Chapter 565

Xu Miao glanced at the shivering monk next to him: "What are you doing standing there, waiting for me to entertain you? Don't get out!" Hearing this, these monks hurriedly left one by one as if they had been pardoned.

The first ones to leave were the monks who followed Daoist Han Zhao. They were not monks from the Yu family, and Xu Miao didn't want to continue dealing with them.But Yu Jianghai's group of people, Xu Miao noticed Yu Jianghai who was moving quietly outside from the corner of his eye.

"Yu Jianghai, did I let you go? You run so fast, where do you want to go?" The remaining monks of the Yu family should be handed over to Yu Shanchuan. Xu Miao will not intervene, but he will not let them escape either.

Help people to the end, send the Buddha to the west, as long as Yu Jianghai does not die, even if one Hanzhao dies, a second Hanzhao will appear.Only Yu Shanchuan and others will be responsible for the monks from Yu Jianghai's lineage, can the crisis of the Yu family be resolved to the greatest extent.

When Yu Jianghai heard Xu Miao's voice, his legs became weak, and he staggered and knelt down in front of Xu Miao: "Fellow Daoist Xu, I know I was wrong, don't make things difficult for me, I can give you everything I have. !"

Xu Miao ignored Yu Jianghai who kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, and turned to Yu Han: "I have done what I promised, should you also fulfill what you promised me?"

Yu Han nodded immediately: "Of course, this time, thanks to fellow Daoist's generous rescue, the promise to fellow Daoist will naturally be honored immediately." Yu Shanchuan already knew the price Yu Han paid for inviting Xu Miao. Nor will he be confused at critical moments.

What's more, the crisis in Yu's family this time was caused precisely because of Shenshui.Now giving Shenshui to Xu Miao is considered the best place for Shenshui.Yu Han took Xu Miao to the depths of Yu's house, bypassed several attics, and came to a small mountain.

Yu Han took out a token from Yu Shanchuan and put it on the stone tablet in front of the mountain.The stele felt the token, and slowly moved aside, revealing an underground entrance.

"This entrance is the road leading to Shenshui. Fellow Taoists only need to follow the road down to see Shenshui." Yu Han took out a jade slip and handed it to Xu Miao, "This jade slip records the Only by cultivating this exercise and then absorbing the divine water can the efficacy of the divine water be exerted to its limit."

Xu Miao checked the jade slips with her spiritual sense, and found that what was recorded in them was indeed physical cultivation exercises.It's just that this body cultivation method doesn't seem to be that advanced, and its grade is only a low-grade earth-level one.

Yu Han made a gesture of invitation: "The entrance will not be closed for the time being, and I will always be here to protect the Dharma for fellow daoists until the fellow daoists have absorbed it."

Xu Miao nodded and walked towards the entrance.Xu Miao seemed to trust Yu Han very much, but in fact, he quietly summoned the green python spirit from the Huntian Stone and put it in a bush beside him.

With Yu Han's strength, it was impossible to discover the existence of the green python spirit.Although Yu Han had agreed to allow Xu Miao to absorb the divine water, he must be on guard against others.As long as Yu Han moves a little bit, the green python essence can take his life in a moment.

As the steps went down, Xu Miao felt a burst of cold air rushing towards her face, which was worthy of the prestigious cold water for body training.The stone steps under his feet were covered with ice due to the cold water of body forging, and it was very slippery to walk up.

Reaching the lowest floor, a pool of clear blue water greets the sight.The area around the pool was frozen, and Xu Miao would get white gas just by breathing.After running the spiritual power, you can still feel the biting chill, so you can imagine how low the temperature here is.

Next to the water pool, there is also a low table and a futon, which should be used by the monks who come here to practice exercises.Xu Miao took out the jade slip and read it completely.

If it was on the lower plane, Xu Miao would naturally be overjoyed when she saw the earth-level low-rank skills.But now that Xu Miao has come to the upper plane, no matter his knowledge or experience, he is different from the lower plane.

After entering Beisong Palace alone, the three exercises given to him by Zhenjun Dongmu were all heaven-level exercises.As a result of her higher vision, Xu Miao somewhat disliked this local level skill.

Xiaotian noticed that Xu Miao threw the jade slip aside, staring at the water pool in a daze.The spirit of the instrument is connected with the master, and Xiaotian can clearly feel and know Xu Miao's various emotions.

"Xu Miao, Shui San and the others should know the earth-level exercises." Xiaotian's words awakened the dreamer. With so many backhands left by him in his previous life, he must have exercises about body training.

If there is a more advanced body training method, it will definitely play a greater role if you absorb the body training method after practicing.Shui San and the others were summoned by Xu Miao to think about physical exercises.

"The memory of certain things is sealed by the master. Only when the master's cultivation reaches a certain level can the memory be opened." Shui San hesitated for a moment, and told Xu Miao bad news.

In other words, Shui San does know a lot, but because Xu Miao's cultivation is not enough, he still can't unlock the memory.When Xu Miao heard Shui San's words, she just looked at Shui San and said nothing.

Although Shui San and Xu Miao have different cultivation bases, but the difference in status makes Shui San feel horrified by Xu Miao.Xu Miao didn't believe that she didn't have any other means left in her previous life. Even if she didn't meet the cultivation requirements, there should be a way to know certain memories.

"It's not impossible." Shui Jiu said under great pressure, "Recalling the memory, the master used his spiritual consciousness to find the required exercises in the sea of ​​consciousness of the three of us."

When Shui Jiu said this, Shui San gave him a hard look.Due to Shui San's usual prestige, Shui Jiu immediately held back what she wanted to say.Xu Miao glanced lightly at Shui San, and Shui San knew that she couldn't hide it, so she could only complete what Shui Jiu had left to say.

Memory recall is a method that has huge risks for the master and subordinates.Shui San didn't mention this method before, of course not because he was worried about himself, but because he was worried about Xu Miao.

The content of Shui Sansan's sea consciousness has gone through the ancient times, and the memories that Xu Miao in the previous life deliberately kept in it can be described as vast and majestic.If Xu Miao rashly used memory backtracking to find physical training techniques, it was very likely that she would be completely lost in the memories of the three of them.

Once in a lost state, Xu Miao will never wake up again.No matter how powerful Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness is, he can't bear the pressure brought by memory recall.Therefore, even if Shui San knew about this method, he would not tell Xu Miao.

For Yu Shui San, his mission is to protect Xu Miao's life.Xu Miao in her previous life also told him to put his own safety first.After Shui San finished speaking, he took the initiative to kneel down on one knee. Seeing this, Shui Qi and Shui Jiu quickly followed and knelt down.

Xu Miao looked at the three people kneeling in front of her: "If my safety is the most important thing, why don't I just go back to the lower plane and become a cultivator at the top of the power?"

Shui San didn't know how to answer Xu Miao's question, so he just lowered his head even more.Xu Miao sighed, and helped the three of them up: "Cultivators, they have always been close to death, fighting for their lives. I have no reason to shrink back and not do what I can do because I am afraid of death."

"Before you come to my side, or when you are not by my side, I also have to face the bloody storms and various crises in the cultivation world. I will not give up something just because of possible dangers."

"That's not me, Xu Miao. Even if it was me in my previous life, I will definitely let you agree." Xu Miao is determined. No one has ever been able to persuade him to change the things he has decided.

Shui San can only tell Xu Miao the method of recalling memory, and also tell the possible crisis together.Xu Miao solemnly agreed to him, only looking for exercises, not to explore other memories in the sea of ​​consciousness of the three of them.

If it's just exercises, Xu Miao's spiritual sense may be able to bear it, but if he actively explores other memories, Xu Miao has no chance of retreating.When the four of them were ready, Xu Miao began to recall the memories.

Shui San and the others didn't know who Xu Miao in the previous life had kept the physical training exercises in, so Xu Miao could only try them one by one.Xu Miao first retraces Shui San's memory, even the flashing images have brought Xu Miao great attraction.

Xu Miao firmly remembered Shui San's advice, not to explore, but to look for exercises.It's a pity that after Shui San's memories were all traced back, Xu Miao couldn't find any exercises for physical training.

Recalling memory is not a small test for a monk's spiritual consciousness.Xu Miao sat aside with a pale face, regaining consciousness.While recovering her consciousness, Xu Miao began to speculate on her own thoughts in her previous life.

Shui San is obviously the most reliable of the three, and his previous self did not store the exercises in his memory.Xu Miao thought for a while, and decided to skip Shui Qi and recall the memory of Shui Jiu.

This time, Xu Miao was very lucky, and found a body cultivation method without going back for a long time.It is worthy of being the largest sect in ancient times - Tiandingmen, and its physical cultivation skills are directly at the middle level of heaven.

Compared with the exercises Yu Han gave him, it was several levels higher.Xu Miao didn't rush to practice the exercises, but waited until the spiritual consciousness recovered and all the states were at their best before starting to practice.

This ontology cultivation method is called "The Vajra Technique of the Universe", and it is divided into nine levels. Each successful level of cultivation will strengthen the body's firmness.When the cultivation reaches the highest level, a layer of golden light will appear all over the body, and even the bones will become completely golden.

Xu Miao sat cross-legged on the futon, and began to circulate the spiritual power in her body according to the formula of the exercises.For physical training, it is far from enough to only rely on spiritual power to cultivate, and it is also necessary to temper the body.

Xu Miao didn't have a lot of time, and it was impossible to spend a lot of time exercising her body, so she could barely reach the entry level.Xu Miao looked at the frozen wall next to the pool, and controlled her body to slam into it.

According to the requirements of "The Vajra Technique of the Universe", it is necessary to constantly hit hard foreign objects to exercise the body.

(End of this chapter)

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