Chapter 126 Snow Seven (2)
She simply didn't understand how important and majestic this iron ring is to the people of Yanlong Hall!
It is not so much their approval of the Xuan Tie Order, but rather their respect for Tang Chengxun's supremacy in Yanlongtang, and their sincere admiration and admiration for Tang Chengxun who single-handedly created Yanlongtang in the past ten years. He is deeply afraid of Tang Chengxun's iron-blooded methods and determination.

Now, the hall master handed over the iron ring to this woman, and they must swear allegiance to this woman to the death.

Tang Chengxun raised Ye Qingran's left hand, trying to put it on her index finger.

Ye Qingran already had the emerald pigeon egg that Tang Chengxun put on in the morning on her right hand. Seeing the serious expressions on their faces, she felt that this iron ring must have a special meaning. She didn't want such a thing. She couldn't afford it. Sooner or later it will be returned to him.

She withdrew her left hand, and Tang Chengxun's hand was empty.

"Momo, don't be willful!" He continued to pull her left hand.

She backed up, "bang" she backed up to the ajar door.

"I don't want it!" Her voice was loud and powerful.

Yuan Yang, Luo Xi and Wang Jingtong all stared at Ye Qingran curiously.

This woman is really different!
Everyone in Shanghai knew that Tang Chengxun was young and flirtatious, and he had always had many beauties around him, but he never introduced any of them to them. The only one who could enter the Tang Mansion was Lin Hongxi.

This woman has broken the hall master for many first times...

The Hall Master gave the Black Tie Token to her who had only met twice...
The hall master solemnly introduced her to the four sub-masters, so that her identity could be confirmed in the Yanlong Hall. Although this woman was ungrateful and asked a friend to take her place, the hall master tolerated it...
In order to get close to her, the hall master even pretended to be injured and was hospitalized...
In front of everyone, she slapped the hall master hard...
She once rejected the hall master's marriage proposal in front of Mayor Zhu and President Qian...
She should have many "onces" that they didn't know about, and these "onces" created extraordinary first times for the hall master!
Now this woman is rejecting the "Black Tie Order" for the second time!
Ye Qingran put his hands behind his back, looked back at Tang Chengxun coldly, "Please don't force others to be difficult!"

Tang Chengxun's face was also as cold as ice, she actually rejected him in front of his subordinates!

He reached out to her and said slowly, "Give me your hand."

Ye Qingran didn't dare to look directly into his angry eyes, but just clenched her hands behind her back even tighter.

At this moment, Yuan Yang and the others really hated themselves for having a pair of eyes and two ears. These things that shouldn't be seen and heard seem to explode in an instant!
"Give me your hand, Momo—" His tone was cold, but almost begging.

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath, looking at Ye Qingran, it's so quiet!

Xie Baoyi approached with a smile, "My good sister-in-law, you just—"

Tang Chengxun pushed Xie Baoyi away, Xie Baoyi staggered and almost fell.

Wang Jingtong quickly helped her up.

Tang Chengxun's face turned pale and blue for a while, his hands were tightly clenched, his joints were distinct, and his veins were exposed.

He is angry!

"Master, let's step back first!" Luo Xi found a step for himself.

Tang Chengxun suddenly laughed, he grabbed Ye Qingran's left arm behind him, and pulled it hard.

Ye Qingran let out an "ouch" in pain.

He broke her left hand, and she looked at him with hatred and coldness.

He was laughing all the time, but the violence hidden in his body shocked her.

(End of this chapter)

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