Chapter 636
Xu Miao found a sparsely populated location, and raised her hand to set up a defensive circle and an offensive circle.Xu Miao raised her hand speed to the limit, almost never before.

One formation after another was arranged by Xu Miao to deal with the coming catastrophe.At the same time, Xu Miao also released Shui Sansan. Their current cultivation bases are the same as Xu Miao's, they are all in the early stage of Xu Miao's cultivation, and they can protect Xu Miao's Dharma.

The three of them quickly entered the alert state, guarding the triangular positions outside Xu Miao's crossing range.No monk or monster approaching could escape their eyes.

At the same time, Qi Ziheng, Tang Du, and Jiang Xieyue also came to Xu Miao's side to protect Xu Miao because they were worried about Xu Miao.A total of six people protect Xu Miao's catastrophe. If someone can break through the defense of the six people and disturb Xu Miao's catastrophe, then Xu Miao can only accept his fate.

When Xu Miao's formation reached the ninth, the first thunder fell.Xu Miao felt the sound of Tianlei exploding in her ears, and continued to arrange the formation calmly without even raising her head.

Xu Miao had to use formations to survive the first few thunderstorms, otherwise he might not be able to survive the subsequent thunderstorms.The formations were shattered one by one by the thunder, and after destroying six formations in a row, the first thunder lost the power to destroy the seventh formation.

The remaining sky thunder can just be used by Xu Miao to temper his body and increase its strength.Xu Miao took the initiative to open the seventh formation, ingesting the remaining sky thunder into the body, tempering the meridians, bones, and muscles.

While Tianlei was exercising, Xu Miao's subordinates were still not slow and quickly arranged the formation.Most of the formations were learned by Xu Miao from the box of thousands of formations.In particular, Xu Miao found out all the formations to restrain Xuanlei, and then arranged them.

After the last ray of thunder in the body was refined, the second thunder began to descend.The strength of this sky thunder is more than double that of the first sky thunder.

Xu Miao was sure that the formation he had arranged could not completely stop the thunder. The only way was to cooperate with the formation as much as possible to weaken the power of the thunder.

The fog-condensing sword was unsheathed in an instant, and with the weakening of the formation, the fog-condensing sword was completely bathed in the thunder.Xu Miao discovered that the sky thunder that fell on the Mist Condensation Sword could actually temper the Mist Condensation Sword.

Xu Miao had already removed [-]% or [-]% of the various impurities in the original Mist Condensing Sword, but there was always a little bit left, which Xu Miao could not completely remove.In the world of comprehension, this kind of impurity is within an acceptable range.

Even if only [-]% or [-]% are eliminated, it can be regarded as a conventional elimination.But at this moment, with the help of the power of the sky thunder, the Mist Condensation Sword actually removed all the remaining impurities, and there were no more impurities.

The light emitted by the sword body of the Ningwu Sword is not inferior to the thunder light at all, but it blooms even more dazzling brilliance.The tempering of the Wu Ningjian just happened to weaken the power of Tianlei, which was a crooked attack.

In this way, with the cooperation of the formation and the fog sword, the second thunderstorm passed smoothly.Next, Xu Miao did not arrange any formations.According to the law of sky thunder enhancement, the third sky thunder is at least twice as powerful as the second sky thunder. Even if Xu Miao can arrange a formation in the space between the sky thunders, it will not be effective.

The contribution is not directly proportional to the income, Xu Miao will not do such a stupid thing.He sat cross-legged on the spot, holding the spar in his hand to absorb the spiritual power stored in the spar to supplement his own spiritual power.

The third sky thunder fell immediately, and Xu Miao, holding the fog-condensing sword in her hand, jumped up and went straight to the sky thunder.Xu Miao and Ningwu Sword turned into a ray of light, and Tianlei was also a ray of light, and the two rays of light collided fiercely in the air.

The spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was running wildly, quickly dispelling the power of the sky thunder.Xu Miao decisively introduced the extra sky thunder that was too late to dispel into his body and the Mist Condensation Sword, and tempered his body again.

Xu Miao, who has practiced the "Space King Kong Technique", has already greatly improved her physical fitness, which is why Xu Miao dared to directly introduce the sky thunder into her body.

As soon as Tianlei entered his body, Xu Miao began to run the "Qiankun Diamond Technique" to refine the power of Tianlei.In this exercise, it is mentioned how to use the sky thunder to greatly increase the cultivation level.

Of course, there are also explanations in the exercises, absorbing the power of the sky thunder and raising the level of the exercises, this is a very dangerous approach.If there is an accidental mistake, the monk will not only fail to improve his skills, but will also cause the monk to fail to survive the catastrophe.

Unable to survive the catastrophe, the monk has only one end, and is completely dead under the attack of the sky thunder.It can be said that Xu Miao is taking a huge risk.But this is also the most spiritual way that Xu Miao can think of.

His sea of ​​consciousness has never been healed, so when he exerts his spiritual power, he will also be hindered.Xu Miao can only use this method to reduce the use of divine consciousness as much as possible.

The surface of the body emits a golden light due to the operation of the "Giankun Vajra Technique".This light, under the reflection of the light from the thunder, seemed insignificant.But it is also this ray of light, which is much stronger than the previous ray of light.

Xu Miao could feel the tingling sensation caused by the thunder and body action in his body, and he could also clearly smell the burnt smell.No matter which sign it is, it must be experienced when practicing the "Gian Kun Vajra Technique".

If he can't bear it, then the practice of kung fu will fail, and eventually lead to death.Xu Miao waved the fog condensing sword in her hand, and at the same time neutralized the power of the sky thunder.

His clothes have been bombarded by the thunder, and his whole body is in a state of nakedness.Under the bath of the thunder light, Xu Miao's body also turned black, but there was a little bit of golden light flashing in the black.

With the help of the power of the "Giankun King Kong Technique", Xu Miao successfully survived the third thunderstorm.At this moment, the muscles under the skin still contain the power of the thunder, which is why Xu Miao has not absorbed all the power of the thunder for the time being.

If you want to absorb the power of the refining sky thunder as soon as possible, you must use the most stupid and direct method.Constantly hitting a hard object with the body, such as a stone, the ground.Through continuous beatings, the thunder light floating on the surface of the muscles was completely integrated into the muscles.

However, Xu Miao is now at the critical moment of crossing the catastrophe, and does not have enough time to refine Lei Guang.Xu Miao internally inspected all parts of her body, looking for parts that had not been integrated into Tianlei.

These parts will be where Xu Miao needs to introduce Tianlei next.The fourth thunder has fallen, and Xu Miao chooses the method of getting through this thunder, which is similar to the third one.

They all use the sword light of the Ningwu Sword to dissolve part of the power of the sky thunder, and then directly introduce the remaining sky thunder into the body.In order to speed up the refining of the sky thunder inside the body, Xu Miao didn't pass the fourth sky thunder quickly.

Instead, the remaining part of the sky thunder was circling outside, and he slammed into the ground violently.




In order to quickly integrate the sky thunder floating on the surface of the muscles, Xu Miao completely gave up the spiritual power to protect her body and crashed to the ground.Every time it hit, Xu Miao grinned in pain.

Jiang Xieyue, who was protecting the law at the side, was even more terrified when she saw it: "Is it possible for Lao Jiu to practice physical skills when he is crossing the catastrophe? Withdraw the spiritual power of the body protection, in case he is too late to resist the attack of Tianlei, wait for his attack." It is death!"

"Since Lao Jiu dared to do this, there must be his reasons. All we can do is trust him and not let others disturb Lao Jiu." Qi Ziheng's expression was not as relaxed as before, and he was extremely serious and cautious.

Amidst Xu Miao's frantic impact, the fourth thunder gradually dissipated into the air.The fifth thunder stopped in a blink of an eye, Xu Miao only had time to get up from the ground, but before she could stand still, she was struck by the fifth thunder.

"Fuck you! Don't give me any time to breathe!" Xu Miao held the fog-condensing sword in his hand, decisively regarded the fifth thunder as an opponent, and started to fight.

When Xu Miao held the sword, he was no different from an unsheathed sharp sword.Xu Miao looked at Tianlei seriously, looking for flaws in Tianlei.Of course Tianlei would not have any flaws, so Xu Miao would use his flaws.

His move is the strongest move - Changhong Guanri!He completely faced the sky thunder, and when the Wu Ningjian hit the sky thunder, Xu Miao suddenly let go of the right hand holding the sword.

The body teleported in time, and the left hand held the loosened Mist Sword.This move can switch between left and right hands, which can cut across the opponent, and then launch a second attack, which was also created by Xu Miao just now.

With this sword strike, Xu Miao accurately found the flaw of Tianlei.Inside Tianlei, Xu Miao discovered a weakness.Pointing at the face, Xu Miao decisively drew out the sword, and Tianlei frantically attacked Xu Miao's body.

Even with the body protection of "Giankun King Kong Technique", Xu Miao was left bloodstained one after another by Tianlei at this moment.The smell of blood stimulated Xu Miao's fighting spirit even more.

Facing the crazy sky thunder, Xu Miao pierced into the core of the sky thunder without fear.With a sword in, the sky thunder scattered in an instant.The originally powerful sky thunder immediately reduced its power.

Xu Miao seized the opportunity and struck out one sword after another, completely smashing the sky thunder.The fifth thunder was resolved, and the sixth thunder fell immediately, without giving Xu Miao a chance to rest and breathe.

The diameter of the sixth thunder is thicker than Xu Miao's entire body. If it falls on Xu Miao, it can directly cover Xu Miao completely.Xu Miao raised the fog-condensing sword horizontally, but did not rush up immediately to fight against Tianlei.

From the Huntian Stone, he took out all kinds of magic weapons that he found in the ancient cave mansion back then, as if they didn't need money.Xu Miao threw it upwards without looking at it.

These magic weapons are all high-level magic weapons. After seven or eight explosions, the power of the sixth thunder has weakened a lot.The farther behind the sky thunder is, the better the effect of tempering the body will be.

Xu Miao beckoned to attract Tianlei, sent all the remaining Tianlei into her body, and let Tianlei temper her body.

"Old Jiu has attracted so many thunders into his body, can his body bear it?" Tang Du looked at Xu Miao, also worried.

(End of this chapter)

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