Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 582 Stone Bead Master

Chapter 582 Stone Bead Master
This monster is different from the two demon cultivators in the tribulation period that Xu Miao saw before. It was imprisoned in a very small range by a special formation, and this monster seemed to be affected by the spell. Always in a comatose state.

"Is there a way for us to get to this place?" Xu Miao pointed to the place where the monster was, and asked the treasure hunting mouse.Xu Miao has now seen that the strength of this treasure hunting mouse is absolutely extraordinary, and it knows a lot of things.

As long as there is the fox demon king, the treasure hunting mouse can be used by him.Treasure Hunter tilted his head to look at the map for a while, and finally opened his mouth: "No, only the owner of this space magic weapon can go to that place. If we enter rashly, we will be killed by various attacks set in the space magic weapon. There is no escape."

The owner of the space magic weapon, who knows whether it is dead or alive, after such a long time, even if the other party is alive, he must not be able to control the magic weapon, otherwise he would have taken the space magic weapon away long ago.

At this time, the fox demon king suddenly jumped out and walked around the room, his fiery red tail swaying randomly behind him.

"Try to see if you can get the map's approval?" Xu Miao understood the fox's words even though they had no beginning or end.According to the fox, it is estimated that this map formed by eighteen beads is the key to controlling the entire cave.

As long as he is recognized by the map, he can become the owner of the cave.Xu Miao spread out her consciousness and completely covered the map.However, no matter how hard Xu Miao tried, he still felt that there was an invisible film on the surface of the light map.

This layer of film protects the map inside, preventing outsiders from accessing the inside of the map.Xu Miao even took the risk of commandeering the consciousness of the purple-eyed winged tiger, but she was unable to break through this film.

The requisition of spiritual consciousness is different from the requisition of spiritual power. Borrowing the spiritual power of the spirit beast in the Hunting Stone can directly condense the spiritual power where Xu Miao needs it.Spiritual consciousness must pass through Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness before it can function.

The size of a monk's sea of ​​consciousness is limited. Forcibly using the consciousness of the purple-eyed winged tiger will put enormous pressure on Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness.Xu Miao could only borrow it for a short time to try to break through the membrane.

However, this time was too short, and the toughness of the film was too strong. Xu Miao had no way to destroy the film and touch the inner map.

Xu Miao looked at the fox under her feet and shook her head: "No, my consciousness is not strong enough. Even if I borrow the consciousness of the purple-eyed winged tiger, there is no way to break through."

The fox did not reply immediately, but tilted his head to think of a solution.The treasure hunting mouse looked at the fox's appearance, and the sound transmission advised the fox: "Give up, he is just a cultivator of transforming spirits, and he cannot bear the powerful spiritual sense."

"Even if you lend him your consciousness, he will explode and die in the blink of an eye. You have to wait patiently for the day when he becomes stronger again."

"He must get this cave, a cave with extraordinary defensive power, which can give him the greatest protection in what happens next." After the fox finished speaking, he jumped directly onto Xu Miao's shoulder, and put his forehead on it again. on Xu Miao's forehead.

The divine senses of one person and one fox touched their foreheads, and their spiritual senses also blended together.Xu Miao felt that the consciousness of the fox demon king was slowly immersing into his own sea of ​​consciousness.

"Don't resist my consciousness, I will try to temporarily expand your sea of ​​consciousness. With my power, I will break through the membrane in one go. At all costs, I must be recognized by the map!" The indifferent voice of the woman in red sounded again.

The other party was a monster in the Tribulation Period, even if the fox didn't say anything, Xu Miao didn't dare to resist at all, and honestly let the fox's consciousness soak in.

Xu Miao closed her eyes, feeling the sea of ​​consciousness expanding rapidly.I don't know what method the fox used, but the strength of Xu Miao's consciousness is increasing exponentially.

When Xu Miao didn't know it, the fox turned into the appearance of the woman in red before, with pain on her face, but her hands still gently caressed Xu Miao's face.

"It's now!" Xu Miao woke up suddenly when she heard the voice.The strength of his spiritual consciousness has never been so majestic and powerful. Xu Miao didn't care about other things, and decisively covered all the existing spiritual consciousness on the film.

The originally indestructible film was finally destroyed in a shattering manner under the continuous impact of Xu Miao's majestic consciousness.As soon as the divine sense came into contact with the map, it sensed the map's strong resistance.

Xu Miao didn't care about the map at all, he clearly remembered the words of the demon king, no matter what the cost.Xu Miao controlled all the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, crushed it away, suppressed the consciousness of the map forcefully, and finally subdued it.

The whole process was very quick, and in just a moment, the owner of the map changed from the unknown person to Xu Miao.Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness expanded too much, and she couldn't stay awake for too long. The moment she was recognized by the map, Xu Miao's eyes darkened and she passed out.

Before fainting, Xu Miao only felt that she fell into a gentle embrace and smelled a faint fragrance.

"It's not easy for you to persevere until now. Doing so will greatly reduce your own life." The treasure hunting mouse was worried.

Xu Miao was lying on the lap of the woman in red, and the hunting stone was closed by the woman in red. Neither Xiaotian nor anyone in the hunting stone could see what was happening outside.

"He saved my life. For him, I will do whatever it takes." The woman's tone and face were flat, but Treasure Hunter could hear a firm attitude from it.

"The power of the main body is too weak, and I can't stay by his side anymore." The woman in red gently raised her hand, and gently stroked Xu Miao's face, "Help me take care of him, don't let him get into trouble."

Even if she asked for a treasure hunting mouse, the woman in red did not take her eyes off Xu Miao.The treasure hunting mouse was silent for a long time before saying: "You know, I will not refuse you."

"Thank you." The figure of the woman in red gradually became transparent and blurred. The treasure hunter ran over quickly, trying to catch the woman, but in the end it only caught a handful of air.

Xu Miao lost her support and hit her head directly on the ground.The treasure hunting mouse looked at Xu Miao angrily, and sat cross-legged beside Xu Miao, sulking alone.

When Xu Miao woke up, she saw the expression on Treasure Hunter's face that she owed him 500 million top-quality crystals.Xu Miao frowned and turned to look around.No trace of the fox was seen, and the consciousness was immersed in the Hunting Stone, but no trace of the fox was found.

"Xiaotian, have you seen the demon king?" Xiaotian shook his head, and said that there was a period of time before the Hunting Stone was sealed, and the consciousness could not enter or exit.Xu Miao turned her attention to the treasure hunting mouse and looked at him probingly.

The fox is the demon king during the tribulation period, how could he disappear for no reason.Looking at the appearance of the treasure hunting mouse, it must know something.

"You don't need to look at me, and you don't need to ask me. No matter what I know or don't know, I won't tell you. You can do what you should do now. When you are strong enough, you will always know what you want to know .”

Treasure Hunter's tone was too heavy, Xu Miao stared at the other party carefully, making sure that he would not tell her the truth, so she let it go.He turned his attention back to the magic weapon of space. Since he was recognized by the map, he should be able to control this magic weapon.

With a thought in Xu Miao's mind, he found that the eighteen beads that had been firmly embedded on the ground flew into the air.The eighteen beads retracted their light beams and rotated around the top of Xu Miao's head.

As the rotation speed became faster and faster, the eighteen beads suddenly merged into one and fell into Xu Miao's hands.Holding this bead, Xu Miao felt like he was holding the entire cave in his hands, and he could go to any location in the cave.

Xu Miao probed her spiritual sense into the bead, and only then did she know the origin of the bead.This bead became the Stone Bead, forged from a special Celestial Stone.How the extraterrestrial stone fell to the upper plane of the sky has long been untestable.

Since this extraterrestrial stone fell here, various strange disasters have occurred here.The environment suitable for the cultivation and survival of monsters has also changed, and a large number of monsters died.

The monster in the late stage of the catastrophe who got this extraterrestrial stone didn't know anything about it, and was still researching the stone, and spent a lot of time and money to forge this extraterrestrial stone. A magic weapon of space, he named it Shizhu.

On the day when the stone beads were formed, disaster struck completely.The town where the monk was located in the late stage of the tribulation was completely destroyed by the falling sky fire.As a result of the coming of the sky fire, none of the monsters could escape.

After being burned by the sky fire, they turned into wraiths one by one, living here forever.In order to protect his offspring, this monster in the late stage of the tribulation summoned the stone beads and set up a sealing circle for the offspring, so that he can always keep alive and wait for the opportunity to come.It's just that this waited for millions of years.

The stone beads in Xu Miao's hand are not the main body of the cave, but the control center of the cave.When he left the inside of the cave and needed to put it away, a thought would turn the cave into a stone bead, which would become one with the stone bead in his hand.

Not only that, but the appearance of this cave can be changed at will.As long as Xu Miao is willing, the cave can be turned into an ordinary courtyard, or it can be turned into an ordinary stone to enhance the privacy.

Xu Miao controlled the stone beads and came to the location where the descendants of monsters were hiding in the later stage of the tribulation.Strict restrictions and formations have been set up here. If someone does not become the master of the cave, as long as someone enters this place by force, he will be smashed to pieces by the spiritual power in the later stage of the tribulation.

It's different with the stone beads. All the restraints and formations spread out while feeling Xu Miao's breath, making way for Xu Miao to walk smoothly to the position of the descendant of the monster.

This monster offspring was placed inside a stone pupa made of stone.Xu Miao pressed the switch, and the stone pupa opened automatically.

(End of this chapter)

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