Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 583 Provoking Discord

Chapter 583 Provoking Discord
To Xu Miao's surprise, what appeared inside the stone pupa was not a monster, but a human baby.How did the promised offspring of monsters turn into human babies?The treasure hunting mouse was very curious, jumping on the baby's body and sniffing left and right.

The opening of the stone pupa also opened the baby's seal, and the baby slowly opened its eyes.The moment he saw Xu Miao, he opened his hands and asked Xu Miao to hug him.

Xu Miao, with black lines all over her head, summoned Xiaotian and asked Xiaotian to coax the child.He is not in the mood to take a child.It's just that Xiaotian found that the moment the baby touched her, red and purple lines began to appear on the body, and the meridians under the skin also turned black.

The black and white eyes that were originally as clear as those of human babies turned into a strange green, emitting a green light.In the records of the stone bead, there is no mention of the real identity of the stone bead refiner, and Xu Miao couldn't guess which kind of little monster this was.

When Xu Miao put the little monster back into the stone pupa, the little monster returned to its original innocent and harmless appearance.Seeing the change in the appearance of the little monster, Xu Miao fell into deep thought.

If the little monster is placed in the stone chrysalis forever, it can indeed be guaranteed that he will always be safe and will not be in any danger.But he will never be able to grow up, which is very unfair to a young monster.

If he was taken out of the stone chrysalis and allowed to grow, he might become stronger very quickly.But there is also a problem, the word curse is mentioned in the stone bead.

Any creature born from this stone city will be cursed.But he didn't know the specific content of the curse, and he didn't know whether the little monster had also received the same curse, or whether the curse had already been blown away with the passage of time.

After all, Xu Miao took the little monster out of the stone pupa and threw it into the Hunting Stone.No matter what step he will take in the future and what kind of monster he will become, at least he has given this monster the hope of growing up and fulfilled the last wish of Shizhu's former owner.

In return, Xu Miao will take care of the monster as much as possible, at least to help him when he falls under the curse.Xu Miao quickly took a look around the inside of the cave with the help of stone beads.

With the existence of stone beads, the weird monsters inside the cave will no longer attack him, but can follow Xu Miao's instructions.In this cave, there are monsters during the catastrophe period. If they can be taken outside, Xu Miao will be able to block and kill gods, and Buddhas to block and kill Buddhas.

Just thinking about it made Xu Miao very excited.However, Xu Miao was quickly thrown cold water by the treasure hunting mouse: "Because the inside of this stone bead is its own space, it is not affected by the passage of time and space outside."

"If you put these guys outside, they can turn into bones in the breath, do you believe it or not?" The treasure hunting mouse swears, and Xu Miao believes most of it in his heart.

However, he was still a little unwilling to give up, and got one of the lower-level monsters outside.It was exactly the same as what the treasure hunting mouse said, as soon as the monster left the cave, it quickly turned into a bone and fell to the ground.

Even if Xu Miao said that the bones were retrieved into the stone bead again, it would not be able to restore the former appearance.Xu Miao completely gave up. From this point of view, even the monsters in the tribulation period have no practical effect.

After all, he won't stay in the stone bead every day. It's impossible for these monsters during the tribulation period to bring him tea and water every day. Just by looking at the expressions on the faces of the monsters during the tribulation period, Xu Miao can spit out the water he drank. come out.

Xu Miao could only comfort herself, getting this Shizhu Cave Mansion was already a huge bargain, so don't think about anything else.Xu Miao put away the stone bead cave, and the nearby resentful spirits were no longer suppressed by the breath of the stone bead, and approached Xu Miao one by one.

Xu Miao didn't deal with them, and moved towards the gate of the city.Wraith's speed is fast, and Xu Miao's speed is not slow either.When the Wraith is about to catch up with Xu Miao, Xu Miao will carefully release the breath of some stone beads to keep the Wraith from approaching.

After he ran a certain distance, he put away the breath of the stone bead.When Xu Miao ran out of Stone City, there were not many people outside the city.Only scattered practitioners gathered outside the city, trying to pick up the leak.

However, they have all experienced Xu Miao's powerful strength, and they have to weigh their own strength even if they want to catch the leak.Xu Miao just glanced at them, and these people took the initiative to avoid Xu Miao's sight and walked aside.

The expression on Xu Miao's face did not change, and these casual practitioners had no way of knowing what Xu Miao had experienced in the city from Xu Miao's expression.Most of the monks who entered the stone city withdrew early, and some died there forever.

Only Xu Miao left the city after a long time after the large troops left.The casual cultivators present all thought that Xu Miao got something good, and they had been waiting here not only to pick up the leaks, but also because they were entrusted to deliver the news.

In the entire Songluo Secret Realm, Stone City is only a part of the secret realm.It is impossible for other monks to stay outside the stone city forever, they still need to explore other places.But they were unwilling to give up on this, so they asked casual cultivators to be responsible for guarding here.

Loose cultivators get rewarded with crystals from some monks, so they will naturally try their best to stay here and observe the situation.Xu Miao didn't know about it, so she just found a direction and left.

The casual cultivators present hurriedly took out the sound transmission jade pendant and sent a message to those who needed it.Xu Miao's whereabouts were revealed, and soon more and more monks gathered in the direction where Xu Miao was flying.

In such a big stone city, any fool would know that there are treasures inside, but they couldn't escape the attack of the wraiths.Not only was Xu Miao able to escape the attack of the resentful spirits, but she also stayed in Stone City for so long, so she must have gotten something good.

There is nothing wrong with this guess. In fact, Xu Miao did get a space magic weapon, and it was a very secret space magic weapon.

Xu Miao was keenly aware that someone was approaching him at high speed, and he also noticed that the other party was coming towards him.Xu Miao saw that they were monks from more than a dozen families.He just came out of Stone City, how could anyone know the news about him so quickly.

Xu Miao is such a smart person, he knew the cause and effect after thinking about it.With the power of casual cultivators, resources can really be utilized.

"Xu Miao from Beisong Palace, a third-level sect monk, sounds really powerful. But how can you be so powerful in front of people like us? We won't make things difficult for you, and give us what you got in Stone City , everyone go their own way, go back to their own homes, how about it?"

Before Xu Miao said anything, he heard a long series of words from the late-stage monk who led the other party without a pause.When the other party finally finished speaking, Xu Miao looked at the other party squarely: "I don't have anything to get in Zi'an Stone City. Believe it if you like it. If you don't believe it, go away. Don't bother me to find other things."

"Xu Miao! You don't want to toast and not eat fine wine. Although you can block Xiong Gugui's move, I'm not bragging. Xiong Gugui's move is really not good. You can block that move." , does not mean that we can block our attack!"

"Do you understand what I mean? For the sake of your life, don't hold back, it doesn't make any sense!" This man spoke like he was singing an opera, and Xu Miao wanted to take a bench and sit on it to drink tea and watch an opera.

Just when Xu Miao was about to refute, she noticed another group of people flying to this side, and one of them was an acquaintance Xiong Gugui.With the level of hearing and eyesight of a monk, he can definitely hear what this late-stage monk said just now.

Sure enough, Xiong Gugui landed in front of Xu Miao, and instead of looking for Xu Miao, he challenged that person first: "Yin Biye! You are really capable of talking about people behind their backs!"

Yin Biye and Xiong Gugui used to be at the same cultivation level, but Yin Biye got a good chance to advance to the late stage of Void Refinement earlier than Xiong Gugui.Since then, Xiong Gugui has never been taken seriously.

Xu Miao saw that their swords were on the verge of breaking out, so she simply lit another fire: "Yin Daoyou looks really powerful, at least I think if I take on Yin Daoyou's attack, it will definitely be more difficult than taking on Xiong Daoyou's attack."

"But, although Fellow Daoist Yin is higher in level, his fighting methods don't seem to be as powerful as Fellow Daoist Xiong."

Since Xiong Gugui's cultivation level was lower than Yin Biye's, he was most jealous of people talking about things, so he threw up his hair on the spot, grabbed the magic weapon in his hand, and rushed towards Yin Biye.And Yin Biye couldn't accept others saying that his strength was not as good as Xiong Gugui's.

The two sides were so moved by Xu Miao's few words that they fought together. Even though Xiong Gugui was a level lower than Yin Biye, the two knew each other well, and Xiong Gugui didn't immediately show signs of decline.

In front of the Yin family and the rest of the Xiong family's monks, Xu Miao waved her hand very calmly and left in a swaggering manner.The monks of the Yin family and the Xiong family could not be dispatched at will without the consent of Yin Biye and Xiong Gugui.

Therefore, the monks in their respective families did not dare to report the matter until the two temporarily ceased fighting.Only then did Yin Biye and Xiong Gugui realize that they had followed Xu Miao's path.

They hurriedly tried to find Xu Miao's location again, but found that the other party had already disappeared in the yellow sand all over the sky, and there was no trace of him anymore.The two of them couldn't find Xu Miao, and seeing that neither of them was upset, they simply fought again, which is another story.

After Xu Miao successfully escaped from the joint pursuit of the Yin family and the Xiong family, she quickly changed her appearance and breath, and completely transformed into another person.He didn't want anyone to come up and ask him for the things he got in Stone City as soon as they saw him.

"People from the Chai family are thousands of miles away from here, and you actually come here to want to share a share. Who gave you the courage!" Xu Miao raised her eyebrows when she heard this. The Chai family is really a familiar family.

In his Hunting Stone, Chai Rang, the son of the head of the Chai family, is still trapped.Although he agreed to let Chai out at that time, he didn't let the other party out immediately, which caused Chai to keep clamoring in the Hunting Stone.

Seeing the monks of the Chai family now, of course Xu Miao wanted to step in.

(End of this chapter)

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