Chapter 143 A Trip to Nanjing (2)
He clutched his chest tightly, his thin lips still curved upward.

"Since yesterday, you haven't told me a single truth. I just want to hear the oath you uttered with your own mouth, using your biological parents to swear, so that I can feel at ease."

She sneered, "Since you don't believe me, what's the use of swearing? I've tried my best to change myself, but I have a deep resistance to you in my heart, and I can't do many things properly. I'm sorry."

She returned to the small bedroom, took some belongings, and prepared to go out.

When she reached the door of the apartment, she turned and he was staring at her.

She smiled brightly, "I'm just going to meet a friend, and I'll be back in the afternoon. If you're worried, let Xue Qi follow."

He strode closer to her and held her tightly in his arms.

"Okay, okay, Tang Chengxun, there are still people in the room, let me go, I'll bring you a gift when I come back this afternoon!" She smiled and pushed him away, "Don't be so narrow-minded."

He put her hands on his lips and kissed her gently, and her soft words resolved the war that was about to break out.

He murmured, "I was wrong, I was narrow-minded, I was too aggressive, I apologize to you. Momo, forgive me."

"Your attitude is not bad, forgive me." She nodded lightly.

"After finishing my work in the morning, I will pick you up and take you around Nanjing City." He waved his hand and Zhou Chuanming came over.

"You drive the young lady and Xue Qi out for a while. You will come back after delivery."

Zhou Chuanming was startled and quickly responded.

Ye Qingran smiled and waved to Tang Chengxun, "Goodbye."

At this moment, she was facing the sun, and the warm winter sun enveloped her body, bright and radiant, like sparkling spring water, washing away his dry heart.

He also smiled and waved goodbye to her.

He woke up from the dream when the petite figure of the woman got into the car.

Just now, was it a dream, so real and warm.

He waved, and a man in black came out.

"Send some unfamiliar faces to be Madam's secret guards. Deploy control around the perimeter, so that she won't notice anything."

"Yes." The man in black bowed and stepped back.

Ye Qingran sat in the bumpy carriage, feeling sick for herself just now, and now, only by being nice to Tang Chengxun for a long time can she gain his trust. She simply didn't believe that Xue Qi was only allowed to go out with her.

Tolerance, must endure, as long as you don't lose your innocence, so what if you suffer a little humiliation!
Ye Qingran soon saw Nan Zhiqiu, Zhou Chuanming drove them to the Confucius Temple and turned back.

Ye Qingran and Nan Zhiqiu held hands, Xue Qi followed closely.

As the New Year is approaching, the road near the Confucius Temple is full of people, because of the first snowfall and the bright sun, jugglers, divination performers, hair shavers, vendors selling new year's goods and various foods, and it is very lively.

"This is the busiest temple fair in Nanjing. If you really want to see it all, play it all, you can't do it in two days." Nan Zhiqiu took her arm, "Look, there's someone who wrote Spring Festival couplets over there to pray for blessings. Let's go and see."

Ye Qingran became very excited, and ran over with Nan Zhiqiu.

Not far away is the second floor of a luxurious apartment.

A few men in gray clothes stood with their heads bowed, and a young and strong man on the master's chair glanced leisurely at the white and pretty figure not far downstairs, and said to himself with great interest, "Where do we never meet in life."

A man in gray approached and said in a low voice, "Sir, we suffered heavy losses yesterday. Among the 17 people, except Jing Tian, ​​who was seriously injured, none survived."

"Have we underestimated Yanlongtang?" He spoke slowly, with no likes or dislikes.

(End of this chapter)

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