Chapter 637
"It's hard to say, Lao Jiu's current physical condition is obviously about to reach its limit, but this is only the sixth sky thunder. If the subsequent sky thunder is not handled well, it is very likely that he will die completely in the sky thunder attack Dao disappears."

The three of Qi Ziheng and Qi Ziheng were all monks who had experienced the catastrophe of the Void Refining Stage. The level of catastrophe they suffered was definitely not as difficult and powerful as Xu Miao's.Xu Miao's strength, they are very clear, surpasses the existence of monks of the same rank.

It is precisely because of this reason that the power of the catastrophe that Xu Miao endured will far exceed that of the same level.Qi Ziheng didn't know what suddenly came to his mind, so he called Shui San and asked, "You have been with Lao Jiu for so long, you must know the catastrophe he suffered before."

"Based on your experience, what is the power of the catastrophe experienced by Lao Jiu this time?" When Xu Miao summoned the three of them to protect the Dharma, they had already introduced to Qi Ziheng that they were his subordinates.

Shui San also observed Xu Miao's catastrophe: "According to my observation, the power of the catastrophe experienced by the master this time is not as terrible as before. Compared with the Nascent Soul Stage and the Transformation Stage, every attack can inflict damage. The deadly thunder, now it seems, is not that terrible."

Tang Du's face was always paralyzed, and he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he heard Shui San's words: "It doesn't look that scary? The catastrophe that Lao Jiu is going through now is stronger than what the few of us have gone through."

"Yes, at least when I crossed the catastrophe, the power of the eighth thunder was barely equal to the power of the sixth thunder of the old nine." Jiang Xieyue sighed, secretly marveling in her heart, how terrible Xu Miao went through that year Thunder.

Shui San didn't answer the words of the few people, but chose to remain silent wisely.Qi Ziheng and the others didn't know Xu Miao's real background and identity. Just from Xu Miao's gradually showing strength now, he could vaguely know that Xu Miao's potential was far more than that.

The existence of Heavenly Tribulation will vary according to the monk's potential talent.According to common sense, now that Xu Miao has reached the Void Refining Stage, he should receive a more powerful thunder, but compared with the past, it seems to be less powerful.

Not only Shui San was in doubt, but Xu Miao, who was in the sky thunder, was also in doubt.The extent of his catastrophe, no one knows better than him.Although the power of the six heavenly thunders he has experienced so far seems to be more powerful and more terrifying than ordinary people, but it has definitely not reached the level it used to be.

There were still three thunderbolts left, and Xu Miao's whole body was crackling, and there were still some thunderbolts that had not been completely refined wandering on the surface of the body.The seventh sky thunder didn't take long to brew, and it fell immediately.

The power of the sixth thunder has doubled again, but it is only doubled, and Xu Miao will not even frown.Xu Miao's whole body was full of spiritual power, and she sucked out all the surrounding water vapor, forming a protective shield with Fu Yu's helmet.

The seventh thunder fell accurately on the protective cover above Xu Miao's head. At the same moment, the blue sea melted out, forming layer after layer of water curtains to block the thunder.

Xu Miao herself moved away from under the blue sea and came to the top of the protective cover.At this time, most of Tianlei's power is concentrated on the protective cover, and the power above is not strong. This is an excellent opportunity for Xu Miao to cut off Tianlei's power.

Such an opportunity was in front of Xu Miao, how could Xu Miao miss it.The Ningwu sword swept across, cutting off the sky thunder cleanly.The power of Tianlei, which lost Jieyun's connection, suddenly decreased.Without much effort, Xu Miao completely eliminated the seventh thunder.

Xu Miao always had an elusive premonition that the seventh thunderstorm could be overcome so easily.This premonition was very vague. As a monk's instinct, the premonition told him that the next two, or the last catastrophe, would definitely be an extremely difficult one.

However, this is only a vague idea, and it is not clear.Xu Miao waited for the battle, and the eighth thunder fell.Xu Miao squinted and saw that it was almost as powerful as the seventh thunder!This is something that has never happened before!

From the foundation building stage of Xu Miao's advanced stage, Xu Miao will encounter thunder every time he advances to a large realm.The power and fear of the sky thunder increased with the improvement of Xu Miao's cultivation.

In particular, the Heavenly Tribulation of Advanced Transformation God is even more dangerous within danger.If he hadn't been above a spiritual vein at that time, able to absorb the spiritual power in the spiritual vein at any time and supplement the consumption of spiritual power in the body, it would have been impossible for Xu Miao to survive the catastrophe of transforming gods safely.

But now, Xu Miao encountered an unprecedented situation.Not only did the power of the sky thunder not increase, but it maintained its original level!Could it be that the sky thunder in the Void Refinement Stage was just a joke?

Xu Miao followed the previous method and followed the example, and successfully passed the eighth thunderstorm.Not only Xu Miao, but even Qi Ziheng and the other three also saw the problem.

"It's weird, even if Lao Jiu's sky thunder has weakened, it shouldn't be the case that the eighth and seventh sky thunders have the same power. This kind of thing, even in the cultivation world, has never happened before." Qi Zi Heng frowned, thinking hard about the reason.

Xiaotian and Treasure Hunting Mouse in the Hunting Stone also keep an eye on Xu Miao's situation.The treasure hunting mouse squatted on the head of the purple-eyed winged tiger, rubbing its short front paws: "There is a very important reason for the current situation, that is, there is a problem with the immortal in charge of the catastrophe."

Treasure Hunting Mouse seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact, it entered Xu Miao's ears without saying a word.Xu Miao was dealing with the last remaining light of the eighth sky thunder, when she heard what the treasure hunting mouse said, her eyes froze.

"Immortal? What do you mean?"

"No matter which plane it is, whether it is the upper plane or the lower plane, it is actually all governed by the immortal world. All creatures on the plane are restricted by the way of heaven."

"The catastrophe is also a part of the restriction. However, this part is managed by a special immortal. Xiaotian told me in detail about your past progress, which shows that your talent potential must have already attracted the attention of people in the fairy world. Notice."

"Therefore, the catastrophe you have survived will be so powerful that it is terrifying. According to common sense, your catastrophe in the refining stage this time will only be stronger. But now it is unusually weak, which can only show that the person responsible for the catastrophe Immortal, something went wrong."

After analyzing the Treasure Mouse, Xu Miao roughly understood the meaning: "So, without special instructions, the Heavenly Tribulation will follow the set steps and descend at will?"

"Exactly, as long as you can pass this catastrophe smoothly. Whether the immortal in charge of the catastrophe has discovered this, he can't continue to do anything to you."

The treasure hunting mouse talked eloquently, as if there was nothing he didn't know.But it was also the omniscience of the treasure hunting mouse that aroused Xu Miao's suspicion.The Treasure Hunting Mouse is just a spirit beast in the transformation stage, even if he is acquainted with the fox demon king and was a monster in the transcendence stage, it is impossible for him to know about the fairy world.

"When I get through the catastrophe, you have to tell me the truth." Xu Miao suddenly threw out a sentence without beginning or end, but the treasure hunting mouse was completely stunned.Just now I was so busy explaining the reason to Xu Miao that I forgot to hide my identity!It's a pity that time cannot flow, and the treasure hunting mouse has no possibility of escaping Xu Miao's inquiry.

The ninth thunder fell immediately, just like Treasure Hunting Mouse said, although it was twice as powerful as the eighth thunder, it was not so terrible, and Xu Miao was still able to resist the last thunder with ease.

Suddenly, Xu Miao's eyelids twitched, and there was an inexplicable chill behind her.Xu Miao secretly thought it was not good, and looked around vigilantly.Outside the scope of Dujie, whether it was Qi Ziheng or Shui San, they still stood defensively.

Since it wasn't outside, then——Xu Miao suddenly raised her head upwards, and the ninth thunder that was about to dissipate in the air gathered again, and its power continued to increase!
In a short time, the power has been increased by more than three times.Not only that, but the speed at which the power of the sky thunder increased has not stopped, and it continues to increase!

Xu Miao stood on the ground, not a short distance away from Jieyun.But even with such a distance, Xu Miao was suppressed by the ninth thunder, almost out of breath, and the flow of spiritual power in her body was also obscured.

"Not good! Xu Miao, the immortal in charge of Heaven's Tribulation must have corrected the problem, and now he is trying to trouble you!" Treasure Hunter shouted loudly.

Xu Miao's face was full of black lines: "I saw it, I don't need you to repeat it again, how miserable I am now." Before the words fell, Xu Miao quickly used various methods, whether it was Bihai or Cangmu, they were all caught. Xu Miao appeared in illusion.

In addition, the Golden Dragon of 72 Laws was also summoned out of the body by Xu Miao, surrounding Xu Miao's body, trying to alleviate the huge pressure caused by the sky thunder, so that the spiritual power can flow smoothly, thereby resisting the power of the sky thunder.

The expressions of the six people on the periphery became extremely dignified, and Qi Ziheng took a look at Shui San: "Is the power of this thunder in line with the last thunder that Lao Jiu experienced before?"

"No." Shui San shook his head, "The power of the sky thunder is still increasing. This thunder will make up for the power of the previous thunders. Master, I have never suffered a sky of this intensity. thunder."

Shui San was with Xu Miao in his previous life, and he knew very well the strength of various sky thunders.Now this thunderbolt obviously exceeds the limit of the intensity of the thunder that a cultivator in the Void Refining Stage should bear.

Even a monk in the late stage of refining the emptiness may not be able to catch this thunder intact.What's more, Xu Miao is only in the early stage of refining the void, and his sea of ​​consciousness has not yet fully recovered!

Everyone's faces were full of worry, and each of them was afraid of the power of this thunder.As high-level monks, they are not absolutely sure, let alone Xu Miao.

Xu Miao looked at the ninth thunder that had been accumulating energy. Now the spiritual power of the whole body has been operated to the limit, and the cycle of nirvana has also been displayed.As long as he doesn't die, he has a chance to survive the thunder.

The Wu Ningjian was held tightly in Xu Miao's hand, and the blue sword light illuminated the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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