Chapter 125 Snow Seven (1)
He was shining her shoes!
Embarrassed, she tried to pull her foot back.Reluctantly, his hand had already helped her take off her shoes, and he reached under her stockings, his cool fingers touched her snow-white feet, soft and tender, she trembled all over.

"Is it hot?" came a concerned voice.

Ye Qingran couldn't stand his kindness the most, especially after she provoked him, his kindness was really heavy, and she couldn't bear it.

She shyly avoided his lingering eyes, and whispered, "Don't be nice to me, I can't stand it!"

He carefully looked at her slightly red feet, called the servant to bring the medicated oil, and applied it lightly on her. After making sure that there was nothing wrong, he put on her shoes with confidence.

He got up and threw the handkerchief with which he had wiped his shoes into the trash can.

"You are my wife, if you are not good to you, who is good to you?"

"Please respect my opinion, I don't want to go to Nanjing." She frowned.

"You don't have the right to choose this matter." He couldn't see any expression on his face, "Remember, from today onwards, you are already the young wife of the Tang family. Let's go, accompany me to meet some people."

He held her hand tightly, and pulled her with a cold face towards a small living room.

Soon, the man dressed in black slowly came down the stairs, looked at the disappearing figures of Tang Chengxun and Ye Qingran, and murmured, "It's really 'coincidence'! Interesting."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his whole body was radiant, but like a poppy blooming in the corner, it was poisonous and deadly.

With a cold face, Ye Qingran was taken to an elegant reception room by Tang Chengxun.

As soon as the door was pushed open, three men in black were already standing bowed.

"Master." The respectful voice of the crowd sounded.

Tang Chengxun waved his hand to signal them to sit down.

"Sister-in-law." Xie Baoyi flashed his head from behind the three men and greeted Ye Qingran.

"Ma'am." The three men greeted her.

Ye Qingran got goosebumps all over the floor.

"Momo, this is the rudder masters of my Yanlongtang Flying Eagle, Golden Snake and Snow Leopard sub-rudders, Yuan Yang, Luo Xi, and Wang Jingtong. Qingyuan, the director of the White Tiger sub-rudder, is currently in Nanjing." Tang Chengxun introduced her one by one.




The three of them nodded their heads one by one to show respect to Ye Qingran.

I've seen it in the hospital before.

Ye Qingran looked at the three tall, handsome men in front of him, and didn't know what to say in embarrassment.

Isn't it because of Tang Chengxun that these men who exude gloomy and hostile aura but are extremely respectful to her are bowing their heads to her, she can't bear it!
She has never been in contact with such a person in her 16 years of life!The more respectful they were to her, the more ridiculous she felt.

Tang Chengxun took out a small ebony box from his arms and opened it.

A cold light shines out.

Xuan Tie Order.

"This is the highest token of my Yanlong Hall, the Black Tie Token." Tang Chengxun held up the iron ring engraved with the blood-dropping Yanlong, and solemnly said, "Today, I will give it to Ye Qingran, my wife. From now on, she can command any sub-helm of Yanlong Hall, anyone to do anything."

"The Flying Eagle sub-helm is willing to accept any order from Xuan Tie Ling." Yuan Yang, who must have a mustache, bowed his head first.

"The same goes for the Golden Snake, who is loyal to the hall master and his wife." Luo Xi bowed his head.

"Snow Leopard's sub-helm vows to defend the iron training of Yanlong Hall to the death, seeing the black iron order is like meeting the hall master." Wang Jingtong respected the cold iron ring very much.

Ye Qingran felt ridiculous when he heard the bold words of the three men.

(End of this chapter)

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