Chapter 564
Xu Miao's words made Yu Han, and Yu Yun's high-pitched heart finally fell into his stomach, and he let out a long sigh of relief.Yu Jianghai's expression became ferocious and distorted, knowing that he was tricked by this mid-stage cultivator.

"Boy, you are just a mid-stage cultivator, and you don't seem to have joined any high-level sect. As long as you are willing to follow me, I can guarantee that you will definitely be able to join a fifth-level family!"

"Of course, if you are obsessed with obsession and insist on being my enemy, the power of the fifth-level family is also not something you can resist! At that time, if you are killed, you can only blame your bad life!"

The fifth-level family, if Xu Miao first came to the upper plane of the sky, might still be able to attract some attraction to Xu Miao, but now, Xu Miao has a late Mahayana monk as his master, can he still value the fifth-level family?

Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth and smiled disdainfully: "A fifth-level family? Is it very powerful? You have a seventh-level family in your family. It is impossible for a monk in the late stage of fusion to be dispatched for you. At most, it is only a monk in the early stage of fusion."

"Member at the early stage of fusion, what threat do you think you can pose to me?" Xu Miao stood with her hands behind her back, but no one doubted the authenticity of what he said.Being able to easily resist the middle stage of Jiang Hai's Void Refining with the cultivation base of the middle stage of transforming gods, there is definitely a way to resist the early stage of fusion.

Especially Yu Han and Yu Yun, they saw Xu Miao show the strength of a monk in the early stage of fusion in the secret place of Hanxi with their own eyes.In this regard, they firmly believe.

"What an arrogant boy, dare to say something that a monk in the early stage of fusion cannot pose a threat to you! Today, I will let the old man teach you a lesson!" A thick voice approached from a distance, full of strong killing intent.

Xu Miao turned around immediately, and before the opponent's spiritual power fell, he used the power of the purple-eyed winged tiger to prop up Fu Yu's helmet.Since the Hunting Stone was upgraded, Xu Miao borrowed the power of the spirit beast in the Hunting Stone without using her own body.

It will also not make the meridians in the body unbearable, which will cause the meridians to burst.After the spiritual power of the purple-eyed winged tiger was drawn from the Hunting Stone, it gathered directly where Xu Miao needed the spiritual power to appear.

In the early stages of the fusion, the monks originally thought they could do it with their hands, but it turned out to be unsuccessful.He landed in front of Xu Miao, and his consciousness swept across Xu Miao unceremoniously.

No matter how powerful Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness is, it cannot be compared with the monks in the fusion stage.If the other party disturbed him with his spiritual sense, Xu Miao would never be able to sustain it.Xu Miao didn't dare to let go of Fu Yu's helmet at all, and kept on the defensive.

When Yu Jianghai saw that the help had arrived, he hurriedly stepped forward respectfully: "Master Hanzhao, this kid is really weird, he was able to easily take my attack from the waves, and now he is able to block your attack, which is really puzzling." .”

After all, Master Hanzhao is an early stage monk of the fifth-level sect, and he has seen hundreds of strange things, if not a thousand.Of course he knows that some monks with outstanding talents can ignore the boundaries of levels and fight by leapfrogging.

But there is a limit to this kind of leapfrogging, and it is impossible to completely ignore all level boundaries.If the cultivator in front of him in the middle stage of transformation was so talented, at most he could only fight with Yu Jianghai and lose both sides.

As Yu Jianghai said just now, the one who can easily receive the attack and block his own attack is definitely not using his own power.Even for those core disciples of the first-level and second-level sects, it is impossible for them to fight against the early stage of fusion.

Even the weakest combined initial stage cannot do it.The real Hanzhao's eyes on Xu Miao have changed. It is no longer the ordinary eyes of examining monks, but the eyes of looking at a heaven-defying magic weapon.

Master Han Zhao can be sure that Xu Miao has a magic weapon that contains infinite power.It was that magic weapon that allowed Xu Miao to display a strength no less than that of the initial stage of fusion.If you can take this magic weapon as your own, it is equivalent to adding a combat power to yourself.

At that time, when you return to the sect, your status can be improved rapidly, and there are various benefits.Master Hanzhao grinned a strange smile, looked at Xu Miao and said, "My little friend, where did you learn from?"

For people like Hanzhao Zhenren, who are so happy that all their thoughts are exposed on their faces, Xu Miao can clearly see the general thoughts of the other person with just a glance.

From the change in Hanzhao's eyes to now asking him where his teacher was, Xu Miao knew on his knees that this person coveted that he could display super-level strength, and wanted to move some crooked thoughts.

"It's just a small sect. Daoist Han Zhao won't know it."

Master Hanzhao smiled even more when he heard Xu Miao's answer: "Little friends should know the benefits of the fifth-level sect, whether it is the cultivation resources, or the teachings of high-level monks, as well as being able to compete with peers of comparable strength to strengthen yourself. The strength is not what Xiaoyou's current sect can provide."

"I think my little friend's bones are rare and his talent is outstanding. Why don't you consider worshiping this old man as your teacher. You are proud enough to be your master when you are a monk in the early stage of fusion." Hanzhao Zhenren's words made all the monks of Yu Jianghai's line grow up. mouth.

They wanted to worship under the sect of Daoist Hanzhao and get the protection of Daoist Hanzhao, but now they were taken over by a monk who was against them.The eyes they looked at Xu Miao became sharp and full of evil spirit instantly.

Daoist Hanzhao stroked the short beard growing on his chin, confidently waiting for Xu Miao's answer.Judging from the person's attire, the sect of origin must be a sect that couldn't be smaller.

The monk seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. With such a generous condition in front of him, there is no reason not to agree.

"Adore you as a teacher?" Xu Miao sneered, "What are you, you dare to lick your face and ask me to be a teacher. What is your real purpose, do you have no idea?"

When Master Hanzhao heard Xu Miao's words, his face became completely ugly, and his brows were full of anger.He suddenly raised his hand and hit Xu Miao: "There is a way to heaven, but if you don't go, there is no way to enter hell. Die!"

In an instant, several violent spiritual powers came from different directions, each of which could smash Xu Miao into pieces in the blink of an eye.Even with the power of the purple-eyed winged tiger, it was impossible for Xu Miao to escape the attack unscathed.

"Roar—" Xu Miao thought for a moment, and summoned the purple-eyed winged tiger.The purple-eyed winged tiger has a huge body, and as soon as it appeared, it protected Xu Miao tightly.

The purple-eyed winged tiger opened its bloody mouth wide, and shot out an unparalleled monster force.Part of the spiritual power of Daoist Hanzhao was directly disintegrated by the attack of the purple-eyed winged tiger, and the remaining spiritual power fell on the purple-eyed winged tiger, unable to cause any damage to the purple-eyed winged tiger at all.

As monsters, hard fur is their greatest defense tool.The defense of the purple-eyed winged tiger is the best among monsters.In the eyes of the purple-eyed winged tiger, a low-strength early-stage monk like Hanzhao is not enough.

"Purple-eyed Maverick! You actually have a purple-eyed Maverick!" Immortal Han Zhao was surprised the first time he saw the purple-eyed Maverick.But his eyes soon changed, becoming greedy and jealous.

In the hands of Daoist Hanzhao, there are also a few spirit beasts, but they are all spirit beasts that have been cultivated in the transformation stage. In battle, let alone helping him increase his combat power, they can only hinder him.

Every time he sees a spirit beast with good strength among the monks of the same rank, Master Hanzhao will be jealous.Especially seeing people like Xu Miao, whose level of cultivation is not high, but the level of spirit beasts he possesses is against the sky.

Daoist Hanzhao's eyes were red, and he quickly moved his hands in the air, constructing a formation to control spirit beasts - Beast Seizing Formation.This kind of formation is very sinister and vicious. It uses coercive means to erase the contract between the spirit beast and its master.

If the owner of the spirit beast is not at a high level and is attacked by the formation, he will definitely be seriously injured.The spirit beast that lost the spirit beast contract will be at a loss for a short period of time. This time period is when the real Hanzhao takes action to snatch the purple-eyed winged tiger.

Daoist Han Zhao has practiced the Beast Seizing Formation many times, and he has already mastered it by heart.This time, he was full of confidence and was sure to be able to terminate the contract between Xu Miao and the purple-eyed winged tiger.

However, to Hanzhao's surprise, no matter how the formation works, the spirit beast contract cannot be erased.

"'s impossible.... Why is there no effect! Why!" Daoist Han Zhao's eyes were blood red, and his high-twist hair was also scattered, looking very ferocious and crazy.

Xu Miao glanced at the other party indifferently: "Beast Seizing Formation? This kind of formation is like a child's play in my eyes. It is your dream to use this extremely ridiculous formation to break the spirit beast contract. How bold."

After finishing speaking, Xu Miao pointed at the real person Han Zhao, and the purple-eyed winged tiger immediately rushed towards the real person Han Zhao.Hanzhao is just a monk in the early stage of fusion. Facing the purple-eyed winged tiger who can fight the monsters in the late stage of fusion, he fell into decline after persisting in a few moves.

Whether it is the monks of Yu Jianghai's lineage, or the Xuxu monks who came with Hanzhao Daoist, they dare not act rashly in the face of monsters in the fusion period.Amid the pitiful screams of Daoist Hanzhao, the purple-eyed tiger bit off the opponent's head.

The purple-eyed winged tiger imitated Xu Miao's appearance, pulled out all the magic weapons from Hanzhao's body, and sent them to Xu Miao in a fawning manner.As for the remaining body of Daoist Hanzhao, it was chewed by the purple-eyed winged tiger and swallowed.

All the monks present turned pale when they saw this scene.Seeing dead people is not a big deal for monks who are used to seeing life and death.

But a monster whose strength is far superior to all others, who can kill them at any time is standing next to them, how can it not make people feel frightened and heartbroken.

In the meeting hall of the Yu family, only the breathing of the monks remained, and no one dared to make any unnecessary noises.Even the monks brought by Master Hanzhao did not dare to say revenge to Xu Miao.

Although Xu Miao's strength is not strong, the purple-eyed winged tiger beside him is too terrifying. Killing early-stage monks is just like playing.

(End of this chapter)

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