Chapter 154 A Trip to Nanjing (4)
"What factory?" She was quite puzzled.

"Don't ask, ma'am, I'll just take you there." Zhou Chuanming sighed helplessly.

Zhou Chuanming drove up and down for nearly an hour, and finally stopped in a dilapidated and secluded alley outside the city.

"Mister and Mr. Gu's cars are here. They are here." Zhou Chuanming was very excited.

Ye Qingran and Xue Qi got out of the car.

At this moment, in a secret room underground, Tang Chengxun was talking with Gu Yixiao in a low voice.

"I knew bro you couldn't swallow this breath, now it's all right, multiple crimes and punishment, the 'Bamboo Union Gang' is doomed!" Gu Yixiao lit a cigar for Tang Chengxun.

"I always feel that things are not that simple. What is the purpose of provoking 'Yanlongtang' again and again? They took Momo away but didn't hurt her. It's very strange."

"It's because you are too powerful a woman, you stabbed her!" Gu Yi smiled.

"If a man really doesn't want to let a certain woman go, even if this woman has more than a dozen pairs of chastity, I'm afraid it's not enough to lose her!"

"Our brother Asi has successfully returned to the 'Bamboo Union Gang'. It won't take long before there should be news."

"Don't let him contact us in a hurry, just wait and see what happens. Preserving his life is the key."

"it is good."

"The fewer people who know about this, the better." Tang Chengxun gracefully flicked the cigarette ash.


"How does my underground factory compare to yours?"

"The place is not big, and the shipment is fast." Gu Yi smiled and lit a cigarette by himself, "You make so much money in the gun business, why bother to compete with me for meat on the smoke?"

"You don't know your blessings, you kid. I have given you the Nanjing market a long time ago. In the past few years, you have also made a lot of money."

"To each other." Gu Yixiao spread his smile, "I ordered a meal at the 'Yuxiangfang' early this morning, to scare you two, you are lucky, not only didn't bring the woman, but also let me come to you for a drink North Wind!"

"I'm going back to Shanghai tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I don't feel at ease if I don't bring you here to have a look before I leave."

"Leaving so soon? You haven't brought your woman around this magnificent city of Nanjing yet!"

"The bustling city of Nanjing is not as prosperous as Shanghai, so what's there to do!" Tang Chengxun smiled wryly.

"Have you quarreled with your woman again?" Gu Yixiao smiled evilly with his eyes shining.

Tang Chengxun remembered the scene of love in the morning, and then smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Aren't you deflated?" Gu Yixiao elegantly blew smoke rings, "This woman can let you hold it in your hand for half a year, and still maintain a perfect body, brother, you and my brother are really comparable. We are both sad man!"

"I'm much better than you." Tang Chengxun disdainfully.

Ye Qingran looked at this dilapidated alley with few people, is there any mystery in it?

Zhou Chuanming led the way. At a rusty iron door, he knocked three times slowly and then quickly three times.

A stubbled man stuck out his head, "Who?"

Zhou Chuanming leaned on his ear and said a few words.

The stubble man nodded and left.

"Ma'am, please make sure you leave some noodles for the little one!" Zhou Chuanming urged Ye Qingran again.

The iron gate opened.

Zhou Chuanming took the lead and walked in.

Snowflakes fluttered, the north wind was bleak, and a pungent and unpleasant smell wafted in. Ye Qingran covered her nose and wrapped herself tightly in a light green woolen coat.Men wearing masks and light blue overalls shuttled back and forth carrying heavy boxes.

Presumably this is the factory where Tang Chengxun produced tobacco, Ye Qingran felt a burst of hatred in his heart.

"Madam, please wait a moment, I will report to Mr. Zhou." Zhou Chuanming turned and entered a small room.

After a while, Zhou Chuanming came out and said with a smile, "Madam, come in, Xue Qi and I are waiting outside."

Ye Qingran closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Let's hope it doesn't quarrel this time.

(End of this chapter)

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