor cultivation resources to where she is today.After he finished the power ranking competition of the secluded plane in Lingjing Temple, he would start to ascend to the upper plane.

When Xu Miao opened the formation, she saw Gu Yang with a troubled face above the formation.Xu Miao glanced at the people behind Gu Yang, and there was indeed an acquaintance among them, who was the shopkeeper of the rented Dongfu shop that day.

It seems that this Gu Yang is the real boss of the cave, and the reason for coming here now is nothing more than that, Xu Miao has drawn too much spiritual power from the underground veins, and the big boss feels distressed.

However, the other party remained silent in pain, so Xu Miao naturally would not take the initiative to bring up this matter.Before he opened the formation, he restored all the decorations of the cave, and also restored the original formation of the cave.

Gu Yang moved his mouth, hesitated for a while, and finally just congratulated Senior Xu Miao for advancing to God.Xu Miao glanced at Gu Yang with a half-smile: "Since you don't care about my use of your spiritual power, I won't pursue the matter of you finding someone to kill me."

Originally, Gu Yang was only concerned about the excessive loss of his spiritual power, but now he was suddenly awakened by Xu Miao's mention. He even sent someone to try to kill Xu Miao.

He gave the shopkeeper a vicious look, and smiled obsequiously at Xu Miao: "That was a misunderstanding, and please don't pursue the ignorance of the younger generation, senior."

Xu Miao waved her hand: "Since I said not to pursue it, I won't pursue it. I think the life of Cave Master Guyang is worth more than a spiritual vein."

Gu Yang quickly took up the conversation: "It is a blessing for the junior to come to the cave of the junior, and you don't need to care about the rest!" Xu Miao is very satisfied with Gu Yang's way of doing things. Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is already the norm in the cultivation world.Gu Yang would find someone to kill him at that time because he had absorbed too much spiritual power from the spiritual veins.

Now that Gu Yang has expressed his attitude, he doesn't care about the matter of the spirit veins, so Xu Miao will naturally not have to deal with it. He no longer cares about Gu Yang, and directly disappears into the air as a ray of light.

Gu Yang looked at the back of Xu Miao leaving, and sighed secretly, the strong is the best, and he is not afraid of offending anyone wherever he goes.He shook his head and went back, and immediately dismissed his position as shopkeeper.

If it weren't for the innocence of the shopkeeper, he wouldn't have been absorbed by Xu Miao so much spiritual power in his spiritual veins, and he wouldn't have dared to ask Xu Miao for compensation.

Xu Miao did not rush to Lingjing Temple, but returned to Heqing Valley immediately.He has been in seclusion for 50 years, completely ignorant of the current situation in the remote plane.

Ye Qiguang sighed even more when he saw Xu Miao.Who would have thought that Xu Miao, who was judged to be a useless spirit root back then, would have successfully advanced to become a god, and reached the forefront of all monks of the same generation.

From Ye Qiguang's mouth, Xu Miao also knew that the current head of He Qinggu has changed from Jindan stage to Nascent Soul stage.After all, as a large sect with so many Nascent Soul cultivators, it would be inappropriate for Jindan cultivators to continue to be the head.

Generally speaking, Xu Miao would not intervene in matters within the sect.As long as it is in line with the development interests of the sect, Xu Miao will support it.He Qinggu's current head is Xu Miao's senior brother - Fang Qingyun.

According to Fang Qingyun, half a year later, the power ranking competition of the secluded plane will officially begin.This qualifying competition means the distribution of cultivation resources in the future, when all forces will send the best monks.

Now that Xu Miao can return immediately, for He Qinggu, there is no better news than this.With the addition of Xu Miao, Fang Qingyun rearranged the manpower and told Xu Miao the rules of the power qualifying competition.

Every faction will be assessed from different aspects, whether it is the number of monks, the quality of the monks, the location of the faction, or the scope of the faction.

Of course, these inspections were conducted before the monks' competition.Based on these assessments, different levels of power are determined.In the end, the monks of the same level of power will fight to decide who is superior.

In He Qinggu's initial report, there was no mention of a cultivator of Huashen, only Xu Miao, a late stage cultivator, plus a lot of Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivators, and Nascent Soul early stage cultivators.

Now that Xu Miao has returned to the sect, this information naturally needs to be updated in time.After Fang Qingyun and Xu Miao finished chatting, they immediately returned to the main hall and told their disciples to deliver the latest news.

The person in charge of the assessment of all forces is the late-stage great monk of the family's large sects in the secluded and earth-space planes.When some disciples came to convey that the information reported by a sect had changed, the faces of several late master monks showed obvious impatience.

The reason for these dissatisfaction is also because there were many sects that constantly changed information, causing them to re-evaluate.

"These sects are also true. Every information reported has to be changed. Isn't it that a monk who established the foundation has advanced to the Golden Core, and the Golden Core monk has advanced to the Nascent Soul?"

"Is there anything to change this kind of news? If you have the ability to get the news that a Nascent Soul cultivator has advanced to a cultivator of Huashen!" As soon as these words came out, the remaining few late stage monks burst into laughter.

How can it be so easy for cultivators to advance to the advanced stage? None of them have successfully advanced to the advanced stage. It is not so easy for other sects.The little disciple of Tongchuan heard this and said in a low voice: "It is the change of information from the Nascent Soul cultivator to the Transformation Spirit cultivator."

The hearty laughter of the late monks just now was suppressed by them in an instant.Just kidding, no matter who the Nascent Soul cultivator advances to the Transformation God cultivator, they are not something they can offend!

The little disciple saw the later monks waving, and presented the jade slip with a wink.When the late cultivator saw the contents of the jade slip, his eyes widened instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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