Chapter 144 A Trip to Nanjing (3)
"Tang Chengxun's wife is near us, and my brothers and I—" the man in gray wiped his neck viciously.

The man's palm stood up decisively, "Without my order, no one should touch that woman, otherwise - shoot to kill."

The men in gray gasped.

"Yes." A respectful voice sounded.

The man stood up, looked at the slim white figure downstairs, gently stroked the short beard on his lips, and smiled.

The three of Ye Qingran watched the couplet writers for a while, then walked forward.

"What a beautiful paper-cut!" Qing Ran saw an old lady cutting the red paper quickly and neatly in the corner.

"Excellent craftsmanship." Ah Zhi sincerely praised.

"Girl, this is 'Magpies Announcing the Spring'. It's Chinese New Year, buy one, and stick it at home to celebrate the festival." The old lady spread out the newly baked pattern in her hand, two lifelike magpies leaning sideways, with a "spring" in the middle Character.

"Okay, I want this one too, and this one, this..." Ye Qingran pointed to the red, willow and green patterns on the wooden board beside the old woman.

The old lady smiled from ear to ear, and wrapped it up for her.

Qingran pays.

"Azhi, I'll give you two."


"Girl, wait a moment." The scissors in the old woman's hand waved again, and she raised her eyes to look at Qingran from time to time.

After a while, a silhouette of a person appeared.

Qingran smiled and touched her face, it really looked like it.

"The cut of the old woman really looks like it." Ah Zhi took it over and looked at Qing Ran and the silhouette in her hand.

"Give it to the girls." The old woman said goodbye to them with a smile, "The road is slippery, walk slowly."

Qingran put the silhouette in her bag.

"Qingran, look, that's 'Yuhuazhai', there are all kinds of Yuhua stones and small JDZ porcelain in it, go and have a look." Ah Zhi pointed to a quaint little shop in front of her.

As soon as she entered the shop, Qingran felt that her eyes could not catch her eyes. The walls of the shop were lined with rows of wooden shelves filled with rain flower stones of various shapes. The rain flower stones were supposed to be placed in water to make them more watery and attractive. However, there are so many stones in this shop that even a basin feels superfluous, and those small JDZ porcelains that Qingran thought were exquisitely crafted were piled up in an inconspicuous corner.

"Yuhua Stone is a unique specialty of our Nanjing. It is known as the 'Queen of Stones' and is famous for its strange patterns and colorful patterns. Look at this piece, what does it look like, Qingran?" Ah Zhi picked up a hand-sized piece of yellow shading stones.

"The blue ones on the top are like mountains, these white dots are like a flock of homing birds, and the inconspicuous blue lines below can be said to be water waves."

Ah Zhi smiled and said, "I think it looks like a green forest. In my opinion, this is a picture of tired birds returning to their nests. In your eyes, it is a picture of lakes and mountains. This is the uniqueness of Yuhua Stone." , the wise see the wisdom.'”

"A Zhi, look, this one looks like a goldfish." Qing Ran picked up a stone beside her, "This golden color is still shiny, I want to buy it for my younger brother."

"This one is good, does it look like a tortoise, with two small eyes like black beans..."

"I want this one, it's black and white, does it look like a Tai Chi Eight Diagrams..."

The two girls chattered and discussed.

Xue Qi glanced inside the small shop, and after confirming that it was safe, she waited at the door.

The owner in his 50s is busy packing the selected Yuhua stones for them.

Ye Qingran only felt a hot gaze sticking to her body, she turned around and saw a man in his 20s with a short beard looking at her with a smile.

Somewhat familiar, she thought desperately in her mind, it was he——

That yin and yang man I saw on the roof of the Tang House that night!
For some reason, her first impression of this man was not good. She always felt that his words were quite joking, and there was a chilling fear overflowing from her body.

Qingran looked away, saw that he had picked a lot of stones, then bent down to the corner where the small porcelain was placed, and picked out the small objects he liked.

"This pen holder is really pretty." Ah Zhi took out an azure pen holder from the piles of colorful flowers.

"This is a rare fine piece of JDZ celadon. The girl has good eyesight. This is the last batch of works by Xu Yungong, the "Master of Porcelain" in the Qing Dynasty. I dare say that except for the only two remaining here, I can't find the first in the whole of China. There are three." The shopkeeper found another one that was exactly the same in the pile of porcelain.

"Why did the old man put such a precious thing in such an inconspicuous place?" Qing Ran asked back.

"I only love Yuhua stones all my life. In my eyes, even Ru porcelain and blue and white stones are not comparable to the most common stones in my Yuhua stones, let alone these high-quality stones." Shelf, "No matter how good porcelain is, it is also artificial. Yuhua stone is different. It is a masterpiece of nature. Whatever material God gives it, it will show the spirituality."

"How much does this pen holder cost?" Qing Ran asked again.

"A hundred oceans, nothing less." The old man said firmly.

Qingran looked at the old shopkeeper in surprise, there are all kinds of strange people in the world.I picked a lot of ordinary Yuhua stones on the shelf and it was only a few oceans. This unremarkable porcelain thrown in a corner turned out to be the authentic work of Xu Yungong.

"Qingran, although it is genuine, the price is too expensive!" Ah Zhi was speechless.

Qingran touched the money bag Tang Chengxun gave him. There was money, but it wasn't her own. She had already made up her mind that when she returned to Shanghai, she would return Tang Chengxun's money spent in Nanjing to him. Bai Dayang bought a pen holder, but he really doesn't have the ability at the moment.

She smiled and put down the pen holder.

"I want these two." The man walked slowly and dropped a bag of money.

The old shopkeeper took it with a smile, "There are still people who know what to buy in the world!"

"I know a big-headed ghost!" Qing Ran cursed inwardly, this man didn't even look at the pen holder in the owner's hand, how could he know the goods again?

Businessmen are snobbish.

"A Zhi, let's go." Qing Ran carried the packed stones.

"Mrs. Tang—" came the man's slightly hoarse voice, "I'll give you one."

Qingran was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head, "You will not be rewarded for no merit, thank you."

The corners of the man's eyes were raised, the corners of his mouth were raised, and he was quite charming. His tall and strong figure was domineering under the well-fitting black windbreaker, and his short mustache added to the charm of a mature man.

If we say that Su Wen is as clear and clear as mountains and mist, and Tang Chengxun is cold, coquettish and arrogant, this man is like a poppy blooming in the dark night, with a strong fragrance and attractive, dripping with deadly venom.

It's better to ignore it.

(End of this chapter)

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